Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

There are about 5 million Muslims in the US. There are about 247 million Christians (self proclaimed).

The reason Islam is ignored is because 99.9 % of the 'forcing of religion on others' comes from Christians because they are such a large number of people and aren't used to people pushing back. So there is this fake bizarre 'Christians are under attack' bullshit in con-media. Really? 62% of the population self-describes as 'christian' and they are the group that is under attack?

In what land of the perpetual victim does this even seem possible. Jesus H stop the whining! There isn't a line of Christians volunteering to go over and fight IsiL either. Hmm, wonder why.

I do not think you possess an honest bone in your body. You have an agenda and that is all that matters.

Apparently, the fact that since 9/11/01 Islamic terrorists or militants have committed over 25,000 acts of violence where an innocent was murdered (in a few of those cases only badly maimed) across the globe does not give you pause? These are not referring to military operations, these are non-military accounts. 25,000!!! Go look it up if you care, they are all well-documented. This post is not about how we Christians feel so badly treated. This post is about the horrors of ISLAM and the way the media, Hollywood, the govt, Obama, congress, educators, the public, et al. are deathly AFRAID to criticize Islam!!!! And we can understand why!! Apparently you have some agenda to fulfill and cannot be bothered with that.

Islamic Terror Attacks for First Part of 2015

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2014

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2013

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2011

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2010

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims
The definition for "catholic church" is universal Church, it Pre-dates Catholic Church the two have nothing to do with each other.

Martin Luther was killed by the Catholic Church because of his beliefs and teachings.

Look up Martin Luther
Martin Luther died in his bed from a stroke.
Maybe he had a stroke after whipping freezing or whatever other ways he found to torture himself. He felt it brought him closer to God.

And he was sure the second coming would happen in his lifetime.

He's a perfect example of how worrying about God is a waste of your life.
I find these "who killed more" and "they weren't true Christian" arguments to be comical. It's not like politics, greed, forced industrialization of agrarian societies, and/or perceived threats to the state/church had anything to do with the tens of millions of deaths throughout human history. To claim otherwise is showing ignorance of religion,atheism, and history. If only it was that simple.
I agree with your post.
"Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’"

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

In the United States Christians are appropriately subject to criticism when they advocate conjoining church and state contrary to the Framers' mandate, or otherwise seek to codify religious dogma into secular law in violation of Establishment Clause jurisprudence.

And any Muslim in the United States who advocates for the same thing will likewise be subject to the same justified criticism as any Christian, having nothing to do with 'fear.'

Admittedly, this is as far as I have read on this thread. But when I see your answer all I can glean is this --

You have and ends from which you will not move, therefore, search for whatever means may support it (even it's rather flimsy) and IGNORE all means which make a your "ends" a sham.

That is how many liberals (and some conservatives, but far more liberals) operate. That is very much the case how so many skeptics and unbelievers in Christianity operate. About as disingenuous and deceptive as one can be.

It is obvious what the top poster said is true. The media, Hollywood, the government, educators, etc. all avoid criticizing Islam because they are afraid!!! Do I blame them? No. But quit denying the reality of it all, that is what we are saying. We are sick of everyone being dishonest or duplicitous and the naïve or ambivalent public too ignorant to recognize it or figure it out for themselves.

Just the way the media does not report on many stories or sugar coats scandals or plays up other B.S. is both obvious and sickening. Islam is more or less evil because it foments millions of violent fanatics. Fact! And Obama won't even call them Islamic terrorists, much less do anything about it. It was the video in Alabama that caused Benghazi don't you know?

There are about 5 million Muslims in the US. There are about 247 million Christians (self proclaimed).

The reason Islam is ignored is because 99.9 % of the 'forcing of religion on others' comes from Christians because they are such a large number of people and aren't used to people pushing back. So there is this fake bizarre 'Christians are under attack' bullshit in con-media. Really? 62% of the population self-describes as 'christian' and they are the group that is under attack?

In what land of the perpetual victim does this even seem possible. Jesus H stop the whining! There isn't a line of Christians volunteering to go over and fight IsiL either. Hmm, wonder why.
They did the same thing down south with the confederate flag issue. Whites murder and discriminate for hundreds of years now they're the victims because they can't fly their nazi flags? Same thing really.
There are about 5 million Muslims in the US. There are about 247 million Christians (self proclaimed).

The reason Islam is ignored is because 99.9 % of the 'forcing of religion on others' comes from Christians because they are such a large number of people and aren't used to people pushing back. So there is this fake bizarre 'Christians are under attack' bullshit in con-media. Really? 62% of the population self-describes as 'christian' and they are the group that is under attack?

In what land of the perpetual victim does this even seem possible. Jesus H stop the whining! There isn't a line of Christians volunteering to go over and fight IsiL either. Hmm, wonder why.

I do not think you possess an honest bone in your body. You have an agenda and that is all that matters.

Apparently, the fact that since 9/11/01 Islamic terrorists or militants have committed over 25,000 acts of violence where an innocent was murdered (in a few of those cases only badly maimed) across the globe does not give you pause? These are not referring to military operations, these are non-military accounts. 25,000!!! Go look it up if you care, they are all well-documented. This post is not about how we Christians feel so badly treated. This post is about the horrors of ISLAM and the way the media, Hollywood, the govt, Obama, congress, educators, the public, et al. are deathly AFRAID to criticize Islam!!!! And we can understand why!! Apparently you have some agenda to fulfill and cannot be bothered with that.

Islamic Terror Attacks for First Part of 2015

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2014

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2013

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2011

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2010

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims

We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?
There are about 5 million Muslims in the US. There are about 247 million Christians (self proclaimed).

The reason Islam is ignored is because 99.9 % of the 'forcing of religion on others' comes from Christians because they are such a large number of people and aren't used to people pushing back. So there is this fake bizarre 'Christians are under attack' bullshit in con-media. Really? 62% of the population self-describes as 'christian' and they are the group that is under attack?

In what land of the perpetual victim does this even seem possible. Jesus H stop the whining! There isn't a line of Christians volunteering to go over and fight IsiL either. Hmm, wonder why.

I do not think you possess an honest bone in your body. You have an agenda and that is all that matters.

Apparently, the fact that since 9/11/01 Islamic terrorists or militants have committed over 25,000 acts of violence where an innocent was murdered (in a few of those cases only badly maimed) across the globe does not give you pause? These are not referring to military operations, these are non-military accounts. 25,000!!! Go look it up if you care, they are all well-documented. This post is not about how we Christians feel so badly treated. This post is about the horrors of ISLAM and the way the media, Hollywood, the govt, Obama, congress, educators, the public, et al. are deathly AFRAID to criticize Islam!!!! And we can understand why!! Apparently you have some agenda to fulfill and cannot be bothered with that.

Islamic Terror Attacks for First Part of 2015

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2014

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2013

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2012

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2011

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2010

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2009

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2008

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2007

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2006

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2005

Islamic Terror Attacks for 2004

Islamic Attacks from September 11th, 2001 through 2003

About the List of Terrorist Attacks by Muslims
His opinion is of convenience...
The definition for "catholic church" is universal Church, it Pre-dates Catholic Church the two have nothing to do with each other.

Martin Luther was killed by the Catholic Church because of his beliefs and teachings.

Look up Martin Luther
Martin Luther died in his bed from a stroke.
"Conveniently" died of a "stroke"... Huh??
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.

Christianity and Islam have many similarities and are both Abrahamic religions.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.

Christianity and Islam have many similarities and are both Abrahamic religions.
Mohammed pretty much plagarized some stuff from Judaism and some stuff from Christianity. He's the 7th century Joseph Smith.
Bush killed 1 million? OK, let's run with those phony numbers. Godless Communist governments of 20th century murdered an estimated 160 million of their own citizens.
Funny how the left are never upset about that.
It's like their faux outrage at war. Anyone see Cindy Sheehan or Code Pink now that Obama has invaded Syria?
I think it's funny your religions use fuzzy math in your numbers of murders attributed to atheists or athiesm.

Here's one religion can't deny. The 30 year war between Catholics and Protestants. 8 million murdered. It isn't debatable Christianity is to blame for all 8 million of those deaths. How many died in the crusade?

You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Oh...."only" 450,000. Well then. Tis merely a scratch.....

Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.
Still doesn't erase Christians murderous history. And it's cute how you downsize or lowball your murders but inflate ours.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill as many as you think. A lot of those people starved to death. Lol.

Catholic Christians didn't kill as many Jews as you think. Many of them died of starvation. Lol

It is MANS murderous history. Man uses all sorts of reasons to justify his theft of the neighbors cow, daughter, land etc. The only Christian wars that are absolutely religion based are the Crusades. And there only the first one was truly religious only. After that the goals were expansion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the attendant increase in wealth. There are two reasons that leaders go to war, "temporal reasons", land, resources, slaves, etc. The other is of course for "spiritual" reasons. The number of wars that have been fought purely for spiritual reasons can be counted on your fingers and toes.
Bush killed 1 million? OK, let's run with those phony numbers. Godless Communist governments of 20th century murdered an estimated 160 million of their own citizens.
Funny how the left are never upset about that.
It's like their faux outrage at war. Anyone see Cindy Sheehan or Code Pink now that Obama has invaded Syria?
I think it's funny your religions use fuzzy math in your numbers of murders attributed to atheists or athiesm.

Here's one religion can't deny. The 30 year war between Catholics and Protestants. 8 million murdered. It isn't debatable Christianity is to blame for all 8 million of those deaths. How many died in the crusade?

You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Which in no way mitigates the fact that those deaths were likewise the result of religious wars.

Actually the 30 years war was a series of expansions. The terrible atrocities were no doubt religion induced but the war itself was a simple war of conquest. I don't remember the full particulars, but Gustavus Adolphus had claims against the Danes. The Austrians had claims in the north and the Poles were worried about Sweden's designs on Europe. Toss in France and her interests, and Great Britain and her interest in the Free Cities and of course Spanish holdings in the Low Countries and there was a huge powder keg with the fuse well lit.
You make it sound like "religious" wars are really just wars for gain. Can we apply that in all cases?

List off the religious wars who's sole reason were spiritual in nature. In other words there was no attempt to profit from the results of the war. It was purely to kill the other religion, or convert them to your religion.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.

Christianity and Islam have many similarities and are both Abrahamic religions.
Mohammed pretty much plagarized some stuff from Judaism and some stuff from Christianity. He's the 7th century Joseph Smith.
I think it's funny your religions use fuzzy math in your numbers of murders attributed to atheists or athiesm.

Here's one religion can't deny. The 30 year war between Catholics and Protestants. 8 million murdered. It isn't debatable Christianity is to blame for all 8 million of those deaths. How many died in the crusade?

You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Oh...."only" 450,000. Well then. Tis merely a scratch.....

Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.
Still doesn't erase Christians murderous history. And it's cute how you downsize or lowball your murders but inflate ours.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill as many as you think. A lot of those people starved to death. Lol.

Catholic Christians didn't kill as many Jews as you think. Many of them died of starvation. Lol

It is MANS murderous history. Man uses all sorts of reasons to justify his theft of the neighbors cow, daughter, land etc. The only Christian wars that are absolutely religion based are the Crusades. And there only the first one was truly religious only. After that the goals were expansion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the attendant increase in wealth. There are two reasons that leaders go to war, "temporal reasons", land, resources, slaves, etc. The other is of course for "spiritual" reasons. The number of wars that have been fought purely for spiritual reasons can be counted on your fingers and toes.
So, it's really not about religion or atheism at all.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.

Christianity and Islam have many similarities and are both Abrahamic religions.
Mohammed pretty much plagarized some stuff from Judaism and some stuff from Christianity. He's the 7th century Joseph Smith.
You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Oh...."only" 450,000. Well then. Tis merely a scratch.....

Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.
Still doesn't erase Christians murderous history. And it's cute how you downsize or lowball your murders but inflate ours.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill as many as you think. A lot of those people starved to death. Lol.

Catholic Christians didn't kill as many Jews as you think. Many of them died of starvation. Lol

It is MANS murderous history. Man uses all sorts of reasons to justify his theft of the neighbors cow, daughter, land etc. The only Christian wars that are absolutely religion based are the Crusades. And there only the first one was truly religious only. After that the goals were expansion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the attendant increase in wealth. There are two reasons that leaders go to war, "temporal reasons", land, resources, slaves, etc. The other is of course for "spiritual" reasons. The number of wars that have been fought purely for spiritual reasons can be counted on your fingers and toes.
So, it's really not about religion or atheism at all.

No, the atheists have a long history of murdering religious people purely because of their faith. They are perceived as a threat to the ruling class. The so called religious wars that you all point to are likewise very clearly wars of conquest or expansion. The religious aspect of them are the atrocities that were committed during the capture of cities etc. I have never said that religion was devoid of despicable behavior. Far from it. I am merely pointing out that the atheists who claim to be so pure are in fact the worst perpetrator of murder the world has ever seen.

The religion based excuses and murders are truly despicable.....but you atheists have turned murder into an art form. No religious leader, and no religion, holds a candle to progressives and their murderous behavior.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.

Christianity and Islam have many similarities and are both Abrahamic religions.
Mohammed pretty much plagarized some stuff from Judaism and some stuff from Christianity. He's the 7th century Joseph Smith.
Oh...."only" 450,000. Well then. Tis merely a scratch.....

Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.
Still doesn't erase Christians murderous history. And it's cute how you downsize or lowball your murders but inflate ours.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill as many as you think. A lot of those people starved to death. Lol.

Catholic Christians didn't kill as many Jews as you think. Many of them died of starvation. Lol

It is MANS murderous history. Man uses all sorts of reasons to justify his theft of the neighbors cow, daughter, land etc. The only Christian wars that are absolutely religion based are the Crusades. And there only the first one was truly religious only. After that the goals were expansion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the attendant increase in wealth. There are two reasons that leaders go to war, "temporal reasons", land, resources, slaves, etc. The other is of course for "spiritual" reasons. The number of wars that have been fought purely for spiritual reasons can be counted on your fingers and toes.
So, it's really not about religion or atheism at all.

No, the atheists have a long history of murdering religious people purely because of their faith. They are perceived as a threat to the ruling class. The so called religious wars that you all point to are likewise very clearly wars of conquest or expansion. The religious aspect of them are the atrocities that were committed during the capture of cities etc. I have never said that religion was devoid of despicable behavior. Far from it. I am merely pointing out that the atheists who claim to be so pure are in fact the worst perpetrator of murder the world has ever seen.

The religion based excuses and murders are truly despicable.....but you atheists have turned murder into an art form. No religious leader, and no religion, holds a candle to progressives and their murderous behavior.
Communists/socialists for one just kill people because they want the peoples only hope To be In government not beyond the government, atheists are nothing more than Soulless twits...
I think it's funny your religions use fuzzy math in your numbers of murders attributed to atheists or athiesm.

Here's one religion can't deny. The 30 year war between Catholics and Protestants. 8 million murdered. It isn't debatable Christianity is to blame for all 8 million of those deaths. How many died in the crusade?

You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Oh...."only" 450,000. Well then. Tis merely a scratch.....

Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.
Still doesn't erase Christians murderous history. And it's cute how you downsize or lowball your murders but inflate ours.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill as many as you think. A lot of those people starved to death. Lol.

Catholic Christians didn't kill as many Jews as you think. Many of them died of starvation. Lol

It is MANS murderous history. Man uses all sorts of reasons to justify his theft of the neighbors cow, daughter, land etc. The only Christian wars that are absolutely religion based are the Crusades. And there only the first one was truly religious only. After that the goals were expansion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the attendant increase in wealth. There are two reasons that leaders go to war, "temporal reasons", land, resources, slaves, etc. The other is of course for "spiritual" reasons. The number of wars that have been fought purely for spiritual reasons can be counted on your fingers and toes.
But religion is one of the things they use to get us to go to war. A lot easier to invade Muslim countries especially when their religion is evil and yours is real and your holy book even prophesized the war.
You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Oh...."only" 450,000. Well then. Tis merely a scratch.....

Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.
Still doesn't erase Christians murderous history. And it's cute how you downsize or lowball your murders but inflate ours.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill as many as you think. A lot of those people starved to death. Lol.

Catholic Christians didn't kill as many Jews as you think. Many of them died of starvation. Lol

It is MANS murderous history. Man uses all sorts of reasons to justify his theft of the neighbors cow, daughter, land etc. The only Christian wars that are absolutely religion based are the Crusades. And there only the first one was truly religious only. After that the goals were expansion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the attendant increase in wealth. There are two reasons that leaders go to war, "temporal reasons", land, resources, slaves, etc. The other is of course for "spiritual" reasons. The number of wars that have been fought purely for spiritual reasons can be counted on your fingers and toes.
But religion is one of the things they use to get us to go to war. A lot easier to invade Muslim countries especially when their religion is evil and yours is real and your holy book even prophesized the war.
It certainly has been used as an excuse by those in power a's that "Go To" excuse if you want to fire up the masses.
I think it's funny your religions use fuzzy math in your numbers of murders attributed to atheists or athiesm.

Here's one religion can't deny. The 30 year war between Catholics and Protestants. 8 million murdered. It isn't debatable Christianity is to blame for all 8 million of those deaths. How many died in the crusade?

You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Which in no way mitigates the fact that those deaths were likewise the result of religious wars.

Actually the 30 years war was a series of expansions. The terrible atrocities were no doubt religion induced but the war itself was a simple war of conquest. I don't remember the full particulars, but Gustavus Adolphus had claims against the Danes. The Austrians had claims in the north and the Poles were worried about Sweden's designs on Europe. Toss in France and her interests, and Great Britain and her interest in the Free Cities and of course Spanish holdings in the Low Countries and there was a huge powder keg with the fuse well lit.
You make it sound like "religious" wars are really just wars for gain. Can we apply that in all cases?

List off the religious wars who's sole reason were spiritual in nature. In other words there was no attempt to profit from the results of the war. It was purely to kill the other religion, or convert them to your religion.
Name any war where there was no profit motive.

Religion may not be the reason we invade but, for example, was the Iraq war endorsed by Christian churches in America?

Was the Iraq war sanctioned in Canadian Christian churches? Nope.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.

Christianity and Islam have many similarities and are both Abrahamic religions.
Mohammed pretty much plagarized some stuff from Judaism and some stuff from Christianity. He's the 7th century Joseph Smith.
Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.
Still doesn't erase Christians murderous history. And it's cute how you downsize or lowball your murders but inflate ours.

Mao and Stalin didn't kill as many as you think. A lot of those people starved to death. Lol.

Catholic Christians didn't kill as many Jews as you think. Many of them died of starvation. Lol

It is MANS murderous history. Man uses all sorts of reasons to justify his theft of the neighbors cow, daughter, land etc. The only Christian wars that are absolutely religion based are the Crusades. And there only the first one was truly religious only. After that the goals were expansion of the Kingdom of Jerusalem with the attendant increase in wealth. There are two reasons that leaders go to war, "temporal reasons", land, resources, slaves, etc. The other is of course for "spiritual" reasons. The number of wars that have been fought purely for spiritual reasons can be counted on your fingers and toes.
So, it's really not about religion or atheism at all.

No, the atheists have a long history of murdering religious people purely because of their faith. They are perceived as a threat to the ruling class. The so called religious wars that you all point to are likewise very clearly wars of conquest or expansion. The religious aspect of them are the atrocities that were committed during the capture of cities etc. I have never said that religion was devoid of despicable behavior. Far from it. I am merely pointing out that the atheists who claim to be so pure are in fact the worst perpetrator of murder the world has ever seen.

The religion based excuses and murders are truly despicable.....but you atheists have turned murder into an art form. No religious leader, and no religion, holds a candle to progressives and their murderous behavior.
Communists/socialists for one just kill people because they want the peoples only hope To be In government not beyond the government, atheists are nothing more than Soulless twits...
So...atheists have no soul....easy to hate and eliminate them when you think of them as somehow "less".....isn't it?

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