At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

  • 90%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
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Funny how no one I ever knew could always find a part time job or some other way to make extra money. I

What the fuck does that first sentence even say?

"No one I ever knew could always could always find a part time job"

Give it a break dude. Do some work or something. But quit with the non sense.
sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....

Uh, guy, the top marginal rate under Dwight D. Eisenhower was 93%. When JFK Lowered it to a more reasonable 70%, Republicans accused him of rampant fiscal irresponsibility.

Of course, no one but the idle rich paid the top rates, they could usually get to a lower rate by demonstrating their wealth was providing a benefit.

I don't worry about the Rich paying a high tax rate. I'm not sure why you do, when you cling to your gun and your bible afraid some darkie is going to break into your house.
And before you say....yeah...but the money is for infrastructure and medical care and retirement......the democrats took care of all of that too for their black slaves.......

Well, um, no, they didn't.

I also think you are a little confused here. You see, back in the golden age, when the rich paid 93%, the other big factor was that 33% of the work force was unionized. Which means they didn't need to collect food stamps to put a meal on the table.

Today the Waltons pay a 39% top tax rate, have more money than the bottom 40% of the population combined, and their employees have to collect food stamps because their job doesn't pay enough.
Funny how no one I ever knew could always find a part time job or some other way to make extra money. I

What the fuck does that first sentence even say?

"No one I ever knew could always could always find a part time job"

Give it a break dude. Do some work or something. But quit with the non sense.

Excuse the fuck out of me I forgot to proof read

You really want to get into a grammar correction war?

Let's go
sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....

Uh, guy, the top marginal rate under Dwight D. Eisenhower was 93%. When JFK Lowered it to a more reasonable 70%, Republicans accused him of rampant fiscal irresponsibility.

Of course, no one but the idle rich paid the top rates, they could usually get to a lower rate by demonstrating their wealth was providing a benefit.

I don't worry about the Rich paying a high tax rate. I'm not sure why you do, when you cling to your gun and your bible afraid some darkie is going to break into your house.
And JFK lowered it even more

What you idiots like to ignore than when the top tax rate was 70% the bottom bracket was 14% and if you were making 40K a year you'd be in the 45% bracket
Excuse the fuck out of me I forgot to proof rea

It wasn't a grammar issue ( well it was a grammar issue). Even if your sentence structure made sense, what you were trying to say was Bullshit.

I take it your super successful business is not in publishing.

Did you ever educate yourself about the EITC?
Excuse the fuck out of me I forgot to proof rea

It wasn't a grammar issue ( well it was a grammar issue). Even if your sentence structure made sense, what you were trying to say was Bullshit.

I take it your super successful business is not in publishing.

Did you ever educate yourself about the EITC?

I don't have to because unlike you I never qualified for it
And JFK lowered it even more

What you idiots like to ignore than when the top tax rate was 70% the bottom bracket was 14% and if you were making 40K a year you'd be in the 45% bracket

Um, yeah, but 40K back then would be a six figure salary today.

NOw, used to be a time when Republicans used to be for efficient government that spent money wisely. That's before they started pandering to Libertarian Loons we used to laugh at.
When a politician, like Pelosi, tells you that you have no right to know what is in legislation before it is forced into law, you are being TREATED like a slave.

If you accept what she says and do not revolt THEN you are a 'slave'.
I don't have to because unlike you I never qualified for it

Man, running your mouth about shit of which you know nothing is a bad habit of yours.

However, seeing as how you just professed your ignorance of an important piece of the tax code, why do you show your ignorance all the time by bitching about the people who do benefit from the EITC.

Are you jealous of those workers or what? You just want to denigrate low wage workers because it makes you feel important? Or better than them because you make enough money that you don't qualify for the EITC.

I mean, wtf is your problem with low wage workers?
And JFK lowered it even more

What you idiots like to ignore than when the top tax rate was 70% the bottom bracket was 14% and if you were making 40K a year you'd be in the 45% bracket

Um, yeah, but 40K back then would be a six figure salary today.

NOw, used to be a time when Republicans used to be for efficient government that spent money wisely. That's before they started pandering to Libertarian Loons we used to laugh at.

I wouldn't know I don't belong to any party like you pathetic sheep.

And do you really think someone with a 100K income should be in the 45% bracket

Oh wait of course you do because you never made anywhere near that
Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.

It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
As long as the central government can do whatever it wants, we are all slaves to it.

(The tax originally imposed rates from 1% to 7%, and only applied to fewer than 1% of Americans. The 99% supported its enactment solely because they believed they were getting something for nothing, in this case, government services paid for by the rich. In fact, in 1895, when the Supreme Court bravely declared the government’s first attempt to replace tariffs with an income tax unconstitutional, the justices were personally vilified as defenders of the rich.)

But once the Federal Government got its foot in the door, it rapidly raised the tax rates and expanded the base of taxpayers, ultimately subjecting the middle class to rates far higher than anything originally contemplated for the Rockefellers, Carnegies, or Vanderbilts. If this does not provide a sterling example to the legions of Democrats “Feeling the Bern” of how class warfare can backfire on the class waging the war, I don’t know what does. Ironically, no single tax has done more harm to the middle class than the income tax.

Make America Great Again - LewRockwell
I don't have to because unlike you I never qualified for it

Punctuation wars. Do periods belong at the end of sentences?
They sure as fuck do.
What happened skull? Lost the opening skirmish of the war you wanted? LMAO.

Hey, I missed a question mark. Go find where and SCORE. This is gonna be fun.
OK your links

Show me 35 million job openings at $60-120k

< watch the retard move the goalpost>

How about you do what you can to fill the openings that are available?
Or is it easier to sit and bitch?

Do you think encouraging people to become professional burgers flippers is the route to go?
Do you think your stupid argument of ... "show me 35 what I cannot fills or the grill jockey gets it" ... Isn't about as retarded as you can get?

Do you really think that someone's refusal to even attempt score means some else is moving the goal post?
Why are you bitching about moving the goal post anyway ... You are the one that wants to remove the goalpost so everyone can be a loser.

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Are you jealous of those workers or what? You just want to denigrate low wage workers because it makes you feel important? Or better than them because you make enough money that you don't qualify for the EITC.

I mean, wtf is your problem with low wage workers?

I think his problem is that they expect to be paid and don't acknowledge him when he crows at the top of his 800SF Dunghill.
Oh wait of course you do because you never made anywhere near that

There you go again. Running you mouth about shit of which you have no idea if true or not. That's called."projection". Signifies a mental deficiency.

Like you people calling my business a dung hill?

Hmm interesting. When you say other people are projecting I guess you're too fucking stupid to realize that is actually projection.
I wouldn't know I don't belong to any party like you pathetic sheep.

Neither do I. I just realize that you have to make choices in life, and just because not all the choices are ideal, doesn't mean you still don't have to make them.

I did vote Republican for years because some of the democrats were truly awful. In 2012, I voted for Obama because I thought Romney would be a lot worse. This year, I have no love for Hillary, but Trump is fucking crazy, and I don't like giving crazy people nukes for some reason.

And do you really think someone with a 100K income should be in the 45% bracket

Oh wait of course you do because you never made anywhere near that

I'm probably going to get close to that this year, between my regular job and my side business. And I don't have to live in a flat above the company.

I think that we should pay for everything the government does rather than borrow money to pay for it. That's EXACTLY what they did in those years when the tax rate was as high as it was. We spent a shitload of money for WWII and the Cold War, but we paid for it.

You see, it used to be that people who advocated the Voodoo Economics of Supply Side used to argue that cutting taxes for the rich would increase revenue. It didn't. We went from less than a Trillion dollars in Debt after 200 years in 1980 to 17 trillion a mere 36 years later.

Then you guys started arguing that cutting taxes would "Starve the beast" and reduce the size of government. That didn't happen either. IN fact, when people figured out they could get more government and not have to pay for it, they were all for more of it.

Now your argument is screaming , "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine" like Daffy Duck in one of those old cartoons.
I wouldn't know I don't belong to any party like you pathetic sheep.

Neither do I. I just realize that you have to make choices in life, and just because not all the choices are ideal, doesn't mean you still don't have to make them.

I did vote Republican for years because some of the democrats were truly awful. In 2012, I voted for Obama because I thought Romney would be a lot worse. This year, I have no love for Hillary, but Trump is fucking crazy, and I don't like giving crazy people nukes for some reason.

And do you really think someone with a 100K income should be in the 45% bracket

Oh wait of course you do because you never made anywhere near that

I'm probably going to get close to that this year, between my regular job and my side business. And I don't have to live in a flat above the company.

I think that we should pay for everything the government does rather than borrow money to pay for it. That's EXACTLY what they did in those years when the tax rate was as high as it was. We spent a shitload of money for WWII and the Cold War, but we paid for it.

You see, it used to be that people who advocated the Voodoo Economics of Supply Side used to argue that cutting taxes for the rich would increase revenue. It didn't. We went from less than a Trillion dollars in Debt after 200 years in 1980 to 17 trillion a mere 36 years later.

Then you guys started arguing that cutting taxes would "Starve the beast" and reduce the size of government. That didn't happen either. IN fact, when people figured out they could get more government and not have to pay for it, they were all for more of it.

Now your argument is screaming , "Mine, mine, mine, mine, mine" like Daffy Duck in one of those old cartoons.

People like Little Joey, prefer being a slave to the central government...they are just too feeble minded to bother thinking for themselves.

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