At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

  • 90%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
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  • 70%

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  • 50%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 40%

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • 30%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 20%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 10%

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
I give you the same me 35 million better paying jobs for low paid workers to move up to

Okay ... Let me back-track because I think you fail to understand basic truths of the matter.

What you keep expressing you want (35 million better jobs for low wage workers) isn't going to be necessary.
Not because it wouldn't be nice ... Nor because it couldn't actually happen.
But because there aren't 35 million low wage earners eager enough to do what is necessary to achieve a better paying job.

How do I know this ... Because there are already programs that support low wage workers who would like to gain more skills or learn another trade.
Those programs are already funded ... They are well developed ... And they are not full (never have been).

And as long as goofy bastards such as yourself keep making excuses for people ...
And keep trying to figure out how you can accomplish what cannot be accomplished because the people you want to help don't want to help themselves ...

... All the numbers and wasted money you throw at it won't fix a damn thing.

As a business owner ... All I can say is that your expectations exceed your ability to produce the results you desire.

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I give you the same me 35 million better paying jobs for low paid workers to move up to

Okay ... Let me back-track because I think you fail to understand basic truths of the matter.

What you keep expressing you want (35 million better jobs for low wage workers) isn't going to be necessary.
Not because it wouldn't be nice ... Nor because it couldn't actually happen.
But because there aren't 35 million low wage earners eager enough to do what is necessary to achieve a better paying job.

How do I know this ... Because there are already programs that support low wage workers who would like to gain more skills or learn another trade.
Those programs are already funded ... They are well developed ... And they are not full (never have been).

And as long as goofy bastards such as yourself keep making excuses for people ...
And keep trying to figure out how you can accomplish what cannot be accomplished because the people you want to help don't want to help themselves ...

... All the numbers and wasted money you throw at it won't fix a damn thing.

As a business owner ... All I can say is that your expectations exceed your ability to produce the results you desire.

Same old conservative bullshit

Blame the victims not the employers who profit off of wages their employees cannot possibly live off of

Your answer is to tell them to get a better job while you obviously admit the better paying jobs are not there
Same old conservative bullshit

Blame the victims not the employers who profit off of wages their employees cannot possibly live off of

Your answer is to tell them to get a better job while you obviously admit the better paying jobs are not there

Now that is bullshit ... I am not blaming anybody of anything (other than you for being stupid).

The better jobs are there ... Visit a stinking job site you buffoon.
The training is available and has been.

You cannot read ... No wonder you are retarded.

Same old conservative bullshit

Blame the victims not the employers who profit off of wages their employees cannot possibly live off of

Your answer is to tell them to get a better job while you obviously admit the better paying jobs are not there

Now that is bullshit ... I am not blaming anybody of anything (other than you for being stupid).

The better jobs are there ... Visit a stinking job site you buffoon.
The training is available and has been.

You cannot read ... No wonder you are retarded.

Jobs are not there for millions of Americans. Jobs that used to pay a salary that you can raise a family on longer do
You blame the wonder you are retarded
Jobs are not there for millions of Americans. Jobs that used to pay a salary that you can raise a family on longer do
You blame the wonder you are retarded

No ... If I was going to blame anyone for the lack of jobs (which I don't) ... It wouldn't be the workers.
It would be people like you who think that jobs are the result of wanting a job that pays you whatever you want to be paid just because you want it.
That coupled with the fact you don't have what it takes to actually do something ... And create a business that supplies someone with a job you wish they had.

There are plenty of jobs that pay enough to raise a family.
I can see you don't even have the wherewithal to pull up any of the hundreds of jobs sites that list them.
More importantly ... Nothing says you cannot go into business for yourself ... Plenty of people do that as well.

All you have is a bunch of "can't" ... And "can't" never did a mother ******* thing.
What a loser ... And worse, you want to drag other people down there with you.

Jobs are not there for millions of Americans. Jobs that used to pay a salary that you can raise a family on longer do
You blame the wonder you are retarded

No ... If I was going to blame anyone for the lack of jobs (which I don't) ... It wouldn't be the workers.
It would be people like you who think that jobs are the result of wanting a job that pays you whatever you want to be paid just because you want it.
That coupled with the fact you don't have what it takes to actually do something ... And create a business that supplies someone with a job you wish they had.

There are plenty of jobs that pay enough to raise a family.
I can see you don't even have the wherewithal to pull up any of the hundreds of jobs sites that list them.
More importantly ... Nothing says you cannot go into business for yourself ... Plenty of people do that as well.

All you have is a bunch of "can't" ... And "can't" never did a mother ******* thing.
What a loser ... And worse, you want to drag other people down there with you.

Again you lose the economy of scale

There are "plenty" of good paying jobs but not enough to provide opportunities to the 35 million workers who still need government assistance

And you are still a retard
Again you lose the economy of scale

There are "plenty" of good paying jobs but not enough to provide opportunities to the 35 million workers who still need government assistance

And you are still a retard

You cannot say what jobs there are or aren't because more jobs would become available if more people applied themselves in a manner that achieved higher jobs.
As the economy expands ... So will the opportunities ... But that isn't what you want ... You want to put pressure on the economy.

That the problem with all the "zero-sum folks" ... All you can see is the zero.
If you think that the best thing a worker can do to help themselves is to convince enough people they need to be making $15 an hour to flip hamburgers ...

... Well you might as well just bend them over a table and lube them up real good ... It isn't their bosses trying to screw them.

Again you lose the economy of scale

There are "plenty" of good paying jobs but not enough to provide opportunities to the 35 million workers who still need government assistance

And you are still a retard

You cannot say what jobs there are or aren't because more jobs would become available if more people applied themselves in a manner that achieved higher jobs.
As the economy expands ... So will the opportunities ... But that isn't what you want ... You want to put pressure on the economy.

That the problem with all the "zero-sum folks" ... All you can see is the zero.
If you think that the best thing a worker can do to help themselves is to convince enough people they need to be making $15 an hour to flip hamburgers ...

... Well you might as well just bend them over a table and lube them up real good ... It isn't their bosses trying to screw them.

Buckle down and try harder...the classic Republucan refrain
While they give a free pass to the capitalists holding down competititive salaries

You are in fact, a retard
Buckle down and try harder...the classic Republucan refrain
While they give a free pass to the capitalists holding down competititive salaries

You are in fact, a retard

I don't give anyone a free pass ... You are the one trying to make/keep people victims ... And passing out free crap.
I am just not apologizing for something I have no control over (like the big evil corporate whatever's hiding in your closet).

You better step up your game peanut ... You are offering nothing but continued failure.
I have faith in people ... And know some people can do better.

Because you think I am a retard, Republican or whatever ... Is just another sign of your incompetence.

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Buckle down and try harder...the classic Republucan refrain
While they give a free pass to the capitalists holding down competititive salaries

You are in fact, a retard

I don't give anyone a free pass ... You are the one trying to make/keep people victims ... And passing out free crap.
I am just not apologizing for something I have no control over (like the big evil corporate whatever's hiding in your closet).

You better step up your game peanut ... You are offering nothing but continued failure.
I have faith in people ... And know some people can do better.

Because you think I am a retard, Republican or whatever ... Is just another sign of your incompetence.

I realize I am trying to explain a complex issue to a retard, so I will try to keep it simple

Man can't get good job if good jobs not there
Back when he democrats owned blacks as slaves....some slave with special skills...Metal Smiths, Carpenters....and such, would be rented out to other democrat slave owners........the owner of the slave, to encourage good work, would sometimes allow the slave to keep a tiny, tiny portion of the fee for themselves.... what tax rate does one become a slave?

sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....

You're a slave at 1%
I realize I am trying to explain a complex issue to a retard, so I will try to keep it simple

Man can't get good job if good jobs not there

They are there .... Do you need me to give you links to any number of job sites that offer positions from 60-120k?
I mean do you think that is too complicated for you to handle?

Don't try to keep things simple for me ... Get your head out of your ass ... Or at least your foot out of your mouth.

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Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.
It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Our top marginal tax rates have been over 90% and we were free.

"Freedom" and "liberty" are not absolute, they come with costs agreed to within the civilization.
I'm going to have to agree with 2aguy here.


“And yet we have what purports, or professes, or is claimed, to be a contract—the Constitution—made eighty years ago, by men who are now all dead, and who never had any power to bind us, but which (it is claimed) has nevertheless bound three generations of men, consisting of many millions, and which (it is claimed) will be binding upon all the millions that are to come; but which nobody ever signed, sealed, delivered, witnessed, or acknowledged; and which few persons, compared with the whole number that are claimed to be bound by it, have ever read, or even seen, or ever will read, or see.”
Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
I realize I am trying to explain a complex issue to a retard, so I will try to keep it simple

Man can't get good job if good jobs not there

They are there .... Do you need me to give you links to any number of job sites that offer positions from 60-120k?
I mean do you think that is too complicated for you to handle?

Don't try to keep things simple for me ... Get your head out of your ass ... Or at least your foot out of your mouth.


OK your links

Show me 35 million job openings at $60-120k

< watch the retard move the goalpost>
Back when he democrats owned blacks as slaves....some slave with special skills...Metal Smiths, Carpenters....and such, would be rented out to other democrat slave owners........the owner of the slave, to encourage good work, would sometimes allow the slave to keep a tiny, tiny portion of the fee for themselves.... what tax rate does one become a slave?

sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....
“A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years. Neither are a people any the less slaves because permitted periodically to choose new masters. What makes them slaves is the fact that they now are, and are always hereafter to be, in the hands of men whose power over them is, and always is to be, absolute and irresponsible.6”
Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.
It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Our top marginal tax rates have been over 90% and we were free.

"Freedom" and "liberty" are not absolute, they come with costs agreed to within the civilization.
I'm going to have to agree with 2aguy here.


“Still another reason why the payment of taxes implies no consent, or pledge, to support the government, is that the taxpayer does not know, and has no means of knowing, who the particular individuals are who compose "the government." To him "the government" is a myth, an abstraction, an incorporeality, with which he can make no contract, and to which he can give no consent, and make no pledge. He knows it only through its pretended agents. "The government" itself he never sees.”
Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.
It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Our top marginal tax rates have been over 90% and we were free.

"Freedom" and "liberty" are not absolute, they come with costs agreed to within the civilization.
I'm going to have to agree with 2aguy here.


“The pretense that the "abolition of slavery" was either a motive or justification for the war, is a fraud of the same character with that of "maintaining the national honor." Who, but such usurpers, robbers, and murderers as they, ever established slavery? Or what government, except one resting upon the sword, like the one we now have, was ever capable of maintaining slavery? And why did these men abolish slavery? Not from any love of liberty in general—not as an act of justice to the black man himself, but only "as a war measure," and because they wanted his assistance, and that of his friends, in carrying on the war they had undertaken for maintaining and intensifying that political, commercial, and industrial slavery, to which they have subjected the great body of the people, both black and white.”
Lysander Spooner, No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority
Back when he democrats owned blacks as slaves....some slave with special skills...Metal Smiths, Carpenters....and such, would be rented out to other democrat slave owners........the owner of the slave, to encourage good work, would sometimes allow the slave to keep a tiny, tiny portion of the fee for themselves.... what tax rate does one become a slave?

sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....

With slavery, it wasn't 50% but 3/5 free.
So that's 40%.

People generally agree to tithe at 10%.
Tipping is at 15-20% so that is probably the most people will give freely.

The rest should be done by discretion, similar to charity or business investing that
is up to the person what they want to invest.

If something involves beliefs, then nobody should be forced to fund something
that goes against their beliefs, but that should always remain voluntary.

I recommend running social programs through either charities, schools
businesses or parties, and reduce the federal govt to just the programs and policies
all people agree to fund, where 10% is enough and people are happy to give that or more.

Let the rest be funded by lending to govt, voluntarily per program,
where taxpayers are either rewarded with tax breaks for their investments
or can even earn interest on investment money similar to the federal reserve
that pays interest to private lenders.
Well you can't expect people to work 2 or 3 jobs you know. Never take a day off for months??? The HORROR!!!! Work Holidays??? OH MY GAWWWWD

Show where there are 35 million "extra" jobs so that low paid workers can take two or three of them

And I repeat

So you thinkk the only way to make extra money is to work for someone else?

You think it is entirely impossible for someone to make extra money by say offering to clean a person's house or yard or to detail his car or to babysit his kids etc etc etc

I've already challenged you to show me the numbers.
Not an anecdotal account of one guy beating the odds, but real numbers where the working poor can get out of poverty. You say that they can start a business? Show a year where five million small businesses have been a significant number of those businesses started by low income people

We have what 5% unemployment now so anyone who wants to find a second job can anyone who wants to show some initiative and make money on the side working for themselves can. You're the one who thinks the only way to earn money is to work for someone else who posted a job opening in the paper. Your limited thinking is your problem not mine
You failed to answer the question

The five percent unemployment already includes the working poor. We add around 200,000 jobs a month. Show me the 35 million "better jobs" so these people can move up

So now instead of anpther part time job to make extra money you are asking me for better full yimr jobs?
Republican logic...If one can do it, 35 million can do it

That isn't what I expressed at all ... In fact quite the opposite.
That's ignorant "rightwinger logic" for ya ... Fail at comprehension and make baseless incorrect statements and assertions.

Perhaps I can use an analogy that can help you understand.

You may be too stupid or lazy to wipe your backside before you get off the potty.
That just means you are going to be a stinky and nasty son of a gun.
It certainly doesn't mean that I am going to wipe it for you.

I give you the same me 35 million better paying jobs for low paid workers to move up to

Show me the 35 million looking to move up.

The fact is anyone can make more money if they want there are countless ways to do it.

Funny how anyone I ever knew could always find a part time job or some other way to make extra money. If you can't that's your problem
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Actually you can be a slave at both ends of the spectrum. Pay more to the government than you keep from the fruits of your labor makes you one. At the other end if you pay nothing at all while enjoying the benefits provided by the government at the expense of someone else's labor, you are also a slave.

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