
No. It doesn't.

You don't know for a fact that there is no higher being. If it's not fact, then it's faith.

No, that is how you make this a conceivable concept for yourself. There is no evidence that there is a higher being. Hence, the onus is on you.
The onus is on everyone. Science hasn't proven a secular cause so there is no evidence of it, period. You just can't be honest with yourself.
No. It doesn't.

You don't know for a fact that there is no higher being. If it's not fact, then it's faith.

No, that is how you make this a conceivable concept for yourself. There is no evidence that there is a higher being. Hence, the onus is on you.

You're stating there is no higher being as if it were a fact. If it were a fact, then no one would be debating, there would be nothing to discuss. It's not a fact, it's an opinion, or a belief, yours. Therefore, what you have is faith. Just because you have the opinion there is no evidence of a higher being, does not equate to a fact either... unfortunately.
Your e-muscles have no effect on me. I used my own words not some stupid wiki link. So obviously you can't shred shit. Apparently I did stike a nerve though, oh ye of great faith.

Thank you for demonstrating why it is that religion has no place in a science class room.
Thank YOU for proving the point. I have no religion. Science doesn't rule God in or out so your beliefs fall outside of science.

No. There is a difference between between using a book that is fiction as a source and observational evidence.
Hold your public prayers and religious displays in a Church

Easy isn't it?

I live in a free country where I can pray whenever and where ever I choose.

Why do you hate freedom?

Well good for you Tex

Just don't force your prayers in schools or public government meetings and you can have all the freedom you want

Prayers were never forced in schools or in any public venue.

Why do you insist on making shit up?

Why are you so afraid of a God you claim doesn't exist?
You don't know for a fact that there is no higher being. If it's not fact, then it's faith.

No, that is how you make this a conceivable concept for yourself. There is no evidence that there is a higher being. Hence, the onus is on you.

You're stating there is no higher being as if it were a fact. If it were a fact, then no one would be debating, there would be nothing to discuss. It's not a fact, it's an opinion, or a belief, yours. Therefore, what you have is faith. Just because you have the opinion there is no evidence of a higher being, does not equate to a fact either... unfortunately.

Actually it does. There is no evidence. It does not exist.
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.
The vast number of atheist which are only 1.6% of the population have little interest in Christmas. What little atheist have to say about Christmas is amplified a thousand fold by those who claim to be Christians, over 70% of the population. If it wasn't for Christian conservative media, most people would never hear anything about atheist protests over Christmas.

Atheists love Christmas........It is Santas birthday after all

Atheists celebrate religion the way most 'religious' people celebrate it.
You sure have that wrong.

Christians put alot of time and money into evangelizing. When they are not doing that, they are trying to force you to convert. When they are not doing that, they are killing folks that don't.

And when they are not doing that? They are claiming to be the victim.

This is so false it really doesn't even rate a response, but I'll respond anyway:

You are delusional!
Thank you for demonstrating why it is that religion has no place in a science class room.
Thank YOU for proving the point. I have no religion. Science doesn't rule God in or out so your beliefs fall outside of science.

No. There is a difference between between using a book that is fiction as a source and observational evidence.
Which you haven't done. What book do I use anyway? The bottom line is that if you say there is no God you have to demonstrate a secular cause. If you can't then you are making a statement of faith.
Thank YOU for proving the point. I have no religion. Science doesn't rule God in or out so your beliefs fall outside of science.

No. There is a difference between between using a book that is fiction as a source and observational evidence.
Which you haven't done. What book do I use anyway? The bottom line is that if you say there is no God you have to demonstrate a secular cause. If you can't then you are making a statement of faith.

There is observational evidence in the Big Bang theory. There is none in your God. That God comes from a fictional book.
Most atheists are agnostic when you get down to it. They prefer the atheist word since it has an anti-Christian implication to it, culturally speaking and opposing Christianity is the main goal. They try to play semantics when justifying the use of the term but either you don't believe God exists, you do or you don't know. I can understand those that say they aren't convinced, falling into the 'I don't know' camp but to claim God doesn't exist means that you have access to all known and unknown aspects of the universe, which is nutty.

Not really. I'm agnostic. I have no data about any supernatural beings, so I really can't say for certain if there is or isn't a god or gods or the Force or what have you. I allow for the possibility of some supernatural force, but I see no evidence of its existence nor of divine intervention. If there is a god, it is along the lines of the Deist conceptualization of God.

However, based on the archaeological. historical, geological, linguistic, and biological evidence at hand, I can say with utter certainty that Jehovah is no more real than Zeus and that while there may have been a firebrand street preacher in 1st century Judea names Joshua ben Joseph who pissed off the authorities and got dead for his efforts, Joshua would have just been a man and nothing more.

Have you ever wondered why this planet out of all the planets that we know of is the only one perfectly suited for sustain life. The perfect mixture of oxygen hydrogen, the perfect distance from the sun, the perfect amount of gravity, the perfect rotation around the sun and on it's axis...etc.

Do you honestly think this was just by chance and not design?
No. It doesn't.
He's right. You believe nothing exploded and everything happened. And on its' own. That's more faith than I can ever muster up. Regardless, it takes faith to believe in theism or an unknown secular cause so you do have faith but for some reason atheists can't accept that. What's wrong with saying you have faith that it's all natural?

Faith means you believe something in the absence of evidence

There is ample scientific evidence of a big bang

What caused the 'bang'?
And what was before the 'bang'?
Explain exactly how something can come from nothing please.
No. There is a difference between between using a book that is fiction as a source and observational evidence.
Which you haven't done. What book do I use anyway? The bottom line is that if you say there is no God you have to demonstrate a secular cause. If you can't then you are making a statement of faith.

There is observational evidence in the Big Bang theory. There is none in your God. That God comes from a fictional book.
I believe in the Big Bang. I don't get your point. You do know that the term was one of derision given the Georges Lemaitre, a Roman Catholic priest and astrophysicist. The "consensus" of the day was a steady state universe and they thought he was trying to fit his beliefs of a creation into science.
You atheists are the ones who should shut the fuck up! 70% of the people support prayer in schools, Ten Commandments in Courthouses, Crosses anywhere, etc.......

20% don't care either way so you can't count them.
That leaves a mere 10% screaming like spoiled children to have their way.
You Lefty Liberals are all for DEMOCRACY until it doesn't support your ideas, then you scream something else!
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.

First of all, not all atheists are anti-God. Most are what would be popularly labeled as agnostics.

A better term would be non-believers. What these people try to do is to get people to make decisions that are based on logic, reason, analysis, evidence, fact, and humantiarian morals.

Example: anti-LGBT laws are not based on any of the above but on primarily religious grounds. There are bigotted nonbelievers who would also discriminate against LGBT people but discrimination is immoral in a humanitarian sense. By encoding into law a religious conviction or discrimination one is oppressing those who do not share the same religious conviction or prejudice.

That's one reason, most likely the main reason, why nonbelievers spend money on anti-religious billboards.

Ok I painted Atheist with a broad brush but I'd argue that most are anti-God.

Why would an agnostic be anti-God? Agnostics don't hold a position on the topic. They think there might be something to intelligent design they just aren't sure.

You example sucks!

Because I don't support a certain group of people makes me a bigot? Then what does that say for people like you who say we're bigoted because we don't agree with your abominable lifestyle? Wouldn't that make you a bigot also?
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.

not really....

I think they just need to speak up to shut the theists up

This is a forum for people to express their ideas and beliefs in terms of their spirituality. Why come here and poo over everyone that does? That is just plain disrespectful. And I know, those of faith can and have also been disrespectful as well. Not all of them turn the other cheek.

It's not like they are showing up at your home knocking at your door. This is a public forum for people to exchange ideas.

What makes you think that atheists are not spiritual?

Where does it say that only christians' ideas and beliefs can be discussed?

This is a public forum for people to exchange ideas.

The big difference is that atheists don't proselytize and preach that their way is the only way.
Hold your public prayers and religious displays in a Church

Easy isn't it?

I live in a free country where I can pray whenever and where ever I choose.

Why do you hate freedom?
Yes you can...but don't make others be forced to participate in school or in government. Love me some of that freedom to NOT pay for or participate in your religion.

You have never been forced to participate and if you say you have then you are a liar.
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.
The vast number of atheist which are only 1.6% of the population have little interest in Christmas. What little atheist have to say about Christmas is amplified a thousand fold by those who claim to be Christians, over 70% of the population. If it wasn't for Christian conservative media, most people would never hear anything about atheist protests over Christmas.

Jews represent 1.8 percent of the population and you don't hear them whining.
It takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does a theist.

No. It doesn't.

You don't know for a fact that there is no higher being. If it's not fact, then it's faith.


Believing in the existence of some magic sky fairy depends of faith with is the suspension of facts.

You're welcome to that. I really don't care one way or the other but don't try to sell it as something its not.

And, keep it in the churches you don't pay taxes on.
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.
The vast number of atheist which are only 1.6% of the population have little interest in Christmas. What little atheist have to say about Christmas is amplified a thousand fold by those who claim to be Christians, over 70% of the population. If it wasn't for Christian conservative media, most people would never hear anything about atheist protests over Christmas.

Jews represent 1.8 percent of the population and you don't hear them whining.

Can't hear them over the whining from the christians.

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