atheist to pass out materials at Florida high schools

Note on Fundamentalism in religion or politics:
the common factor I find in what makes "fundamentalists" of ANY kind
closeminded is if they refuse to FORGIVE some group, concept, perception or event,
that they can't stand. then they get "fundamentalist" about THAT thing, whatever it is.

A fundamentalist is nothing more than someone who believes in the fundamentals of his faith, whatever that is. That some "fundies" express hatred, revulsion and lack of forgiveness is a personal matter and it should not be confused with fundamentalism itself.

Actually, as a fundamentalist Christian myself, I don't see how anyone claiming to be a Christian can hate anybody for any reason. We are told to LOVE our neighbors, not revile, condemn, criticize or judge them. Any "fundie" doing that really doesn't deserve the title of "fundamentalist" because he clearly does not understand one of the basic fundamentals of Christianity.
Wouldn't the world be a better place if religious and nonreligious idiots alike just minded their own business and left the rest of us ( you know people with a life) alone?
Wouldn't the world be a better place if religious and nonreligious idiots alike just minded their own business and left the rest of us ( you know people with a life) alone?

Skull pilot is such an idealists--too bad we live in reality. Humans love to annoy other humans, especially those with a life.
Wouldn't the world be a better place if religious and nonreligious idiots alike just minded their own business and left the rest of us ( you know people with a life) alone?

Skull pilot is such an idealists--too bad we live in reality. Humans love to annoy other humans, especially those with a life.

I know, why aren't the progressive control freaks all up in arms about it?

it might be the one thing I'll agree with them on.
I just don't understand how people can get worked up on something they don't believe in. I've always equated atheism with apathy. I also realize that our science doesn't answer every single question so it's hard for me to think science is the only answer. As a lazy good for nothing atheist I would shudder to think I had to get out of bed and hand out flyers to school children. What kind of life is THAT? Sounds pointless and boring. Being an atheist means one can have sex without being married and not fear the retributions of hell. Seriously, is there any other reason to be an atheist? I am proud of my bad habits and heathen ways but I would never force them on anybody else. For one thing, it would take time away from my internet porn searches! The more adamant atheists becomes, the more they remind me of religious fanatics. Seriously, my fellow atheists, I think watching a Golden Girls marathon is more productive than fighting for what you DON'T believe in.

Here is the problem with that thinking. Religious types are pushing their beliefs everywhere. Of that there is no question.

They even recognize the problem in others, this is why they get so upset about muslims.

Meanwhile you are condoning that atheist should just silently do their thing and let them duke it out.

I think it's all about balance. I'm not trying to push my beliefs or lack thereof. But I think people need to hear the other side. Call it education if you like. If all they ever hear is "Jesus Saves!" then our society will end up stuck in a quagmire of religious zealotry and fear.

I respect what this guy is doing. Religious types always make it a point to indoctrinate the youth. The bible even teaches it. "Teach your children the way they should go and they will not depart from it." Why should we just stand by and passively let them?

But in an ideal world, both would be illegal. School is not a place for indoctrination. It's a place for education.
Theophobes promoting theophobia. How quaint.

Who cares?

Interesting that atheism is being treated like a religion, though.

You hate athiests huh?

Just fundie atheists. People may believe as they wish. I find fundie atheists hateful, not very bright and misinformed.

I enjoy beating them up on boards. It's a guilty pleasure.

What is a fundie atheist? Someone who loudly disagrees with your religion? That seems a little subjective there kemosabi.

There are not degrees of disbelief. An atheist is an atheist is an atheist. The same can not be said of a theist, who can Subscribe to a wide array of definitions for god, and with varying strength and doctrinal adherence.
Atheists win right to pass out materials at Florida high schools - Washington Times

If the Christians get to do it, then so should we. That was the winning argument of atheists who fought for access to several Florida high schools to distribute group documents — same as evangelicals did with Bibles in January.

“We want to close the door to religion in schools, not open it to Freethought,” said David Williamson, an organizer with the Central Florida Freethought Community, the Orlando Sentinel reported. “[But] if they’re going to have a religious discussion on campus, we need to be a part of it.”

Read more: Atheists win right to pass out materials at Florida high schools - Washington Times
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fair is fair dont you think?

How can an atheist be a part of a religious discussion?

Are you implying that religious discussions can only be had by the religious? Then what is the point of religious debate between atheists and theists?
I just don't understand how people can get worked up on something they don't believe in. I've always equated atheism with apathy. I also realize that our science doesn't answer every single question so it's hard for me to think science is the only answer. As a lazy good for nothing atheist I would shudder to think I had to get out of bed and hand out flyers to school children. What kind of life is THAT? Sounds pointless and boring. Being an atheist means one can have sex without being married and not fear the retributions of hell. Seriously, is there any other reason to be an atheist? I am proud of my bad habits and heathen ways but I would never force them on anybody else. For one thing, it would take time away from my internet porn searches! The more adamant atheists becomes, the more they remind me of religious fanatics. Seriously, my fellow atheists, I think watching a Golden Girls marathon is more productive than fighting for what you DON'T believe in.

Here is the problem with that thinking. Religious types are pushing their beliefs everywhere. Of that there is no question.

They even recognize the problem in others, this is why they get so upset about muslims.

Meanwhile you are condoning that atheist should just silently do their thing and let them duke it out.

I think it's all about balance. I'm not trying to push my beliefs or lack thereof. But I think people need to hear the other side. Call it education if you like. If all they ever hear is "Jesus Saves!" then our society will end up stuck in a quagmire of religious zealotry and fear.

I respect what this guy is doing. Religious types always make it a point to indoctrinate the youth. The bible even teaches it. "Teach your children the way they should go and they will not depart from it." Why should we just stand by and passively let them?

But in an ideal world, both would be illegal. School is not a place for indoctrination. It's a place for education.

You make some great points. I suppose I just don't see religion as any more zealous as any other group who have their own beliefs (including some atheists) . If the church was going around still burning witches then I would tend to agree with you more. I suppose part of my rationale is visceral. It's bad enough that I have Jehovah Witnesses come to my door but now I'm going to have atheists come to my door? I sometimes think atheists are created by people stuffing their religious views down their throats. I'm guessing atheists stuffing their beliefs down people's throats would create more Christians. I generally agree that religion and atheism shouldn't be taught in public schools anyway.
The difference is that you can't teach teach atheism to anybody, because atheism isn't a positive position. All you can do is teach skepticism and educate people about science so that at the very least, thy don't become fundamentalists.
The difference is that you can't teach teach atheism to anybody, because atheism isn't a positive position. All you can do is teach skepticism and educate people about science so that at the very least, thy don't become fundamentalists.

Well, a pamphlet can point out the flaws in religious thinking, or it can make people think. I suppose the two are not mutually exclusive. .

I was at a street fair with some atheist friends and there was a man walking around with a large sign that read, "Jesus Loves You". My friend made up a sign and followed him around for a bit. It read, "Believe It or Go To Hell"...

What is the point in stifling the flow of ideas or speech? On what grounds do you demand that others shut up and not talk about their beliefs simply because of where they are?

This is asinine. I can do as I please as long as I do not interfear with you and your freedoms. On that same vein, skull is asking:
Wouldn't the world be a better place if religious and nonreligious idiots alike just minded their own business and left the rest of us ( you know people with a life) alone?
Sorry skull but you have no right to be left alone unless you are in your own home/land.

It is sad that people would attempt to control others because *gasp* they might hear something that they don’t want to hear. Ever hear the people on this board state that you have no right to not be offended? This is right down that ally.

Not only that but you do not have the right to limit others in the free exchange of their ideas and the ability for them to seek other likeminded individuals. Want to be left in peace, stay home. Want to engage with other people, go out in public. I am sure that everyone here is perfectly capable of ignoring those that they do not want to engage with.
Atheists win right to pass out materials at Florida high schools - Washington Times

If the Christians get to do it, then so should we. That was the winning argument of atheists who fought for access to several Florida high schools to distribute group documents — same as evangelicals did with Bibles in January.

“We want to close the door to religion in schools, not open it to Freethought,” said David Williamson, an organizer with the Central Florida Freethought Community, the Orlando Sentinel reported. “[But] if they’re going to have a religious discussion on campus, we need to be a part of it.”

Read more: Atheists win right to pass out materials at Florida high schools - Washington Times
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fair is fair dont you think?

We want to close the door to religion in schools, not open it to Freethought So true! This is exactly what active atheists want to do. They do not want freedom of thought. They want only their thoughts.
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We do have constitutional protection from religious indoctrination in institutions t hat are tax supported.

You may certainly worship or otherwise conduct your religious expression in such an environment as long as (1) you do not disrupt the organization's activities, or (2) infringe on your neighbor's right to not be infringed on by you.

Why? What is the point in stifling the flow of ideas or speech? On what grounds do you demand that others shut up and not talk about their beliefs simply because of where they are?

This is asinine. I can do as I please as long as I do not interfear with you and your freedoms. On that same vein, skull is asking:
Wouldn't the world be a better place if religious and nonreligious idiots alike just minded their own business and left the rest of us ( you know people with a life) alone?
Sorry skull but you have no right to be left alone unless you are in your own home/land.

It is sad that people would attempt to control others because *gasp* they might hear something that they don’t want to hear. Ever hear the people on this board state that you have no right to not be offended? This is right down that ally.

Not only that but you do not have the right to limit others in the free exchange of their ideas and the ability for them to seek other likeminded individuals. Want to be left in peace, stay home. Want to engage with other people, go out in public. I am sure that everyone here is perfectly capable of ignoring those that they do not want to engage with.
They do not want freedom of thought. They want only their thoughts.

Certain religious and atheistic individuals want to indoctrinate others in a tax-supported forum.
We do have constitutional protection from religious indoctrination in institutions t hat are tax supported.

You may certainly worship or otherwise conduct your religious expression in such an environment as long as (1) you do not disrupt the organization's activities, or (2) infringe on your neighbor's right to not be infringed on by you.

Why? What is the point in stifling the flow of ideas or speech? On what grounds do you demand that others shut up and not talk about their beliefs simply because of where they are?

This is asinine. I can do as I please as long as I do not interfear with you and your freedoms. On that same vein, skull is asking:
Wouldn't the world be a better place if religious and nonreligious idiots alike just minded their own business and left the rest of us ( you know people with a life) alone?
Sorry skull but you have no right to be left alone unless you are in your own home/land.

It is sad that people would attempt to control others because *gasp* they might hear something that they don’t want to hear. Ever hear the people on this board state that you have no right to not be offended? This is right down that ally.

Not only that but you do not have the right to limit others in the free exchange of their ideas and the ability for them to seek other likeminded individuals. Want to be left in peace, stay home. Want to engage with other people, go out in public. I am sure that everyone here is perfectly capable of ignoring those that they do not want to engage with.

We do not have a right to exclude the thinking surround GOD and His existance from a public forum (INCLUDING PUBLIC EDUCATON) no matter who is paying for it. We live in a real world where people are going to be exposed to all sorts of ideologies, values and opinions. It is not appropiate to exclude only those ideas suggesting GOD is a force to consider. This underminds the value of one IDEAL and artificially exalts others...
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Of course we have that right in prohibiting indoctrination and prioritization of religion in public, tax-supported venues.

It is good education to include comparative religious and non-religious expressions and doctrines in the appropriate classroom, encouraging discussion and reflection.
Of course we have that right in prohibiting indoctrination and prioritization of religion in public, tax-supported venues.

It is good education to include comparative religious and non-religious expressions and doctrines in the appropriate classroom, encouraging discussion and reflection.

Does it cost taxpayers anything to allow the handing out of various pamphlets and bibles? Indoctrination is one set of rules, one set of values, one set of ideals while excluding everything else. Are Christians hurful people? Do they regularly pick fights and beat up others who look at them crosseyed? Are Christians hate filled? Do they get drunk and drugged out or go door to door shooting people in the name of Jesus?

My guess is that they do not; however, they do make people feel uncomfortable about choices that they make and why. And this I feel is why Christianity has been excluded from public schools. Everyone NEEDS to be forced to examine theri own beliefs, ideologies, values, and opinions. This is how people become educated. They weigh the pros and cons. We do not have great public education today because we are unable to look at ourselves objectively without someone crying for political/ideological correctness. And the only ones who bennefit are secular humanists and atheists. Because they have an open forum to present materialistic naturalism....
Of course we have that right in prohibiting indoctrination and prioritization of religion in public, tax-supported venues.

It is good education to include comparative religious and non-religious expressions and doctrines in the appropriate classroom, encouraging discussion and reflection.

the religious weill never allow this to happen.

They know full well if you teach a young person about all the religions and what they believe it becomes VERY apperent to the person that the vast majority of religions are dead wrong.

If they ALL claim tell the truth then only one of them can be correct.

That means all but the one you choose is lying to you.

how does that make you feel about the track record of mans religions?

it will make you reflect back on the ONE someone chose for you to be indoctrinated into.

It will cause more people to be atheists.

The religious wont allow that

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