At What Point Did You Decide That You Were Against Obama No Matter What?

Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.


Explain there motives then???
32 democrat quotes indicate even before GWB that Saddam was a threat!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

Explain why Clinton said this after bombing Iraq???
In the first three months of 1999, U.S. led-forces bombarded Iraq with 241,000 pounds of bombsjust shy of the 253,000 pounds dropped under President Bush in the eight months leading up to the final UN resolution before the war.
The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned
By August of 1999, American and British pilots had fired more than 1,100 missiles against 359 targets that year alone.
So based on Clinton's experience oh and just a little called 9/11
What the f...k would you have done differently!
YOU had Saddam a murderer of 50,000 kurds, who destroyed Mesopotamia displacing 500,000 people his sons using drills on tongues.. and
YOU would have sat and continued dialogue AFTER 9/11?

And of course you don't remember the ANTHRAX attacks do you?? Or did you know THEY WEREN'T from terrorists.. Al-Queda???

I think you are so full of crap about GWB and 20 years from now (If we survive Obama!!) historians will declare GWB a "great president"
GREAT because
A) He had All the MSM bashing him... like this you f...ker... you never heard this till now I'm SURE!
The editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas thinks so...
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But Obama????
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

B) Because idiots like NEVER knew that $100 billion a year in tax revenue WAS reduced because tax payers are writing off $8 trillion in LOSSES do to
Dot com bust that costs $5 trillion 9/11 another $2 trillion WORST HURRICANE SEASONS SEASONS in history $1 trillion.. all now being written off!

But in spite of that you idiots still hold Bush in low esteem AND THAT's because you are such idiots the MSM has foisted all the negatives about Bush and
kissed Obama's finger and rear all the way in two elections!!
Historians will note this period of BIASED MSM as having caused more destruction of the American Way of life then any invading army could have done!
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

OK, I'll be honest.

I was against Obama from day one. He was neither qualified to serve (no record of employment, anywhere) in the most demanding office in the world nor was he prepared to serve. Obama is a con man. Came from nowhere, had everything in his life served up to him because of his skin color (before you get your panties in a wad - I am a black man). never worked at an honest job in hs life, ran a game on the people of Chicago, got himself elected to state office, served 2 years, ran for and was elected to the US Senate as a virtual unknown. The day he was elected to the Senate, he began running for president. He was raised by communist, anti-colonialists and since taking office, has surrounded himself with domestic terrorists, radical left-wing clergy, and communists.

His decisions NEVER reflect the will of any group other than the radical left. He is a socialist and quasi-communist who hates the vast majority of our allies. He seeks to be "The Man who would be King" and would relish the role of "Supreme Leader" of these United States. He despises Capitalism and anything associated with it. He believes that the "rich" owe everything they have to those who lay around on their lazy butts and that it is the job of the "Central Government" or "State" or "politburo" to care for each "citizen".

Pithy enough?

Oh he'll, why not just continue a little while longer.....

The GDP when Obama took "control" was 6.7% In the 4 years Obama has held office, we reached a new low in 2013 - ZERO. That NOTHING has grown in this economy. Quite an accomplishment you agree?

Gas prices doubled shortly after Barry took office. They have NEVER fallen below that mark since. Another great accomplishment.

Aw hell...I grw weary of this exercise. You mind will never be changed anymore than mine will. You see him as a sort of "messiah" - I see him him as a clown. Hopefully (although I don't hold out much hope now) we'll get rid of his worthless hiney in 4 years, only to have another idiot take over......

The GDP was not 6.7% at any time during the Bush Presidency. Use Table 1.1.7 and look it up. You can find all the past GDP by clicking options and changing the dates.

Why would you tell such an obvious lie?
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

When his stimulus failed and his "those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready at all" was followed by a call for more stimulus. This was around the same time that the "loans" to GM were converted to government ownership of GM and the seizing of assets that legally belonged to the contracted creditors who paid a premium to be first in line.

With all the "created or saved" job numbers that came out, nobody in the Administration acknowledged that the stimulus was said to be intended to actually stimulate the economy into recovery. It didn't, it merely propped it up for awhile.

Last quarter GDP shrunk. That's the exact opposite of "recovery."
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.


Explain there motives then???
32 democrat quotes indicate even before GWB that Saddam was a threat!

"..deny Iraq the capacity to develop WMD".Bill Clinton,1998
"..most brutal dictators of Century", Biden,1998
"Iraq compliance with Resolution 687 becomes shell game"..Daschle 1998
"He will use those WMDs again,as he has ten times since 1983" ..Berger Clinton Ntl. Secur. Advr 1998
"posed by Iraq's refusal to end its WMD programs" Levin 1998
"Saddam has been engaged in development of WMDs which is a threat.."Pelosi 1998
"Hussein has chosen to spend his money on building WMDS.."Albright 1999
"Saddam to refine delivery systems, that will threaten the US..."Graham 2001
"Saddam has ignored the mandate of the UN and is building WMDs and the means to deliver.." Levin 2002
"Iraq's search for WMDs ...will continue as long as Saddam's in power"..Gore 2002
"Saddam retains stockpiles of WMDS.."Byrd 2002
"..give President authority to use disarm Saddam because an arsenal of WMDs..threat our security"..Kerry 2002
"..Unmistakable evidence Saddam developing nuclear weapons next 5 years.."Rockefeller 2002
"Violated over 11 years every UN resolution demanding disarming WMDs.."Waxman 2002
"He's given aid,comfort & sanctuary to al Qaeda members..and keep developing WMDs"..Hillary 2002
"Compelling evidence Saddam has WMDs production storage capacity.." Graham 2002
"Without a question, we need to disarm Saddam. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime .... He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation ... And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction .... So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real ...."Kerry , Jan. 23. 2003.

Explain why Clinton said this after bombing Iraq???
In the first three months of 1999, U.S. led-forces bombarded Iraq with 241,000 pounds of bombsjust shy of the 253,000 pounds dropped under President Bush in the eight months leading up to the final UN resolution before the war.
The Raw Story | Clinton bombing of Iraq far exceeded Bush's in run-up to war; Bush 'spikes of activity' questioned
By August of 1999, American and British pilots had fired more than 1,100 missiles against 359 targets that year alone.
So based on Clinton's experience oh and just a little called 9/11
What the f...k would you have done differently!
YOU had Saddam a murderer of 50,000 kurds, who destroyed Mesopotamia displacing 500,000 people his sons using drills on tongues.. and
YOU would have sat and continued dialogue AFTER 9/11?

And of course you don't remember the ANTHRAX attacks do you?? Or did you know THEY WEREN'T from terrorists.. Al-Queda???

I think you are so full of crap about GWB and 20 years from now (If we survive Obama!!) historians will declare GWB a "great president"
GREAT because
A) He had All the MSM bashing him... like this you f...ker... you never heard this till now I'm SURE!
The editor of NewsWeek Evan Thomas thinks so...
Well, our job is to bash the president, that's what we do." --
Evan Thomas responding to a question on whether the media's unfair to Bush on the TV talk show Inside Washington,
February 2, 2007.Newsweek's Evan Thomas: 'Our Job Is To Bash the President' | NewsBusters

But Obama????
I mean in a way Obama’s standing above the country, above – above the world, he’s sort of God."
Evan Thomas on Hardball, June 5, 2009.
Newsweek?s Evan Thomas: Obama Is ?Sort of God? | NewsBusters

B) Because idiots like NEVER knew that $100 billion a year in tax revenue WAS reduced because tax payers are writing off $8 trillion in LOSSES do to
Dot com bust that costs $5 trillion 9/11 another $2 trillion WORST HURRICANE SEASONS SEASONS in history $1 trillion.. all now being written off!

But in spite of that you idiots still hold Bush in low esteem AND THAT's because you are such idiots the MSM has foisted all the negatives about Bush and
kissed Obama's finger and rear all the way in two elections!!
Historians will note this period of BIASED MSM as having caused more destruction of the American Way of life then any invading army could have done!
Did they get the info from Bush's kronies?
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

When his stimulus failed and his "those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready at all" was followed by a call for more stimulus. This was around the same time that the "loans" to GM were converted to government ownership of GM and the seizing of assets that legally belonged to the contracted creditors who paid a premium to be first in line.

With all the "created or saved" job numbers that came out, nobody in the Administration acknowledged that the stimulus was said to be intended to actually stimulate the economy into recovery. It didn't, it merely propped it up for awhile.

Last quarter GDP shrunk. That's the exact opposite of "recovery."
If that's your reasoning, then I reckon that's it's just a matter of time for you then.

In time you'll see the economy rebound, while under Obama's careful watch and you'll WITNESS and SEE for YOURSELF that all that you then thought was bad/wrong, is actually good.

Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

OK, I'll be honest.

I was against Obama from day one. He was neither qualified to serve (no record of employment, anywhere) in the most demanding office in the world nor was he prepared to serve. Obama is a con man. Came from nowhere, had everything in his life served up to him because of his skin color (before you get your panties in a wad - I am a black man). never worked at an honest job in hs life, ran a game on the people of Chicago, got himself elected to state office, served 2 years, ran for and was elected to the US Senate as a virtual unknown. The day he was elected to the Senate, he began running for president. He was raised by communist, anti-colonialists and since taking office, has surrounded himself with domestic terrorists, radical left-wing clergy, and communists.

His decisions NEVER reflect the will of any group other than the radical left. He is a socialist and quasi-communist who hates the vast majority of our allies. He seeks to be "The Man who would be King" and would relish the role of "Supreme Leader" of these United States. He despises Capitalism and anything associated with it. He believes that the "rich" owe everything they have to those who lay around on their lazy butts and that it is the job of the "Central Government" or "State" or "politburo" to care for each "citizen".

Pithy enough?

Oh he'll, why not just continue a little while longer.....

The GDP when Obama took "control" was 6.7% In the 4 years Obama has held office, we reached a new low in 2013 - ZERO. That NOTHING has grown in this economy. Quite an accomplishment you agree?

Gas prices doubled shortly after Barry took office. They have NEVER fallen below that mark since. Another great accomplishment.

Aw hell...I grw weary of this exercise. You mind will never be changed anymore than mine will. You see him as a sort of "messiah" - I see him him as a clown. Hopefully (although I don't hold out much hope now) we'll get rid of his worthless hiney in 4 years, only to have another idiot take over......

The GDP was not 6.7% at any time during the Bush Presidency. Use Table 1.1.7 and look it up. You can find all the past GDP by clicking options and changing the dates.

Why would you tell such an obvious lie?
Revisonist history.

I'd like to believe that not ALL of them are willfully doing it, I'd like to think that many of them are truly fooled into it. However, I believe that most are willfully allowing themselves to buy into the hype and/or believe their own hype for partisan reasons.

See Karl Rove and Dick 'The Toe Sucking' Morris as prime examples.
Last edited:
When he declared he would socialize medicine, revoke freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom to defend oneself.

IOW, when the fucker turned out to be a democrat.

This, right here, tells me that there's no Democrat in the world that could ever earn your support.
Which puts you deep and comfortably in the far right wing radical fringe.

The only thing I can do for you, at this point, is to thank you for your honesty.

So Marc, which conservative have you voted for?
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

When his stimulus failed and his "those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready at all" was followed by a call for more stimulus. This was around the same time that the "loans" to GM were converted to government ownership of GM and the seizing of assets that legally belonged to the contracted creditors who paid a premium to be first in line.

With all the "created or saved" job numbers that came out, nobody in the Administration acknowledged that the stimulus was said to be intended to actually stimulate the economy into recovery. It didn't, it merely propped it up for awhile.

Last quarter GDP shrunk. That's the exact opposite of "recovery."

You are either short on facts or deliberately lying.

The bailout started with Bush and as I recall more than half the money was given out when Obama took office. From day one the government started taking stock in corporations to secure the bailout funds, so that GM bailout was started under Bush, when GM recieved bailout funds. GM needed more funds and the corporation went through a controlled bankrupcy. It came out of bankrupcy to become the largest automaker in the world. The bailout was passed for Bush by Democrats and it was a remarkable success. The Republicans didn't even support the efforts of their own President during the financial crisis.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

When his stimulus failed and his "those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready at all" was followed by a call for more stimulus. This was around the same time that the "loans" to GM were converted to government ownership of GM and the seizing of assets that legally belonged to the contracted creditors who paid a premium to be first in line.

With all the "created or saved" job numbers that came out, nobody in the Administration acknowledged that the stimulus was said to be intended to actually stimulate the economy into recovery. It didn't, it merely propped it up for awhile.

Last quarter GDP shrunk. That's the exact opposite of "recovery."
If that's your reasoning, then I reckon that's it's just a matter of time for you then.

In time you'll see the economy rebound, while under Obama's careful watch and you'll WITNESS and SEE for YOURSELF that all that you then thought was bad/wrong, is actually good.


As I've been saying for 4 years now, if Obama's plan works he gets the credit and I'll admit to being wrong. For 4 years I've been told that the recovery is happening, it's gaining steam, it's just taking longer because it was worse than they originally thought.

And yet the economy is still in the dumpster - and getting worse.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

When his stimulus failed and his "those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready at all" was followed by a call for more stimulus. This was around the same time that the "loans" to GM were converted to government ownership of GM and the seizing of assets that legally belonged to the contracted creditors who paid a premium to be first in line.

With all the "created or saved" job numbers that came out, nobody in the Administration acknowledged that the stimulus was said to be intended to actually stimulate the economy into recovery. It didn't, it merely propped it up for awhile.

Last quarter GDP shrunk. That's the exact opposite of "recovery."

You are either short on facts or deliberately lying.

The bailout started with Bush and as I recall more than half the money was given out when Obama took office. From day one the government started taking stock in corporations to secure the bailout funds, so that GM bailout was started under Bush, when GM recieved bailout funds. GM needed more funds and the corporation went through a controlled bankrupcy. It came out of bankrupcy to become the largest automaker in the world. The bailout was passed for Bush by Democrats and it was a remarkable success. The Republicans didn't even support the efforts of their own President during the financial crisis.

I said stimulus, not bailout although I disagreed with that and have since admitted to being wrong about the positive effects the liquidity the bailouts had on the economy.

The GM bailout was described as loans, and we were told that it was desperately needed to keep GM out of bankruptcy - oops - GM went bankrupt anyway. Then some loans were repaid with further bailout money, others were converted to stock. All in all, the US taxpayers lost over $25 Billion to "save" GM and it hasn't produced enough to even match the government's valuation.

GM is not the largest automaker, Toyota is. That's without the government doing everything possible to save face.

GM should have been liquidated and re-oriented. That's how capitalism in a generally free market works. GM is just crony capitalism and it doesn't even work well then.
When he declared he would socialize medicine, revoke freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and freedom to defend oneself.

IOW, when the fucker turned out to be a democrat.

This, right here, tells me that there's no Democrat in the world that could ever earn your support.
Which puts you deep and comfortably in the far right wing radical fringe.

The only thing I can do for you, at this point, is to thank you for your honesty.

So Marc, which conservative have you voted for?
When his stimulus failed and his "those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready at all" was followed by a call for more stimulus. This was around the same time that the "loans" to GM were converted to government ownership of GM and the seizing of assets that legally belonged to the contracted creditors who paid a premium to be first in line.

With all the "created or saved" job numbers that came out, nobody in the Administration acknowledged that the stimulus was said to be intended to actually stimulate the economy into recovery. It didn't, it merely propped it up for awhile.

Last quarter GDP shrunk. That's the exact opposite of "recovery."
If that's your reasoning, then I reckon that's it's just a matter of time for you then.

In time you'll see the economy rebound, while under Obama's careful watch and you'll WITNESS and SEE for YOURSELF that all that you then thought was bad/wrong, is actually good.


As I've been saying for 4 years now, if Obama's plan works he gets the credit and I'll admit to being wrong. For 4 years I've been told that the recovery is happening, it's gaining steam, it's just taking longer because it was worse than they originally thought.

And yet the economy is still in the dumpster - and getting worse.
No, my very impatient,'s not getting worse. It's getting better.

Slowly, but it's getting better.

No need to fib my brother.
When his stimulus failed and his "those shovel-ready jobs weren't so shovel-ready at all" was followed by a call for more stimulus. This was around the same time that the "loans" to GM were converted to government ownership of GM and the seizing of assets that legally belonged to the contracted creditors who paid a premium to be first in line.

With all the "created or saved" job numbers that came out, nobody in the Administration acknowledged that the stimulus was said to be intended to actually stimulate the economy into recovery. It didn't, it merely propped it up for awhile.

Last quarter GDP shrunk. That's the exact opposite of "recovery."

You are either short on facts or deliberately lying.

The bailout started with Bush and as I recall more than half the money was given out when Obama took office. From day one the government started taking stock in corporations to secure the bailout funds, so that GM bailout was started under Bush, when GM recieved bailout funds. GM needed more funds and the corporation went through a controlled bankrupcy. It came out of bankrupcy to become the largest automaker in the world. The bailout was passed for Bush by Democrats and it was a remarkable success. The Republicans didn't even support the efforts of their own President during the financial crisis.

I said stimulus, not bailout although I disagreed with that and have since admitted to being wrong about the positive effects the liquidity the bailouts had on the economy.

The GM bailout was described as loans, and we were told that it was desperately needed to keep GM out of bankruptcy - oops - GM went bankrupt anyway. Then some loans were repaid with further bailout money, others were converted to stock. All in all, the US taxpayers lost over $25 Billion to "save" GM and it hasn't produced enough to even match the government's valuation.

GM is not the largest automaker, Toyota is. That's without the government doing everything possible to save face.

GM should have been liquidated and re-oriented. That's how capitalism in a generally free market works. GM is just crony capitalism and it doesn't even work well then.

The government made money on the GM bailout and you did discuss the GM bailout that started with Bush. GM told the government it would need more money, so nothing that happened was a secret. The bailout involved loans secured with stock and interest was charged to these corporations, hence the government made money off the interest, warrants and stock that secured the loans.

You are running your mouth and just saying bullshit. It doesn't work well to save the largest automaker on Earth that provides tax revenue many times more than it received in bailout funds that it paid back with interest?

Post proof to prove your claims and not some bullshit from a right-wing blog.

Wed Apr 21, 2010

GM Chief Executive Ed Whitacre announced at a plant in Kansas that the automaker had fully repaid U.S. and Canadian government loans extended as part of its bankruptcy last year, and said there was "a real possibility" of an initial public offering this year.

Source: GM repays U.S. loan, government loss on bailout falls | Reuters

gm repays government - Bing

Where have you been?

Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

for me, there were plenty enough legitimate reasons to vote against Obama:

1. his political philosophy and party affiliation (socialist Democrat)...

2. his incredibly short resume' (the guy had spent relatively little time as an elected official, and had essentially no prior executive experience)...

3. his connection to the corrupt Chicago machine (Louisiana politics looks like amateur night compared to Chicago)...

4. his well-documented antipathy towards citizens' rights to keep and bear arms...
What began it for me was when he quickly chose his liberal check list ideology path with Obamacare, over making sure the economy was recovering and encouraging private companies were providing full time high income jobs again. Promising transparency, televising the debates on C-Span ( yeah right. had to laugh at that one ) only to perform closed door back room deals ( pork spending deals and promises to generate enough votes for Obamacare to pass ). Then it was his smug arrogance, that he was going to get his way no matter what, blaming instead of working across the aisle, with his rhetoric dividing the nation even more than it was prior to his inauguration. Saying that unemployment extension benefits was better than a Keystone pipeline at creating jobs (making the untold suggestion the unemployed would rather receive a check than work) Then pushing for more government spending that sped up the rate of our national debt faster than it has previously been. Choosing to make speeches while an oil disaster in the gulf got worse, with no government assistance as we sat watching the coverage on tv for months while it slowly creeped it's way towards the gulf shores. Then when he had an opportunity to help those states who were struggling to get their tourism and local businesses recovering, he felt it more beneficial to vacation among the rich at Martha's Vineyard. Cash for Clunkers, Cash for Appliances, neither of which added any new jobs to the economy. Touting that Al Queda is scattered and no longer a threat after a seal team killed Osama Bin Laden, then when the terrorist struck back against one of our embassies killing an ambassador along with two Americans, try to lie and deflect attention towards a protest over a video. Yet I am to believe Obama will actually try to hold up to his promises for his NEXT term, of honestly receiving and hearing suggestions from BOTH sides and not play party politics.
So your belief is basically that after a Democrat wins, he should immediately pander to and act like a Republican.

Is that it?

What were your thoughts and feelings about the Republican Party's meeting and plan to stop Obama during the inaugaration?

The Immoral Minority: New book reveals that Republicans held secret meeting deciding to obstruct EVERYTHING President Obama tried to do the DAY he was inaugurated. By a show of hands who did not already suspect that?

Do you think that Jim Demint's language of "we must break him?" bi-partisan?

[ame=]Sen. Jim DeMint calls defeating Obama like Waterloo - YouTube[/ame]

How about the GOP's goal, led by Mitch McConnell that their number one goal is to defeat President Barack Obama and make him a one-term President...

Republican leader says GOP's number one goal is defeating Obama in 2012 - National Political Buzz |

Were you upset at all by any of the above check-list idealogical path?

If he campaigned that he would work across the aisle, then he should demonstrate that promise during his presidency, not demean his opponents and divide our nation even further than it already has been.

Apparently you weren't upset when Obama failed to live up to his hope and change promises to make the economy his top priority (moving instead to bog down Congress with Obamacare over jobs) or that spending to increase our debt and leave the burden "to every man, woman, and child, is inexcusable, it's unpatriotic" to use Obama's own words?

At least you wouldn't see a Republican going around the country making speeches during the worst economic disaster in this nation's history. And yes Obama is out of touch if he chooses laughing it up with the rich over at Martha's Vineyard over taking his vacation to help those struggling businesses effected by the oil spill, a great demonstration of a democrat president who looks out for the middle class.

Sorry if my list of truths hit a sore spot for you, but if he campaigned on hope and change instead of "politics as usual" ( as he called it ) he might have left a positive mark on his presidential legacy. and this country might have benefitted from its historic moment. All we have now is broken promises, great speeches, and no real growing economy to speak of.
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Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.

Well, your DISHONEST question presupposes a bias against the President based on his race. How sad for you to view the entire world through a racial prism. It also exposes your attachment to group identity as opposed to individual self worth. How is it that some Blacks are able to rise above the mire of self pity while others are not? Of course, you probably resent such individuals as being "Uncle Tom's" or "Oreo's."

If you were to ask an HONEST question about opposition to the President's policies, I would answer that his endorsement of the way the Affordable Care Act was rammed through Congress without a single Republican vote led me to believe that, despite his rhetoric to the contrary, he was going to govern in a highly partisan and ideological manner. His deceitful dissemination of information (e.g., Benghazi) and constant demagoguery about our crushing financial problems have confirmed this opinion.

But then you weren't interested in honesty in the first place, were you?

Bingo. Great post and I couldn't have said it better.

I was willing to give this guy the benefit of the doubt until his statements to Joe the Plumber.

He wanted to spread the wealth and change the face of America.That let me know right there what this guy was gonna try to do. Those that work hard and have need to take care of those that don't.

Plus every promise he made while running for office has turned out to be a bunch of bs. Instead of focusing on the economy he and his Dem cohorts rammed the ACA down our throats. Another huge entitlement we cannot afford. Something we taxpayers are going to bear the brunt of.

Then he and his administration lied through their teeth for weeks about Benghazi. Why? Because he was running for that second term and didn't need any negative publicity. With the exception of FOX the rest of the LSM assisted by not focusing on the story. If Bush had been potus during Benghazi the NYS would have had as front page news with 8 inch letters for weeks. Because it was that fuck in the WH it was barely a news item. He had no problem jetting off to his fundraiser in Vegas while people were dying at the consulate.

No honor. No integrity and a fucking shit as far as I'm concerned.
Clearly, this is directed to The Republicans and self-proclaimed Conservatives of USMB.

When, exactly, did you realize that you really didn't like Obama and were going to be against him no matter what?

I'll answer the question in the reverse as an example. Some years ago, when Bush was first elected, I disliked him. I didn't like what he stood for, didn't like what he said, I didn't even like the way he sounded, he sounds dumb and he's proven himself to be such. Anyway, I wasn't totally or automatically against him. What turned me against him permanently, was what he did with the good will of The American People after the country was attacked.

He lied about the WMDs, he kept the country in state of constant fear, and he waged two unnecessary wars. To top it off, he didn't pay for it at the time and sent the bill to our kids and grandkids.

To be precise, from the instant he began that fear campaign war campaign, he lost me forever. I will NEVER forgive him for that.

So, when did you Republicans, Conservatives and other assorted RWers of USMB decide to be against Obama no matter what?

C'mon, be honest.
When he showed himself to be the true far left liberal he is and not the moderate centrist he portrayed himself to be in the 2008 election. So when did you and the rest of the left wingers here decide you were going to worship and support Obama no matter what? Be honest,

Saying that Obama is a far left liberal is ridiculous. The far left has been disappointed by Obama.
It was pretty easy to judge Obama based on his biographies allegedly ghost written by friend and political mentor Bill Ayers. He was a community activist admitted drug abuser with a communist father and a hippy mother and a questionable birth certificate. What's not to like?
Just a random question...

Are you a fan of Rush Limbaugh in any way?

Amazingly enough I was close enough to one of Ayers terrorist attacks to feel the blast way back when. I base my opinion on information. Just a random question, are you a fan of Huffington?

What were Ayers terrorist attacks that he was convicted of?

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