Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.

You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
I feel the same way about Christians. Even the nice ones are stupid and think people are going to burn in hell forever if they don't believe.

What should we do with Muslim Americans?
We are not at war with turkey or Saudi Arabia, are we? Do you want to be?

Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.

No we are not....just like we are not at war with christianity...or at war with christmas. That's just ridiculous. Don't sound like a western version of the Taliban or ISIS.
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.
Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.

Do you count all the Muslims in the middle east murdering today? Do you count all the people that died on 9 11? Because those were religious people who flew those airplanes into those building. Not atheists.

So lets see who have killed more in the last 30 years. Atheists have killed zero and Religions have killed millions.

Maybe Pol Pot and Stalin were the best killers back in they day but you guys are sure catching up thanks to your brothers the Muslims who have a very similar nutty story to your nutty story. Luckily your story was better written and took out all the murder that was in your original book the new testament. Maybe one day there will be a New Koran.
I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You think just like those ISIS psychos.
Sure thing.

Just cover your eyes and block your ears and it will all go away.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.

No we are not....just like we are not at war with christianity...or at war with christmas. That's just ridiculous. Don't sound like a western version of the Taliban or ISIS.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
And there have been a few Christians who want to make the whole world THEIR version of sharia. The best thing to do is stay secular.
Of course you missed the point and don't answer either of my two smple questions. Please retry.

Are we at war with turkey?

Do you want to be?

Can't answer 2 questions?

I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.

No we are not....just like we are not at war with christianity...or at war with christmas. That's just ridiculous. Don't sound like a western version of the Taliban or ISIS.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
The Pope is working to combine all religions into one
“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” Revelation 17:6

Pope Francis is a man on a mission to fulfill bible prophecy, and he is getting more done than any other Pope in the last 100 years. Pope Francis is here to make some serious and drastic changes not only in the Catholic Vatican system, in the professing Christianity as well. He is creating the One World Religion.

Pope Francis On Frantic Quest To Unite All Religions Under Rome
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Go ask 10 Muslims on the street if they'd want sharia to rule the US. You'll get 10 yesses without hesitation. Now go back to your barbies.
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
And there have been a few Christians who want to make the whole world THEIR version of sharia. The best thing to do is stay secular.
Christians aren't slicing people's heads off. Now you can resume your nap.
I was not disposed to play your guessing games.

No, we are not at war with Turkey or Saudi Arabia but we are at war with fanatical Islam on many fronts and against many different cells or ideologies within Islam. And some of them do reside in Saudi Arabia and Turkey as well I might imagine.

So what was your clever point?

Mine is simply this. God is real, the devil is real, and evil becomes far greater in this world when it turns into a diabolical ideology. 25,000 attacks on innocent people resulting most often in mass murder is diabolical and that is what free nations and good people and Christianity must be at war with. If you want to be a pacifist and play hide and seek I cannot stop you.
So you agree we are not at war with Islam. We are at war with some radical muslims but not at war with Islam.

We all understand who we are at war with. We get the seriousness. You aren't alone. We are on your side. We just don't like you guys planning the war strategy because you really suck at it.

Stay the course - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
We are at war with islam. The sooner people realize that all Muslims want to take over the world, the better we'll all be.

No we are not....just like we are not at war with christianity...or at war with christmas. That's just ridiculous. Don't sound like a western version of the Taliban or ISIS.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
The Pope is working to combine all religions into one
“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.” Revelation 17:6

Pope Francis is a man on a mission to fulfill bible prophecy, and he is getting more done than any other Pope in the last 100 years. Pope Francis is here to make some serious and drastic changes not only in the Catholic Vatican system, in the professing Christianity as well. He is creating the One World Religion.

Pope Francis On Frantic Quest To Unite All Religions Under Rome
He just wants more little boys to fondle.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Go ask 10 Muslims on the street if they'd want sharia to rule the US. You'll get 10 yesses without hesitation. Now go back to your barbies.
Go ask 10 conservative Christians if they'd like this to be a Christian nation and you'll get 10 yes'.

Of course a devout religious people would like the country to have to follow their religion. Everyone thinks their religion is the best. That's why we must stay secular. I want you to be free to practice your fairytale but I want it out of my government.

6 out of 10 Republicans are just as fucking stupid as Muslims.

57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Go ask 10 Muslims on the street if they'd want sharia to rule the US. You'll get 10 yesses without hesitation. Now go back to your barbies.
Go ask 10 conservative Christians if they'd like this to be a Christian nation and you'll get 10 yes'.

Of course a devout religious people would like the country to have to follow their religion. Everyone thinks their religion is the best. That's why we must stay secular. I want you to be free to practice your fairytale but I want it out of my government.

6 out of 10 Republicans are just as fucking stupid as Muslims.

57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion
They're not slicing people's heads off to do it. Or kidnapping and selling little girls. Or covering women with a sheet and beating them (the sheet is to hide the bruises)...
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Smart people look at two similar things and see differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.

IMO, here again, you are looking for cheap victories which are really inane if dissected.

Christianity has been the antithesis of Islam as far as how they have treated others who do not think or believe the same. I really find your pointing out the Church's faults and making zero mention of the incalculably enormous good this religion has done for societies throughout history to be disingenuous to the extreme.

Here is a hint for you: Just because one creed's "god" may be a myth, does not mean another creed's god is a myth. Zeus and Thor are not serious players. Hinduism and other Eastern religions have not presented serious empirical evidence to support their beliefs. American Indians, as well. Islam has demonstrated that far too much evil has come from that religion, even since its inception, --- so I do not see a benevolent God allowing so much hatred, intolerance and conversion by the sword, etc.

So do not group Judaism and Christianity with all the others. I submit they have both been blessings to a lost world. No, your pagans and atheists have not. They have virtually never come to the aid of defenseless nations suffering from invading forces. Christianity has done on many occasions. Christianity stands alone despite the sinners within.

So if you want to take issue with that fine, I won't be impressed. But do not call it "religion" because we are no more responsible for the sins of Islam or Asian religions than they are for ours.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Go ask 10 Muslims on the street if they'd want sharia to rule the US. You'll get 10 yesses without hesitation. Now go back to your barbies.
Go ask 10 conservative Christians if they'd like this to be a Christian nation and you'll get 10 yes'.

Of course a devout religious people would like the country to have to follow their religion. Everyone thinks their religion is the best. That's why we must stay secular. I want you to be free to practice your fairytale but I want it out of my government.

6 out of 10 Republicans are just as fucking stupid as Muslims.

57% Of Republicans Say Dismantle Constitution And Make Christianity National Religion
They're not slicing people's heads off to do it. Or kidnapping and selling little girls. Or covering women with a sheet and beating them (the sheet is to hide the bruises)...
Are Muslim Americans doing these things? Maybe you are just a little ignorant?
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Smart people look at two similar things and see differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.

IMO, here again, you are looking for cheap victories which are really inane if dissected.

Christianity has been the antithesis of Islam as far as how they have treated others who do not think or believe the same. I really find your pointing out the Church's faults and making zero mention of the incalculably enormous good this religion has done for societies throughout history to be disingenuous to the extreme.

Here is a hint for you: Just because one creed's "god" may be a myth, does not mean another creed's god is a myth. Zeus and Thor are not serious players. Hinduism and other Eastern religions have not presented serious empirical evidence to support their beliefs. American Indians, as well. Islam has demonstrated that far too much evil has come from that religion, even since its inception, --- so I do not see a benevolent God allowing so much hatred, intolerance and conversion by the sword, etc.

So do not group Judaism and Christianity with all the others. I submit they have both been blessings to a lost world. No, your pagans and atheists have not. They have virtually never come to the aid of defenseless nations suffering from invading forces. Christianity has done on many occasions. Christianity stands alone despite the sinners within.

So if you want to take issue with that fine, I won't be impressed. But do not call it "religion" because we are no more responsible for the sins of Islam or Asian religions than they are for ours.
Islam has done a lot of good too. You can't be a religion without doing at least some good.

Seven admirable things about Islam - FairMormon Blog

10 Things I Wish Everyone Knew About Islam - OnFaith

Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Smart people look at two similar things and see differences.
Stupid people look at two similar things and see similarities.

IMO, here again, you are looking for cheap victories which are really inane if dissected.

Christianity has been the antithesis of Islam as far as how they have treated others who do not think or believe the same. I really find your pointing out the Church's faults and making zero mention of the incalculably enormous good this religion has done for societies throughout history to be disingenuous to the extreme.

Here is a hint for you: Just because one creed's "god" may be a myth, does not mean another creed's god is a myth. Zeus and Thor are not serious players. Hinduism and other Eastern religions have not presented serious empirical evidence to support their beliefs. American Indians, as well. Islam has demonstrated that far too much evil has come from that religion, even since its inception, --- so I do not see a benevolent God allowing so much hatred, intolerance and conversion by the sword, etc.

So do not group Judaism and Christianity with all the others. I submit they have both been blessings to a lost world. No, your pagans and atheists have not. They have virtually never come to the aid of defenseless nations suffering from invading forces. Christianity has done on many occasions. Christianity stands alone despite the sinners within.

So if you want to take issue with that fine, I won't be impressed. But do not call it "religion" because we are no more responsible for the sins of Islam or Asian religions than they are for ours.
Smart people can look at two different things and see the similarities and the differences. You only see the differences.
Funny because when I say THEISTS are more murderous than ATHEISTS you THEISTS always claim that us ATHEISTS are more murderous and sinister than religious people could ever be.

Are you retracting that statement now? Are you FINALLY admitting that religions are lies used to control people?

You guys claim the Crusades weren't about killing non christians. You understand that it was more about territory, defending yourselves, etc. But now you seem to admit that religion is the primary reason Islam is at war with us. Thank you! I agree. Religions are bad. Maybe yours isn't as bad but it's still a lie and used to manipulate and control the masses.

Just look at how effectively its working on you.

I don't defend Muslim Americans any more or less than I do you guys. Do I want more muslims moving to America? Fuck no. But do I think Muslim Americans want to take over the world? Not any more than you hope one day your religion converts everyone to Jesus.

Are you saying we should round up, kill, toss out, jail, spy on all Muslim Americans? Are you saying Muslim Americans are all bad?
I think you have me confused with someone else, but yes, all Muslims are bad, even American ones.
You wanted to say something stupid and now you have.
Muslims want to make the whole world sharia. Ok, now you can put your head back in the sand.
Catholics and Born agains want to make the whole world Christian. The only ones who don't try to convert are the Jews. They don't even want you in their club.
Go ask 10 Muslims on the street if they'd want sharia to rule the US. You'll get 10 yesses without hesitation. Now go back to your barbies.
When did you try that out? Where did you try that out? Can you do it again with video so we can make sure you aren't lying?

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