At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

  • 90%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 80%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70%

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  • 50%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 40%

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • 30%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
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    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 10%

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
Getting more back than they pay in makes them what exactly?

Beneficiaries of republican largesse. Stupid shit. How many times do you need to be educated about the EITC?
Your pitiful dude.

Complain about mortgage interest write offs. That's costs billions too. But you take advantage of that bit in the tax code. Right?

New home construction and home ownership is the bedrock of our economy without which the economy tanks. So the mortgage interest deduction pays huge dividends across the economy including growing the local property tax bases to fund schools and local government.
Getting more back than they pay in makes them what exactly?

Beneficiaries of republican largesse. Stupid shit. How many times do you need to be educated about the EITC?
Your pitiful dude.

Complain about mortgage interest write offs. That's costs billions too. But you take advantage of that bit in the tax code. Right?

New home construction and home ownership is the bedrock of our economy without which the economy tanks. So the mortgage interest deduction pays huge dividends across the economy including growing the local property tax bases to fund schools and local government.
Nope. The MID actually increases the cost of your house.
The MID drives up home prices.

And who benefits from higher home prices?

Real estate brokers, home builders, and banks who lend you the money.

You are being taken for a ride. Your MID is more than cancelled out by higher tax rates and higher home prices.

It's a MASSIVE legislative transfer of wealth UP the food chain.

Every deduction, credit and exemption has to be made up for by someone else. Every deduction you take is coming out of someone else's pocket. You are lied to and told, "You get to keep more of your money", but you are a fool if you believe that. You are stealing from someone else.

The way the $1.2 trillion of deductions, credits, and exemptions are paid for is by making everyone pay higher tax rates, and by heavy deficits.

Getting more back than they pay in makes them what exactly?

Beneficiaries of republican largesse. Stupid shit. How many times do you need to be educated about the EITC?
Your pitiful dude.

Complain about mortgage interest write offs. That's costs billions too. But you take advantage of that bit in the tax code. Right?

New home construction and home ownership is the bedrock of our economy without which the economy tanks. So the mortgage interest deduction pays huge dividends across the economy including growing the local property tax bases to fund schools and local government.

It's always different when it's YOUR handout, isn't it?

If the mortgage interest deduction were so great, why limit it to only those who itemize?
Tremendous FAIL thread.

Back when he democrats owned blacks as slaves....some slave with special skills...Metal Smiths, Carpenters....and such, would be rented out to other democrat slave owners........the owner of the slave, to encourage good work, would sometimes allow the slave to keep a tiny, tiny portion of the fee for themselves.... what tax rate does one become a slave?

sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....
You could easily fill out your personal taxes on a post card if the tax code didn't have exemptions, credits, or deductions. The only reason your taxes are so complicated is because of exemptions, credits, and deductions.

This isn't rocket science to figure out, people.

But your puppet masters want you to believe it is.

Who profits from a complicated tax scheme?

Accountants. They pay Congressional campaign funds over $28 million a year to keep the system complicated. If they are shelling out $28 million a year, then you know they must be really raking it in from you rubes.
don't have a personal mortgage write off all my real estate is held in LLCs even the house I live in

So what's you'r snappy little retort to that going to be/

That it is generally considered stupid to hold your personal residence in a LLC.

You using the tax code to reduce your taxes paid is different how to those using the t ax code for the EITC?

Congress gave you the tax vehicle you use. And. Congress gave low wage workers the EITC.

What is the difference?
don't have a personal mortgage write off all my real estate is held in LLCs even the house I live in

So what's you'r snappy little retort to that going to be/

That it is generally considered stupid to hold your personal residence in a LLC.

You using the tax code to reduce your taxes paid is different how to those using the t ax code for the EITC?

Congress gave you the tax vehicle you use. And. Congress gave low wage workers the EITC.

What is the difference?

I built it to sell and won't be living here too long it makes sense to keep a commercial loan, not muck up my personal credit with a shit load of debt besides since it is a business property I can still write off the interest AND I can write off many other operating costs as carrying costs since I built it to sell.

Couldn't do that with a personal residential mortgage could I?
New home construction and home ownership is the bedrock of our economy without which the economy tanks. So the mortgage interest deduction pays huge dividends across the economy including growing the local property tax bases to fund schools and local government.

The EITC is the bedrock republican program to lift low wage workers out of poverty. It generates billions of dollars of economic spending and greatly reduces upward wage pressures on low wage employers.

Why aren't republicans proud of their EITC?
We should get rid of as many taxes on production as we can, such as the income tax, and start increasing taxes on consumption. This is the most efficient and most robust way to help the economy.

That's why I like the Fair Tax.

I'd think that if we replaced 'production' taxes with 'consumption' taxes, spending would be inhibited and we'd rocket into a total economic collapse. That might work in a communist society, but free will spending is the basis for any private sector economy.
Couldn't do that with a personal residential mortgage could I?

You a shucking an a jivin and a dodging and a weaving.

All I want to know is what is the difference between YOU using the tax code for your benefit and low wage workers using the tax code for their benefit?

Simple question.
We should get rid of as many taxes on production as we can, such as the income tax, and start increasing taxes on consumption. This is the most efficient and most robust way to help the economy.

That's why I like the Fair Tax.

I'd think that if we replaced 'production' taxes with 'consumption' taxes, spending would be inhibited and we'd rocket into a total economic collapse. That might work in a communist society, but free will spending is the basis for any private sector economy.
Pick your poison. Tax income so there is less to spend or tax consumption and things cost a little more.

It's a lot harder to avoid a consumption tax. My only issue with the Fair tax is the monthly check sent to everyone in the country. Just lower the rate and get rid of that and Id support it
free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.
Couldn't do that with a personal residential mortgage could I?

You a shucking an a jivin and a dodging and a weaving.

All I want to know is what is the difference between YOU using the tax code for your benefit and low wage workers using the tax code for their benefit?

Simple question.

IDGAF who uses the tax code I'm saying it has to be changed so it can't be used to give anyone an advantage and that means getting rid of all deductions and paying a lower rate on 100% of your income
free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...Oliver Wendell Holmes
free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...Oliver Wendell Holmes
Funny how we keep paying more taxes yet we are not more civilized. We weren't less civilized when we were paying less taxes were we? Were we less civilized when there was no income tax?

What is the bare minimum of taxes we need to pay and still be civilized I wonder?
free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...Oliver Wendell Holmes
I don't have a problem with federal taxes when they go to basic govt functions. Im not an anarchist. I just don't like the bureaucracy giving all our shit away and taking what we have from us.
Can't do it can you skull?. For you to answer honestly (there is only a difference of degrees in the use of the tax code, with you getting more benefits) would show you to be a hypocrite.

I didn't expect any better of you though.

Quit fucking bitching about the EITC. Low wage workers aren't bitching about you and your tax avoidance strategies. Wtf is wrong with you?

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