Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
That's because there is a pecking order in the world now. Islam is at the top, then homosexuals, then everyone else. It's why you get faux outrage at a Christian baker refusing to cater a homosexual marriage but not a Muslim refusing. Ever hear a leftist denounce how Islam treats women and homosexuals? Nope.
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
"Last 135 years"? What collectivist country was out there killing people 135 years ago? That would be 1880.

I was merely being inclusive of all of the collectivist nations of the last century. I was trying to help you. If I were to say the last the last 98 years to merely deal with Soviet Russia, and the rest of them it is even worse. I was trying to soften the blow. But, to your point, there have been orders of magnitude more people murdered by atheist, collectivist countries in the last 98 years, than have been murdered by religion over the last 2,790 years.

Happy now!
I'm still curious as to what country you are referring to in 1880. BTW, you didn't say "of the last century" said of the last 135 years. A tad different, wouldn't you agree?
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
"Last 135 years"? What collectivist country was out there killing people 135 years ago? That would be 1880.

I was merely being inclusive of all of the collectivist nations of the last century. I was trying to help you. If I were to say the last the last 98 years to merely deal with Soviet Russia, and the rest of them it is even worse. I was trying to soften the blow. But, to your point, there have been orders of magnitude more people murdered by atheist, collectivist countries in the last 98 years, than have been murdered by religion over the last 2,790 years.

Happy now!
I'm still curious as to what country you are referring to in 1880. BTW, you didn't say "of the last century" said of the last 135 years. A tad different, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, 135 years would have been better for you. I was trying to be nice. I tried to give you progs an extra 37 years to do all of that murdering. You demanded accuracy so I made it accurate.
You know that is complete and utter bull. Feel good?
Keep in mind that Christians and Muslims hold many of the same beliefs. And whenever an atheist opposes a Christian belief, it always turns out that they're also opposing a Muslim belief.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.
Nope...they're a lot alike...and the fanatics of both are very similar.
If you judge both by the Holy Books they follow, there is no comparison. Extremists exist in both camps, but even then there is no comparison. I don't remember the last time a Christian beheaded someone just because they worshipped a different god. Do you? Your argument fails.
They would if they had a government supporting it. That is the difference atm.
Nope....the only thing protecting minorities that are condemned by the bible is secular law...and the other side of the coin...the one thing NOT protecting those the koran condemns is a LACK of secular law in the Middle East.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
"Last 135 years"? What collectivist country was out there killing people 135 years ago? That would be 1880.

I was merely being inclusive of all of the collectivist nations of the last century. I was trying to help you. If I were to say the last the last 98 years to merely deal with Soviet Russia, and the rest of them it is even worse. I was trying to soften the blow. But, to your point, there have been orders of magnitude more people murdered by atheist, collectivist countries in the last 98 years, than have been murdered by religion over the last 2,790 years.

Happy now!
I'm still curious as to what country you are referring to in 1880. BTW, you didn't say "of the last century" said of the last 135 years. A tad different, wouldn't you agree?

Yes, 135 years would have been better for you. I was trying to be nice. I tried to give you progs an extra 37 years to do all of that murdering. You demanded accuracy so I made it accurate.
Well I certainly appreciate you being nice. and now a century (100 years, btw) plus 37 years equals 135? Is this Common Core math time?
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
That's because there is a pecking order in the world now. Islam is at the top, then homosexuals, then everyone else. It's why you get faux outrage at a Christian baker refusing to cater a homosexual marriage but not a Muslim refusing. Ever hear a leftist denounce how Islam treats women and homosexuals? Nope.
What Muslim baker is refusing to bake a gay wedding cake?
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
He was. List of Hitler quotes — he was quite the vocal Catholic

Hitler's Christianity
Right, so you can call yourself a kristian and then do whatever you want and 'god' has no problem with it, you're still in.

Many kristians in the US worship the rich and spit on the poor, this is anti-Christ. The opposite of what Jesus Christ did. If you don't follow him in his example you aren't a Christian, you are just a fan. End the hypocrisy.

It isn't hypocrisy, you simply don't understand the true message of Jesus. See, in reality Jesus didn't preach love and forgiveness or taking care of the sick and the poor. What he truly wanted is more guns (well, spears and swords), tax cuts for the rich, traditional marriage etc. And if Mohammed had been around in his time, Jesus would have killed him himself. He actually was the first tea cultist in history but 2,000 years of liberal propaganda have distorded his message beyond recognition.


Jesus taught peace and love. Mohammed ruled by the sword and vengeance.

“I tell you that to everyone who has, more shall be given, but from the one who does not have, even what he does have shall be taken away. But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence. (Luke 19:26-27)

“..Take not life, which Allah hath made sacred, except by way of justice and law: thus does He command you, that ye may learn wisdom.” (al-An’am 6:151)

Lol. You thought you had something. That was a parable in which Jesus was referencing the Romans sacking Jerusalem. You would know that if you read ahead to verses 41-44. In your haste of trying to show Mohammed as good, you failed tremendously.

I know I "have something". I know that extremists in all religions twist them.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
Hitler was in fact a Christian.

You should quit while you're behind, you're seriously hobbled by your ignorance.

The premise of your thread failed as a consequence of your ignorance of public accommodations laws, and you continue to exhibit your ignorance with this post.
Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
Hitler was in fact a Christian.

You should quit while you're behind, you're seriously hobbled by your ignorance.

The premise of your thread failed as a consequence of your ignorance of public accommodations laws, and you continue to exhibit your ignorance with this post.

No he wasn't. He was into the occult. Jesus didn't preach killing millions of people.
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.

Keep in mind that Christians and Muslims hold many of the same beliefs. And whenever an atheist opposes a Christian belief, it always turns out that they're also opposing a Muslim belief.
Your ignorance is unbelievable. Islam and Christianity are complete opposites. The fact that you believe otherwise just shows that you are intellectually lazy, or just plain lying.
Nope...they're a lot alike...and the fanatics of both are very similar.
If you judge both by the Holy Books they follow, there is no comparison. Extremists exist in both camps, but even then there is no comparison. I don't remember the last time a Christian beheaded someone just because they worshipped a different god. Do you? Your argument fails.
Some Christians in china murdered someone in a McDonald's because they didn't want to hear their apocalyptic bs.

Didn't a church in America and parents just kill a kid who was gonna leave?
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
Hitler was in fact a Christian.

You should quit while you're behind, you're seriously hobbled by your ignorance.

The premise of your thread failed as a consequence of your ignorance of public accommodations laws, and you continue to exhibit your ignorance with this post.

No he wasn't. He was into the occult. Jesus didn't preach killing millions of people.
Every Christian thinks their way is the right way. Even Hitler
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.
You didn't listen to a word we've said. You believe what you want to believe.

The German Nazis were Christians. Bush killed 1 million in Iraq alone. Did you count that? That was Christian Americans killing Muslims.

I don't care if bush or Hitler were athiests. What were the Germans in 1944? What was America in 2003? Christians! Your math is fuzzy.
As an atheist I agree. Those guys will kill your ass. The Muslims are a great example of how the God hypothesis is bad for us. But don't tell them I said it.

Atheists in collectivist countries have murdered orders of magnitude more people in the last 135 years than all of the victims of religion over the last 2,000 years. If you want to compare murder rates you lose.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Hitler used religion like he used everything else. That he personally was an atheist is without question. Socialism and religion are like oil and water...

Athiesm simply means you don't believe in gods. Hitler was crazy.

And this proves my point "they" use religion to control us. Manipulate us. It's one reason I'm against religion. You're damn right Hitler used religion to manipulate Germans. Similar to how bush did.

Look how Lieberman buddied up with bush on Iraq. Damn right Iraq is a religious war. The bible even prophesized it!
It's so refreshing to finally see someone from the left tell the unvarnished truth.

Atheist: Okay to Disparage Christians, But Islam Off-Limits Because of ‘Fear’

( – An atheist professor said Tuesday that it’s acceptable to criticize Christians but not Muslims, because he does not “fear” retaliation from Christians.

“I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear,” Phil Zuckerman said at a discussion on religious liberty at Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. “I’ve got three kids.

“So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you,” said Zuckerman, who is a self-described atheist and professor of secular studies at Pitzer College in Claremont, Calif.

Zuckerman was a panelist at the discussion as part of Georgetown University’s Religious Freedom Project at its Berkley Center.

Kirsten Powers, a Democratic pundit, recent convert to Catholicism and author of the book “How the Left Is Killing Free Speech,” said at the event that she does not understand why Muslims can oppose same-sex marriage and not be targeted by the Left for it, but calling out Christians for their beliefs is acceptable.

Powers cited the hidden video recordings made earlier this year by Steven Crowder, who asked Muslim bakers in Michigan if they would bake a cake for a same-sex wedding and they refused.

“If these had been Christian bakeries, it would have been on the front page of the New York Times, so I’m wondering why we’re able to have this amicable, disagreement with Muslims for having this view,” Powers said. “Why are we not able to do that with Christians?

“I absolutely agree with you,” Zuckerman said.

“I absolutely agree that it is okay for those on the left to critique, mock, deride Christianity, but Islam gets a free pass, which is so strange, because if you care about women’s rights, if you care about human rights, if you care about gay rights, then really Islam is much more problematic – sorry to paint Islam with a huge brush – and much more devastating,” he said.

“As an atheist – where on planet Earth is the death penalty meted out to atheists?” Zuckerman said. “It’s only in, I think, 24 Muslim countries.

“Where have human rights flourished the most? In Christian nations,” he said.

“I see Christianity as a great friend of secular culture,” Zuckerman said. “I see Islam as much more of a threat, much more debilitating. I’m not talking about Muslim individuals that I happen to sit next to on an airplane or are my neighbors. I’m talking about doctrines and those that have the power to enforce those doctrines in the form of Sharia law.”

Zuckerman mentioned comedian Bill Maher, actor Ben Affleck and atheist and author Sam Harris and the reaction to their remarks about Islam.

“I would say two things,” Zuckerman said. “I know what keeps me from critiquing Islam on my blog is just fear.

“I’ve got three kids,” he said. “So I know I can say anything about Christianity or Mormonism, and I’m not living in fear, which is a testament to Christianity and Mormonism, and that’s wonderful. Thank you.

“I would never write the same kind of stuff that I do about certain religions – Judaism, Christianity, LDS, whatever – as I would about Islam – just straight up fear,” Zuckerman said.
That's because there is a pecking order in the world now. Islam is at the top, then homosexuals, then everyone else. It's why you get faux outrage at a Christian baker refusing to cater a homosexual marriage but not a Muslim refusing. Ever hear a leftist denounce how Islam treats women and homosexuals? Nope.
I do all the time! It's one reason I realize religious were written by MEN not God.

Even the old testament is clearly written by a bunch of dudes. Eve was made from Adams spare parts because he was bored and she was to serve him.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
Hitler was in fact a Christian.

You should quit while you're behind, you're seriously hobbled by your ignorance.

The premise of your thread failed as a consequence of your ignorance of public accommodations laws, and you continue to exhibit your ignorance with this post.

No he wasn't. He was into the occult. Jesus didn't preach killing millions of people.
He was both....Jesus didn't preach killing millions of people...heck, Jesus didn't preach killing anyone...but Christians do that all the time.....Hitler just made it an assembly line affair.
Debatable. And they didn't kill because of athiesm, did they?

Not even close to debatable. The most wildly optimistic estimates for religious murders is slightly more than 1.5 million. There simply weren't that many people out there to be murdered for one thing. Stalin alone is responsible for between 35 and 60 million. Mao another 150 million, and we would be remiss to not include Hitler and his 5 to 6 million. Pol Pot 2 million, etc.

So no. Atheists are the most murderous group this planet has ever seen.

Incorrect on most of it. Hitler was linked at the hip with the Catholic church.

More importantly, what good is any religion if at ANY time it results in the murder of millions of people? We are to judge whether a religion is worthy if it has murdered less people than someone else?

Bizarro world. Which is the domain of religion.

Are you saying that Hitler was a Christian? Please tell me you not that stupid.
Hitler was in fact a Christian.

You should quit while you're behind, you're seriously hobbled by your ignorance.

The premise of your thread failed as a consequence of your ignorance of public accommodations laws, and you continue to exhibit your ignorance with this post.

No he wasn't. He was into the occult. Jesus didn't preach killing millions of people.
Who cares what one guy said 2000 years ago? What do you think? Do you need Jesus to know right from wrong?

Did you need Moses to tell you not to steal kill or screw your neighbors wife?
Since I disparage ALL religions, I guess that nobody has a beef with me!
Good thing Christianity is not a religion, for you. It happens to be beyond what religion can ever be.
Religion is a man made thing made in man's image and what man wants it to be.
Christianity is not a religion

Really? interesting!!

"Christianity is not a religion, but a relationship with God", is one made by some Christians, most typically by members of the evangelical Protestant brands. The claim is usually made as a form of special pleading, to claim a unique status for Christianity among the world's religions, or in an attempt to recruit seekers disillusioned with their previous religion.

Some advocates of this position, including Bill O'Reilly, take this line of argument so far as to claim that since Christianity is not actually a religion, there is no Constitutional or moral obstacle to establishing it by law or having it promoted by government.

The people making this claim never follow through as far as wanting to remove its tax exemption

So why do you guys always yell religious persecution?

Christianity is not a religion - RationalWiki

I didn't understand what he was trying to say, anyway, Guno. Only on this board will the Right claim that Christianity is not a religion, but atheism is....

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