At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

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I wouldn't know I don't belong to any party like you pathetic sheep.

Neither do I. I just realize that you have to make choices in life, and just because not all the choices are ideal, doesn't mean you still don't have to make them.

I did vote Republican for years because some of the democrats were truly awful. In 2012, I voted for Obama because I thought Romney would be a lot worse. This year, I have no love for Hillary, but Trump is fucking crazy, and I don't like giving crazy people nukes for some reason.

And do you really think someone with a 100K income should be in the 45% bracket

Oh wait of course you do because you never made anywhere near that

I'm probably going to get close to that this year, between my regular job and my side business. And I don't have to live in a flat above the company.

I think that we should pay for everything the government does rather than borrow money to pay for it. That's EXACTLY what they did in those years when the tax rate was as high as it was. We spent a shitload of money for WWII and the Cold War, but we paid for it.

You see, it used to be that people who advocated the Voodoo Economics of Supply Side used to argue that cutting taxes for the rich would increase revenue. It didn't. We went from less than a Trillion dollars in Debt after 200 years in 1980 to 17 trillion a mere 36 years later.

Then you guys started arguing that cutting taxes would "Starve the beast" and reduce the size of government. That didn't happen either. IN fact, when people figured out they could get more government and not have to pay for it, they were all for more of it.

Now your argument is screaming , "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine" like Daffy Duck in one of those old cartoons.

That's funny. Your little cut and paste hobby isn't a business.

And yes I lived in an apartment above my business so what? It's called sacrifice and good financial management. It didn't make sense for us to keep two buildings when we first started out and it allowed us to pour a lot of money back into the business the first few years. But you don't know anything about taking a risk and you couldn't handle the responsibility of everything hinging on what you do.

At least I don't live in Mama's basement like you.
We moved into a brand new house that I built with no mortgage 6 months ago.
That's funny. Your little cut and paste hobby isn't a business.

the IRS tells me it is. So does my increased bank balance.

But okay.

And yes I lived in an apartment above my business so what? It's called sacrifice and good financial management. It didn't make sense for us to keep two buildings when we first started out and it allowed us to pour a lot of money back into the business the first few years. But you don't know anything about taking a risk and you couldn't handle the responsibility of everything hinging on what you do.

Yes, you spent a lot of time building your dunghill, so you can crow at the apex of it, but it's still a dunghill.

At least I don't live in Mama's basement like you.
We moved into a brand new house that I built with no mortgage 6 months ago.

And now he's back to trying to convince a total stranger how successful he is...

You have a strong need for validation...
People like Little Joey, prefer being a slave to the central government...they are just too feeble minded to bother thinking for themselves.

Duly noted you really couldn't answer the points made.

Libertarians need to adopt Peter Pan as their mascot.
Hey Joe....I heard you shot your old lady down???....ops I forgot you live in that cesspool of Chicago where law abiding folks can't own a you are too much of pussy to own a gun. right?
Like you people calling my business a dung hill?

Wasn't me calling your business a "dung hill".

Hell you seem so ashamed of your business you can't even say what the business IS.

Hey maybe your business sits on a dung hill. Are you in the fertilizer business? You sure spread a lot of shit.
And yes I lived in an apartment above my business so what? It's called sacrifice and good financial management. It didn't make sense for us to keep two buildings when we first started out and it allowed us to pour a lot of money back into the business the first few years. But you don't know anything about taking a risk and you couldn't handle the responsibility of everything hinging on what you do.

At least I don't live in Mama's basement like you.
We moved into a brand new house that I built with no mortgage 6 months ago.
Well done, I don't think most people realize the amount of work, dedication and stress that it takes to start & run a successful business, not to mention the discipline to actually work ON the business instead of just IN it.

Unfortunately all too often successful entrepreneurs are scoffed at and demonized these days, instead of being applauded and emulated as they should be.
Back when he democrats owned blacks as slaves....some slave with special skills...Metal Smiths, Carpenters....and such, would be rented out to other democrat slave owners........the owner of the slave, to encourage good work, would sometimes allow the slave to keep a tiny, tiny portion of the fee for themselves.... what tax rate does one become a slave?

sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....

Why don't we take a look at this from a more real point of view. You, the rich businessman pays no more than 15 percent on your paychecks,which has the effect of enslaving the rest of us to much higher tax rates just to make up the difference between what you pay, and what you should be paying.
That's funny. Your little cut and paste hobby isn't a business.

the IRS tells me it is. So does my increased bank balance.

But okay.

And yes I lived in an apartment above my business so what? It's called sacrifice and good financial management. It didn't make sense for us to keep two buildings when we first started out and it allowed us to pour a lot of money back into the business the first few years. But you don't know anything about taking a risk and you couldn't handle the responsibility of everything hinging on what you do.

Yes, you spent a lot of time building your dunghill, so you can crow at the apex of it, but it's still a dunghill.

At least I don't live in Mama's basement like you.
We moved into a brand new house that I built with no mortgage 6 months ago.

And now he's back to trying to convince a total stranger how successful he is...

You have a strong need for validation...

Not from a loser like you. Now go spend boss man's money so you can feel important today.
Like you people calling my business a dung hill?

Wasn't me calling your business a "dung hill".

Hell you seem so ashamed of your business you can't even say what the business IS.

Hey maybe your business sits on a dung hill. Are you in the fertilizer business? You sure spread a lot of shit.

I am a private person. And why do you care what it is?

Tell me where you work who is your boss what do you do and then post your tax returns to prove it otherwise everything you say on this board is pure and utter bullshit
Well done, I don't think most people realize the amount of work, dedication and stress that it takes to start & run a successful business, not to mention the discipline to actually work ON the business instead of just IN it.

Unfortunately all too often successful entrepreneurs are scoffed at and demonized these days, instead of being applauded and emulated as they should be.

Developing strategies for working On instead of just In the business is a vital point.
Especially when growth is either necessary or just the result of good business/service.

A business owner can get overwhelmed by the work and neglect their own wellbeing.
They have to know when to push and they have to know when to coast.
They have to recognize when better management requires delegating more to others.

The best part ... Successful business owners don't care all that much about the people who scoff at them.
Applause and recognition pale in comparison to what a business owner feels like when they turn the key on the door to what they know they built.

It may not help society when business owners are scoffed or demonized ... But it doesn't change what they can do, nor what others cannot seem to accomplish.

I am a private person. And why do you care what it is?

LMAO. You getting a little desperate there.
I don't "care" what the fuck you do. But after reading for the thousandth time how successful you CLAIM to be, and how everyone who works as hard as you do, that they too can be skull levels of successful.

After all that, I was curious as to what your business IS.

You a janitorial company? Nothing wrong with that. Are you ashamed of your business.

Me, I am.just a nobody living off my good looks and my EITC refund. LMAO.

Or I am an inventor living off my patents.

On the internet you can be whatever you imagine yourself to be.
Ain't it great. Just like you pretend to be a successful businessman of some sort or other.
I am a private person. And why do you care what it is?

LMAO. You getting a little desperate there.
I don't "care" what the fuck you do. But after reading for the thousandth time how successful you CLAIM to be. And how everyone who works as bards as you do, that they too can be skull levels of successful.

After all that, I was curious as to what your business IS.

You a janitorial company? Nothing wrong with that. Are you ashamed of your business.

Me, I am.just a nobody living off my good looks and my EITC refund. LMAO.

Or I am an inventor living off my patents.

On the internet you can be whatever you imagine yourself to be.
Ain't it great. Just like you pretend to be a successful businessman of some sort or other.

Like I said you post your tax return and prove everything you say before you ask anyone else to

And if you think I'm going to make shit up why even ask at all?

I never have said how much I make only that we've been in business 10 years and are going to be expanding

That's all you need to know and you don't believe that anyway
.. um... wait a second; aren't you the sumbitch that invented the airplane? You sure look like him... although there's definitely something different, hmmmm......

Yea right. Like people can fly or something.
But I did invent the warped wing.
And the pop top.
And funk.

If that doesn't tell you where I live, you would need a map and a
GPS to figure it out.
OK your links

Show me 35 million job openings at $60-120k

< watch the retard move the goalpost>

How about you do what you can to fill the openings that are available?
Or is it easier to sit and bitch?

Do you think encouraging people to become professional burgers flippers is the route to go?
Do you think your stupid argument of ... "show me 35 what I cannot fills or the grill jockey gets it" ... Isn't about as retarded as you can get?

Do you really think that someone's refusal to even attempt score means some else is moving the goal post?
Why are you bitching about moving the goal post anyway ... You are the one that wants to remove the goalpost so everyone can be a loser.

Spoken like a true retard

I told everyone the retard would try to move the goalpost and she did
Spoken like a true retard

I told everyone the retard would try to move the goalpost and she did

Hell ... You cannot even answer a direct question.
You make no sense ... And cannot defend your reprehensible attitude that suggests you want to chain people to a burger grill.

Jobs are available ... Training is available.
If you think people need to hold out and wait for someone else to give them decent living ... I am not the retarded one.

Spoken like a true retard

I told everyone the retard would try to move the goalpost and she did

Hell ... You cannot even answer a direct question.
You make no sense ... And cannot defend your reprehensible attitude that suggests you want to chain people to a burger grill.

Jobs are available ... Training is available.
If you think people need to hold out and wait for someone else to give them decent living ... I am not the retarded one.

Spoken like a true retard....Assuming job escalation is linear
For every burger flipper there is a management job waiting
Spoken like a true retard....Assuming job escalation is linear
For every burger flipper there is a management job waiting

You are the one assuming things ... I didn't say anything about management.
If you want to suggest the best thing a person can do is struggle in the same system that is already failing them ... You are the retard.

Spoken like a true retard....Assuming job escalation is linear
For every burger flipper there is a management job waiting

You are the one assuming things ... I didn't say anything about management.
If you want to suggest the best thing a person can do is struggle in the same system that is already failing them ... You are the retard.

Come on can do it

Post those 35 million good paying jobs waiting to be filled

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