Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

Religious Displays in Public Schools

And as for pagans, we can look to the protest at that HS football game and the Satan statue that Satanists wanted to put up next to the 10 Commandments in Oklahoma in front of the State Capital.

Sklar is a attorney who works with the ACLU and AU so i don't know if he's a Jew or not. I looked through your link and could find no actual court cases by Jews. The web site reported on lawsuits that have been filed but the first one that you linked to is an AU case.
So....? As you can see from my link, it is not just Atheists who have problems with christian displays in the government arena....whether it's schools or government buildings.

I see no evidence of Jews filing lawsuits. Please note I didn't say it was not happening, just that I had never heard of it. The stories that the web site links to are almost all AU lawsuits and AU is an atheist group the last i checked.
So you have no problem with my link. Ok then.

Your link works fine. What you claimed though doesn't appear to be factual. I see no Jews filing lawsuits in the name of Judaism. If you can find one I would love to see it, but so far you're batting .000

Ah....I get it now. :lol:
Sklar is a attorney who works with the ACLU and AU so i don't know if he's a Jew or not. I looked through your link and could find no actual court cases by Jews. The web site reported on lawsuits that have been filed but the first one that you linked to is an AU case.
So....? As you can see from my link, it is not just Atheists who have problems with christian displays in the government arena....whether it's schools or government buildings.

I see no evidence of Jews filing lawsuits. Please note I didn't say it was not happening, just that I had never heard of it. The stories that the web site links to are almost all AU lawsuits and AU is an atheist group the last i checked.
So you have no problem with my link. Ok then.

Your link works fine. What you claimed though doesn't appear to be factual. I see no Jews filing lawsuits in the name of Judaism. If you can find one I would love to see it, but so far you're batting .000

Ah....I get it now. :lol:

Good. I look forward to a link of a Jew suing for Judaism like atheists sue for atheism. The link you provided was all atheist lawsuits from what I could find.
Sklar is a attorney who works with the ACLU and AU so i don't know if he's a Jew or not. I looked through your link and could find no actual court cases by Jews. The web site reported on lawsuits that have been filed but the first one that you linked to is an AU case.
So....? As you can see from my link, it is not just Atheists who have problems with christian displays in the government arena....whether it's schools or government buildings.

I see no evidence of Jews filing lawsuits. Please note I didn't say it was not happening, just that I had never heard of it. The stories that the web site links to are almost all AU lawsuits and AU is an atheist group the last i checked.
So you have no problem with my link. Ok then.

Your link works fine. What you claimed though doesn't appear to be factual. I see no Jews filing lawsuits in the name of Judaism. If you can find one I would love to see it, but so far you're batting .000

Ah....I get it now. :lol:
extended links from my original link:
Victory in Delaware School District case

Jewish Student Who Filed Lawsuit Against Pine Bush School District Speaks Out |

Local school district settles lawsuit that claimed classmates bullied girl for years

Jewish teacher sues Colorado school district over evangelical events on school grounds -

Not too hard to find a few more, even tho I'm watching the football game.
So....? As you can see from my link, it is not just Atheists who have problems with christian displays in the government arena....whether it's schools or government buildings.

I see no evidence of Jews filing lawsuits. Please note I didn't say it was not happening, just that I had never heard of it. The stories that the web site links to are almost all AU lawsuits and AU is an atheist group the last i checked.
So you have no problem with my link. Ok then.

Your link works fine. What you claimed though doesn't appear to be factual. I see no Jews filing lawsuits in the name of Judaism. If you can find one I would love to see it, but so far you're batting .000

Ah....I get it now. :lol:
extended links from my original link:
Victory in Delaware School District case

Jewish Student Who Filed Lawsuit Against Pine Bush School District Speaks Out |

Local school district settles lawsuit that claimed classmates bullied girl for years

Jewish teacher sues Colorado school district over evangelical events on school grounds -

Not too hard to find a few more, even tho I'm watching the football game.
and the World Series.
So....? As you can see from my link, it is not just Atheists who have problems with christian displays in the government arena....whether it's schools or government buildings.

I see no evidence of Jews filing lawsuits. Please note I didn't say it was not happening, just that I had never heard of it. The stories that the web site links to are almost all AU lawsuits and AU is an atheist group the last i checked.
So you have no problem with my link. Ok then.

Your link works fine. What you claimed though doesn't appear to be factual. I see no Jews filing lawsuits in the name of Judaism. If you can find one I would love to see it, but so far you're batting .000

Ah....I get it now. :lol:

Good. I look forward to a link of a Jew suing for Judaism like atheists sue for atheism. The link you provided was all atheist lawsuits from what I could find.
Obviously you're unaware of how ignorant and ridiculous this is.

No one files suit 'for' or 'against' a religion, the notion is nonsense.

The complaint is filed against government action, anyone can challenge government laws and policies on First Amendment grounds having nothing to do with his religion or the religion government seeks to promote.
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you. want a religious war.
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
You didn't listen to a word we've said. You believe what you want to believe.

The German Nazis were Christians. Bush killed 1 million in Iraq alone. Did you count that? That was Christian Americans killing Muslims.

I don't care if bush or Hitler were athiests. What were the Germans in 1944? What was America in 2003? Christians! Your math is fuzzy.
Bush killed 1 million? OK, let's run with those phony numbers. Godless Communist governments of 20th century murdered an estimated 160 million of their own citizens.
Funny how the left are never upset about that.
It's like their faux outrage at war. Anyone see Cindy Sheehan or Code Pink now that Obama has invaded Syria?
I think it's funny your religions use fuzzy math in your numbers of murders attributed to atheists or athiesm.

Here's one religion can't deny. The 30 year war between Catholics and Protestants. 8 million murdered. It isn't debatable Christianity is to blame for all 8 million of those deaths. How many died in the crusade?
You do realize that the overwhelming majority of deaths in the 30 years war were caused by disease. Namely Typhus, Plague and Dysentary. The book below is the bible on the war and his exaustive research shows the causes of the deaths in great detail. Actual military losses over the 30 years is around 450,000.

Oh...."only" 450,000. Well then. Tis merely a scratch.....

Over 30 years? Yeah, it is. There are still 160,000 MISSING from the British and German armies from the Battle of the Somme. Imagine that, a SINGLE battle from WWI has more casualties than ALL of the 30 years war combined.

Are you claiming every death that is caused by Muslims or Isis? Because someone just told me, and I quote, "We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be."

Please don't claim ISIS is also atheist. It is not. It is very much religious.
Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

>>So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.<<

No, I do not agree with either of the statements as you phrase them. Secondly, the definition of “at war” can mean many different things to many different people --- so the point you are attempting to make is very vague.

>>We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.<<

I have no idea who “you guys” is referring to? I have no idea what “war strategy” you are referring to? I do not even know who you are associating me with?

Your general assumptions throughout this thread may give you some comfort but they do nothing for me.
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Do you see how religion is bad for people and how people kill over it? Over a freakin fairytale???

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