Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

Any atheist can stand on a soapbox and spout off all day about atheism and no harm will come to him.

Where does the paranoia come from?
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

You would have to ask a belligerent atheist. When you find one.
I've never seen an atheist try go "convert" anybody, ever. I don't even know who the atheists are, unless it comes up in conversation. So I dunno.

One correction though (there's always one more) -- atheism isn't an "absence of religion". It''s an absence of theism. Nice try.
Any atheist can stand on a soapbox and spout off all day about atheism and no harm will come to him.

Where does the paranoia come from?


your posts?

I see you've put a bunch of threads up a-lookin' tuh round them varmints up. Anybody bitin', sheriff?
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

You would have to ask a belligerent atheist. When you find one.
I've never seen an atheist try go "convert" anybody, ever. I don't even know who the atheists are, unless it comes up in conversation. So I dunno.
You are being deliberately dense. Who is writing the "Is Yeshua gay?" or "Did Jesus exist?" threads. Atheists are trying to convert people on this forum, trying to sow seeds of doubt and confusion.
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?
It's already been shown in this thread to be a religion...complete with homeless churches, invitations to become ordained ministers, solicitation of donations to help them build their own church they are pushing ridiculous denials of the facts presented here...including that the federal courts have recognized Atheism as a religion protected by the 1st Amendment. all good atheists do...they never give up! They desperately seek the comfort of like-minded do many other religions. Sadly, their only attraction is the promise to be considered highly intelligent for denying that God exists. This is what draws so many malleable college students into their fold.
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

Nowhere on this thread has anyone tried to convert you. Why do you feel it necessary to lie?
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

Nowhere on this thread has anyone tried to convert you. Why do you feel it necessary to lie?
Maybe because you're telling people heaven is boring and hell is fun. I felt the need to respond to your lies, which come from the evil one.
Bullshit. You don't need a religion for your opinion to be protected by the Constitution. On religion or on anything else.

Dayam you are still a complete idiot despite me taking you to school multiple times and proving you wrong every single time. Will you ever learn? The Constitution protects you from the government. Even without it, you are free to be an atheist, but you would not be able to argue that your beliefs should be protected from government infringement.

The only way the courts will step in and protect your beliefs against a law that infringes on them is when they are important enough to you that you are able to prove that they place an undue burden upon you when you obey them. That is why the owners of Hobby Lobby won when they filed a suit against the contraception mandate, and why everyone else who holds a sincere belief will also win.

By the way, since you are one of the idiots that think atheism is not a religion, even though there are religions that do not believe in gods of any type, let me point out that words can actually have more than one meaning. The one you should concentrate on when thinking about the law is the third one below, which is why atheism is legally a religion in this country, and why it receives Constitutional protection.

Wait, you do know that words can have more than one meaning, don't you? And did you know that religion is not an exception to that little factoid? The one that is pertinent in the legal world is the third one below.

: the belief in a god or in a group of gods

: an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods

: an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group
If you simply file a lawsuit, and then argue that you really don't believe the law places a burden on you because you don't have any beliefs it infringes upon, you will lose every single time.

Feel free to run off and pretend you never challenged me, just like you do every single time I prove how ignorant you are.
You would have to ask a belligerent atheist. When you find one.
I've never seen an atheist try go "convert" anybody, ever. I don't even know who the atheists are, unless it comes up in conversation. So I dunno.

One correction though (there's always one more) -- atheism isn't an "absence of religion". It''s an absence of theism. Nice try.


You have seen examples of exactly what you say does not exist right here in this thread. My guess is your brain refuses to acknowledge them just like it refuses to acknowledge that I have proven you wrong more than once on this forum.
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

Nowhere on this thread has anyone tried to convert you. Why do you feel it necessary to lie?
Maybe because you're telling people heaven is boring and hell is fun. I felt the need to respond to your lies, which come from the evil one.

My goodness, you're dishonest. You already know I put that thread up because I thought it was humorous. You don't, and that's just fine. No need to lie about it.
I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.

Because you are the god of your own universe. You make up what is right and wrong. And if you mess up you change the rules to suit you. And if someone bothers you then you say that is evil. Problem is, according to that thinking, there are billions of gods in the world. Whose rules do we follow? :eusa_think:
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

Nowhere on this thread has anyone tried to convert you. Why do you feel it necessary to lie?
Maybe because you're telling people heaven is boring and hell is fun. I felt the need to respond to your lies, which come from the evil one.

My goodness, you're dishonest. You already know I put that thread up because I thought it was humorous. You don't, and that's just fine. No need to lie about it.
Is it also humorous to start a thread called "Was Yeshua gay?" or "Is religion a haven for sex perverts?"
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Atheism IS a religion according to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
Read more at Court rules atheism a religion

I rest my case. End of thread.
I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.

Because you are the god of your own universe. You make up what is right and wrong. And if you mess up you change the rules to suit you. And if someone bothers you then you say that is evil. Problem is, according to that thinking, there are billions of gods in the world. Whose rules do we follow? :eusa_think:

Cultures figure these things out. It's not necessary to anthropomorphize a "god" to be the messenger. It's one way, albeit a primitive one
You would have to ask a belligerent atheist. When you find one.
I've never seen an atheist try go "convert" anybody, ever. I don't even know who the atheists are, unless it comes up in conversation. So I dunno.

One correction though (there's always one more) -- atheism isn't an "absence of religion". It''s an absence of theism. Nice try.


You have seen examples of exactly what you say does not exist right here in this thread. My guess is your brain refuses to acknowledge them just like it refuses to acknowledge that I have proven you wrong more than once on this forum.


Danth shows up, reaches around to pat self on back, sprains shoulder, goes to ER. Film at 11.
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Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

You would have to ask a belligerent atheist. When you find one.
I've never seen an atheist try go "convert" anybody, ever. I don't even know who the atheists are, unless it comes up in conversation. So I dunno.
You are being deliberately dense. Who is writing the "Is Yeshua gay?" or "Did Jesus exist?" threads. Atheists are trying to convert people on this forum, trying to sow seeds of doubt and confusion.

I don't have a clue what you're talking about. :dunno:

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