Atheism; An Intellectual Dead End

"...A detector with the mass of Jupiter and 100% efficiency, placed in close orbit around a neutron star, would only be expected to observe one graviton every 10 years, even under the most favorable conditions.

So how exactly does a graviton affect the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics of the rest of the universe which is subject to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?
Because it is infinitely reusable. You get that the problem with observing gravitons isn't that so few exist, but that they convert so quickly that observing them is practically impossible, right?
No, wrong. Gravitons are only hypothetical. So 0, until we can prove otherwise.
Everything we are discussing is hypothetical!!!!! So, what's your point? And, for the record, gravitons are theoretical, not hypothetical. There is a difference.

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No. Not everything. Some are observations and measurements. In the case of gravitons they a hypothetical. Besides, like I have already explained to you cyclical models have problems. Specifically, the 2nd Law of thermodynamics. You don't understand this concept which is why you can't discuss it. Do you know how CERN describes the beginning of the universe?

Origins: CERN: Ideas: The Big Bang | Exploratorium
No, they are not. They are theoretical. There is a difference.
A hypothesis has never been tested. The existence of gravitons has been tested - repeatedly - and the math is sound; unlike your God that has never been so much as detected, let alone tested, with any mathematic confirmation.
Are you still trying to argue that it is possible to prove the existence of a supernatural being using science?

No, gravitons are hypothetical.

"In theoretical physics, the graviton is a hypothetical elementary particle that mediates the force of gravitation in the framework of quantum field theory...."

Graviton - Wikipedia
See how much more fun that was. There must be a God, lol.
You're just as deluded as czernoatheist.
I'm heck of lot more fun though, lol. You are one to talk. You shouldn't be talking about others being deluded.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
Actually, I can answer that last question. Because for every effect (The Big Bang), there must be a preceding cause. So, the only way to avoid that with the causer of the Big Bang (such must also have had a cause to come into being), it requires Special Pleading (It was eternal), thereby avoiding infinite regression, and no God.
You're just as deluded as czernoatheist.
I'm heck of lot more fun though, lol. You are one to talk. You shouldn't be talking about others being deluded.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
You're just as deluded as czernoatheist.
I'm heck of lot more fun though, lol. You are one to talk. You shouldn't be talking about others being deluded.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
Actually, I can answer that last question. Because for every effect (The Big Bang), there must be a preceding cause. So, the only way to avoid that with the causer of the Big Bang (such must also have had a cause to come into being), it requires Special Pleading (It was eternal), thereby avoiding infinite regression, and no God.
Why do you need to avoid it? All the science points to it.
I'm heck of lot more fun though, lol. You are one to talk. You shouldn't be talking about others being deluded.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
I'm heck of lot more fun though, lol. You are one to talk. You shouldn't be talking about others being deluded.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
Actually, I can answer that last question. Because for every effect (The Big Bang), there must be a preceding cause. So, the only way to avoid that with the causer of the Big Bang (such must also have had a cause to come into being), it requires Special Pleading (It was eternal), thereby avoiding infinite regression, and no God.
Why do you need to avoid it? All the science points to it.
Then you admit that there was no "First cause"? That every cause had a preceding cause ad infinitum? Really??????
I'm heck of lot more fun though, lol. You are one to talk. You shouldn't be talking about others being deluded.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
No, because the only way to break the cause and effect cycle is something that did not need a cause because it had no beginning (i.e. it was eternal).

Is midweek a new liquor?

You have always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible? And you accused me of drinking, lol? Re-read that and get back to me.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
So you are expecting to find natural evidence for a supernatural being?
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
Actually, I can answer that last question. Because for every effect (The Big Bang), there must be a preceding cause. So, the only way to avoid that with the causer of the Big Bang (such must also have had a cause to come into being), it requires Special Pleading (It was eternal), thereby avoiding infinite regression, and no God.
Why do you need to avoid it? All the science points to it.
Then you admit that there was no "First cause"? That every cause had a preceding cause ad infinitum? Really??????
Don't be silly All the data points to a first cause.

No. A cyclical infinite acting universe is not possible. At least not from the Laws of Nature I know about. That would be perpetual motion. Perpetual motion does not exist because it violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
Some atheists say that a god can't exist, and the others are really agnostics without knowing it.
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
So you are expecting to find natural evidence for a supernatural being?
I dispute the existence of a "supernatural" being. Nature is all-encompassing. As such, it is not possible for something to exist outside of everything.
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
Actually, I can answer that last question. Because for every effect (The Big Bang), there must be a preceding cause. So, the only way to avoid that with the causer of the Big Bang (such must also have had a cause to come into being), it requires Special Pleading (It was eternal), thereby avoiding infinite regression, and no God.
Why do you need to avoid it? All the science points to it.
Then you admit that there was no "First cause"? That every cause had a preceding cause ad infinitum? Really??????
No. At least not from the Laws of Nature I know about. That would be perpetual motion. Perpetual motion does not exist because it violates the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.
Now you're just contradiction yourself. You just got done saying all science points to infinite regression, and now you are denying infinite regression. Which is it?
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
Some atheists say that a god can't exist, and the others are really agnostics without knowing it.
Point me to the atheists who say that god can't exist. Not the ones who say that God does not exist, but says God can't exist. Because you certainly have not run across one on this forum.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
So you are expecting to find natural evidence for a supernatural being?
I dispute the existence of a "supernatural" being. Nature is all-encompassing. As such, it is not possible for something to exist outside of everything.
Dispute all you want. I have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
So, quantum matter is not a part of the universe? That is your claim? Further, you do realize that, according to Einstein, the closer one comes to the Universe's origin, the laws of physics actually break down? Which means that the closer you come to "The Beginning", the less your 2nd Law of Thermodynamics even applies. Unless of course, you have a way to fix Einstein's formulae, so that the laws of physics don't break down.
"...A detector with the mass of Jupiter and 100% efficiency, placed in close orbit around a neutron star, would only be expected to observe one graviton every 10 years, even under the most favorable conditions.

So how exactly does a graviton affect the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics of the rest of the universe which is subject to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics?
Because it is infinitely reusable. You get that the problem with observing gravitons isn't that so few exist, but that they convert so quickly that observing them is practically impossible, right?
No, wrong. Gravitons are only hypothetical. So 0, until we can prove otherwise.
Everything we are discussing is hypothetical!!!!! So, what's your point? And, for the record, gravitons are theoretical, not hypothetical. There is a difference.

Sent from my 5054N using Tapatalk
No. Not everything. Some are observations and measurements. In the case of gravitons they a hypothetical. Besides, like I have already explained to you cyclical models have problems. Specifically, the 2nd Law of thermodynamics. You don't understand this concept which is why you can't discuss it. Do you know how CERN describes the beginning of the universe?

Origins: CERN: Ideas: The Big Bang | Exploratorium
You don't understand this concept which is why you can't discuss it. Do you know how CERN describes the beginning of the universe?

Origins: CERN: Ideas: The Big Bang | Exploratorium

if someone is looking for something new from your momentous article ... they have a big surprise awaiting them.

not to mention nothing about - You don't understand this concept which is why you can't discuss it.
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
So you are expecting to find natural evidence for a supernatural being?
I dispute the existence of a "supernatural" being. Nature is all-encompassing. As such, it is not possible for something to exist outside of everything.
Dispute all you want. I have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
Good for you. You have your beliefs. They are entirely unproven proven, but you have your beliefs. Just quit stating your beliefs as if they are facts. They aren't.
Why am I deluded? You choose to believe something you can't prove, I don't.

But ya, czern is about as fun as a bible. :D
By your own admission it can't be proven one way or the other, so your point is moot. Besides, I do have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
I didn't say that it can't be proven, but rather that it hasn't been proven.

And what started the universe is only beyond science at this point in time.

And why must the attribute of the first cause be eternal? Because you say so?
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
No, because the only way to break the cause and effect cycle is something that did not need a cause because it had no beginning (i.e. it was eternal).

Is midweek a new liquor?

You have always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible? And you accused me of drinking, lol? Re-read that and get back to me.
Your eternal being is a somewhat plausible theory, but like I've always said, you just need some proof. And because you can't find proof, it's eternal. The simpleton's circular convenience.
No, you said it can't be proven and that's why you are agnostic.

Are you changing your mind? How exactly can a supernatural being be proven?

No, because logic says so. The only thing that doesn't need a cause is something that is eternal.
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
So you are expecting to find natural evidence for a supernatural being?
I dispute the existence of a "supernatural" being. Nature is all-encompassing. As such, it is not possible for something to exist outside of everything.
Dispute all you want. I have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
God as in the god of the bible who was so pooped after 6 days that he needed a day off?
Because you can't prove something, it's eternal? That's not even logical, let alone totally made up.

And I've always said that atheists can't prove that a god is not possible. Are you drinking midweek again?
And I keep telling you that atheists do not claim that a god cannot exist - only that "God does not exist" is the rational position, until such time as evidence proves the position untenable.
So you are expecting to find natural evidence for a supernatural being?
I dispute the existence of a "supernatural" being. Nature is all-encompassing. As such, it is not possible for something to exist outside of everything.
Dispute all you want. I have good reason for my belief. The universe had a beginning. What started it is beyond science. What happened after it can be studied. Matter evolved from subatomic particles into beings that know and create. The universe became self aware. The potential for this existed at the beginning. It occurred as a result of the laws of nature. Those laws of nature came into existence when space and time were created. Intelligence is the pinnacle of the evolution of matter. It is the nature of intelligence to create intelligence. The 1st Cause is required. The attribute of the first cause must be eternal. God is just as good as an answer to the first cause as anything else.
Good for you. You have your beliefs. They are entirely unproven proven, but you have your beliefs. Just quit stating your beliefs as if they are facts. They aren't.
Your belief that there is no god isn't proven either. So cut it out as well. :D
But every other conversion does. Cyclical infinite acting universes are not possible. That is the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

It was your addition of infinite energy that violated the Law of Conservation. You don't know what you are talking about.
You just confirmed that it is possible. By converting massless quantum matter, the universe has an endless supply of matter to convert without ever depleting normal matter. You keep trying to ignore your own confirmation in your desperate attempt to hold onto your poorly constructed premise.

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Is that how you think it works? Do you have a link that states that?
Is that how you think it works? Do you have a link that states that?

seriously, do you have a link verifying the attributions for any of the figures within the 4th century compilation of your book. can you explain why not or why the history of christianity has been so one sided - why you are so vehemently opposed against people making their own choices that you attempt to write laws and other means to oppress them -

why does your religion lend itself entirely to the politics of hatred as demonstrated throughout history. fearing a free Spirit so much as having a need to kill them ...
Apparently I have more than you do. According to you, you have nothing.
Apparently I have more than you do. According to you, you have nothing.

you have the deaths of innocent people as the reality of your agenda disguised as a religion.

According to you ...

that is according to bing ... the righteous 4th century inquisitor.
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever, Isaiah 40.8

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