Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.

You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.

Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true

You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.

What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
If you want evidence of God you have to become a creature capable of perceiving God. The way is clear. Follow the instruction given in the law knowing that the words are figurative, the subjects hidden. Its easy. You probably are already doing much of it naturally. Do this, don't do that. Don't bow down and worship the work of human hands. Do not speak falsely in the name of God. Do not mislead others through religious deception. Do not eat the vile and contaminating teaching of unclean creatures that do not ruminate, think deeply. Do not mix dairy with meat meaning do not mix what is taught to sustain children with what is taught to adults who have teeth., etc., How hard is that?

Cleanse your thoughts. Purify your consciousness, what the ancients called the soul, and be refined, then diligently stand guard over the purity of your own mind for the rest of your days. Would you have a problem with that?

Do it and God will make himself known to you and you will have far more evidence than you can handle... If you apply an additional effort, you might even see the kingdom of God in power and find out what eternal life is before you die... .

You have something better to do?
Actually, I have many, many better things to do. You make my point for me. What you are promising is reduced to a simple formula: "Just accept that God exists with no evidence whatsoever, and God will 'reveal' himself to you". It is the same promise that was given by every preacher I heard as a child, and every teacher I listened to in seminary.

Well, guess what? I spent 20 years ignoring logic, and reason, and never did I find a single shred of objective evidence of the existence of God. Did I, at times, feel good? Yes. Did good things happen that I could claim God did? Sure. But, you see, that's the scam, isn't it?

When I get a good grade on an assignment, thank God, because God led me to that grade, right? Let's just ignore all of the effort, and hours of studying that I put in to achieve that grade. It was God's will that I get that grade. And if I get a bad grade? Well...that's just me being tested. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with my not taking the time to prepare, right?

That's the problem with your promise of "evidence". It's an empty promise. It's a promise of feeling, and emotion, not of actual objective evidence. It's a promise of confirmation bias, where, because I insist that God exists, then everything I see, I find a way to make fit with my preconceived assumptions.

Sorry. I will not be convinced that way. I will never believe in God, absent evidence; you are going to have to show me evidence of the existence of God. I do not work on faith; I work on what I observe.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No, whatever preacher influenced you as a child told you to just believe. Thats not what I am suggesting.

I am not saying for you to just believe in God and then you will feel good. I am not suggesting that you must join a religion or accept the existence of God without any evidence. That would be a scam.

Obviously your mind has been affected by your experiences with religion. You say you will never believe in God absent of evidence. I wouldn't either. You say you work on what you observe but then dismiss my suggestion to purify your thoughts so that you might actually be capable of observing evidence of God.

As a scientist would you conduct an experiment to determine the truth of something without first sterilizing and calibrating the instruments that will be used to test the theory and measure the results?

Can a scientist rely on any conclusion based on what was seen through a filthy lens?

Purify your mind and you will see God, not as a figment of an unrestrained imagination but as a living being whose existence is absolute.
That's just it; evidence either exists, or it doesn't. It doesn't require a pure heart to be seen. I don't need a pure heart, or mind, to see the evidence of gravity. I need only drop a ball. I can be as pure as a saint, or as vile as a paedophile, and the evidence will be exactly the same.

Nothing that requires the "right mind-set" to experience is real, nor objective. Guess what? If I take the right drugs I'll hear God's voice. That isn't real, either.

Either God exists, and there is objective evidence to support that claim, or he doesn't, and there isn't.

And if such objective evidence exists, that means, by definition, that it is observable by everyone, period. Full stop. Not just the "pure of heart", but everyone.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Your logic is impeccable except you haven't included in your speculations that for a living being to qualify as God it would have to be incorporeal. Microscopes, telescopes, test tubes and beakers are consequently worthless.

For a human being to accurately perceive that which is incorporeal he would have to purify what is incorporeal in him, the conscious mind.

For everyone to have hold of objective evidence everyone would just have to stop screwing up each others minds.

Its a jungle out there.....Get real.
There's another word for what you are descibing - imagined. Gracvity is "incorporeal" as you put it. There is nothing to see, touch,taste, or smell. Yet, it is possible to observe gravity in action. It is posible to test for the existence of gravity, and to repeat the effects of gravity, and no "purity of spirit" necessary. Either a thing exists, or it doesn't. If it only exists for those "in the right mind-set" then it isn't real; it is the product of one's imagination.

No, gravity is not incorporeal. Gravity is a force directly related and connected to matter in the material universe.

Let me put it this way. If a person wants to understand calculous, they must apply their mind to learn it. If a person does not do what is necessary to learn, they will never understand calculous.

Only those who do, will. Its as simple as that.

In the same way I told you the way to prepare your mind in order to be capable of seeing God.. If you do not take the steps necessary God will remain hidden from you,not because he is not there, but because you have chosen to remain blind.
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Atheists are just as deluded as theists as there's no proof that a god can't exist.
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.

You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.

Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true

You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.

What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.

Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
Actually, I have many, many better things to do. You make my point for me. What you are promising is reduced to a simple formula: "Just accept that God exists with no evidence whatsoever, and God will 'reveal' himself to you". It is the same promise that was given by every preacher I heard as a child, and every teacher I listened to in seminary.

Well, guess what? I spent 20 years ignoring logic, and reason, and never did I find a single shred of objective evidence of the existence of God. Did I, at times, feel good? Yes. Did good things happen that I could claim God did? Sure. But, you see, that's the scam, isn't it?

When I get a good grade on an assignment, thank God, because God led me to that grade, right? Let's just ignore all of the effort, and hours of studying that I put in to achieve that grade. It was God's will that I get that grade. And if I get a bad grade? Well...that's just me being tested. It couldn't possibly have anything to do with my not taking the time to prepare, right?

That's the problem with your promise of "evidence". It's an empty promise. It's a promise of feeling, and emotion, not of actual objective evidence. It's a promise of confirmation bias, where, because I insist that God exists, then everything I see, I find a way to make fit with my preconceived assumptions.

Sorry. I will not be convinced that way. I will never believe in God, absent evidence; you are going to have to show me evidence of the existence of God. I do not work on faith; I work on what I observe.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

No, whatever preacher influenced you as a child told you to just believe. Thats not what I am suggesting.

I am not saying for you to just believe in God and then you will feel good. I am not suggesting that you must join a religion or accept the existence of God without any evidence. That would be a scam.

Obviously your mind has been affected by your experiences with religion. You say you will never believe in God absent of evidence. I wouldn't either. You say you work on what you observe but then dismiss my suggestion to purify your thoughts so that you might actually be capable of observing evidence of God.

As a scientist would you conduct an experiment to determine the truth of something without first sterilizing and calibrating the instruments that will be used to test the theory and measure the results?

Can a scientist rely on any conclusion based on what was seen through a filthy lens?

Purify your mind and you will see God, not as a figment of an unrestrained imagination but as a living being whose existence is absolute.
That's just it; evidence either exists, or it doesn't. It doesn't require a pure heart to be seen. I don't need a pure heart, or mind, to see the evidence of gravity. I need only drop a ball. I can be as pure as a saint, or as vile as a paedophile, and the evidence will be exactly the same.

Nothing that requires the "right mind-set" to experience is real, nor objective. Guess what? If I take the right drugs I'll hear God's voice. That isn't real, either.

Either God exists, and there is objective evidence to support that claim, or he doesn't, and there isn't.

And if such objective evidence exists, that means, by definition, that it is observable by everyone, period. Full stop. Not just the "pure of heart", but everyone.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Your logic is impeccable except you haven't included in your speculations that for a living being to qualify as God it would have to be incorporeal. Microscopes, telescopes, test tubes and beakers are consequently worthless.

For a human being to accurately perceive that which is incorporeal he would have to purify what is incorporeal in him, the conscious mind.

For everyone to have hold of objective evidence everyone would just have to stop screwing up each others minds.

Its a jungle out there.....Get real.
There's another word for what you are descibing - imagined. Gracvity is "incorporeal" as you put it. There is nothing to see, touch,taste, or smell. Yet, it is possible to observe gravity in action. It is posible to test for the existence of gravity, and to repeat the effects of gravity, and no "purity of spirit" necessary. Either a thing exists, or it doesn't. If it only exists for those "in the right mind-set" then it isn't real; it is the product of one's imagination.

No, gravity is not incorporeal. Gravity is a force directly related and connected to matter.

Let me put it this way. If a person wants to understand calculous, they must apply their mind to learn it. If a person does not do what is necessary to learn, they will never understand calculous.

Only those who do, will. Its as simple as that.

In the same way I told you the way to prepare your mind in order to be capable of seeing God.. If you do not take the steps necessary God will remain hidden from you,not because he is not there, but because you have chosen to remain blind.
But for so many gullible sheep they don't have to do anything they simply believe.

So no, there are no steps to finding God. You think you found God because you wanted to.
Atheists are just as deluded as theists as there's no proof that a god can't exist.
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.
Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.
You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
Because it might hurt and because my time is over
Atheists are just as deluded as theists as there's no proof that a god can't exist.
That's why I'm an agnostic atheist
No. You are not.
Why are you so jealous of agnostics all the time? You secretly are one?

He's a believer in generic God but follows the bible because it's the best book we got
He's definitely confused, in another thread he said that he's for gays but against gay marriage. lol.
Atheists are just as deluded as theists as there's no proof that a god can't exist.
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.
Bullshit! You aren't even close to believing in God.

You don't see how and why we made it up? Watch The Cosmos. They explain it
Yes I'm dumber than the sheep who believe because they want to believe, have been threatened with hell and have been brainwashed since birth.

If you were raised on an island by people who didn't believe in God what age do you think you would come up with the God concept? I don't think God is something that is naturally concluded. You may contemplate a creator but at what point would you decide a heaven was logical and not wishful thinking?

In fact the person raised by non religious people might not even give this any thought. They might instead focus all their energy on living and learning things that are knowable.
You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
So you don't belong to a religion?

What are you afraid of after you die? If a religion didn't scare you what did?
No, whatever preacher influenced you as a child told you to just believe. Thats not what I am suggesting.

I am not saying for you to just believe in God and then you will feel good. I am not suggesting that you must join a religion or accept the existence of God without any evidence. That would be a scam.

Obviously your mind has been affected by your experiences with religion. You say you will never believe in God absent of evidence. I wouldn't either. You say you work on what you observe but then dismiss my suggestion to purify your thoughts so that you might actually be capable of observing evidence of God.

As a scientist would you conduct an experiment to determine the truth of something without first sterilizing and calibrating the instruments that will be used to test the theory and measure the results?

Can a scientist rely on any conclusion based on what was seen through a filthy lens?

Purify your mind and you will see God, not as a figment of an unrestrained imagination but as a living being whose existence is absolute.
That's just it; evidence either exists, or it doesn't. It doesn't require a pure heart to be seen. I don't need a pure heart, or mind, to see the evidence of gravity. I need only drop a ball. I can be as pure as a saint, or as vile as a paedophile, and the evidence will be exactly the same.

Nothing that requires the "right mind-set" to experience is real, nor objective. Guess what? If I take the right drugs I'll hear God's voice. That isn't real, either.

Either God exists, and there is objective evidence to support that claim, or he doesn't, and there isn't.

And if such objective evidence exists, that means, by definition, that it is observable by everyone, period. Full stop. Not just the "pure of heart", but everyone.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Your logic is impeccable except you haven't included in your speculations that for a living being to qualify as God it would have to be incorporeal. Microscopes, telescopes, test tubes and beakers are consequently worthless.

For a human being to accurately perceive that which is incorporeal he would have to purify what is incorporeal in him, the conscious mind.

For everyone to have hold of objective evidence everyone would just have to stop screwing up each others minds.

Its a jungle out there.....Get real.
There's another word for what you are descibing - imagined. Gracvity is "incorporeal" as you put it. There is nothing to see, touch,taste, or smell. Yet, it is possible to observe gravity in action. It is posible to test for the existence of gravity, and to repeat the effects of gravity, and no "purity of spirit" necessary. Either a thing exists, or it doesn't. If it only exists for those "in the right mind-set" then it isn't real; it is the product of one's imagination.

No, gravity is not incorporeal. Gravity is a force directly related and connected to matter.

Let me put it this way. If a person wants to understand calculous, they must apply their mind to learn it. If a person does not do what is necessary to learn, they will never understand calculous.

Only those who do, will. Its as simple as that.

In the same way I told you the way to prepare your mind in order to be capable of seeing God.. If you do not take the steps necessary God will remain hidden from you,not because he is not there, but because you have chosen to remain blind.
But for so many gullible sheep they don't have to do anything they simply believe.

So no, there are no steps to finding God. You think you found God because you wanted to.

Mindless sheep who do nothing but believe have never seen or heard a single word from God in their entire life. They expect to be rewarded after they die.

Thats not what I said. Purify and refine your mind and you will see God before you die.

WTF.. What could possibly be yours or anyones objection to purifying and cleansing their own mind?
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You'd better stick to things that are knowable. The unknowable frightens atheists.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
Because it might hurt and because my time is over
Let's suppose your death is painless. What do you have to worry about? Your time is over? How would you know that? How could you when your death results in a black void of nothingness? It's certain that no form of consciousness will exist for you then.....right?
That's just it; evidence either exists, or it doesn't. It doesn't require a pure heart to be seen. I don't need a pure heart, or mind, to see the evidence of gravity. I need only drop a ball. I can be as pure as a saint, or as vile as a paedophile, and the evidence will be exactly the same.

Nothing that requires the "right mind-set" to experience is real, nor objective. Guess what? If I take the right drugs I'll hear God's voice. That isn't real, either.

Either God exists, and there is objective evidence to support that claim, or he doesn't, and there isn't.

And if such objective evidence exists, that means, by definition, that it is observable by everyone, period. Full stop. Not just the "pure of heart", but everyone.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk

Your logic is impeccable except you haven't included in your speculations that for a living being to qualify as God it would have to be incorporeal. Microscopes, telescopes, test tubes and beakers are consequently worthless.

For a human being to accurately perceive that which is incorporeal he would have to purify what is incorporeal in him, the conscious mind.

For everyone to have hold of objective evidence everyone would just have to stop screwing up each others minds.

Its a jungle out there.....Get real.
There's another word for what you are descibing - imagined. Gracvity is "incorporeal" as you put it. There is nothing to see, touch,taste, or smell. Yet, it is possible to observe gravity in action. It is posible to test for the existence of gravity, and to repeat the effects of gravity, and no "purity of spirit" necessary. Either a thing exists, or it doesn't. If it only exists for those "in the right mind-set" then it isn't real; it is the product of one's imagination.

No, gravity is not incorporeal. Gravity is a force directly related and connected to matter.

Let me put it this way. If a person wants to understand calculous, they must apply their mind to learn it. If a person does not do what is necessary to learn, they will never understand calculous.

Only those who do, will. Its as simple as that.

In the same way I told you the way to prepare your mind in order to be capable of seeing God.. If you do not take the steps necessary God will remain hidden from you,not because he is not there, but because you have chosen to remain blind.
But for so many gullible sheep they don't have to do anything they simply believe.

So no, there are no steps to finding God. You think you found God because you wanted to.

Mindless sheep who do nothing but believe have never seen or heard a single word from God in their entire life. They expect to be rewarded after they die.

Thats not what I said. Purify and refine your mind and you will see God before you die.

WTF.. What could possibly be yours or anyones objection to purifying and cleansing their own mind?
Good reply
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
Because it might hurt and because my time is over
Let's suppose your death is painless. What do you have to worry about? Your time is over? How would you know that? How could you when your death results in a black void of nothingness? It's certain that no form of consciousness will exist for you then.....right?
Atheists are just as deluded as theists as there's no proof that a god can't exist.
No one has ever suggested that God can't exist. Only that the default presumption is that God doesn't exist until such time as objective evidence proves otherwise.
Making you like me, an agnostic.
Which way do you lean? If you lean towards disbelief then you're an agnostic atheist. Not just an undecided agnostic.

Are all agnostics equally unsure?

The reason we aren't agnostics is because then theists think they can convince us. What do you call an unconvincable agnostic?

So are you saying there are only two types of people? Theists and agnostics? Because no one can say for sure there is no God. In that case there are no theists either because they aren't sure either. They think they are sure but so do we.
I am smack right in the middle, I see no proof either way, as well as not taking any side, and the first side to show me actual proof will get my vote.
Bullshit! You aren't even close to believing in God.

You don't see how and why we made it up? Watch The Cosmos. They explain it
I said I'm in the middle, I don't believe a god has been proven and I don't believe that a god has been disproven either.
Wrong! Im not afraid of death or hell you are. I laugh at such nonsense and go about living my life.

Now you can come up with reasons why you think I don't believe or why I deny God exists but you'll probably miss the mark. It's not Satan, im not angry and Its not because I want to be able to live in sin without consequences. I think belief holds us back, makes us dumb and is how they control us. I think it's made up.

So maybe, just maybe, I don't believe because it isn't true
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
Because it might hurt and because my time is over
Let's suppose your death is painless. What do you have to worry about? Your time is over? How would you know that? How could you when your death results in a black void of nothingness? It's certain that no form of consciousness will exist for you then.....right?
How do you know a chicken doesn't go to heaven when you kill it? You don't. So just in case be a vegetarian
You're not afraid of death? That would make you a singularly unique human being.
What's to be afraid of? Do you remember what things were like 4u before you were born? That's what things will be like 4u after you die.

Oh you mean dying? Yes, I'm afraid of dying. I hope i don't suffer and it will be sad for my life to be over but I'm not scared of what happens after the lights go out.

And for you and your religion to say you know what happens is laughable to me.
Again Professor Knee Jerk, to what religion do you refer? I haven't mentioned anything about God anywhere in this entire thread.
Afraid of dying but not afraid of death? Why are you afraid of dying?
Because it might hurt and because my time is over
Let's suppose your death is painless. What do you have to worry about? Your time is over? How would you know that? How could you when your death results in a black void of nothingness? It's certain that no form of consciousness will exist for you then.....right?
And how would you like to go about substantiating the existence of nothing? Or the non existence of nothing as the case may be.

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