Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

But you didn't deny believing in invisible superheroes. Good for you. Fool.
I wonder if any of you fucking dummies can explain why what you or I believe matters at all in making your argument. Evidently your dim witted ideas don't stand on their own.
Ok I'll bite. Why doesn't what you or I believe matter? Tell us then maybe we can move forward
You need help, lots and lots of help.
The Principles of Argumentation
The Principles of Argumentation

who's your audience .... written scriptures.
Remember not to drink and post.
You shouldn't post while angry either, just thought you'd like to know.
But both Atheists and Theists are deluded, as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

So Con Douche, you have no valid arguments either, maybe try taking your own advice. :lmao:
as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

by inference what would be the purity of either Good or Evil as a being, lower case ...
But both Atheists and Theists are deluded, as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

So Con Douche, you have no valid arguments either, maybe try taking your own advice. :lmao:
as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

by inference what would be the purity of either Good or Evil as a being, lower case ...
from antiquity there is a distinction between good and evil, were any living being able to become pure in either would they enter a new dimension and to some degree become a god as antiquity implies.
But both Atheists and Theists are deluded, as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

So Con Douche, you have no valid arguments either, maybe try taking your own advice. :lmao:
as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

by inference what would be the purity of either Good or Evil as a being, lower case ...
Your most eloquent response. By far.
But both Atheists and Theists are deluded, as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

So Con Douche, you have no valid arguments either, maybe try taking your own advice. :lmao:
as there's no proof either way for or against a god.

by inference what would be the purity of either Good or Evil as a being, lower case ...
Your most eloquent response. By far.
What would be the purity of either good or evil as a being? Please answer the guys question and you better do it eloquently
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
You're too smart for the room
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
Oh it's a dead end for sure. So what? I'm not waiting for an afterlife, wasting 10% of my income, sleep in on Sundays and I don't worry when I masterbate. I'm appreciating now because I know a dead end is coming.

Funny it doesn't make me want to commit evil.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
Because no one knows what you are saying. What are you saying? You keep suggesting its obvious but it's not. Not to anyone. Let one person who agrees with you speak up and explain you. I don't believe that person exists
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
Because no one knows what you are saying. What are you saying? You keep suggesting its obvious but it's not. Not to anyone. Let one person who agrees with you speak up and explain you. I don't believe that person exists
Because no one knows what you are saying. What are you saying? You keep suggesting its obvious but it's not. Not to anyone. Let one person who agrees with you speak up and explain you. I don't believe that person exists

Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

they imply rationalizing whether for or against would in some way be different than their experience of simply knowing. (the answer for them is hardwired)

Are they spiritually dumb ...

the spider definitely has it in for atheists, they may just be a sock after someone that stepped on them or a likely sociopath (religious) zealot. playing 20 questions.

the OP is actually less noxious than their reply's.

taking pity, atheist must have spirits without knowing.
Last edited:
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
I find this interesting maybe you can explain. They say the bible was written around 1600 years ago. The old testament was written supposedly 7000 years ago. Now we know the ancients found fossels and told stories of dragons monsters and other mythical beasts but it wasn't until 1824 that we knew dinosaurs once roamed and how they got here and disappeared. None of that is in the old testament. God left that part out of the 7 day creation story.

I call bullshit!
I've seen no evidence of atheism being the one valid worldview. Even worse, when I challenge atheists to present evidence, they retreat into agnosticism, which they've relabeled as "weak atheism." This is an implicit admission that atheism -- real atheism, not relabeled agnosticism -- is intellectually bankrupt.

The day my worldview becomes so weak I can't defend it is the day I abandon it. Not so the atheist. He prides himself in his ignorance.
You're quite right. Absolute atheism is intellectually bankrupt - as is absolute theism.
After all, there is no more evidence to support absolute theism, than there is absolute atheism, now is there.

That is rather the point of rational atheism - that the default position of "There is no God" is the rational position, until such time as objective evidence is presented to make such a position no longer tenable.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
I find this interesting maybe you can explain. They say the bible was written around 1600 years ago. The old testament was written supposedly 7000 years ago. Now we know the ancients found fossels and told stories of dragons monsters and other mythical beasts but it wasn't until 1824 that we knew dinosaurs once roamed and how they got here and disappeared. None of that is in the old testament. God left that part out of the 7 day creation story.

I call bullshit!
I'm glad you find it interesting. And no, I can't explain.
Oh I get it now. It's all those Absolute atheists who sound like complete fucking idiots all the time. Good thing you can make such a clear distinction between them and you.
Why does it bother you that when you die that's it? Life is a dead end. Better to realize that and cherish every moment. The truth is so much better than fiction. I feel so lucky to have been born. Amazing. But what happens after I die just doesn't bother me. I assume it will be just like it was before I was born.

So yes, atheism is a dead end. Your fairytale is not a dead end. Its a way to tell yourself you are a god. Of course you are. After all you're telling me you are going to live forever!

You're so smart. Lol gullible
Feel free to substantiate your theory of the non existence of nothing.
What's it feel like being a god? Pretty amazing that after you die you go to another rhelm of paradise for all eternity. You believe you are a God? How amazingly stupid of you. Naive, gullible, wishful thinking, cognitive dissonance. There's 1000 reasons why you're a joke.
You are evidently just a little too stupid to understand that arguing atheism's intellectual dead end is a completely separate argument. Nothing to do with theism or any other belief system. It's your own incredible dull stupidity that prevents you from making actual arguments.
Because no one knows what you are saying. What are you saying? You keep suggesting its obvious but it's not. Not to anyone. Let one person who agrees with you speak up and explain you. I don't believe that person exists
I'm sorry that you're not smart enough to understand how arguments are constructed.
Are Atheists able to use rational thought, deductive reasoning, and scrupulous logic to substantiate and legitimize their perceptions? Or are they simply lacking a perception that most people experience without the need for rationalization? Are they spiritually dumb?

To answer the first question, yes.

To answer the second question, no.

To answer the third, no.

Why do you think yourself superior to me, just because you believe in magic?

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