Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

We may or may not be alone but even if we are not, it doesn't mean there is no God. God is a creator, so why would he feel restricted to just one tiny planet in our galaxy? He could have all kinds of other worlds with different kinds of life/creatures/people.

whether there is life elsewhere or not has zero to do with a belief in G-d.

false equivalence.
In your opinion (which only means something to you).
What makes you think they will be smarter than us? Technologically, that's likely, but otherwise, maybe not. Maybe they would PROVE there is only one God. Then what? Would there still be no peace?
Well, definitely the fact that they can get here, means they're more technologically smarter than us.

But I'm sure they faced the same existential questions early on that we face here, what intelligent being would not? And they made it through without killing each other. And they made it far enough in their development to actually traverse the universe and get here, so I would definitely like to hear their story of how things work.

And I will go all-in on a bet that it has nothing to do with the religions we believe here on Earth.

Should the scenario arise, of course... :)

Obviously, not ALL religions are correct. So either one of the existing ones IS correct, or, none of them are....

Very true, and given the amount of religions in this world, based on the same subject matter, I would lean towards none of them being true.

I mean, primitive tribes that still exist may be closer to reality than OT-based religions. They may hold the secret, that nobody wants to listen to...

It's funny how as humans we all want reasons, explanations and answers. Maybe we would be a lot happier if we just existed and thrived enjoying life, instead of questioning how we got here and whether or not we were going anywhere after we die....
What makes you, as a Christian, believe we are alone in the universe?

Does it say something about it in the Bible or old testament?
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
Why do you think we are alone? If atheists believe we are probably not alone, why do Christians think we are alone? Is there something in the Bible that suggests we are alone?

Can you find anyone who thinks we are alone? I'd like to hear all their arguments.

And your logic is flawed by the way. Why would we care if aliens confirmed our beliefs? And we know you wouldn't believe them without proof, which is impossible by the way.

In fact if they believed in a god too, you would use that as an argument that even though their story is different the main premise is still the same. Of course that's not evidence of anything other than all life with big brains don't like not knowing what happens when they die.

And there are so many other possibilities. What if they are secretly watching us? What if the distance is too much for them too? What if they visited 2 billion years ago? What if they made us? I could go on with the possibilities
If biogenesis does not require abiogenesis... then how did it start? How'd we get here?
Well obviously something beyond physical nature created physical nature. It's a paradox... physical nature can't create itself. Matter can't create mater... energy can't create energy. If it exists, Something had to Create it.

I didn't come up with the idea of infinite universes. But it is an idea that you should agree with based on your quantum ideas and multiple dimension theories about God and UFO's. They do tie together.

Oh, I realize you didn't come up with the idea. I'm simply explaining the idea is a theory that can't be tested and will never be tested. Therefore, it's not really science. It's philosophy. It's an attempt to explain that which can't be explained without acknowledging a Creator.

George Carlin is not an idiot, and you'd be an idiot for dismissing him as such. You need to listen to him, because he makes fun, in a logical way, of the problems of religion. He speakum the truthum.

George Carlin is also not a scientist... he is a COMEDIAN!

The original human civilization (as far as we know) of Sumer was not spiritual. They told of real things. And they didn't think that by dying it would better their cause. They just wrote what they knew. There was no afterlife for Sumerians.

That idea came later, and thus the birth of religions.

You should watch the last 2 videos I posted, if you want to have an intelligent discussion, and not denial of truth.

Sumerians were NOT the first human civilization. And there is plenty of evidence these people were spiritual believers in all sorts of Gods. But you're talking about a civilization from 6500-4000 BC and human civilizations date back 70,000 years or more. The oldest remains of any human civilization is in Africa and Australia, and both sites offer evidence of ritualistic burial using ceremonial red ocher. They were worshiping something.

I'm not watching videos produced by Atheists to bash on religion... SORRY!

They were marking burial sites, and staining hair, including pubic areas. that's what the red ocher is for. I don't know why you believe that is the evidence for God or Religion.

Sumerians were the first human civilization to create writing, science, mathematics, and many other things. And they wrote a lot about the Anunnaki. But they had no religion based on them.

That came later, in different civilizations.

No, red ocher was used in important ceremonies and rituals. They buried their dead in ritualistic ceremonial fashion. There is only one explanation for this and it's spirituality. There is no physical advantage or purpose in ritual burial of the dead. I did not say it's evidence for religion or God. It's proof of human spirituality. Stop trying to twist and contort my statements into something you can argue... that's annoying and dishonest.

Sumerians were spiritual people as well. They were polytheistic and worshiped numerous Gods. While they may be one of the early examples of civilizations with recorded history, they are far from being the first civilization.
Dinosaurs were around for about one hundred fifty million years. We have only been around for about five million.

What if, a Civilization had "secrets" even more Ancient, than even Ancient Chinese secrets?
Dinosaurs never wore clothes, and thus were denied those ancient secrets.

The Chinese tried to tell them, but they still stubbornly refused to wear clothing, and thus died due to exposure. :)
Thank goodness for the latest advances in Astronomical technologies.

AnCap theory seems to hold in our plane of existence.

Anarcho Capitalism must occur, given the right opportunities, eventually.
If biogenesis does not require abiogenesis... then how did it start? How'd we get here?
Well obviously something beyond physical nature created physical nature. It's a paradox... physical nature can't create itself. Matter can't create mater... energy can't create energy. If it exists, Something had to Create it.

I didn't come up with the idea of infinite universes. But it is an idea that you should agree with based on your quantum ideas and multiple dimension theories about God and UFO's. They do tie together.

Oh, I realize you didn't come up with the idea. I'm simply explaining the idea is a theory that can't be tested and will never be tested. Therefore, it's not really science. It's philosophy. It's an attempt to explain that which can't be explained without acknowledging a Creator.

George Carlin is not an idiot, and you'd be an idiot for dismissing him as such. You need to listen to him, because he makes fun, in a logical way, of the problems of religion. He speakum the truthum.

George Carlin is also not a scientist... he is a COMEDIAN!

The original human civilization (as far as we know) of Sumer was not spiritual. They told of real things. And they didn't think that by dying it would better their cause. They just wrote what they knew. There was no afterlife for Sumerians.

That idea came later, and thus the birth of religions.

You should watch the last 2 videos I posted, if you want to have an intelligent discussion, and not denial of truth.

Sumerians were NOT the first human civilization. And there is plenty of evidence these people were spiritual believers in all sorts of Gods. But you're talking about a civilization from 6500-4000 BC and human civilizations date back 70,000 years or more. The oldest remains of any human civilization is in Africa and Australia, and both sites offer evidence of ritualistic burial using ceremonial red ocher. They were worshiping something.

I'm not watching videos produced by Atheists to bash on religion... SORRY!

They were marking burial sites, and staining hair, including pubic areas. that's what the red ocher is for. I don't know why you believe that is the evidence for God or Religion.

Sumerians were the first human civilization to create writing, science, mathematics, and many other things. And they wrote a lot about the Anunnaki. But they had no religion based on them.

That came later, in different civilizations.

No, red ocher was used in important ceremonies and rituals. They buried their dead in ritualistic ceremonial fashion. There is only one explanation for this and it's spirituality. There is no physical advantage or purpose in ritual burial of the dead. I did not say it's evidence for religion or God. It's proof of human spirituality. Stop trying to twist and contort my statements into something you can argue... that's annoying and dishonest.

Sumerians were spiritual people as well. They were polytheistic and worshiped numerous Gods. While they may be one of the early examples of civilizations with recorded history, they are far from being the first civilization.

Because ancient people stained their loved-ones hair with dye, or marked the grounds around a burial site where you don't want to get diseases, does not mean that they had a religion. They were doing so based on superstition. Hoping it leads to a rebirth or something like that. It's all you can do, when you don't have technology or medicine to help your loved ones. It's a "hope". They were superstitious and maybe a little OCD, and spreading red ocher made them feel better once their loved ones died. There was no "red ocher religion". That was simply an innocent and harmless way to deal with death.

I'm a very spiritual person, and I understand the idea of a greater meaning. But I refuse to kill or subordinate anyone based on that idea.

That is the difference between spirituality and religion.

Sumerians were not spiritual. They were subordinated people, who followed their leaders, the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki taught them everything they knew, per their own words, and they created the first civilization in recorded history. Yes others existed before, but recorded history starts with Sumer, since that's where writing began, and math, and science, and astronomy, and a whole lot of other stuff that we take for granted today. Sumerians were not people willing to kill and subjugate others.

It took other civilizations to take their original writings, and take advantage of them by creating religions around them. It was genius. Since there was no proof, ancient rulers declared themselves as gods, so they could pummel their constituents into blind faith. And they used them as armies to kill anyone they wanted, to promote their power and wealth.

And here we are, almost 6000 years later. And we still have the same bullshit...
Because ancient people stained their loved-ones hair with dye, or marked the grounds around a burial site where you don't want to get diseases, does not mean that they had a religion. They were doing so based on superstition. Hoping it leads to a rebirth or something like that.

Spiritual... ALL SPIRITUAL! What part are you not getting? :dunno:

You can't explain ritual ceremony using red ocher any other way.

Sumerians were not spiritual.
You're wrong. That's all I can say about that. If you like being wrong you can believe that.

They were subordinated people, who followed their leaders, the Anunnaki.

The Anunnaki were primordial beings... DEITIES! Descendants of the sky-god An!

Yes others existed before, but recorded history starts with Sumer, since that's where writing began...

It doesn't matter, humans were spiritual for tens of thousands of years before this. We have the evidence.

I'm a very spiritual person, and I understand the idea of a greater meaning.

It doesn't matter, this is not about you. Spirituality is a fundamental behavioral attribute of civilized human beings and always has been. Religions are simply a manifestation of human spirituality. You can bash on religious beliefs, criticize religions, denounce their dogma, speak out against religious atrocities, etc., but you're never going to wipe out religion because it's how humans express their spirituality.
Rethink your reply, and don't pick apart sentences that your internet search tells you otherwise. Here it is again for posterity.

Because ancient people stained their loved-ones hair with dye, or marked the grounds around a burial site where you don't want to get diseases, does not mean that they had a religion. They were doing so based on superstition. Hoping it leads to a rebirth or something like that. It's all you can do, when you don't have technology or medicine to help your loved ones. It's a "hope". They were superstitious and maybe a little OCD, and spreading red ocher made them feel better once their loved ones died. There was no "red ocher religion". That was simply an innocent and harmless way to deal with death.

I'm a very spiritual person, and I understand the idea of a greater meaning. But I refuse to kill or subordinate anyone based on that idea.

That is the difference between spirituality and religion.

Sumerians were not spiritual. They were subordinated people, who followed their leaders, the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki taught them everything they knew, per their own words, and they created the first civilization in recorded history. Yes others existed before, but recorded history starts with Sumer, since that's where writing began, and math, and science, and astronomy, and a whole lot of other stuff that we take for granted today. Sumerians were not people willing to kill and subjugate others.

It took other civilizations to take their original writings, and take advantage of them by creating religions around them. It was genius. Since there was no proof, ancient rulers declared themselves as gods, so they could pummel their constituents into blind faith. And they used them as armies to kill anyone they wanted, to promote their power and wealth.

And here we are, almost 6000 years later. And we still have the same bullshit...
Rethink your reply, and don't pick apart sentences that your internet search tells you otherwise. Here it is again for posterity.

Because ancient people stained their loved-ones hair with dye, or marked the grounds around a burial site where you don't want to get diseases, does not mean that they had a religion. They were doing so based on superstition. Hoping it leads to a rebirth or something like that. It's all you can do, when you don't have technology or medicine to help your loved ones. It's a "hope". They were superstitious and maybe a little OCD, and spreading red ocher made them feel better once their loved ones died. There was no "red ocher religion". That was simply an innocent and harmless way to deal with death.

I'm a very spiritual person, and I understand the idea of a greater meaning. But I refuse to kill or subordinate anyone based on that idea.

That is the difference between spirituality and religion.

Sumerians were not spiritual. They were subordinated people, who followed their leaders, the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki taught them everything they knew, per their own words, and they created the first civilization in recorded history. Yes others existed before, but recorded history starts with Sumer, since that's where writing began, and math, and science, and astronomy, and a whole lot of other stuff that we take for granted today. Sumerians were not people willing to kill and subjugate others.

It took other civilizations to take their original writings, and take advantage of them by creating religions around them. It was genius. Since there was no proof, ancient rulers declared themselves as gods, so they could pummel their constituents into blind faith. And they used them as armies to kill anyone they wanted, to promote their power and wealth.

And here we are, almost 6000 years later. And we still have the same bullshit...

I pick the parts of what you post to reply to for sake of clarity, so you'll know what the fuck I'm addressing. You've been on this same stupid point for nearly two pages... the Sumerians were not the first human civilization and they certainly were spiritual. The Anunnaki were primordial deities, the descendents of the sky-god An. Go fucking look it up!

MY POINT was that human beings have been spiritual since they've been civilized creatures. The evidence is indisputable. Religions are the manifestation of human spirituality. Now... accept that, ignore it, change the subject... I don't really care.
Religions are the manifestation of human greed and corruption. Based on those poor people's spiritual ideas.

What OT-religions do, is reshape those spiritual ideas into a form that they can weaponize for power and money. And thus, here we are!

I have been saying this over and over and over and over... And you still want to argue?

Pick exactly which part you want to argue next time. Since you have been subtly agreeing with me the whole time, yet arguing other nonsense stuff to get a forum woody.
Religions are the manifestation of human greed and corruption. Based on those poor people's spiritual ideas.

What OT-religions do, is reshape those spiritual ideas into a form that they can weaponize for power and money. And thus, here we are!

I have been saying this over and over and over and over... And you still want to argue?

Pick exactly which part you want to argue next time. Since you have been subtly agreeing with me the whole time, yet arguing other nonsense stuff to get a forum woody.

No, religions have nothing to do with greed or corruption. That's not to say that greedy people can't corrupt religions. The religions are based on spiritual people's ideas, it has nothing to do with wealth.

I've already addressed your stupidity about "OT religions" ...there is no such thing. The Old Testament is part of the Bible, relevant to the presence of the New Testament. To fully understand what the New Testament is all about, you have to read the Old Testament. You've heard the saying, "throwing the baby out with the bath water?" Well, you are throwing the baby out and keeping the bath water. The New Testament literally defines modern Christianity.

I've not been subtly agreeing with you. I've been systematically shooting down every lame argument you've presented. The only thing we really agree on is that organized religions are flawed.
Religions are the manifestation of human greed and corruption. Based on those poor people's spiritual ideas.

What OT-religions do, is reshape those spiritual ideas into a form that they can weaponize for power and money. And thus, here we are!

I have been saying this over and over and over and over... And you still want to argue?

Pick exactly which part you want to argue next time. Since you have been subtly agreeing with me the whole time, yet arguing other nonsense stuff to get a forum woody.

No, religions have nothing to do with greed or corruption.


That's not to say that greedy people can't corrupt religions. The religions are based on spiritual people's ideas, it has nothing to do with wealth.

See your 1st sentence. I thought religions had nothing to do with that stuff.

I've already addressed your stupidity about "OT religions" ...there is no such thing. The Old Testament is part of the Bible, relevant to the presence of the New Testament. To fully understand what the New Testament is all about, you have to read the Old Testament.

And I have, both. What are you saying? The NT occurs after the OT. Both say horrible things about how we should treat our neighbors, family, and enemies. And that bad stuff that will happen if we don't listen.

You've heard the saying, "throwing the baby out with the bath water?" Well, you are throwing the baby out and keeping the bath water. The New Testament literally defines modern Christianity.

I'm throwing all of you out. I'm regurgitating the ugliness that you promote in believing in these things. Terrible people believe in these things. Good people, don't.

I've not been subtly agreeing with you. I've been systematically shooting down every lame argument you've presented. The only thing we really agree on is that
organized religions are flawed.

What? Really? But you're arguing for the religions! You just can't help yourself, can you...
No, religions have nothing to do with greed or corruption.


That's not to say that greedy people can't corrupt religions. The religions are based on spiritual people's ideas, it has nothing to do with wealth.

See your 1st sentence. I thought religions had nothing to do with that stuff.

Apparently, you have a reading comprehension problem. What the fuck do you mean "What?" .. you want me to retype it slower for you? Religions have nothing to do with greed or corruption, they are the manifestation of human spiritual belief.

I've already addressed your stupidity about "OT religions" ...there is no such thing. The Old Testament is part of the Bible, relevant to the presence of the New Testament. To fully understand what the New Testament is all about, you have to read the Old Testament.

And I have, both. What are you saying? The NT occurs after the OT. Both say horrible things about how we should treat our neighbors, family, and enemies. And that bad stuff that will happen if we don't listen.

Well... NO... you're wrong! They don't both say horrible things about how we should treat others. I seriously doubt you've read much of the Bible and you've probably not taken a Comparative Religion course. So why do you think you're some sort of theological expert? What you are is a little degenerate blowhard who hates Christians. Probably because they denounce your butt sex.

You've heard the saying, "throwing the baby out with the bath water?" Well, you are throwing the baby out and keeping the bath water. The New Testament literally defines modern Christianity.

I'm throwing all of you out. I'm regurgitating the ugliness that you promote in believing in these things. Terrible people believe in these things. Good people, don't.

You're not doing anything except making a fool of yourself.

I've not been subtly agreeing with you. I've been systematically shooting down every lame argument you've presented. The only thing we really agree on is that
organized religions are flawed.

What? Really? But you're arguing for the religions! You just can't help yourself, can you...

I haven't argued for or against religions. Religions are what they are... manifestations of human spirituality. Good things and bad things are done in the name of religion. I believe the good far outweighs the bad. Obviously, you don't share my opinion and that's okay but it doesn't mean you're right.

And I really wish you'd stop asking "What?" on a message forum! It's annoying and makes you appear retarded. It's an expression used when communicating verbally, if you didn't understand what someone said. With text communication, you simply need to re-read what was typed. Jeesh!
No, religions have nothing to do with greed or corruption.


That's not to say that greedy people can't corrupt religions. The religions are based on spiritual people's ideas, it has nothing to do with wealth.

See your 1st sentence. I thought religions had nothing to do with that stuff.

Apparently, you have a reading comprehension problem. What the fuck do you mean "What?" .. you want me to retype it slower for you? Religions have nothing to do with greed or corruption, they are the manifestation of human spiritual belief.

But if greedy humans corrupt religions, aren't the religions therefore corrupt'?

I've already addressed your stupidity about "OT religions" ...there is no such thing. The Old Testament is part of the Bible, relevant to the presence of the New Testament. To fully understand what the New Testament is all about, you have to read the Old Testament.

And I have, both. What are you saying? The NT occurs after the OT. Both say horrible things about how we should treat our neighbors, family, and enemies. And that bad stuff that will happen if we don't listen.

Well... NO... you're wrong! They don't both say horrible things about how we should treat others. I seriously doubt you've read much of the Bible and you've probably not taken a Comparative Religion course. So why do you think you're some sort of theological expert? What you are is a little degenerate blowhard who hates Christians. Probably because they denounce your butt sex.

Maybe you should be re-reading some stuff then. And since you mention butt-sex, that is a hallmark of Christian priestly values, and defended and protected by the Vatican for hundreds of years.

You've heard the saying, "throwing the baby out with the bath water?" Well, you are throwing the baby out and keeping the bath water. The New Testament literally defines modern Christianity.

I'm throwing all of you out. I'm regurgitating the ugliness that you promote in believing in these things. Terrible people believe in these things. Good people, don't.

You're not doing anything except making a fool of yourself.

You're not doing anything except defending religions you don't believe in, just to try to argue and build up your already formidable ego. You're a troll. And you're probably short with a need to overcome your inadequacies.

I've not been subtly agreeing with you. I've been systematically shooting down every lame argument you've presented. The only thing we really agree on is that
organized religions are flawed.

What? Really? But you're arguing for the religions! You just can't help yourself, can you...

I haven't argued for or against religions. Religions are what they are... manifestations of human spirituality. Good things and bad things are done in the name of religion. I believe the good far outweighs the bad. Obviously, you don't share my opinion and that's okay but it doesn't mean you're right.

And I really wish you'd stop asking "What?" on a message forum! It's annoying and makes you appear retarded. It's an expression used when communicating verbally, if you didn't understand what someone said. With text communication, you simply need to re-read what was typed. Jeesh!

Yes you have argued for religions. That's why you're still arguing about it. And here you go with turning back to diction, when your back is against the wall.

You simply believe that you are the most intelligent person at any given time, and you like to argue any topic, whether you believe it or not, just for the sake of internet masturbation.

Well, you're not the most intelligent person. I can think of 10 people on this board off the top of my head that will run circles around your brain.

You are not as smart as you think you are, and you are not the "Boss" that you think you are.

As Carlin said, you equate to a "temp with an attitude".
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But if greedy humans corrupt religions, aren't the religions therefore corrupt'?

This would be to assume that once something is corrupted it can never be cleansed of corruption. I didn't say all religions are corrupted by greedy humans and irredeemable.

Maybe you should be re-reading some stuff then.

No, I don't think so. The NT is a reformation of Christianity for modern man. It is centered on the teachings of Jesus Christ who preached love of your neighbor, forgiveness of their transgressions and the possibility of eternal salvation without judgement of one's past. The diametric opposite of what you incorrectly claimed.

You are not as smart as you think you are, and you are not the "Boss" that you think you are.

I'm actually a good deal smarter than I think I am, jackass. I just try to remain modest. This thread proves I am definitely your Boss and you're my little bitch. I've addressed and destroyed every argument you've presented. What really seems to frustrate you is that I'm not some religious fanatic you can mock and ridicule. Instead, you're coming across like a jilted school girl. What's amazing is how you keep coming back for more. The stupid is strong with this one.
Whoa, where'd that sexual anger come from?

Is that what you're doing? Make me your little bitch? Do me in the butthole?

I'm just talking about truth. And you're talking about butt-rape and domination.

Do you like that type of stuff?

It would seem so, based on what you're defending...
Because religions defend the same things.

However, you "don't believe in religion". So I guess you're just plain psycho, with no excuse...
BTW, I'm going to use your statement, "I'm actually a good deal smarter than I think I am, jackass. I just try to remain modest." as my sig for a little while. If you don't mind. If you mind, let me know.

I don't like sigs, but geez... that was so classically stupid! I'll keep it on for a week, for giggles. That was so classic...
Because religions defend the same things.

However, you "don't believe in religion". So I guess you're just plain psycho, with no excuse...

Well, no... Religions don't defend the same things, that's why we have different ones.

For someone speaking with such self-proclaimed authority on the subject, you seem quite dumb.

Where did I say that "I don't believe in religions?" I don't subscribe to organized religions because I believe they are all flawed as creations of man. I do believe they exist and that spiritual people practice their spiritual faith through them.

I've spent a lot of time studying aspects of several religions just out of curiosity. I don't find anything inherently wrong with The Bible or Christianity. Same for Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. I think the Muslim religion is a fraud, ripped off from Christianity. That is my personal evaluation after studying their doctrine and history. I think Catholicism has become corrupted and is in need of reformation. I think Mormonism is a cult-like offshoot of Christianity. Numerous denominations of Christianity are fanatical and take the Bible out of context.

Like I said before, I believe religions have both good and bad aspects. Being that I am spiritually centered, I believe in promotion of positive spiritual energy. So when a church feeds the hungry or houses the homeless, helps disaster victims or provides care for orphans, etc., I applaud these efforts and support them as much as possible. I've been on several mission trips to Nicaragua and will probably be heading there again in a few months.

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