At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

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Your personal anecdotes bring joy to my weary heart

But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big. We are talking about 35 million classified as working poor. There are not 35 million better jobs waiting to be filled. There are not 35 million small businesses waiting to be created.

As "heartwarming as the anecdotes may be ... They are not as rare as you think.
But let's talk about the part of your statement I bolded ...

"But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big."

They didn't "hit" nothing ... It ain't freaking luck or the lotto.

Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe success happens by accident.
The rest of us know it take effort, blood sweat and tears.

Go Out There And Find Your Greatness ... Or be a stupid freaking slave.


Lot of empty rhetoric, no hard facts. How does a burger-flipper become an entrepreneur? Tell us, in detail.
If you are a member of Romneys hated 47%, you are probably a slave

Working full time and having nothing to show for it. Struggling to pay the rent, electric, insurance, healthcare, education. You have little expectation of ever retiring

That wouldn't make someone a slave ... That would make them an idiot.


A large portion of the country, we call the working poor, do not have a choice
Of course they do. They just think they don't me the numbers

Show me 35 million "better jobs" waiting to be filled. Show me a year when 5 million new small businesses have been created and show me how many of those businesses were created by low wage workers

The real world just does not support your fantasy

Yeah because for any of those people to make some extra scratch their only option is to work for someone else. There's no possible way anyone could make more money in a side business right?
These right wing assholes throw that word "slavery" far too freely.

Here's the definition: You're not a slave unless you try to leave your job and the boss comes after you, cuts your foot off, and then drags you back to work.

Until that happens, you are free to quit your job and go live off the grid in the woods free of any taxation or, as you people like to call it, "slavery".
You could easily fill out your personal taxes on a post card if the tax code didn't have exemptions, credits, or deductions. The only reason your taxes are so complicated is because of exemptions, credits, and deductions.

This isn't rocket science to figure out, people.

But your puppet masters want you to believe it is.

Who profits from a complicated tax scheme?

Accountants. They pay Congressional campaign funds over $28 million a year to keep the system complicated. If they are shelling out $28 million a year, then you know they must be really raking it in from you rubes.

Credits and deductions are a good way to encourage good behavior and discourage bad .

They can be very helpful to the economy .
The tax code is not a tool for social engineering. Taxes have one purpose and one purpose only : to raise the revenue the government needs to perform its duties enumerated in the Constitution

What people choose to do in their own lives is no concern of the government unless they violate another person's rights.

Thinking like your sis what has made the tax code the indecipherable 70000 page monster that it is today
Lot of empty rhetoric, no hard facts. How does a burger-flipper become an entrepreneur? Tell us, in detail.

A lot goes into it ... But guess the most important thing is the fact they don't want to be burger flippers forever.
Really ... If you can get past the stupid idea that is acceptable ... You've got half the battle won.

Even when you think you know where the money was spent, can anyone point to a clear and precise assessment or report of how effective the government spending was? Simple answer is that government doesn't feel it needs to prove the effectiveness of federal spending.

The burden taxes puts on the taxpayer is clear but surprisingly the government isn't burdened to prove that its spending is effective. Why isn't government being asked to prove the effectiveness of their spending?

"However, their success in achieving these goals may be measured and assessed less often than that of other programs with similar goals. Again, like spending programs, some tax expenditures may be ineffective at achieving their intended purposes, or they may duplicate other federal efforts."

Key Issues: Tax Expenditures

The government continually demonstrates no accountability and no responsibility towards the taxpayer. Fking crazy. All people seem to be able to ask is how much do I have to pay? It would be funny if it wasn't so sad.
Your personal anecdotes bring joy to my weary heart

But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big. We are talking about 35 million classified as working poor. There are not 35 million better jobs waiting to be filled. There are not 35 million small businesses waiting to be created.

As "heartwarming as the anecdotes may be ... They are not as rare as you think.
But let's talk about the part of your statement I bolded ...

"But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big."

They didn't "hit" nothing ... It ain't freaking luck or the lotto.

Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe success happens by accident.
The rest of us know it take effort, blood sweat and tears.

Go Out There And Find Your Greatness ... Or be a stupid freaking slave.


Lot of empty rhetoric, no hard facts. How does a burger-flipper become an entrepreneur? Tell us, in detail.

Gee maybe he starts detailing cars on his days off then gets referrals and then he's detailing cars almost every day. He quits his job and reinvests some of his money into his car detailing business. Soon he needs another guy to help him. Then maybe after he has a few guys he rents a garage and opens up a shop

Maybe he likes to cook and on Friday nights he gets a permit to sell sausage and peppers sandwiches to the drunks coming out of the clubs in town. He starts making a lot of extra money and invests in a food truck

need I go on?
free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...Oliver Wendell Holmes

Oliver is asleep. Taxes 50% of us pay, the other 50% get a free ride.

And yet, which group would you rather belong to?
The lower 50% are not, for the most part getting a free ride they are working for pathetic wages and struggling to support themselves
Don't like that they don't qualify to pay taxes? Pay them a wage where they do
Gee maybe he starts detailing cars on his days off then gets referrals and then he's detailing cars almost every day. He quits his job and reinvests some of his money into his car detailing business. Soon he needs another guy to help him. Then maybe after he has a few guys he rents a garage and opens up a shop

Maybe he likes to cook and on Friday nights he gets a permit to sell sausage and peppers sandwiches to the drunks coming out of the clubs in town. He starts making a lot of extra money and invests in a food truck

need I go on?

I agree ... In a broader context ... The first thing you have to do is understand that sitting and bitching about where you are and what you have in front of you solves nothing.

Figure out what it is you really want to do ... The more passion you have about your job, the easier it is to wake up and go to work.
There will be a thousand things that appear as obstacles ... Keep tackling them one at a time.
The government will put restrictions on just about everything you want to do ... Figure out ways to comply and keep moving forward.

Expect difficulties, heartbreak, long hours ... And in most cases, failure a few times.
Get knocked down ... Stand back up ... And get knocked back down again.
Learn from your mistakes ... Garner experience and better strategies.

Never give up on yourself ... Because there will always be some weak sob ready to give you a shoulder to cry on so you can be as worthless as they are.

Your personal anecdotes bring joy to my weary heart

But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big. We are talking about 35 million classified as working poor. There are not 35 million better jobs waiting to be filled. There are not 35 million small businesses waiting to be created.

As "heartwarming as the anecdotes may be ... They are not as rare as you think.
But let's talk about the part of your statement I bolded ...

"But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big."

They didn't "hit" nothing ... It ain't freaking luck or the lotto.

Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe success happens by accident.
The rest of us know it take effort, blood sweat and tears.

Go Out There And Find Your Greatness ... Or be a stupid freaking slave.


Lot of empty rhetoric, no hard facts. How does a burger-flipper become an entrepreneur? Tell us, in detail.

Here's one.

A college kid is working full time nights as a security guard and two days a week as an intern in an electronics co. He meets a guy who has a cleaning business and cleans not only the electronics co but does a lot of post construction clean up for a developer. The college kid needs extra dough so starts working for him on weekends at various condo construction sites.

The cleaning co owner also has a residential cleaning arm that his wife runs but they want to concentrate on the commercial side. So the college kid strikes a deal with the owner to buy out his residential business on a pay as you go deal. 40% of all revenue until the asking price was met. So the college kid took a semester off kept his night job and worked the cleaning biz during the day. Then he went back to school part time since he could make his own schedule it was easy to fit in classes around the cleaning. All the while he still kept his night job because he could study there.

After a year he had tripled the number of houses and had 3 employees. He did that until he got his degree and held on to the business until he got his Masters Degree

He was debt free out of college because he paid as he went and then he sold the cleaning business for 5 times what he paid for it.

I know this is true because that kid was me
You could easily fill out your personal taxes on a post card if the tax code didn't have exemptions, credits, or deductions. The only reason your taxes are so complicated is because of exemptions, credits, and deductions.

This isn't rocket science to figure out, people.

But your puppet masters want you to believe it is.

Who profits from a complicated tax scheme?

Accountants. They pay Congressional campaign funds over $28 million a year to keep the system complicated. If they are shelling out $28 million a year, then you know they must be really raking it in from you rubes.

Credits and deductions are a good way to encourage good behavior and discourage bad .

They can be very helpful to the economy .
The tax code is not a tool for social engineering. Taxes have one purpose and one purpose only : to raise the revenue the government needs to perform its duties enumerated in the Constitution

What people choose to do in their own lives is no concern of the government unless they violate another person's rights.

Thinking like your sis what has made the tax code the indecipherable 70000 page monster that it is today
Nothing says those taxes cannot be used to support the general welfare of "We the People" if that is what we desire
You could easily fill out your personal taxes on a post card if the tax code didn't have exemptions, credits, or deductions. The only reason your taxes are so complicated is because of exemptions, credits, and deductions.

This isn't rocket science to figure out, people.

But your puppet masters want you to believe it is.

Who profits from a complicated tax scheme?

Accountants. They pay Congressional campaign funds over $28 million a year to keep the system complicated. If they are shelling out $28 million a year, then you know they must be really raking it in from you rubes.

Credits and deductions are a good way to encourage good behavior and discourage bad .

They can be very helpful to the economy .
The tax code is not a tool for social engineering. Taxes have one purpose and one purpose only : to raise the revenue the government needs to perform its duties enumerated in the Constitution

What people choose to do in their own lives is no concern of the government unless they violate another person's rights.

Thinking like your sis what has made the tax code the indecipherable 70000 page monster that it is today
Nothing says those taxes cannot be used to support the general welfare of "We the People" if that is what we desire

There is nothing in the body of the constitution that says anything about the general welfare of the people. That is in the preamble and the preamble is not lawfully binding. It was thought that the terms of the constitution were supporting the general welfare already

And what does taxing what a person freely decides to do with or to his own body have to do with anyone else's welfare?

If I want to chain smoke in my house while hanging upside down from a chandelier while snorting coke and drinking 4 locos what business is it of the government or anyone else to tell me I can't or that I have to pay taxes to do so?
There is nothing in the body of the constitution that says anything about the general welfare of the people. That is in the preamble and the preamble is not lawfully binding. It was thought that the terms of the constitution were supporting the general welfare already

And what does taxing what a person freely decides to do with or to his own body have to do with anyone else's welfare?

If I want to chain smoke in my house while hanging upside down from a chandelier while snorting coke and drinking 4 locos what business is it of the government or anyone else to tell me I can't or that I have to pay taxes to do so?

Lolz ... You have to remember you are dealing with folks that think it is some kind of mystery ... Or that it takes a genius to ride a lawn mower.

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Lot of empty rhetoric, no hard facts. How does a burger-flipper become an entrepreneur? Tell us, in detail.

A lot goes into it ... But guess the most important thing is the fact they don't want to be burger flippers forever.
Really ... If you can get past the stupid idea that is acceptable ... You've got half the battle won.


I was thinking of the actual Real Life revenue involved in having enough cash money saved to start a business (the majority of which fail within the first year).

So how did your friend do it? Borrow from relatives? Consult a loan shark (because maybe you know of a bank that will lend to a minimum-wage employee with no collateral, but I don't). Rob a bank?

Seriously, how did he do it? Because if this is a real-life situation and not a fairy tale, there are lessons for all poor working people to learn from it.

Don't be selfish. Share what you know.
We should get rid of as many taxes on production as we can, such as the income tax, and start increasing taxes on consumption. This is the most efficient and most robust way to help the economy.

That's why I like the Fair Tax.

I'd think that if we replaced 'production' taxes with 'consumption' taxes, spending would be inhibited and we'd rocket into a total economic collapse. That might work in a communist society, but free will spending is the basis for any private sector economy.
Pick your poison. Tax income so there is less to spend or tax consumption and things cost a little more.

It's a lot harder to avoid a consumption tax. My only issue with the Fair tax is the monthly check sent to everyone in the country. Just lower the rate and get rid of that and Id support it
Without the prebate, the Fair Tax is just a sales tax.

The prebate serves to mitigate the regressive nature of a sales tax.
Your personal anecdotes bring joy to my weary heart

But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big. We are talking about 35 million classified as working poor. There are not 35 million better jobs waiting to be filled. There are not 35 million small businesses waiting to be created.

As "heartwarming as the anecdotes may be ... They are not as rare as you think.
But let's talk about the part of your statement I bolded ...

"But we are not talking about one or two burger flippers who hit it big."

They didn't "hit" nothing ... It ain't freaking luck or the lotto.

Luck is the last dying wish of those who want to believe success happens by accident.
The rest of us know it take effort, blood sweat and tears.

Go Out There And Find Your Greatness ... Or be a stupid freaking slave.


Lot of empty rhetoric, no hard facts. How does a burger-flipper become an entrepreneur? Tell us, in detail.

I will let you read how a guy started out as a share cropper....went on to mop floors in Macdonalds...and now is a millionaire businessman and Presidential Candidate...

John Kass talks about hard work with mayoral candidate Willie Wilson

Wilson is a successful businessman now, with McDonald's franchises and a medical supply company and money from other concerns, such as his gospel TV show. But Wilson didn't start out on carpets wearing loafers. He started in the cotton fields of Louisiana.

His parents were sharecroppers. And Wilson, even as a boy, plowed the fields with a mule.

"The mule's name was Charlie," Wilson told me the other day. "He was a hard worker. He'd plow fields and he'd pull the cart. He'd pull water from the well.

"Everybody worked, all the family, working in the fields, working hard, getting up in the morning, working hard, day after day," Wilson told me. "There are hard-working people in Chicago who understand me."


In Chicago he worked menial jobs, including at a McDonald's on the South Side. He climbed to supervisor, and then took a chance. He talked to the boss, who also didn't have an easy life.

"Actually I didn't have any money. I went to Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald's, and I asked him for one. And he gave it to me," Wilson said.
We should get rid of as many taxes on production as we can, such as the income tax, and start increasing taxes on consumption. This is the most efficient and most robust way to help the economy.

That's why I like the Fair Tax.

I'd think that if we replaced 'production' taxes with 'consumption' taxes, spending would be inhibited and we'd rocket into a total economic collapse. That might work in a communist society, but free will spending is the basis for any private sector economy.
The more you tax something, the less of it you get. Do you want less production or less consumption?

Right now, we opt for reducing production and that is worse for the economy.
You could easily fill out your personal taxes on a post card if the tax code didn't have exemptions, credits, or deductions. The only reason your taxes are so complicated is because of exemptions, credits, and deductions.

This isn't rocket science to figure out, people.

But your puppet masters want you to believe it is.

Who profits from a complicated tax scheme?

Accountants. They pay Congressional campaign funds over $28 million a year to keep the system complicated. If they are shelling out $28 million a year, then you know they must be really raking it in from you rubes.

Credits and deductions are a good way to encourage good behavior and discourage bad .

They can be very helpful to the economy .
I strongly disagree with the idea we should be part of a massive government behavioral control program!
We should get rid of as many taxes on production as we can, such as the income tax, and start increasing taxes on consumption. This is the most efficient and most robust way to help the economy.

That's why I like the Fair Tax.

I'd think that if we replaced 'production' taxes with 'consumption' taxes, spending would be inhibited and we'd rocket into a total economic collapse. That might work in a communist society, but free will spending is the basis for any private sector economy.
Pick your poison. Tax income so there is less to spend or tax consumption and things cost a little more.

It's a lot harder to avoid a consumption tax. My only issue with the Fair tax is the monthly check sent to everyone in the country. Just lower the rate and get rid of that and Id support it
Without the prebate, the Fair Tax is just a sales tax.

The prebate serves to mitigate the regressive nature of a sales tax.
So would just taxing at a lower rate.

I don't see the sense in charging for example a 25% sales tax only to have to pay to write a check to millions of people every month to bring that tax down to an effective 12% just make it 12% to start and skip the writing of 300 million checks every month
If you work and someone else takes 51% of what you earn.....they are your boss...your master.....

Try paying all of your taxes except for 1 dollar.....and when the IRS asks for it, tell them you are not going to pay me from prison to let me know how it went for you.

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