
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.

I am an atheist and do none of these things. Neither do any of the other aethiests that I know, we just want to be left alone in what we do not believe in, and do not want lectures and arguments from religious people. Arguments that they will lose.
You sure have that wrong.

Christians put alot of time and money into evangelizing. When they are not doing that, they are trying to force you to convert. When they are not doing that, they are killing folks that don't.

And when they are not doing that? They are claiming to be the victim.

Christians were commissioned by Jesus to go spread his teachings to all the nations of the world.

Why are you deflecting from my questions?

Are you saying that atheist do not spend money, time and effort denouncing God and/or Christianity? These billboards are what then? A figment of our imaginations?

Most of us do not, you are mistaking the extremes for the norm.
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You sure have that wrong.

Christians put alot of time and money into evangelizing. When they are not doing that, they are trying to force you to convert. When they are not doing that, they are killing folks that don't.

And when they are not doing that? They are claiming to be the victim.

Christians were commissioned by Jesus to go spread his teachings to all the nations of the world.

Why are you deflecting from my questions?

Are you saying that atheist do not spend money, time and effort denouncing God and/or Christianity? These billboards are what then? A figment of our imaginations?

Most of the billboards that you see in America dealing with religion are theist billboards.
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.
The vast number of atheist which are only 1.6% of the population have little interest in Christmas. What little atheist have to say about Christmas is amplified a thousand fold by those who claim to be Christians, over 70% of the population. If it wasn't for Christian conservative media, most people would never hear anything about atheist protests over Christmas.

Atheists love Christmas........It is Santas birthday after all
Please, explain. What force is being exerted?

You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Sounds forceful to me

You're afriad of a Bible verse from a God you say you don't believe in? Sucks to be you.


Your God sounds so mean taking things out on innocent children like that
Once again, a true believer displaying the Fruits of the Spirit.
Peace, love, joy, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.

Can you feel the love tonight?

Are you saying those are Christian values???? :eek:

And so judgmental too! :eusa_naughty:

Not Christian values, but values Christians are held to, according to Paul.
Would you agree?

Oh, so now they ARE Christian values??? Or 'values Christians are held too'?? (You do know that means then that they're Christian values? Right?) And you say the Bible holds us to those values? But yet, they're not Christian values? Man, got yourself into a pretzel on that one, didn't ya? :lol:

One thread you say they're not, this thread you say they are... hmmm.... would that be because you have no integrity and use whatever 'reasoning' (and I use the term loosely here) happens to be convenient in the moment? You know, it's called hypocrisy and lying? You just can't make up that little mind of yours, can you? :cuckoo:
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Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.

I don't. I don't have a problem with it providing that it does not come into laws or what we call the public sphere as in courts or education. Furthermore, I do not want anyone attempting to convert my kid. Don't come near him with that intent until he is an adult. I am an atheist. I am not an agnostic. It is not my job to prove that a deity exists. There is no argument for me to prove that he doesn't. The onus is not on me.
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Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.

I don't. I don't have a problem with it providing that it does not come into laws or what we call the public sphere as in courts or education. Furthermore, I do not want anyone attempting to convert my kid. Don't come near him with that intent until he is an adult. I am an atheist. I am not an agnostic. It is not my job to prove that a deity exists. There is no argument for me to prove that he doesn't. The onus is not on me.

It takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does a theist.
Atheist sure put a lot of time, money and effort in denouncing a God they claim doesn't exist.

Why is that?

Why does something that's believed to be nonsense get these people so worked up?

These people are the epitome of cowardice IMO. They seem to only go after Christians. I've yet to see them challenge the Muslims on their beliefs.

I don't. I don't have a problem with it providing that it does not come into laws or what we call the public sphere as in courts or education. Furthermore, I do not want anyone attempting to convert my kid. Don't come near him with that intent until he is an adult. I am an atheist. I am not an agnostic. It is not my job to prove that a deity exists. There is no argument for me to prove that he doesn't. The onus is not on me.

It takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does a theist.

No. It doesn't.
It takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does a theist.

No. It doesn't.
He's right. You believe nothing exploded and everything happened. And on its' own. That's more faith than I can ever muster up. Regardless, it takes faith to believe in theism or an unknown secular cause so you do have faith but for some reason atheists can't accept that. What's wrong with saying you have faith that it's all natural?
It takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does a theist.

No. It doesn't.
He's right. You believe nothing exploded and everything happened. And on its' own. That's more faith than I can ever muster up. Regardless, it takes faith to believe in theism or an unknown secular cause so you do have faith but for some reason atheists can't accept that. What's wrong with saying you have faith that it's all natural?

Ice, I can shred that book. You don't want me to do that. I presume that this is what you are attempting to discuss.
Big Bang - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I have no issues with Christians knocking on my door to try to sell me their faith. If I am polite and they politely leave when I tell them I am not harm done

I do have issues with Christians trying to force their faith on my children in a School or forcing a public meeting to engage in prayer
It takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does a theist.

No. It doesn't.
He's right. You believe nothing exploded and everything happened. And on its' own. That's more faith than I can ever muster up. Regardless, it takes faith to believe in theism or an unknown secular cause so you do have faith but for some reason atheists can't accept that. What's wrong with saying you have faith that it's all natural?

Faith means you believe something in the absence of evidence

There is ample scientific evidence of a big bang
Ice, I can shred that book. You don't want me to do that. I presume that this is what you are attempting to discuss.
Your e-muscles have no effect on me. I used my own words not some stupid wiki link. So obviously you can't shred shit. Apparently I did stike a nerve though, oh ye of great faith.
I don't. I don't have a problem with it providing that it does not come into laws or what we call the public sphere as in courts or education. Furthermore, I do not want anyone attempting to convert my kid. Don't come near him with that intent until he is an adult. I am an atheist. I am not an agnostic. It is not my job to prove that a deity exists. There is no argument for me to prove that he doesn't. The onus is not on me.

It takes as much faith to be an atheist as it does a theist.

No. It doesn't.

You don't know for a fact that there is no higher being. If it's not fact, then it's faith.
No. It doesn't.
He's right. You believe nothing exploded and everything happened. And on its' own. That's more faith than I can ever muster up. Regardless, it takes faith to believe in theism or an unknown secular cause so you do have faith but for some reason atheists can't accept that. What's wrong with saying you have faith that it's all natural?

Faith means you believe something in the absence of evidence
There is ample scientific evidence of a big bang

You have to 'believe' there isn't or is evidence. Funny thing about evidence, it's very subjective. It can be accepted by some, dismissed by others.
Ice, I can shred that book. You don't want me to do that. I presume that this is what you are attempting to discuss.
Your e-muscles have no effect on me. I used my own words not some stupid wiki link. So obviously you can't shred shit. Apparently I did stike a nerve though, oh ye of great faith.

Thank you for demonstrating why it is that religion has no place in a science class room.
Ice, I can shred that book. You don't want me to do that. I presume that this is what you are attempting to discuss.
Your e-muscles have no effect on me. I used my own words not some stupid wiki link. So obviously you can't shred shit. Apparently I did stike a nerve though, oh ye of great faith.

Thank you for demonstrating why it is that religion has no place in a science class room.
Thank YOU for proving the point. I have no religion. Science doesn't rule God in or out so your beliefs fall outside of science.

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