Atheism Is Not A Religion!!!

I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.

Because you are the god of your own universe. You make up what is right and wrong. And if you mess up you change the rules to suit you. And if someone bothers you then you say that is evil. Problem is, according to that thinking, there are billions of gods in the world. Whose rules do we follow? :eusa_think:

Cultures figure these things out. It's not necessary to anthropomorphize a "god" to be the messenger. It's one way, albeit a primitive one

Exactly my point. Hitler "figured these things out". In some cultures rape is okay. In some cultures murder is okay. In other cultures murdering babies is okay.
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?
It's already been shown in this thread to be a religion...complete with homeless churches, invitations to become ordained ministers, solicitation of donations to help them build their own church they are pushing ridiculous denials of the facts presented here...including that the federal courts have recognized Atheism as a religion protected by the 1st Amendment. all good atheists do...they never give up! They desperately seek the comfort of like-minded do many other religions. Sadly, their only attraction is the promise to be considered highly intelligent for denying that God exists. This is what draws so many malleable college students into their fold.

Four days I've asked you, four days I get crickets ---- what would be the POINT?
What exactly can you do with a "church" with no doctrine? A car with no engine? A stove with no food?

Ergo, not a "religion".
And you're still fueling on a Composition fallacy.. See "Rudolph, Eric" from earlier.
I don't need the Ten Commandments to know right from wrong.

Because you are the god of your own universe. You make up what is right and wrong. And if you mess up you change the rules to suit you. And if someone bothers you then you say that is evil. Problem is, according to that thinking, there are billions of gods in the world. Whose rules do we follow? :eusa_think:

Cultures figure these things out. It's not necessary to anthropomorphize a "god" to be the messenger. It's one way, albeit a primitive one

Exactly my point. Hitler "figured these things out". In some cultures rape is okay. In some cultures murder is okay. In other cultures murdering babies is okay.

Uh - really? In what culture is "murder OK"?
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?

Nowhere on this thread has anyone tried to convert you. Why do you feel it necessary to lie?
Maybe because you're telling people heaven is boring and hell is fun. I felt the need to respond to your lies, which come from the evil one.

Can you link us to that post? TIA.
As for the evil one, be fair, Windbag just got here.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Atheism IS a religion according to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
Read more at Court rules atheism a religion

I rest my case. End of thread.

You rest more than that -- yer gonna need a liiiiiiiiitle more credible source than "Whirled Nuts Daily" the birfer rag.
Uh - really? In what culture is "murder OK"?

Islam, Communism, Korowai etc.

Why do you think murder is wrong? To you it is wrong, to them it isn't. Get over it.

Murder is not OK in Islam; Communism is not a religion either, nor does any "communist" society tolerate murder; and I have no clue what Korowai is. I believe they make electric pianos.

It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Atheism IS a religion according to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
Read more at Court rules atheism a religion

I rest my case. End of thread.

You rest more than that -- yer gonna need a liiiiiiiiitle more credible source than "Whirled Nuts Daily" the birfer rag.

As you wish...

Murder is not OK in Islam; Communism is not a religion either, nor does any "communist" society tolerate murder; and I have no clue what Korowai is. I believe they make electric pianos.


Where did I say Communism is a religion?

Murder is not OK in Islam? You don't get out much do you?

noun: murder; plural noun: murders
  1. 1.
    the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another.
    "the stabbing murder of an off-Broadway producer"
    synonyms:killing, homicide, assassination, liquidation, extermination, execution, slaughter, butchery, massacre;More
    "a brutal murder"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
    • informal
      a very difficult or unpleasant task or experience.
      "my first job at the steel mill was murder"
      synonyms:hell, hell on earth, a nightmare, an ordeal, a trial, misery, torture, agony
      "driving there was murder"
      [TBODY] [/TBODY]
verb: murder; 3rd person present: murders; past tense: murdered; past participle: murdered; gerund or present participle: murdering
  1. 1.
    kill (someone) unlawfully and with premeditation.
    "somebody tried to murder Joe"
    synonyms:kill, put to death, assassinate, execute, liquidate, eliminate, dispatch, butcher, slaughter, massacre, wipe out;More
    informalbump off, do in, do away with, knock off, blow away, blow someone's brains out, take out, dispose of, ice, rub out, smoke, waste;
    "someone tried to murder him"
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]
    • informal
      punish severely or be very angry with.
      "my father will murder me if I'm home late"
    • informal
      conclusively defeat (an opponent) in a game or sport.
    • spoil by lack of skill or knowledge.
      "the only thing he had murdered was the English language"
Atheism claim they are as moral as Christians, but then, when it comes to abortion and homosexuality, no they are not. They do not agree that abortion and homosexuality is immoral, and the reason for that is because the "world" says it is not. Atheists follow the latest trends when it comes to morality, they will never stand as a dissenting voice.
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?
It's already been shown in this thread to be a religion...complete with homeless churches, invitations to become ordained ministers, solicitation of donations to help them build their own church they are pushing ridiculous denials of the facts presented here...including that the federal courts have recognized Atheism as a religion protected by the 1st Amendment. all good atheists do...they never give up! They desperately seek the comfort of like-minded do many other religions. Sadly, their only attraction is the promise to be considered highly intelligent for denying that God exists. This is what draws so many malleable college students into their fold.

Four days I've asked you, four days I get crickets ---- what would be the POINT?
What exactly can you do with a "church" with no doctrine? A car with no engine? A stove with no food?

Ergo, not a "religion".
And you're still fueling on a Composition fallacy.. See "Rudolph, Eric" from earlier.
You might ought to lay off the booze for a while there, Pogo. You suffer from the "last post wins" syndrome.
Murder is not OK in Islam; Communism is not a religion either, nor does any "communist" society tolerate murder; and I have no clue what Korowai is. I believe they make electric pianos.


Where did I say Communism is a religion?

OK, it's not a "culture" either; it's a socioeconomic system. That really doesn't take a stance on murder. It takes a stance on how economy should work. That doesn't even relate to murder.

Murder is not OK in Islam? You don't get out much do you?

Quite a lot actually. Big world out there. You?
Atheism claim they are as moral as Christians, but then, when it comes to abortion and homosexuality, no they are not. They do not agree that abortion and homosexuality is immoral, and the reason for that is because the "world" says it is not. Atheists follow the latest trends when it comes to morality, they will never stand as a dissenting voice.

Strawman... strawman... aaand let's see, yes, Strawman. Off to see the wizard, are we?
Why do atheists get so upset if you call their set of beliefs about God and the supernatural "religion."

I mean, what do they lose if atheism is considered a "religion"?

Why are they manning these ramparts so furiously?

Dunno --- what do y'all gain from pretending it IS a "religion"?

I have no idea. :dunno:
I have no dog in this fight. I don't care if you call atheism a religion, or a philosophy, or the absence of a religion or philosophy.

But it does seem that many atheists, especially on the internet, share a common attitude: they carry a big chip on their shoulder and constantly challenge others to push it off.

Why the belligerence? Why are you trying so hard to "convert" people to your absence of religion?
It's already been shown in this thread to be a religion...complete with homeless churches, invitations to become ordained ministers, solicitation of donations to help them build their own church they are pushing ridiculous denials of the facts presented here...including that the federal courts have recognized Atheism as a religion protected by the 1st Amendment. all good atheists do...they never give up! They desperately seek the comfort of like-minded do many other religions. Sadly, their only attraction is the promise to be considered highly intelligent for denying that God exists. This is what draws so many malleable college students into their fold.

Four days I've asked you, four days I get crickets ---- what would be the POINT?
What exactly can you do with a "church" with no doctrine? A car with no engine? A stove with no food?

Ergo, not a "religion".
And you're still fueling on a Composition fallacy.. See "Rudolph, Eric" from earlier.
You might ought to lay off the booze for a while there, Pogo. You suffer from the "last post wins" syndrome.

I don't drink actually. But I do believe drinking exists. :beer:

Hey wait.......... I see what you did there.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Atheism IS a religion according to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
Read more at Court rules atheism a religion

I rest my case. End of thread.

You rest more than that -- yer gonna need a liiiiiiiiitle more credible source than "Whirled Nuts Daily" the birfer rag.
Rather than ridicule the source, why don't you refute the message? Why? Because you really hate to admit what is says is true. How typically liberal of you!
Atheism claim they are as moral as Christians, but then, when it comes to abortion and homosexuality, no they are not. They do not agree that abortion and homosexuality is immoral, and the reason for that is because the "world" says it is not. Atheists follow the latest trends when it comes to morality, they will never stand as a dissenting voice.

Strawman... strawman... aaand let's see, yes, Strawman. Off to see the wizard, are we?
OK, fine. Give me an atheist reason why abortion is wrong.
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Atheism IS a religion according to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
Read more at Court rules atheism a religion

I rest my case. End of thread.

You rest more than that -- yer gonna need a liiiiiiiiitle more credible source than "Whirled Nuts Daily" the birfer rag.
Rather than ridicule the source, why don't you refute the message? Why? Because you really hate to admit what is says is true. How typically liberal of you!

Because Whirled Nuts is a bullshit source and their material is laughable. Now I see the poster has brought in the case from a credible source, so before opining on it I'm going to read through the case so that unlike Whirled Nuts I might know what I'm talking about.

Imagine, knowing what one's talking about. How typically "liberal" of me!

In a thread that doesn't even have anything to do with politics! Nice trick.
Atheism claim they are as moral as Christians, but then, when it comes to abortion and homosexuality, no they are not. They do not agree that abortion and homosexuality is immoral, and the reason for that is because the "world" says it is not. Atheists follow the latest trends when it comes to morality, they will never stand as a dissenting voice.

Strawman... strawman... aaand let's see, yes, Strawman. Off to see the wizard, are we?
OK, fine. Give me an atheist reason why abortion is wrong.

Atheism has nothing to do with "abortion" so there's no such thing. Perhaps if you realized atheism isn't a religion, you could see that there could be no such thing.

Someone has lost the track. This thread is about whether atheism constitutes a religion.

Hey tell me something -- I've never been in a discussion like this before -- is it always this easy?
And how come you're so busy starting atheism threads, if the atheists are the "enraged" ones?
Last edited:
It is NOT a religion, and if you keep saying it is, I'm going to start my own tax exempt church, and start pounding on your door at dinner time.

Seriously, it sounds ridiculous when you say it.

  1. the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
    "ideas about the relationship between science and religion"
    synonyms:faith, belief, worship, creed; More
    [TBODY] [/TBODY]

Atheism IS a religion according to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals.

“Atheism is [the inmate's] religion, and the group that he wanted to start was religious in nature even though it expressly rejects a belief in a supreme being,” the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals said.
Read more at Court rules atheism a religion

I rest my case. End of thread.

You rest more than that -- yer gonna need a liiiiiiiiitle more credible source than "Whirled Nuts Daily" the birfer rag.
Rather than ridicule the source, why don't you refute the message? Why? Because you really hate to admit what is says is true. How typically liberal of you!

Because Whirled Nuts is a bullshit source and their material is laughable. Now I see the poster has brought in the case from a credible source, so before opining on it I'm going to read through the case so that unlike Whirled Nuts I might know what I'm talking about.

Imagine, knowing what one's talking about. How typically "liberal" of me!
I'm betting your eyes are brown.

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