At what tax rate do you officially become a slave....?

At what rate of taxes are you officially a slave

  • 90%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 80%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 60%

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 40%

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • 30%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 20%

    Votes: 3 16.7%
  • 10%

    Votes: 2 11.1%

  • Total voters
Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.
It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Our top marginal tax rates have been over 90% and we were free.

"Freedom" and "liberty" are not absolute, they come with costs agreed to within the civilization.

Go ahead, tell us how a 90% plus tax rate is fair? This should be good for a laugh.
Hundreds of millions of dollars and more each year can't be accounted for - nobody seems to know where or how some of the federal money is being spent.

GAO finds billions in wasteful, duplicative federal spending

"GAO's reports over the past 4 years have found more than 90 areas where opportunities exist for the executive branch or Congress to better manage, reduce, or eliminate fragmentation, overlap, and duplication. GPRAMA calls for the creation of a list (inventory) of all federal programs, along with related budget and performance information, which could make it easier to determine the scope of the federal government's involvement in particular areas and, therefore, where action is needed to address crosscutting issues, including instances of fragmentation, overlap, or duplication."

Government Efficiency and Effectiveness: Inconsistent Definitions and Information Limit the Usefulness of Federal Program Inventories

Even when you think you know where the money was spent, can anyone point to a clear and precise assessment or report of how effective the government spending was? Simple answer is that government doesn't feel it needs to prove the effectiveness of federal spending.

We presently have a system of "taxation without accountability" which is very much akin to "taxation without representation".

Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.
It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Our top marginal tax rates have been over 90% and we were free.

"Freedom" and "liberty" are not absolute, they come with costs agreed to within the civilization.

Go ahead, tell us how a 90% plus tax rate is fair? This should be good for a laugh.
"Fairness" is subjective. Just like platitudes such as "freedom" and "liberty".

I'm just responding to the ridiculously hyperbolic "slavery" premise.
When the state taxes your personal property, everything you own including your land and home is that freedom? When the state has the power to take all your property including your land and home is that freedom? When the state swoops in upon your death and confiscates your wealth is that freedom?
Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.
It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Our top marginal tax rates have been over 90% and we were free.

"Freedom" and "liberty" are not absolute, they come with costs agreed to within the civilization.

Go ahead, tell us how a 90% plus tax rate is fair? This should be good for a laugh.
Wealth at that level no one needs. You'll end up like Trump.
Because , rational people understand that paying SOME form of taxes in exchange for government services isn't slavery.
Yep. This absolutist/purist madness that has gripped part of the GOP is over the freakin' top.
Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.

It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Why is 49% free and 51% slavery?

Dummy for Trump are you.

Because , rational people understand that paying SOME form of taxes in exchange for government services isn't slavery.
So why does 2% change it from free to slave?
Money isn't the only factor in being a slave.
It is for the sake of this poll.......if you have 50% of what you earn by your labor taken by someone are not free....
Our top marginal tax rates have been over 90% and we were free.

"Freedom" and "liberty" are not absolute, they come with costs agreed to within the civilization.

Go ahead, tell us how a 90% plus tax rate is fair? This should be good for a laugh.
Wealth at that level no one needs. You'll end up like Trump.

Says who? You? There you have it the left ^^^
If you don't want to pay taxes to the government then don't accept U.S. government notes. You can write your own notes - you can accept notes written by anyone you'd like. But if you accept & use U.S. government notes then you're obliged to follow the government's rules, which means paying taxes.

You all remind me of my dog. She loves milk bones, she wants milk bones. She has no idea what a milk bone she knows is that she wants it.

You all want U.S. government notes, you love to have U.S. government notes, but you apparently don't have a clue as to what a U.S. government note is.

If you did, you'd know that it is a note issued by AND owned by the U.S. government which signifies the U.S. government's recognition of the bearers wealth.

You may not like that fact. But that the reality. Anything else is fantasy.

If ya all had a brain you'd be happy to pay taxes, because any wealth that you may have in U.S. government dollars is 100% based on the U.S. government.
Tax and spend as it stands is clearly unsustainable and the push for more taxation is an argument that seems to be winning. The problem is that if you feel that taxes are already too high it's only going to get worse:

"Closing the gap requires spending reductions, increases in revenue, or, more likely, a combination of the two. To illustrate this, one can calculate what it would take to have debt held by the public as a share of GDP in 2089 equal what it was at the beginning of 2015 under GAO’s Alternative simulation:

  • To close the gap solely by cutting spending would require reductions in programmatic spending of about 26 percent on average each year over the next 75 years.
  • To close the gap solely by raising revenues would require revenue increase of about 35 percent on average each year over the 75 years."
U.S. GAO - Fiscal Outlook: Federal Fiscal Outlook

Not a very promising situation.

You have to give the democrat party credit for managing to change it's image on a dime from the 100 year old party of racism to the party of the benevolent plantation. It's no secret how the democrats treat Blacks. Any upity Black like Clarence Thomas or Dr. Condie Rice or even Dr. Ben Carson who strays from the liberal plantation is immediately attacked and vilified. Smart Black people have even had to stand by silently at the profound insult that they were unable to obtain anything as basic as a photo I.D. in the 21st century. The democrat party programs that created and supported the poverty pimp dominated welfare system and abortion industry have managed to ruin Black families to the extent that 80% of Black babies who are lucky enough to be born are born to single mothers. Democrats thrive unrest and instability and when it seems that Black people have lost the hyphen and simply become Americans the left wing radicals stoke up the racial fires and play the victim card.
Back when he democrats owned blacks as slaves....some slave with special skills...Metal Smiths, Carpenters....and such, would be rented out to other democrat slave owners........the owner of the slave, to encourage good work, would sometimes allow the slave to keep a tiny, tiny portion of the fee for themselves.... what tax rate does one become a slave?

sanders says he wants to tax the rich at 90%......just slightly less than his democrat brothers did to the skilled slaves.....

I think if you are paying 50% in combined taxes you are an unwilling partner in a partnership with the government...much like the mafia......when you open a business and have to pay them for protection......but I don't think the mafia takes that much......

Anything over 50%....and you are a unequal member in your own life...where the majority of your work belongs to someone know...a slave.....

Sanders doesn't want to tax the rich at 90%.
You might be a slave to the 18 trillion dollars in national debt mostly created by Republicans. what tax rate does one become a slave?
At whatever point the amount of taxes paid exceeds the subjective value of the services (that the citizen wants and/or needs) provided.

Whenever anyone puts a gun to your head and forces you to pay for something you don't
A.) Want
B.) Don't want at the price they're charging

You've become a de facto slave to the one holding the gun and in this case the one holding the gun is government.
You might be a slave to the 18 trillion dollars in national debt mostly created by Republicans.
LOL what a lie.

Why do liberals lie so much?

Republican tax policy coupled with Republican spending policy created most of the national debt.

And Trump's plan is create even more. Huge tax cuts plus massive defense spending increases.

Incorrect and you know it.

Reagan tax cuts followed by massive explosion of deficits and debt accumulation. Clinton tax increases followed by eventual return to balanced budget.
G W Bush tax cuts followed by massive explosion of deficits and debt accumulation. Obama tax increases, albeit minor ones,

are being followed by steady reduction in the deficits.

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