atheist to pass out materials at Florida high schools

Some people are more "anti-theist" rather than actually "a-theist"
Their main gripe is against theists and theism being pushed judgmentally especially targeting nontheists for persecution and harassment.

There are different denominations or degrees of nontheists.

Some believe "there is not a God"; some "do not believe" there is a God. Some of my nontheist friends just do not believe or see the world in terms of a "personified God," but are perfectly content to align universal laws or beliefs about creation/the world with others who attribute the world and laws to a God. Many are agnostic where they don't believe it can be known or proven if there is a God.

Some argue they are not against God because they don't believe in God,
so how can they be against something they don't recognize as existing, etc.

So if there are all these degrees or types of atheism,
if you are against atheism, there are just as many versions of that, too!

TheoPhobes promoting theophobia. How quaint.

Who cares?

Interesting that atheism is being treated like a religion, though.

You hate athiests huh?

It's not that atheism is a religion, but that atheists have beliefs equally protected under law.
It does not have to have a formal name or recognition as a religion, or else this would
discriminate unfairly against people with unique beliefs not shared with others in a group.

Note on Fundamentalism in religion or politics:
the common factor I find in what makes "fundamentalists" of ANY kind
closeminded is if they refuse to FORGIVE some group, concept, perception or event,
that they can't stand. then they get "fundamentalist" about THAT thing, whatever it is.

I have this problem like anyone else, I'm not picking on others without also faulting myself.

I can't stand how the legal system claims to protect equal justice under law
when it's not equally accessible and isn't guaranteed to protect rights or interests; and without free speech and the unabridged right to petition and due process, it's not even
constitutional to me given my beliefs in mediation and consensus decison-making.
It's fine for other people who consent to bullying and gambling with their rights,
but it's not an equal choice for people who want restorative justice without restricting the process of mediation. So on that point, I get totally fundie about the First and Fourteenth Amendment. I can be just as obnoxious as the worst Atheist preaching against Christian hypocrisy or Christian preaching against blasphemy. So I totally understand each person may have a limit on what is tolerable and forgiveable because I have mine also.

So if I want to be forgiven for this one thing I have that I just cannot stand, and will
go on hunger strike or argue to the death that the legal system is not fully constitutional
period, then it is only fair that I forgive where other people wax fundamentalist on points
they absolutely will not budge on either. I believe that by consent of the governed, anyone can use any system they consent to, as long as they take responsibility for that system and do not impose on others who don't agree, but have no right to impose this as the only mandatory system through government to the exclusion or access to alternative systems.
If people put up with me going to fundamental extremes with my constitutional beliefs, anyone should be able to tolerate anyone else who goes to extremes with their issues too.
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Not believing there is a god is a veiw of religious nature.

Its a veiw based on facts

but its still about religion huh
Not believing there is a god is a veiw of religious nature. Its a veiw based on facts but its still about religion huh

But the facts are not verifiable, so, yes, atheisim is belief-based rejection of deity: thus, it is anti-religious versus pro-religious. Both are faith systems.
You people need to realize that many many people dont believe the archaic human beliefs and instead look to sceince to explain the world.

sceince has a much better record of truth than religion does

You need to realize that science is not pholosophy or religion.

Actually--science is a philiosophy --but not the in the same category as religion.

Science focus on how the physical world works
Religion is a mixture of Metaphysics and Ethics

It depends how each is used.
I have seen people cite religious terms, but treat them as philosophies
or general rules.
I have seen people get religious about science.

by the letter of the law, people have been judging religion based on
the appearance, by the label and name of the group or sect.

by the spirit of the law, people get religious about their political beliefs
but this isn't being counted as religious freedom protected under law.
it is "legal" to use majority rule to impose one political agenda over another,
while I find it unconstitutional by 1st and 14th amendments as form of religious
discrimination using govt to impose.

the distinguish factor I find that makes something religious is not by the label
but if someone takes the system and adopts it as their personal law by conscience,
where they take full and equal responsibility for defending this system.

so it does not matter if someone does this with the Constitution or
science, the laws of math or physics, whatever they hold sacred and
defend with their personal convictions becomes their religion.

so this is not the legal definition, but what is the reality I have
foudn in practice. and this explains why we have such
conflicts with religion and politics. some people use their religion
as just rules to follow, same with the Constitutional laws.
others take these personally as their own laws and beliefs
and I believe that needs to be respected and protected
equally as any other kind of organized or recognized religion so people are protected equally. but they also need to take responsibility for those beliefs and not impose
the burden on others for them, in order for religious freedom to work both ways.
what people believe about the nature of exsisstance can be classified as religion.

it does not HAVE to contain a god to be a religion
Proslytizing by religious or atheist groups should be prohibited on tax-supported ground.

Atheism, religious studies, comparative religions, etc., should be taught as subjectively objectively and openly in HS classrooms.

I agree, and most schools and establishments do bar
people from handing out materials for "solicitation"
whether political or business flyers etc.
Atheists like this guy are total retards.

He is running around try to convince people not to believe in something he doesn't believe in. :cuckoo:

Seriously, he needs to get a hobby......... :lol:

Some people learn better by experience.
So he may need to put himself in the shoes
of the people he criticizes so he can walk through the same process.
Religion - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

noun \ri-ˈli-jən\

Definition of RELIGION


a: the state of a religious <a nun in her 20th year of religion>

b (1): the service and worship of God or the supernatural (2): commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance


: a personal set or institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices


archaic: scrupulous conformity : conscientiousness


: a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith

you people need to open your minds
You need to quit destroying your brain and liver with massive amounts of cheap, bottom shelf booze so early in the morning.

You also need to seek professional help, and find out why your blatant racism towards those of color permeates what is left of your booze soaked mind.
so is budism not a religion?

People inside Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism
will say it is not a religion but spiritual laws and process of life.

People outside will look at the terms and traditions,
see that they are foreign to them,
then label that at someone else's religion.

Note: with Constitutional laws, some people treat these
as secular rules, and not a religion.

but some people have personal religious convictions and use
and defend the Constitutional laws as their political belief or religion.
[For me, personally, it becomes more like a religion the way I
believe in Constitutional principles as universal laws all people can enforce to share
equal authority for self-government; however, because I recognize these same laws are a secular system to others, and not a religion, I have to respect that way of using them, too.]

So if you can understand this with Constitutional laws,
you can see it happens with other systems as well.

To some, any set of laws or principles can become religious,
to others it is just a different language or custom and optional to follow.
If I was going to pass out material on atheism to school kids--it would be a 200 stack of college ruled paper!!
The first page would have the definition of what atheism is.
The other 199 would be a gift to kids of tolerant parents to use as school supplies!!
Who cares. We should pass a law so people will mind their own fucking business that way we wouldn't have to put up with idiots shoving pamphlets in our faces everywhere we go.
Hey--that would help people while screwing with the intolerant!! I may have to set such a campaign up!!
I just don't understand how people can get worked up on something they don't believe in. I've always equated atheism with apathy. I also realize that our science doesn't answer every single question so it's hard for me to think science is the only answer. As a lazy good for nothing atheist I would shudder to think I had to get out of bed and hand out flyers to school children. What kind of life is THAT? Sounds pointless and boring. Being an atheist means one can have sex without being married and not fear the retributions of hell. Seriously, is there any other reason to be an atheist? I am proud of my bad habits and heathen ways but I would never force them on anybody else. For one thing, it would take time away from my internet porn searches! The more adamant atheists becomes, the more they remind me of religious fanatics. Seriously, my fellow atheists, I think watching a Golden Girls marathon is more productive than fighting for what you DON'T believe in.
You people need to realize that many many people dont believe the archaic human beliefs and instead look to sceince to explain the world.

sceince has a much better record of truth than religion does

You should read "The Genesis Enigma." Very revealing.
Atheists like this guy are total retards.

He is running around try to convince people not to believe in something he doesn't believe in. :cuckoo:

Seriously, he needs to get a hobby......... :lol:

As opposed to we fundamentalist Christian's who run around trying to convince people to believe in something THEY don't believe in?

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