At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

With the historically monumental implications of electing a non-Caucasian person to the office of president, I would have loved nothing more than to have been able to vote for Obama... it woulda been wonderful to have been part of that...

but the important stuff (his political philosophy, his inexperience, his connection to the Chicago machine) got in the way...
hate and contempt are two different things

I knew what was coming when he made the "typical white person" comment.

After that there was Dreams of my Father and rev. Wright

I knew then he was the typical black person in that he hated whitey
hate and contempt are two different things

I knew what was coming when he made the "typical white person" comment.

After that there was Dreams of my Father and rev. Wright

I knew then he was the typical black person in that he hated whitey

lol... I didn't see that stuff back then... heard about it later... at the time of the first election, I thought he was simply a young guy with his head up his ass... :)
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the day the righties realized he was black

so... you voted for Obama simply to stick it to the righties...?

's okay... even though your reasoning is stupid, I can relate... I voted for Kerry simply to stick it to rat-bastard Bush...
Republicans have only yourselves to either or 2. blame for Obama not only winning his first election, but the second as well.

IF George Bush hadn't given us the Presidency with a collapasing economy that he did.

IF the Republican party had run better candidates than McCain/Palin.

And IF Republican's had been able to run better candidates than Romney/Ryan.

Obama would have never won the first time and the second would have been a non issue.

You rethugs have to do a better job of selecting candidates. Trying picking one that can win.

Now all you can do is whine.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

What began it for me was when he quickly chose his liberal check list ideology path with Obamacare, over making sure the economy was recovering and encouraging private companies were providing full time high income jobs again. Promising transparency, televising the debates on C-Span ( yeah right. had to laugh at that one ) only to perform closed door back room deals ( pork spending deals and promises to generate enough votes for Obamacare to pass ). Then it was his smug arrogance, that he was going to get his way no matter what, blaming instead of working across the aisle, with his rhetoric dividing the nation even more than it was prior to his inauguration. Saying that unemployment extension benefits was better than a Keystone pipeline at creating jobs (making the untold suggestion the unemployed would rather receive a check than work) Then pushing for more government spending that sped up the rate of our national debt faster than it has previously been. Choosing to make speeches while an oil disaster in the gulf got worse, with no government assistance as we sat watching the coverage on tv for months while it slowly creeped it's way towards the gulf shores. Then when he had an opportunity to help those states who were struggling to get their tourism and local businesses recovering, he felt it more beneficial to vacation among the rich at Martha's Vineyard. Cash for Clunkers, Cash for Appliances, neither of which added any new jobs to the economy. Touting that Al Queda is scattered and no longer a threat after a seal team killed Osama Bin Laden, then when the terrorist struck back against one of our embassies killing an ambassador along with two Americans, try to lie and deflect attention towards a protest over a video. Yet I am to believe Obama will actually try to hold up to his promises for his NEXT term, of honestly receiving and hearing suggestions from BOTH sides and not play party politics.
So your belief is basically that after a Democrat wins, he should immediately pander to and act like a Republican.

Is that it?

What were your thoughts and feelings about the Republican Party's meeting and plan to stop Obama during the inaugaration?

The Immoral Minority: New book reveals that Republicans held secret meeting deciding to obstruct EVERYTHING President Obama tried to do the DAY he was inaugurated. By a show of hands who did not already suspect that?

Do you think that Jim Demint's language of "we must break him?" bi-partisan?

[ame=]Sen. Jim DeMint calls defeating Obama like Waterloo - YouTube[/ame]

How about the GOP's goal, led by Mitch McConnell that their number one goal is to defeat President Barack Obama and make him a one-term President...

Republican leader says GOP's number one goal is defeating Obama in 2012 - National Political Buzz |

Were you upset at all by any of the above check-list idealogical path?

All that you mention there is chicken feed compared to the efforts the Democrats put forth in order to defeat, nay, DESTROY, George W. Bush. Long before he was even elected, never mind, inaugurated.

So, stop your self-righteous and hypocritical feelings of hurt.

At least Republicans were honest enough, unlike your ilk, to try to defeat Obama based on the undeniable lack of his preparedness, his self-declared desire to destroy his country by energy prices that would "necessarily sky rocket" (obviously he never had, does not now and never will have an idea that a nation is only as strong as its industry) while the Democrats cried that Bush "stole the election" in 2000 and got lucky in 2004, and all the while picturing him as a monkey, an ape and an idiot.

So, stop your self-righteous and hypocritical feelings of hurt.
Obamabots are some of the biggest babies, waaa when did you decide you hated the Dear Leader, waaaaa. It's because he is half black and half white waaaaaaa you racist

They would follow this man over the cliff if he said jump

This cult like thing of him is something I have never seen before and it's DAMN SCARY
What began it for me was when he quickly chose his liberal check list ideology path with Obamacare, over making sure the economy was recovering and encouraging private companies were providing full time high income jobs again. Promising transparency, televising the debates on C-Span ( yeah right. had to laugh at that one ) only to perform closed door back room deals ( pork spending deals and promises to generate enough votes for Obamacare to pass ). Then it was his smug arrogance, that he was going to get his way no matter what, blaming instead of working across the aisle, with his rhetoric dividing the nation even more than it was prior to his inauguration. Saying that unemployment extension benefits was better than a Keystone pipeline at creating jobs (making the untold suggestion the unemployed would rather receive a check than work) Then pushing for more government spending that sped up the rate of our national debt faster than it has previously been. Choosing to make speeches while an oil disaster in the gulf got worse, with no government assistance as we sat watching the coverage on tv for months while it slowly creeped it's way towards the gulf shores. Then when he had an opportunity to help those states who were struggling to get their tourism and local businesses recovering, he felt it more beneficial to vacation among the rich at Martha's Vineyard. Cash for Clunkers, Cash for Appliances, neither of which added any new jobs to the economy. Touting that Al Queda is scattered and no longer a threat after a seal team killed Osama Bin Laden, then when the terrorist struck back against one of our embassies killing an ambassador along with two Americans, try to lie and deflect attention towards a protest over a video. Yet I am to believe Obama will actually try to hold up to his promises for his NEXT term, of honestly receiving and hearing suggestions from BOTH sides and not play party politics.
So your belief is basically that after a Democrat wins, he should immediately pander to and act like a Republican.

Is that it?

What were your thoughts and feelings about the Republican Party's meeting and plan to stop Obama during the inaugaration?

The Immoral Minority: New book reveals that Republicans held secret meeting deciding to obstruct EVERYTHING President Obama tried to do the DAY he was inaugurated. By a show of hands who did not already suspect that?

Do you think that Jim Demint's language of "we must break him?" bi-partisan?

[ame=]Sen. Jim DeMint calls defeating Obama like Waterloo - YouTube[/ame]

How about the GOP's goal, led by Mitch McConnell that their number one goal is to defeat President Barack Obama and make him a one-term President...

Republican leader says GOP's number one goal is defeating Obama in 2012 - National Political Buzz |

Were you upset at all by any of the above check-list idealogical path?

All that you mention there is chicken feed compared to the efforts the Democrats put forth in order to defeat, nay, DESTROY, George W. Bush. Long before he was even elected, never mind, inaugurated.

So, stop your self-righteous and hypocritical feelings of hurt.

At least Republicans were honest enough, unlike your ilk, to try to defeat Obama based on the undeniable lack of his preparedness, his self-declared desire to destroy his country by energy prices that would "necessarily sky rocket" (obviously he never had, does not now and never will have an idea that a nation is only as strong as its industry) while the Democrats cried that Bush "stole the election" in 2000 and got lucky in 2004, and all the while picturing him as a monkey, an ape and an idiot.

So, stop your self-righteous and hypocritical feelings of hurt.

Yea, I noticed that when the SCOTUS is used to put a candidate in the WH, a lot of people get mad. Especially when they think the outcome was rigged. Cause it was.

And I noticed that Bush was well liked after 9/11.

Not so much when he decided to go to war with that country that didn't attack us.

And when the economy started to collapse, well people really didn't like that. Remember when Bush went on TV explaining how the world as we knew it was about to end. I thought he was gonna cry right then and there.

But how did Democrats get past Cheney and Co. to make Bush look and act like the fool? Howd they do that?

Tricky little devils those Dems are.
What minority group do you belong to?

Regardless of the progress already made in this country, which has been substantial, to say the least, there's still more accomplishments to be made.

Bigotry, racism and prejuduice still exists. Believe it or not.

When the highest office in the land which is also the most powerful office in the world has been attained by a representative of a minority, elected by the free will of the people, not only once, but TWICE, WHAT THE HELL MORE DO YOU WANT??

But I agree with you: Bigotry and racism and prejudice still exits. Just ask Condi Rice, Herman Cain, Alan West, Michael Steele, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Clarence Thomas and Juan Williams, just to name a few, who were ravaged and savaged by the blind Obama lovers.

You know, people like you.
You didn't answer the question though.

What minority group are you a part of?

OK, I will answer your question.

I left my old country, Hungary, as a seventeen year old, who carried and used weapon in the 1956 revolution against your idols, the Communist Soviet and Hungarian Communists. Had I stayed, I would not be alive today.

During the revolution, the prison doors were opened to free political prisoners, you know, victims of the Communists, who dared to speak as you can. Unfortunately, the doors of prison were also opened for hard core criminals, who knew that whatever the final outcome of the revolution, they would end up back in prison.

So, along with the legitimate political escapees, like myself, the criminals managed to find their way into freedom. Needless to say, they instantly reverted to their old ways, and ruined the chances and reputations of people who came from the same place but did not have their criminal mindset.

So, I saw signs at potential employers that you - I don't mean African Americans of the past - have NEVER seen: "NO ......... need apply". In my case, substitute the dots for "Hungarians". I also never had the advantage of having a panel a council or a human rights commission, or a NAACP speak on my behalf. I also never had the advantage of having the mother tongue of English, which I am sure you and those you claim to speak for have, and and had to learn it while working for my survival without government benefits, welfare and politically correct support of the press and bleeding heart punk shake down artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

When I had learned enough English, I enrolled myself into high school as an adult student and earned my diploma. While in high school I used up my savings and had to go back to the mines to earn enough to be able save enough in order find a job where I could use my newly acquired education.

I got a job on the factory floor of a major rubber factory, where, during my probationary period, I was royally screwed by the union, which prompted my to apply for a job in a training program for lower level management. I was lucky enough to get it, and from there I taught myself to be a successful computer programmer which job I held until I retired ten years ago.

I am NOT a visible minority, but even after 56 years of being here, I am still an AUDIBLE minority, and let me tell you, lots of people have a problem with that.

But I NEVER cried about it, because unlike the folks you claim to speak for I have pride and self-respect.
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Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

About 8 weeks after the 2004 DNC
When he first came out and spoke on Oprah's show, I liked him very much. I liked what he was saying.
Also when he spoke on other shows.
Then as he started campaigning and went totally away from the view points he had started with, I realized he was too far left for me.
I realized that he thought that Government was the answer to everything, so I could never have voted for him.
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How about the only thing he didn't vote present on was late term abortion, when he was a senator.
When he first came out and spoke on Oprah's show, I liked him very much. I liked what he was saying.
Also when he spoke on other shows.
Then as he started campaigning and went totally away from the view points he had started with, I realize nd he was too far left for me.
I realized that he thought that Government was the answer to everything, so I could never have voted for him.

Yep the same way I was after listening to him when he was the key note speaker at the 2004 DNC. Said all the right things made me research his back ground. I hate secrets and their are way to many secrets in this man's life
When the highest office in the land which is also the most powerful office in the world has been attained by a representative of a minority, elected by the free will of the people, not only once, but TWICE, WHAT THE HELL MORE DO YOU WANT??

But I agree with you: Bigotry and racism and prejudice still exits. Just ask Condi Rice, Herman Cain, Alan West, Michael Steele, Bobby Jindal, Nikki Haley, Larry Elder, Tim Scott, Mia Love, Clarence Thomas and Juan Williams, just to name a few, who were ravaged and savaged by the blind Obama lovers.

You know, people like you.
You didn't answer the question though.

What minority group are you a part of?

OK, I will answer your question.

I left my old country, Hungary, as a seventeen year old, who carried and used weapon in the 1956 revolution against your idols, the Communist Soviet and Hungarian Communists. Had I stayed, I would not be alive today.

During the revolution, the prison doors were opened to free political prisoners, you know, victims of the Communists, who dared to speak as you can. Unfortunately, the doors of prison were also opened for hard core criminals, who knew that whatever the final outcome of the revolution, they would end up back in prison.

So, along with the legitimate political escapees, like myself, the criminals managed to find their way into freedom. Needless to say, they instantly reverted to their old ways, and ruined the chances and reputations of people who came from the same place but did not have their criminal mindset.

So, I saw signs at potential employers that you - I don't mean African Americans of the past - have NEVER seen: "NO ......... need apply". In my case, substitute the dots for "Hungarians". I also never had the advantage of having a panel a council or a human rights commission, or a NAACP speak on my behalf. I also never had the advantage of having the mother tongue of English, which I am sure you and those you claim to speak for have, and and had to learn it while working for my survival without government benefits, welfare and politically correct support of the press and bleeding heart punk shake down artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

When I had learned enough English, I enrolled myself into high school as an adult student and earned my diploma. While in high school I used up my savings and had to go back to the mines to earn enough to be able save enough in order find a job where I could use my newly acquired education.

I got a job on the factory floor of a major rubber factory, where, during my probationary period, I was royally screwed by the union, which prompted my to apply for a job in a training program for lower level management. I was lucky enough to get it, and from there I taught myself to be a successful computer programmer which job I held until I retired ten years ago.

I am NOT a visible minority, but even after 56 years of being here, I am still an AUDIBLE minority, and let me tell you, lots of people have a problem with that.

But I NEVER cried about it, because unlike the folks you claim to speak for I have pride and self-respect.

I bet you are heart broken to see our country moving toward the same ideology as what you fought against and fled from.
You didn't answer the question though.

What minority group are you a part of?

OK, I will answer your question.

I left my old country, Hungary, as a seventeen year old, who carried and used weapon in the 1956 revolution against your idols, the Communist Soviet and Hungarian Communists. Had I stayed, I would not be alive today.

During the revolution, the prison doors were opened to free political prisoners, you know, victims of the Communists, who dared to speak as you can. Unfortunately, the doors of prison were also opened for hard core criminals, who knew that whatever the final outcome of the revolution, they would end up back in prison.

So, along with the legitimate political escapees, like myself, the criminals managed to find their way into freedom. Needless to say, they instantly reverted to their old ways, and ruined the chances and reputations of people who came from the same place but did not have their criminal mindset.

So, I saw signs at potential employers that you - I don't mean African Americans of the past - have NEVER seen: "NO ......... need apply". In my case, substitute the dots for "Hungarians". I also never had the advantage of having a panel a council or a human rights commission, or a NAACP speak on my behalf. I also never had the advantage of having the mother tongue of English, which I am sure you and those you claim to speak for have, and and had to learn it while working for my survival without government benefits, welfare and politically correct support of the press and bleeding heart punk shake down artists like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

When I had learned enough English, I enrolled myself into high school as an adult student and earned my diploma. While in high school I used up my savings and had to go back to the mines to earn enough to be able save enough in order find a job where I could use my newly acquired education.

I got a job on the factory floor of a major rubber factory, where, during my probationary period, I was royally screwed by the union, which prompted my to apply for a job in a training program for lower level management. I was lucky enough to get it, and from there I taught myself to be a successful computer programmer which job I held until I retired ten years ago.

I am NOT a visible minority, but even after 56 years of being here, I am still an AUDIBLE minority, and let me tell you, lots of people have a problem with that.

But I NEVER cried about it, because unlike the folks you claim to speak for I have pride and self-respect.

I bet you are heart broken to see our country moving toward the same ideology as what you fought against and fled from.

Sad, but not heart-broken. I can live with it for the next 4 years at the end of which this intruder will have worn out his undeserved welcome. Along with his ass kissing admirers in both chambers of Congress and the normal population at large.

He might end up as the American Mussolini. After all, not getting the promised free cell phones is just as bad or even worse than the trains not running on time.
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