At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

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Can't do it can you skull?. For you to answer honestly (there is only a difference of degrees in the use of the tax code, with you getting more benefits) would show you to be a hypocrite.

I didn't expect any better of you though.

Quit fucking bitching about the EITC. Low wage workers aren't bitching about you and your tax avoidance strategies. Wtf is wrong with you?

Yeah the hell with a fair unbiased tax code that can't be manipulated by the government who the fuck needs that
Who is more of a slave?

The person working 50 hours a week to support a family of five who has little free time and little to show for his labor


The person making $20 million a year having to pay an upper tax rate of 39%
If you are a member of Romneys hated 47%, you are probably a slave

Working full time and having nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay the rent, electric, insurance, healthcare, education. You have little expectation of ever retiring

That wouldn't make someone a slave ... That would make them an idiot.

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If you are a member of Romneys hated 47%, you are probably a slave

Working full time and having nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay the rent, electric, insurance, healthcare, education. You have little expectation of ever retiring

That wouldn't make someone a slave ... That would make them an idiot.


A large portion of the country, we call the working poor, do not have a choice
If you are a member of Romneys hated 47%, you are probably a slave

Working full time and having nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay the rent, electric, insurance, healthcare, education. You have little expectation of ever retiring

That wouldn't make someone a slave ... That would make them an idiot.


A large portion of the country, we call the working poor, do not have a choice

I know a guy who used to flip burgers and then worked for KFC.
He eventually opened his own lawn service business and made more money in his first 6 months than he would have made working the other jobs for 10 years.

He expanded to striping/tarring parking lots in the winter time ... Then power-washing homes.
He has sent two kids to college and is doing just fine.

I know another guy who started bagging groceries.
He ended up getting licensed and bonded as an electrician.
Sent three kids and his wife to college ... Still runs a successful business and is doing just fine.

Being satisfied with the minimum makes you a slave.

The way it works is:

Working people and low echelon business owners pay taxes to the government.

The government, instead of using that money for the welfare of the majority, uses it to fund a huge military and police force.

This military and police force maintains the economic order through out the world - which means most of the wealth goes to a tiny minority of super-wealthy.

This super-wealthy controls the political system, which controls the government. This insures that the super-wealthy do not pay more than a tiny percentage of the taxes.

Neither the government or the working people get any financial benefit from maintaining the economic order, but they do pay for the military and police.

In the end the government goes into debt because the workers can't afford to foot the bill anymore...a situation preceded by extremely high taxes.

Finally, the whole thing goes bust.

This is what caused the Roman and British empires to collapse, and we're rocketing down the same road.

While the wealthy whine about paying taxes and some imaginary lack of liberty.
Who is more of a slave?

The person working 50 hours a week to support a family of five who has little free time and little to show for his labor


The person making $20 million a year having to pay an upper tax rate of 39%

They are both free.

Person A was free to have five kids he couldn't afford to take care of and Person B was free to pursue his wealth
If you are a member of Romneys hated 47%, you are probably a slave

Working full time and having nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay the rent, electric, insurance, healthcare, education. You have little expectation of ever retiring

That wouldn't make someone a slave ... That would make them an idiot.


A large portion of the country, we call the working poor, do not have a choice

I know a guy who used to flip burgers and then worked for KFC.
He eventually opened his own lawn service business and made more money in his first 6 months than he would have made working the other jobs for 10 years.

He expanded to striping/tarring parking lots in the winter time ... Then power-washing homes.
He has sent two kids to college and is doing just fine.

I know another guy who started bagging groceries.
He ended up getting licensed and bonded as an electrician.
Sent three kids and his wife to college ... Still runs a successful business and is doing just fine.

Being satisfied with the minimum makes you a slave.


Your personal anecdotes bring joy to my weary heart

But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big. We are talking about 35 million classified as working poor. There are not 35 million better jobs waiting to be filled. There are not 35 million small businesses waiting to be created

It is not just minimum wage. It is the guy struggling to raise a family on $10 an hour with no benefits who is the slave
If you are a member of Romneys hated 47%, you are probably a slave

Working full time and having nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay the rent, electric, insurance, healthcare, education. You have little expectation of ever retiring

That wouldn't make someone a slave ... That would make them an idiot.


A large portion of the country, we call the working poor, do not have a choice
Of course they do. They just think they don't
To answer the question:
  • All marginal tax rates 100%
  • Forced to work at whatever position you're told to, for as long as you're told to
  • No work safety laws or age limits
  • No personal property outside of what is allowed by that particular employer
  • Regular beatings & whippings and threats of beatings & whippings
  • No health care
  • No retirement plan
  • Forced inter-generational employment
  • Your name may be changed at the whim of your employer
That's a start.
Just because the science of slavery has advanced in the 21st century to the point where it is unrecognizable as slavery, does not mean it isn't slavery anymore. With the advent of emancipation, the output of the slaves has increased enormously. For the slave holders of the chattel, it is about constantly increasing production. All world government constantly measures production and tries to implement measures to increase the productivity of their slaves, it is only common sense.


If you wish, for the sake of making your on bondage feel less irritating, to call it something else, feel free.

  • The illusion of freedom requires you to provide your own housing, food, clothing. . . this free up the responsibility of the masters greatly. Enough money will be left to the slaves for this, no more.
  • Emancipation, the philosophy where letting the slaves choose their occupation, was found to greatly increase their productivity. This benefited the masters. It is an illusion to the slaves that it was for them.
  • Taking care of slaves, the most valuable capital, is a benefit to the masters.
  • A happy slave is a productive slave.
  • Madison Ave., MSM, and Credit Scores have replaced beating and whippings.
  • It is still in the masters best interest to take care of his slaves, but in the end, he makes his slaves pay for that up keep. This covers both health care and retirement. Everyone knows you never get something for nothing.
  • The masters now only see you as a number. Pick whatever name you wish 24601. :badgrin:

Slavery is still slavery, however cleverly disguised.
If you are a member of Romneys hated 47%, you are probably a slave

Working full time and having nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay the rent, electric, insurance, healthcare, education. You have little expectation of ever retiring

That wouldn't make someone a slave ... That would make them an idiot.


A large portion of the country, we call the working poor, do not have a choice
Of course they do. They just think they don't me the numbers

Show me 35 million "better jobs" waiting to be filled. Show me a year when 5 million new small businesses have been created and show me how many of those businesses were created by low wage workers

The real world just does not support your fantasy
free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...Oliver Wendell Holmes

Oliver is asleep. Taxes 50% of us pay, the other 50% get a free ride.
I know a guy who used to flip burgers and then worked for KFC.
He eventually opened his own lawn service business and made more money in his first 6 months than he would have made working the other jobs for 10 years.

And he was able to start his own business based on what he made from minimum-wage jobs? Do tell.
To answer the question:
  • All marginal tax rates 100%
  • Forced to work at whatever position you're told to, for as long as you're told to
  • No work safety laws or age limits
  • No personal property outside of what is allowed by that particular employer
  • Regular beatings & whippings and threats of beatings & whippings
  • No health care
  • No retirement plan
  • Forced inter-generational employment
  • Your name may be changed at the whim of your employer
That's a start.
Just because the science of slavery has advanced in the 21st century to the point where it is unrecognizable as slavery, does not mean it isn't slavery anymore. With the advent of emancipation, the output of the slaves has increased enormously. For the slave holders of the chattel, it is about constantly increasing production. All world government constantly measures production and tries to implement measures to increase the productivity of their slaves, it is only common sense.


If you wish, for the sake of making your on bondage feel less irritating, to call it something else, feel free.

  • The illusion of freedom requires you to provide your own housing, food, clothing. . . this free up the responsibility of the masters greatly. Enough money will be left to the slaves for this, no more.
  • Emancipation, the philosophy where letting the slaves choose their occupation, was found to greatly increase their productivity. This benefited the masters. It is an illusion to the slaves that it was for them.
  • Taking care of slaves, the most valuable capital, is a benefit to the masters.
  • A happy slave is a productive slave.
  • Madison Ave., MSM, and Credit Scores have replaced beating and whippings.
  • It is still in the masters best interest to take care of his slaves, but in the end, he makes his slaves pay for that up keep. This covers both health care and retirement. Everyone knows you never get something for nothing.
  • The masters now only see you as a number. Pick whatever name you wish 24601. :badgrin:

Slavery is still slavery, however cleverly disguised.

Calling it "slavery" is an insult to all of those who suffered under the real thing.

Stark hyperbole does nothing to advance a case, because it immediately renders the case suspect.

Any American who thinks they're existing under slavery is hyper-sensitive, intellectually paralyzed by their ideology and without credibility.
You could easily fill out your personal taxes on a post card if the tax code didn't have exemptions, credits, or deductions. The only reason your taxes are so complicated is because of exemptions, credits, and deductions.

This isn't rocket science to figure out, people.

But your puppet masters want you to believe it is.

Who profits from a complicated tax scheme?

Accountants. They pay Congressional campaign funds over $28 million a year to keep the system complicated. If they are shelling out $28 million a year, then you know they must be really raking it in from you rubes.

Credits and deductions are a good way to encourage good behavior and discourage bad .

They can be very helpful to the economy .
Your personal anecdotes bring joy to my weary heart

But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big. We are talking about 35 million classified as working poor. There are not 35 million better jobs waiting to be filled. There are not 35 million small businesses waiting to be created.

As "heartwarming" as the anecdotes may be ... They are not as rare as you think.
But let's talk about the part of your statement I bolded ...

"But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big."

They didn't "hit" nothing ... It ain't freaking luck or the lotto.

Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe success happens by accident.
The rest of us know it takes effort, blood, sweat, failures and tears.

Go Out There And Find Your Greatness ... Or be a stupid freaking slave.

Rate? 100% of course.

This, exactly.

Anyone who feels he's a slave obviously has only one choice - he must band together with his fellow slaves, run away from the plantation, risk being shot or hanged if he's caught, make his way to the coast and set sail for Liber[top]ia, where he can live free.

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