At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.

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So since you’re under 50, this isn’t really a problem for you then is it?
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

under the strictest of protocols. your fucking leader allowed untrained unequipped people to go get our sick fellow americans & fly them back totally unprotected on commercial flights you fucking imbecile.
Ebola has a mortality rate of 60-90%, you fucking dumbass, and your piece-of-shit hero imported it into our country.

I don't care how "strict" his protocols were. The strictest protocol is to not allow it into the country. That's what a rational president would have done.

What kind of "protection" is required, other than not having contact with them? They don't have Ebola. They have a virus that has a mortality of less than 1.0%

^ imbecile ^
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
Lol, she would've funneled millions into the Clinton foundation and thousands would've died.

I see, you believe she'd have shitcanned Obama's Pandemic Task Force in 2018 leaving us vulnerable and unprepared?

Sorry, I don't
What did this task force do before it was "shit canned?" Trump eliminated it only a few weeks ago.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.
By Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.

March 13, 2020 at 9:32 AM EDT
The U.S. government worked hard to fight the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Unlike Central Africa, Ebola was not a usual occurrence in West Africa; the necessary elements of community trust and public health decision-making weren’t in place to detect and stop it. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone were blind spots for disease surveillance. The cost was thousands of lives, billions of dollars and years of economic recovery for countries already torn by decades of war.

So in 2016, after the formidable U.S.-led Ebola response, the Obama White House established the global health security office at the National Security Council and asked me to lead the team. We were to prepare for and, if possible, prevent the next outbreak from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

yer welcome & happy reading!
An Obama appointed hack: precisely the kind Trump wants to get out of the NSC.
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

under the strictest of protocols. your fucking leader allowed untrained unequipped people to go get our sick fellow americans & fly them back totally unprotected on commercial flights you fucking imbecile.
Ebola has a mortality rate of 60-90%, you fucking dumbass, and your piece-of-shit hero imported it into our country.

I don't care how "strict" his protocols were. The strictest protocol is to not allow it into the country. That's what a rational president would have done.

What kind of "protection" is required, other than not having contact with them? They don't have Ebola. They have a virus that has a mortality of less than 1.0%

^ imbecile ^
All the white space certainly proved your point . . . . . . . . . . NOT.
I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.
Lol, she would've funneled millions into the Clinton foundation and thousands would've died.

I see, you believe she'd have shitcanned Obama's Pandemic Task Force in 2018 leaving us vulnerable and unprepared?

Sorry, I don't
What did this task force do before it was "shit canned?" Trump eliminated it only a few weeks ago.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.
By Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.

March 13, 2020 at 9:32 AM EDT
The U.S. government worked hard to fight the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Unlike Central Africa, Ebola was not a usual occurrence in West Africa; the necessary elements of community trust and public health decision-making weren’t in place to detect and stop it. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone were blind spots for disease surveillance. The cost was thousands of lives, billions of dollars and years of economic recovery for countries already torn by decades of war.

So in 2016, after the formidable U.S.-led Ebola response, the Obama White House established the global health security office at the National Security Council and asked me to lead the team. We were to prepare for and, if possible, prevent the next outbreak from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

yer welcome & happy reading!
An Obama appointed hack: precisely the kind Trump wants to get out of the NSC.

noun: imbecile; plural noun: imbeciles
  1. a stupid person.

vulgar slang

  1. h
adjective: imbecile
  1. stupid; idiotic.
    "try not to make imbecile remarks"
For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
Ebola is 600 times deadlier, but your favored "expert" allowed people infected with Ebola to enter the country, and you're still defending him!

under the strictest of protocols. your fucking leader allowed untrained unequipped people to go get our sick fellow americans & fly them back totally unprotected on commercial flights you fucking imbecile.
Ebola has a mortality rate of 60-90%, you fucking dumbass, and your piece-of-shit hero imported it into our country.

I don't care how "strict" his protocols were. The strictest protocol is to not allow it into the country. That's what a rational president would have done.

What kind of "protection" is required, other than not having contact with them? They don't have Ebola. They have a virus that has a mortality of less than 1.0%

^ imbecile ^
All the white space certainly proved your point . . . . . . . . . . NOT.

At this rate, eventually Trumpleton's will run out of people to blame.
The RWI's are really desperate to claim some kind of victory.

1) trumps quick reaction to travel from China saved lives.
Yes it probably did. But did he stop ALL travel into the USA? Did he?

2) trump fired the Pandemic Team in 2018.
Yes he did. Made testing to not be readily available, but, let's Blame Obama.
You're an idiot. Turn off CNN.

Dr. Anthony Fauci At Coronavirus Briefing: ‘We Will See More Suffering And Death’
By Tommy ChristopherMar 14th, 2020, 1:16 pm

Leading coronavirus task force expert Dr. Anthony Fauci told reporters at a coronavirus briefing that “We will see more cases and we will see more suffering and death” from the disease, particularly “among the vulnerables in our society.”

On Saturday afternoon, Fauci spoke at a White House Coronavirus Task Force briefing, minutes after President Trump announced that he has been tested for the disease.

Fauci began by updated global infection and mortality figures for the outbreak, then said “if you look at the domestic cases, there are about 2,226 including the repatriations, 50 deaths, 532 new cases, and 9 new deaths. Which means we have not reached our peak.”
Anthony Fauci on Coronavirus: Will See More Suffering And Death

stop watching FOX.
Fauci is a leftwing hack who approved allowing Ebola patients to enter the country. That's why the left loves him.

HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fauci has worked under both (R) & (D) administrations. did anybody get infected here?

did donny tell people who only have mild symptoms to go to work? did he say his 'hunch' based on zero scientific evidence, was irresponsible or do you think that was a wise move? did he go days & days in close contact with others, shaking hands etc because he refused to be tested until he was shamed into it?

it matters not that he tested negative - if he was positive, all those people he put at risk & their contacts too was a cowardly act.

Fauci has been doing HIV/AIDs research. I doubt you'll find many Republican doctors doing that. He's been head of NIAID since 1984, so, yeah, he would naturally have worked under both Republican and Democrat administrations, so that means nothing.

lol........ you continually surprise me with the ignorant brain you possess. he actually performs real science; so maybe you are right about 'republican' doctors.

i guess they all just pray, like mike pence - to solve societies' diseases.
Based on a rating of 1 to 10 on the dick meter Bri is a 10 I implore him to try for a 5
So what was the CDC reccomendation during the Swine Flu epidemic? . . . .

Yeah, that's right. Nothing.

That's a load. The problem all you brain damaged TDS morons have is that the Dims have a record on handling epidemics, and it contradicts everything you've been saying Trump should do.

You're a herd of buffoons.
Well, everyone would know what the CDC recommends if you would just Shut The Fuck Up Online. You are a miserable human being. Go ahead and Kiss Rumps Orange Ass.

Start a new Orange Bible. Trump Tweets.

Go do it.

The Book of Orange, Verse One.....
You have no idea how it warms my heart to know that you believe I'm a miserable human being.

Nothing stings like the truth, eh?
Bri ,you're known by the friends you have Since supporting a miserable human being like the POS trump ,that makes you a miserable human being too.
There's nothing "miserable" about Trump. That word better describes the pieces of shit who are trying to make the Wuhan flu into a political issue.
Failure In Chief. Get used to it, bri Beotch.
You're the one who has to accept him for 5 more years.
The RWI's are really desperate to claim some kind of victory.

1) trumps quick reaction to travel from China saved lives.
Yes it probably did. But did he stop ALL travel into the USA? Did he?

2) trump fired the Pandemic Team in 2018.
Yes he did. Made testing to not be readily available, but, let's Blame Obama.
Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.
Would it not be wonderful to have this hoax virus be the tipping point to cause the final split. We all accept that the Democrat communists are the enemies of freedom. Take it to its logical conclusion.
Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.

Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
EVERY first, second and third world country handled it better than the Dithering Dotard has.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in the UK and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.

The "immediate measures" taken by China are what foisted this pandemic on the world. Their initial response was denial. Next, they accused those who raised the alarm of fear mongering, of trying to create a panic. They were so preoccupied with saving face and keeping the economy going that they failed to contain this when they had the opportunity.

Sound familiar?

They were less than forthcoming to the rest of us. Not the point. They handled it with Draconian isolation measures, closures and TESTING.

Their curve is FLAT at present and business like multiple Apple locations have reopened.

China took the extraordinary step of locking down tens of millions of people days in advance of the Lunar New Year, to prevent the virus from spreading around the country from Wuhan, the city where the outbreak appears to have started. Many experts at the time said it would have been impossible to slow a rapidly transmitting respiratory infection by effectively shutting down enormous cities — and possibly counterproductive.

But the quarantines, unprecedented in modern times, appear to have prevented explosive outbreaks from occurring in cities outside of Hubei province, where Wuhan is located.

Since then, spread of the virus in China has slowed to a trickle; the country reported only 19 cases on Monday. And South Korea, which has had the third largest outbreak outside of China, also appears to be beating back transmission through aggressive actions. But other places, notably Italy and Iran, are struggling.​

'Flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus
Why are you comparing the USA to countries that have demonstrably done a far worse job of controlling the Wuhan flu?

Whats the Wuhan flu?

Could explain how they did a 'far worse job'? Other countries have different ways they were attacked... You are now trying to take credit for dumb luck...

The Trump Administration has been awful and only thing that has gone right was the stuff left over from Obama (which he inherited and improved from his predecessor)... Trump tried to dismantle that...
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in the UK and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.

The "immediate measures" taken by China are what foisted this pandemic on the world. Their initial response was denial. Next, they accused those who raised the alarm of fear mongering, of trying to create a panic. They were so preoccupied with saving face and keeping the economy going that they failed to contain this when they had the opportunity.

Sound familiar?

They were less than forthcoming to the rest of us. Not the point. They handled it with Draconian isolation measures, closures and TESTING.

Their curve is FLAT at present and business like multiple Apple locations have reopened.

China took the extraordinary step of locking down tens of millions of people days in advance of the Lunar New Year, to prevent the virus from spreading around the country from Wuhan, the city where the outbreak appears to have started. Many experts at the time said it would have been impossible to slow a rapidly transmitting respiratory infection by effectively shutting down enormous cities — and possibly counterproductive.

But the quarantines, unprecedented in modern times, appear to have prevented explosive outbreaks from occurring in cities outside of Hubei province, where Wuhan is located.

Since then, spread of the virus in China has slowed to a trickle; the country reported only 19 cases on Monday. And South Korea, which has had the third largest outbreak outside of China, also appears to be beating back transmission through aggressive actions. But other places, notably Italy and Iran, are struggling.​

'Flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus
Why are you comparing the USA to countries that have demonstrably done a far worse job of controlling the Wuhan flu?

Whats the Wuhan flu?

Could explain how they did a 'far worse job'? Other countries have different ways they were attacked... You are now trying to take credit for dumb luck...

The Trump Administration has been awful and only thing that has gone right was the stuff left over from Obama (which he inherited and improved from his predecessor)... Trump tried to dismantle that...
Obama has spent his life as a blood sucking parasite. Picked as one of many potential political leaders by the elites. Used the system to gain power from Chicago to the state Of Illinois to the Senate and finally to the Presidency. Obama was divisive because his policies and agendas were. Trump is divisive because he talks back and you babies do not like it. But his policies and agendas are moderate and better for a much higher percentage of Americans then Obama ever did. And I believe that Obama had the chance to be special. To unite us. Don't tax us if you win the presidency. Tax yourselves.
Lol, the regular flu will kill you also. I'll be 50 in a couple months, but I'm living my life the same way as I always do.

For the 10,267th time - COVID-19 is 10-15 times more deadly and we have NO vaccine and NO widespread testing. You clowns don't seem to care as long as it's old and/or compromised folk who die.
So was the swine flu, but Obama was president so the media left it alone. If Hillary would've won, we wouldn't hear anything like we are now.

I've never been a Hillary fan, but can promise you her response would have been reasonably capable and coherent by comparison.

no doubt step one from hillary:

follow the experts' advice & don't go with your hunch.
Which "experts'" advice should he follow, the ones who say that only those showing symptoms should be tested?

You're a fucking dumbass, of course.
The dumbasses that said Trump stopping travel from China was racist. Those experts.
Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.

Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
Hmmm, what did the pandemic team accomplish before Trump fired them? . . . . . . . . . .

That's right: nothing.
Really? Then why does S Korea have 50,000 cases? Why does Italy have 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths?

You're a fucking moron.

China and SoKo took immediate measures and were prepared - They're curve has flattened almost completely - Ours is off the chain at present. Your Orange Clown dithered, denied and misinformed idiots such as yourself for the past two months.

Nice job on the airports in the UK and Ireland BTW. I know people trying to get back have been thrilled with their 8 hour waits thanks to the barrage of stupidity from the Oval Office which they didn't even run by the airlines first.

Chaos is about all Donnie is worth.

The "immediate measures" taken by China are what foisted this pandemic on the world. Their initial response was denial. Next, they accused those who raised the alarm of fear mongering, of trying to create a panic. They were so preoccupied with saving face and keeping the economy going that they failed to contain this when they had the opportunity.

Sound familiar?

They were less than forthcoming to the rest of us. Not the point. They handled it with Draconian isolation measures, closures and TESTING.

Their curve is FLAT at present and business like multiple Apple locations have reopened.

China took the extraordinary step of locking down tens of millions of people days in advance of the Lunar New Year, to prevent the virus from spreading around the country from Wuhan, the city where the outbreak appears to have started. Many experts at the time said it would have been impossible to slow a rapidly transmitting respiratory infection by effectively shutting down enormous cities — and possibly counterproductive.

But the quarantines, unprecedented in modern times, appear to have prevented explosive outbreaks from occurring in cities outside of Hubei province, where Wuhan is located.

Since then, spread of the virus in China has slowed to a trickle; the country reported only 19 cases on Monday. And South Korea, which has had the third largest outbreak outside of China, also appears to be beating back transmission through aggressive actions. But other places, notably Italy and Iran, are struggling.​

'Flattening the curve’ may be the world’s best bet to slow the coronavirus
Why are you comparing the USA to countries that have demonstrably done a far worse job of controlling the Wuhan flu?

Whats the Wuhan flu?

Could explain how they did a 'far worse job'? Other countries have different ways they were attacked... You are now trying to take credit for dumb luck...

The Trump Administration has been awful and only thing that has gone right was the stuff left over from Obama (which he inherited and improved from his predecessor)... Trump tried to dismantle that...
South Korea - 50,000 cases
Italy - 20,000 cases and 1500 deaths.
USA - 2200 cases and 50 deaths.

Who is doing the best job?
Lol, she would've funneled millions into the Clinton foundation and thousands would've died.

I see, you believe she'd have shitcanned Obama's Pandemic Task Force in 2018 leaving us vulnerable and unprepared?

Sorry, I don't
What did this task force do before it was "shit canned?" Trump eliminated it only a few weeks ago.

I ran the White House pandemic office. Trump closed it.
The federal government is moving too slowly, due to a lack of leadership.
By Beth Cameron
Beth Cameron is vice president for global biological policy and programs at the Nuclear Threat Initiative. She previously served as the senior director for global health security and biodefense on the White House National Security Council.

March 13, 2020 at 9:32 AM EDT
The U.S. government worked hard to fight the 2014 Ebola epidemic. Unlike Central Africa, Ebola was not a usual occurrence in West Africa; the necessary elements of community trust and public health decision-making weren’t in place to detect and stop it. Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone were blind spots for disease surveillance. The cost was thousands of lives, billions of dollars and years of economic recovery for countries already torn by decades of war.

So in 2016, after the formidable U.S.-led Ebola response, the Obama White House established the global health security office at the National Security Council and asked me to lead the team. We were to prepare for and, if possible, prevent the next outbreak from becoming an epidemic or pandemic.

yer welcome & happy reading!
An Obama appointed hack: precisely the kind Trump wants to get out of the NSC.

noun: imbecile; plural noun: imbeciles
  1. a stupid person.

vulgar slang

  1. h
adjective: imbecile
  1. stupid; idiotic.
    "try not to make imbecile remarks"
Thanks for all the synonyms, but we already know what to call you.
Again, all we have to do is look at Obama's record to see that Trump is doing a much better job.

Oh please.
Just Stop with the idiotic claims.

Firing the Pandemic Team constitutes 'doing a much better job' ?
With that team still in place, you could easily conclude that we would be much better prepared for testing.
That's on trump, even though he denies it and weakly claims, "I didn't do it, we have an administration team."

USA is weak on testing, and that is on TRUMP.
What did the "pandemic team" accomplish before Trump got rid of them?
What did the "pandemic team" accomplish before Trump got rid of them?

What a stupid question.
And you asked it twice.

Get your head out of your ass, and realize the harm that has been caused because this Pandemic Team was fired.
Your question is an asinine as asking, "What did the virus researchers actually accomplish before they perfected the vaccine."
China could have handled this better. No doubt about that.

By the time people knew what was going on it was likely too late to stop this due to its epidemiology.

china gave the world the genome & the WHO along with other nations were able to produce test kits toot sweet - allowing for as early detection as possible.... south korea was testing 10K a week starting with week 1 & are up to 100k per week.

but nooooooo not us - we had to make our OWN test kits - turning out to be contaminated & put us way behind. we are now just starting to play catch up with will start to see just how widespread it is here.

Yep, the boondoggle with the test kits was a colossal error. I don't get that whole thing.

So was trying to prevent the world from knowing the truth when it appeared in Wuhan a colossal error. That cost time, some reports are now saying this first appeared there in mid November, and allowed it to disperse more widely than it otherwise would have.

i actually would expect that from china. but not from us. we were kept in the dark as far as the severity of this until it was too late.

Stop lying you stinking TDS suffering drunk. Trump was working on this in January. Closed travel from China. You idiots cried RACiST! Set aside billions for the CDC. Pisslosi your fellow drunk SAT ON IT for a month. Then you cried he didn’t restrict travel enough. Showing your total idiocy. Even governors of the most liberal states have PRAISED Trump’s quick response to this. The DIMS fear mongering and blatant lying has been the biggest problem. But you lap it up like a good sheep.
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