At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

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free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...Oliver Wendell Holmes

Oliver is asleep. Taxes 50% of us pay, the other 50% get a free ride.

And yet, which group would you rather belong to?
The lower 50% are not, for the most part getting a free ride they are working for pathetic wages and struggling to support themselves
Don't like that they don't qualify to pay taxes? Pay them a wage where they do

Well, when you idiots get through taxing the rich and the corporations out of the country and drive small business out of business with yer fifteen dollar wage then what will you do for cash? I'd like to hear it.
I was thinking of the actual Real Life revenue involved in having enough cash money saved to start a business (the majority of which fail within the first year).

So how did your friend do it? Borrow from relatives? Consult a loan shark (because maybe you know of a bank that will lend to a minimum-wage employee with no collateral, but I don't). Rob a bank?

Seriously, how did he do it? Because if this is a real-life situation and not a fairy tale, there are lessons for all poor working people to learn from it.

Don't be selfish. Share what you know.

It really depends on what it is you find you want to do.
For starters ... The ability to stop thinking about what doesn't work and finding what will work helps.

Personally ... I liked being debt free getting started.
That meant I worked a freaking job I wasn't thrilled about until I could save enough money to get started.

My passion was Quality ... And I worked for a trademarking agency as a Quality Auditor.
While working and saving money ... I got them to supply me with all the certifications, and exculpatory knowledge I would need to move forward.
I lived in a tiny apartment ... Drove a beat-up junker (until they gave me a company car to make mill calls).
I worked every hour I possibly could ... Took every crappy assignment available.

Believe me ... It wasn't a freaking "fairytale" ... It was crap.

Then ... When I was satisfied I had the knowledge, certifications I needed, and important industry contacts ... I opened a business as a Quality Consulting Agency.
It started small ... I pounded the pavement ... Went to trade shows.
Started giving certification preparatory seminars for companies who wanted to get employees certified.

The important part is to find what it is you want to do ... And keep heading for that goal.


That's about right. I can't disagree.

but what if those opportunities hadn't been available to you?

most people are two paychecks away from homelessness. building a business is out of the question.

as an aside, what is "exculpatory knowledge"? my understanding of exculpatory is something tending to prove innocence.
A lot goes into it ... But guess the most important thing is the fact they don't want to be burger flippers forever.
Really ... If you can get past the stupid idea that is acceptable ... You've got half the battle won.


I was thinking of the actual Real Life revenue involved in having enough cash money saved to start a business (the majority of which fail within the first year).

So how did your friend do it? Borrow from relatives? Consult a loan shark (because maybe you know of a bank that will lend to a minimum-wage employee with no collateral, but I don't). Rob a bank?

Seriously, how did he do it? Because if this is a real-life situation and not a fairy tale, there are lessons for all poor working people to learn from it.

Don't be selfish. Share what you know.

How do foreign immigrants do do they come here with nothing and save up to buy a franchise......they break their backs and work non stop to get the money together....that's how........and they don't let anyone stop them......they don't cry racism..they don't cry injustice...they save money, and buy a business...and the democrats make that harder and harder every year.....

Well you can't expect people to work 2 or 3 jobs you know. Never take a day off for months??? The HORROR!!!! Work Holidays??? OH MY GAWWWWD

Show where there are 35 million "extra" jobs so that low paid workers can take two or three of them

And I repeat

So you thinkk the only way to make extra money is to work for someone else?

You think it is entirely impossible for someone to make extra money by say offering to clean a person's house or yard or to detail his car or to babysit his kids etc etc etc

I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people
I was thinking of the actual Real Life revenue involved in having enough cash money saved to start a business (the majority of which fail within the first year).

So how did your friend do it? Borrow from relatives? Consult a loan shark (because maybe you know of a bank that will lend to a minimum-wage employee with no collateral, but I don't). Rob a bank?

Seriously, how did he do it? Because if this is a real-life situation and not a fairy tale, there are lessons for all poor working people to learn from it.

Don't be selfish. Share what you know.

How do foreign immigrants do do they come here with nothing and save up to buy a franchise......they break their backs and work non stop to get the money together....that's how........and they don't let anyone stop them......they don't cry racism..they don't cry injustice...they save money, and buy a business...and the democrats make that harder and harder every year.....

Well you can't expect people to work 2 or 3 jobs you know. Never take a day off for months??? The HORROR!!!! Work Holidays??? OH MY GAWWWWD

Show where there are 35 million "extra" jobs so that low paid workers can take two or three of them

And I repeat

So you thinkk the only way to make extra money is to work for someone else?

You think it is entirely impossible for someone to make extra money by say offering to clean a person's house or yard or to detail his car or to babysit his kids etc etc etc

I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people
Were you born rich? I was not. Do you think all successful Americans were born rich?
free? lol
We don't have private property anymore, we get FORCED to pay for other peoples shit(even our Supreme Court is spinning that shit), liberty attacked DAILY. We aint fuckin free. We are all slaves to the globalist war mongers.

Taxes are the price we pay to live in a civilized society...Oliver Wendell Holmes

Oliver is asleep. Taxes 50% of us pay, the other 50% get a free ride.

And yet, which group would you rather belong to?
The lower 50% are not, for the most part getting a free ride they are working for pathetic wages and struggling to support themselves
Don't like that they don't qualify to pay taxes? Pay them a wage where they do

Well, when you idiots get through taxing the rich and the corporations out of the country and drive small business out of business with yer fifteen dollar wage then what will you do for cash? I'd like to hear it.

You sound like Ayn Rand
How do foreign immigrants do do they come here with nothing and save up to buy a franchise......they break their backs and work non stop to get the money together....that's how........and they don't let anyone stop them......they don't cry racism..they don't cry injustice...they save money, and buy a business...and the democrats make that harder and harder every year.....

Well you can't expect people to work 2 or 3 jobs you know. Never take a day off for months??? The HORROR!!!! Work Holidays??? OH MY GAWWWWD

Show where there are 35 million "extra" jobs so that low paid workers can take two or three of them

And I repeat

So you thinkk the only way to make extra money is to work for someone else?

You think it is entirely impossible for someone to make extra money by say offering to clean a person's house or yard or to detail his car or to babysit his kids etc etc etc

I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people
Were you born rich? I was not. Do you think all successful Americans were born rich?

"I was born a poor black child"

Until I discovered my "Special Purpose"
I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

You have no challenge to offer really ... Showing a number of one is all you need.
The point is that it can be done ... And my point is that not everyone is going to do what is necessary to achieve the appropriate goals.

I don't give a flying fluff about the people who refuse to do whatever is necessary to secure their own existence.
If they don't care enough about themselves to do what is necessary ... Then why should anyone else?

I will help anyone that falls on bad times ... Because we all have failures of some kind or another.
But to pay someone to sit in the same place and do the same things that continue to fail them ... Forget it.

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I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

You have no challenge to offer really ... Showing a number of one is all you need.
The point is that it can be done ... And my point is that not everyone is going to do what is necessary to achieve the appropriate goals.

I don't give a flying fluff about the people who refuse to do whatever is necessary to secure their own existence.
If they don't care enough about themselves to do what is necessary ... Then why should anyone else?

I will help anyone that falls on bad times ... Because we all have failures of some kind or another.
But to pay someone to sit in the same place and do the same things that continue to fail them ... Forget it.


Republican logic...If one can do it, 35 million can do it
To answer the question:
  • All marginal tax rates 100%
  • Forced to work at whatever position you're told to, for as long as you're told to
  • No work safety laws or age limits
  • No personal property outside of what is allowed by that particular employer
  • Regular beatings & whippings and threats of beatings & whippings
  • No health care
  • No retirement plan
  • Forced inter-generational employment
  • Your name may be changed at the whim of your employer
That's a start.
Just because the science of slavery has advanced in the 21st century to the point where it is unrecognizable as slavery, does not mean it isn't slavery anymore. With the advent of emancipation, the output of the slaves has increased enormously. For the slave holders of the chattel, it is about constantly increasing production. All world government constantly measures production and tries to implement measures to increase the productivity of their slaves, it is only common sense.


If you wish, for the sake of making your on bondage feel less irritating, to call it something else, feel free.

  • The illusion of freedom requires you to provide your own housing, food, clothing. . . this free up the responsibility of the masters greatly. Enough money will be left to the slaves for this, no more.
  • Emancipation, the philosophy where letting the slaves choose their occupation, was found to greatly increase their productivity. This benefited the masters. It is an illusion to the slaves that it was for them.
  • Taking care of slaves, the most valuable capital, is a benefit to the masters.
  • A happy slave is a productive slave.
  • Madison Ave., MSM, and Credit Scores have replaced beating and whippings.
  • It is still in the masters best interest to take care of his slaves, but in the end, he makes his slaves pay for that up keep. This covers both health care and retirement. Everyone knows you never get something for nothing.
  • The masters now only see you as a number. Pick whatever name you wish 24601. :badgrin:

Slavery is still slavery, however cleverly disguised.

Calling it "slavery" is an insult to all of those who suffered under the real thing.

Stark hyperbole does nothing to advance a case, because it immediately renders the case suspect.

Any American who thinks they're existing under slavery is hyper-sensitive, intellectually paralyzed by their ideology and without credibility.

If all you can come up with is to call what I have posted, "stark hyperbole," then I don't suppose we will see eye to eye.

The fact is, those who enter the business of government, or private contracting for government, seek to enrich themselves off the back of productive Americans. They have no other purpose.

The states and local communities would do just fine in the 21st century if D.C. just sank into the Atlantic. Better than fine in fact, they would probably explode with prosperity.

Do you really feel that total tax rates of over 50% makes you a slave?
I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

You have no challenge to offer really ... Showing a number of one is all you need.
The point is that it can be done ... And my point is that not everyone is going to do what is necessary to achieve the appropriate goals.

I don't give a flying fluff about the people who refuse to do whatever is necessary to secure their own existence.
If they don't care enough about themselves to do what is necessary ... Then why should anyone else?

I will help anyone that falls on bad times ... Because we all have failures of some kind or another.
But to pay someone to sit in the same place and do the same things that continue to fail them ... Forget it.


Republican logic...If one can do it, 35 million can do it
Were you born rich?
I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

You have no challenge to offer really ... Showing a number of one is all you need.
The point is that it can be done ... And my point is that not everyone is going to do what is necessary to achieve the appropriate goals.

I don't give a flying fluff about the people who refuse to do whatever is necessary to secure their own existence.
If they don't care enough about themselves to do what is necessary ... Then why should anyone else?

I will help anyone that falls on bad times ... Because we all have failures of some kind or another.
But to pay someone to sit in the same place and do the same things that continue to fail them ... Forget it.


Republican logic...If one can do it, 35 million can do it
Were you born rich?
I was born a poor black child

I did not become rich until I invented this thing that keeps your glasses from sliding off your nose

So then they just pay 25% on what's deemed not a basic need

To be more specific, they pay 25% on any spending deemed to be above what is a subsistence level.

That's no different than a progressive income tax then where some dollars are deemed less necessary than others. How do you know how much a person spends on "basic needs" every month?

Why not just exempt "basic needs" like food and clothing from the tax?
Because that opens the door to the problem we have right now with the income tax. As soon as you start allowing for any exemptions, that becomes a wedge to ever increasing corruption. You give Congress a huge incentive to put more and more exemptions in the code in exchange for campaign cash.

So then get rid of all the exemptions and just tax everything g at a lower rate. I just cannot see the sense in the government sending out hundreds of millions of payments every month it's an expense that can easily be done away with
I was thinking of the actual Real Life revenue involved in having enough cash money saved to start a business (the majority of which fail within the first year).

So how did your friend do it? Borrow from relatives? Consult a loan shark (because maybe you know of a bank that will lend to a minimum-wage employee with no collateral, but I don't). Rob a bank?

Seriously, how did he do it? Because if this is a real-life situation and not a fairy tale, there are lessons for all poor working people to learn from it.

Don't be selfish. Share what you know.

How do foreign immigrants do do they come here with nothing and save up to buy a franchise......they break their backs and work non stop to get the money together....that's how........and they don't let anyone stop them......they don't cry racism..they don't cry injustice...they save money, and buy a business...and the democrats make that harder and harder every year.....

Well you can't expect people to work 2 or 3 jobs you know. Never take a day off for months??? The HORROR!!!! Work Holidays??? OH MY GAWWWWD

Show where there are 35 million "extra" jobs so that low paid workers can take two or three of them

And I repeat

So you thinkk the only way to make extra money is to work for someone else?

You think it is entirely impossible for someone to make extra money by say offering to clean a person's house or yard or to detail his car or to babysit his kids etc etc etc

I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

We have what 5% unemployment now so anyone who wants to find a second job can anyone who wants to show some initiative and make money on the side working for themselves can. You're the one who thinks the only way to earn money is to work for someone else who posted a job opening in the paper. Your limited thinking is your problem not mine
I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

You have no challenge to offer really ... Showing a number of one is all you need.
The point is that it can be done ... And my point is that not everyone is going to do what is necessary to achieve the appropriate goals.

I don't give a flying fluff about the people who refuse to do whatever is necessary to secure their own existence.
If they don't care enough about themselves to do what is necessary ... Then why should anyone else?

I will help anyone that falls on bad times ... Because we all have failures of some kind or another.
But to pay someone to sit in the same place and do the same things that continue to fail them ... Forget it.


Republican logic...If one can do it, 35 million can do it

I'm not a republican.
Democrat logic: You can't do that because you're too pathetic to help yourself so let the government do it for you
Republican logic...If one can do it, 35 million can do it

That isn't what I expressed at all ... In fact quite the opposite.
That's ignorant "rightwinger logic" for ya ... Fail at comprehension and make baseless incorrect statements and assertions.

Perhaps I can use an analogy that can help you understand.

You may be too stupid or lazy to wipe your backside before you get off the potty.
That just means you are going to be a stinky and nasty son of a gun.
It certainly doesn't mean that I am going to wipe it for you.

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How do foreign immigrants do do they come here with nothing and save up to buy a franchise......they break their backs and work non stop to get the money together....that's how........and they don't let anyone stop them......they don't cry racism..they don't cry injustice...they save money, and buy a business...and the democrats make that harder and harder every year.....

Well you can't expect people to work 2 or 3 jobs you know. Never take a day off for months??? The HORROR!!!! Work Holidays??? OH MY GAWWWWD

Show where there are 35 million "extra" jobs so that low paid workers can take two or three of them

And I repeat

So you thinkk the only way to make extra money is to work for someone else?

You think it is entirely impossible for someone to make extra money by say offering to clean a person's house or yard or to detail his car or to babysit his kids etc etc etc

I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

We have what 5% unemployment now so anyone who wants to find a second job can anyone who wants to show some initiative and make money on the side working for themselves can. You're the one who thinks the only way to earn money is to work for someone else who posted a job opening in the paper. Your limited thinking is your problem not mine
You failed to answer the question

The five percent unemployment already includes the working poor. We add around 200,000 jobs a month. Show me the 35 million "better jobs" so these people can move up
Republican logic...If one can do it, 35 million can do it

That isn't what I expressed at all ... In fact quite the opposite.
That's ignorant "rightwinger logic" for ya ... Fail at comprehension and make baseless incorrect statements and assertions.

Perhaps I can use an analogy that can help you understand.

You may be too stupid or lazy to wipe your backside before you get off the potty.
That just means you are going to be a stinky and nasty son of a gun.
It certainly doesn't mean that I am going to wipe it for you.

I give you the same me 35 million better paying jobs for low paid workers to move up to
I give you the same me 35 million better paying jobs for low paid workers to move up to

Why would I show you crap ... I am not asking for 35 million anything.
Hell ... I would be happy if 1 damn imbecile like yourself had the common sense to figure out that if they want to succeed at improving their life ... They have to do something different.

Are you stuck on retarded?


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