Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

One need not be an 'atheist' to hope that all the established religions could be irrefutably proven false.
I've always wondered what would happen if we made contact with a distant civilization and they had virtually the same beliefs in God? Would that silence Atheists? Probably not.

All of the atheists I have ever known were liberals. These are "people" who when faced with simple facts will ignore them if it compromises the way they're programmed to respond to things. God Himself could come down, perform whatever miracle you can imagine and the bed wetters will call it a fraud or simply deny it happened.

As an atheist, I believe the probability of aliens contacting us is almost as remote as there being a God
Because religions defend the same things.

However, you "don't believe in religion". So I guess you're just plain psycho, with no excuse...

Well, no... Religions don't defend the same things, that's why we have different ones.

For someone speaking with such self-proclaimed authority on the subject, you seem quite dumb.

The 3 OT-based religions, which are the ones at question here, do defend the same things. And that most importantly includes dominating others to spread their power. Which you are also quite eager to do.

Anybody can do charitable things. Charity is not a hallmark of religion. It is a hallmark of good people who really care, and are not trying to put on a show to gain followers.

Where did I say that "I don't believe in religions?" I don't subscribe to organized religions because I believe they are all flawed as creations of man. I do believe they exist and that spiritual people practice their spiritual faith through them.

Regarding your disbelief in religion, I did a really quick search by using your name and "I don't believe", and here's an extremely short list of what came up... Don't try to be cute and change it to that you believe "religions" exist. Of course religions exist, but they're not true, and you don't believe in any of them. But you still argue for them. These are a small sample of your quotes, there's many many more pages.

Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...
I don't believe in a Christian God

Is There A God?
I don't believe in religions

Religion and Ethics - The topic of this USMB Discussion is an "oxymoron"
I don't believe in Christianity

Religion and Ethics - The topic of this USMB Discussion is an "oxymoron"
I don't personally follow an organized religion because I believe all religions are flawed because they're man's creation.

How do the non-spiritual explain it?
Again.... I do not have a "religious" dog in the hunt. I am not a Religious person...

Has science proved there is no God?
I don't belong to any organized religion because I don't agree with their dogma. I think it is all the creation of man and inherently flawed, so I can't put my faith in it.

Why I don't believe in God
You can't be manipulated, exploited or caused to fear something you do not believe in. Religion exploits and manipulates those who have spiritual faith.
So it seems we're both in agreement that religion can only exploit or manipulate you if you're a believer in the religion.

How have anti-evolution tactics evolved over time? They’ve gotten sneakier.
I consider myself a "nonbeliever" because there are lots of things I don't believe in. I believe that all organized religion is inherently flawed and self-contradictory because it is the creation of man who is not flawless.

Religion and Ethics - The topic of this USMB Discussion is an "oxymoron"
I don't believe Abraham is the person in this picture hoisting the "witch" into the flames during the origin of Abrahamic religions. I also don't believe this is Jesus showing his disciples how Christians should behave. If I am not mistaken, it is evidence of the aforementioned exploitation of religion which I have repeatedly admitted.

I've spent a lot of time studying aspects of several religions just out of curiosity. I don't find anything inherently wrong with The Bible or Christianity. Same for Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism. I think the Muslim religion is a fraud, ripped off from Christianity. That is my personal evaluation after studying their doctrine and history. I think Catholicism has become corrupted and is in need of reformation. I think Mormonism is a cult-like offshoot of Christianity. Numerous denominations of Christianity are fanatical and take the Bible out of context.

Then why defend them if you disagree? These people cannot learn to co-exist with others, because of their corrupted man-made religions that they follow blindly. They will turn back to "kill-mode" once commanded.

Like I said before, I believe religions have both good and bad aspects. Being that I am spiritually centered, I believe in promotion of positive spiritual energy. So when a church feeds the hungry or houses the homeless, helps disaster victims or provides care for orphans, etc., I applaud these efforts and support them as much as possible. I've been on several mission trips to Nicaragua and will probably be heading there again in a few months.

Please stop with the bullshit. You are very, very, far off-center spiritually. Borderline psycho. You believe in domination, degradation, and deception of others, and you have to do it to everyone you interact with. That's what REALLY floats your boat... I hope you aren't doing the same on your "mission trips". You should not be representing humanity, if so.

And please stay away from the children.
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The 3 OT-based religions, which are the ones at question here, do defend the same things. And that most importantly includes dominating others to spread their power. Which you are also quite eager to do.

Anybody can do charitable things. Charity is not a hallmark of religion. It is a hallmark of good people who really care, and are not trying to put on a show to gain followers.

We've already established there is no such thing as "OT religions" because if you have an OT you also have a NT. I can only assume you mean Abrahamic religions? Christianity, Judaism and Islam? All three have different doctrines and Islam doesn't even use the Christian Bible.

Judaism is an actual race, so I'm not sure how the religion exploits you to dominate and spread power when you're a Jew by birth.

Christianity is a religion of acceptance, not dominance. You must accept Christ to be a Christian, it's the only way. When you willingly accept something, how are you being dominated?

As for charitable things... you're right, it doesn't require religion. So name three major non-religious and totally secular charities operating worldwide? While you're trying to think of some, keep in mind that I didn't say it was a hallmark, I said that as a spiritually-driven person, I applaud the efforts of religious groups who do good deeds. I'm puzzled as to why you can't do the same and seem to want to be disagreeable on this point.

Regarding your disbelief in religion, I did a really quick search by using your name and "I don't believe", and here's an extremely short list of what came up... Don't try to be cute and change it to that you believe "religions" exist. Of course religions exist, but they're not true, and you don't believe in any of them. But you still argue for them. These are a small sample of your quotes, there's many many more pages.

Right, and I have been consistent in context. I didn't say they were not true. I don't know if they are. I don't subscribe to their beliefs. I argue for religion in general against morons who presume we'd be better off without them. I believe religions are a vehicle for human spiritual expression.

Then why defend them if you disagree? These people cannot learn to co-exist with others, because of their corrupted man-made religions that they follow blindly. They will turn back to "kill-mode" once commanded.

Again, I defend that which is good (positive spiritual energy) and condemn that which is bad (negative spiritual energy). Your opinions are very biased and show an ignorance in what the nucleus of Christianity teaches. Jesus' best friend was a prostitute. One of his most prolific disciples was previously a tax collector who stoned Christians to death. The Bible is literally full of stories about turning the other cheek, doing unto others, reserving judgment of others, forgiving transgressions.

Islam is the only religion with a "kill mode" and it's because they are a fraudulent and phony religion.

Please stop with the bullshit. You are very, very, far off-center spiritually. Borderline psycho. You believe in domination, degradation, and deception of others, and you have to do it to everyone you interact with. That's what REALLY floats your boat... I hope you aren't doing the same on your "mission trips". You should not be representing humanity, if so.

And please stay away from the children.

I don't know what that last sentence was supposed to mean but I will tell you that you're on the verge of a very serious and bannable offense. I don't appreciate the implications and you need to back way the fuck down. Understood?
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

And I bet you still believe the world is flat and the sun revolves around the earth and the moon is made of cheese...

Mankind has been listening to the stars for a short period of time and you already declare that Aliens will never contact us.

I would say you are very close minded and fear the thought humanity is not alone in this Universe and if Aliens are among us then it will make you question your faith...
Someone, today, still refers to Jewish people as a race?!?

Not only are they a race, they are probably the purest race. This might explain why Jews are so incredibly smart.
Judaism is an actual race is false and you have not read the OT, and do not know what is going on in Israel/P.

Christians invade and kills others, assuming the maj of the US military are Christians.

Jew are not a pure race and nor are they even a race.
Someone, today, still refers to Jewish people as a race?!?

Not only are they a race, they are probably the purest race. This might explain why Jews are so incredibly smart.


I suspect any unbeliever in a christian society would seem smarter than average by not being as intellectually and emotionally hobbled by irrational superstitions, maudlin beliefs, and the resulting cognitive dissonance imposed Christians since childhood...

How deeply can anyone possibly think about anything in that state especially when to question the beliefs that cause their confusion, in fact rational thinking itself, is shunned as evil?

Just think about how unfocused a person would have to constantly be to remain a believer and how emotionally and intellectually exhausting it is for them to keep a straight face while professing preposterous beliefs that are contradicted by reality every day ?

Shit like that to deal with in their head and in their daily lives makes deep rational thinking about any topic or subject impossible.
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...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
They rather to believe in an invisible made-up aliens, rather than to believe in God. But then they calls Christians crazy lunatics..
Someone, today, still refers to Jewish people as a race?!?

Not only are they a race, they are probably the purest race. This might explain why Jews are so incredibly smart.
Judaism is an actual race is false and you have not read the OT, and do not know what is going on in Israel/P.

Christians invade and kills others, assuming the maj of the US military are Christians.

Jew are not a pure race and nor are they even a race.

Well, I am going by what the dictionary says "race" means. Maybe you have a different definition? According to geneticists, Jews are their own race. What race do you think a Jew is? They have their own distinct genetic markers making them different from other races. And since they are also their own religion, they tend to marry (and procreate) within their own race, preserving the purity of their race. Historically, they've done this more rigidly than other races.

Now, that said, all Jews are not of the Jewish race. You can adopt the Jewish religion and not belong to the race. But you can also be of the Jewish race and not practice Judaism. If what you believe were true, Hitler wouldn't have needed to exterminate the Jews... just ban Judaism and viola.. no more Jews! It wasn't orthodox religious believers he was sending to the furnaces.
There is not now, nor has there ever been, a race that was 'Jewish'. Semitic is a language group, not a race. Science shows there is only one race of humans today.
There is not now, nor has there ever been, a race that was 'Jewish'. Semitic is a language group, not a race. Science shows there is only one race of humans today.

As far as a social theory, I am all for that idea... let's get rid of Black Lives Matter... let's end Anti Semitism... Let's do away with Affirmative Action... stop bashing and blaming white Europeans... stop demanding reparations for Native Americans!

...But how would Democrats and Progressives function? :dunno:

Yes, we are a homogenous species. There is no such thing as a pure race. We're all a mixture of races. But to deny there is any such thing as race while at the same time, dividing groups by racial definition, is a bit disingenuous. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
Someone, today, still refers to Jewish people as a race?!?

Not only are they a race, they are probably the purest race. This might explain why Jews are so incredibly smart.
Judaism is an actual race is false and you have not read the OT, and do not know what is going on in Israel/P.

Christians invade and kills others, assuming the maj of the US military are Christians.

Jew are not a pure race and nor are they even a race.

Well, I am going by what the dictionary says "race" means. Maybe you have a different definition? According to geneticists, Jews are their own race. What race do you think a Jew is? They have their own distinct genetic markers making them different from other races. And since they are also their own religion, they tend to marry (and procreate) within their own race, preserving the purity of their race. Historically, they've done this more rigidly than other races.

Now, that said, all Jews are not of the Jewish race. You can adopt the Jewish religion and not belong to the race. But you can also be of the Jewish race and not practice Judaism. If what you believe were true, Hitler wouldn't have needed to exterminate the Jews... just ban Judaism and viola.. no more Jews! It wasn't orthodox religious believers he was sending to the furnaces.

Genesis 41:45 Pharaoh gave Joseph the name Zaphenath-Paneah and gave him Asenath daughter of Potiphera, priest of On, to be his wife. And Joseph went throughout the land of Egypt.

Numbers 12:1 Miriam and Aaron began to talk against Moses because of his Cushite wife, for he had married a Cushite.

Matthew 1:5 Salmon the father of Boaz, whose mother was Rahab, Boaz the father of Obed, whose mother was Ruth, Obed the father of Jesse,

Song of Songs 1:6 Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun. My mother’s sons were angry with me and made me take care of the vineyards; my own vineyard I had to neglect.
The 3 OT-based religions, which are the ones at question here, do defend the same things. And that most importantly includes dominating others to spread their power. Which you are also quite eager to do.

Anybody can do charitable things. Charity is not a hallmark of religion. It is a hallmark of good people who really care, and are not trying to put on a show to gain followers.

We've already established there is no such thing as "OT religions" because if you have an OT you also have a NT. I can only assume you mean Abrahamic religions? Christianity, Judaism and Islam? All three have different doctrines and Islam doesn't even use the Christian Bible.

Judaism is an actual race, so I'm not sure how the religion exploits you to dominate and spread power when you're a Jew by birth.

Christianity is a religion of acceptance, not dominance. You must accept Christ to be a Christian, it's the only way. When you willingly accept something, how are you being dominated?

As for charitable things... you're right, it doesn't require religion. So name three major non-religious and totally secular charities operating worldwide? While you're trying to think of some, keep in mind that I didn't say it was a hallmark, I said that as a spiritually-driven person, I applaud the efforts of religious groups who do good deeds. I'm puzzled as to why you can't do the same and seem to want to be disagreeable on this point.

Regarding your disbelief in religion, I did a really quick search by using your name and "I don't believe", and here's an extremely short list of what came up... Don't try to be cute and change it to that you believe "religions" exist. Of course religions exist, but they're not true, and you don't believe in any of them. But you still argue for them. These are a small sample of your quotes, there's many many more pages.

Right, and I have been consistent in context. I didn't say they were not true. I don't know if they are. I don't subscribe to their beliefs. I argue for religion in general against morons who presume we'd be better off without them. I believe religions are a vehicle for human spiritual expression.

Then why defend them if you disagree? These people cannot learn to co-exist with others, because of their corrupted man-made religions that they follow blindly. They will turn back to "kill-mode" once commanded.

Again, I defend that which is good (positive spiritual energy) and condemn that which is bad (negative spiritual energy). Your opinions are very biased and show an ignorance in what the nucleus of Christianity teaches. Jesus' best friend was a prostitute. One of his most prolific disciples was previously a tax collector who stoned Christians to death. The Bible is literally full of stories about turning the other cheek, doing unto others, reserving judgment of others, forgiving transgressions.

Islam is the only religion with a "kill mode" and it's because they are a fraudulent and phony religion.

Please stop with the bullshit. You are very, very, far off-center spiritually. Borderline psycho. You believe in domination, degradation, and deception of others, and you have to do it to everyone you interact with. That's what REALLY floats your boat... I hope you aren't doing the same on your "mission trips". You should not be representing humanity, if so.

And please stay away from the children.

I don't know what that last sentence was supposed to mean but I will tell you that you're on the verge of a very serious and bannable offense. I don't appreciate the implications and you need to back way the fuck down. Understood?

It was meant exactly as you think it means. You are a person who wants to dominate every conversation, and put people down if they disagree. Make them your little bitch, like you said. And then deceive when put to the test.

So yeah, you should not be representing humanity when you visit other societies in need for our help. If they put a muzzle on you, and you're just handing out money, then it's ok.

But otherwise, you will corrupt people that are looking to you for help. Because that's how you roll...You want to dominate, boss.
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Thing is, it doesn't work with me. Or others here.

We're not going to back down because you pull your bullying tactics, once you're in a corner. You're not the boss.

By finding those threads where you said you didn't believe in religion, I found your same argumentative way with everybody you came across. It was gross.

So I don't take it personally, but you have a serious problem...

And I'm pointing it out to you.

You're not the boss. You're not smarter than anyone else here, and using domination, degradation, and deception, does not make you any better than anyone else here. In fact, it makes you worse.

Your posts are what "organized religions" do, while maintaining you don't believe in them. You follow the same tactics.
There is not now, nor has there ever been, a race that was 'Jewish'. Semitic is a language group, not a race. Science shows there is only one race of humans today.

As far as a social theory, I am all for that idea... let's get rid of Black Lives Matter... let's end Anti Semitism... Let's do away with Affirmative Action... stop bashing and blaming white Europeans... stop demanding reparations for Native Americans!

...But how would Democrats and Progressives function? :dunno:

Yes, we are a homogenous species. There is no such thing as a pure race. We're all a mixture of races. But to deny there is any such thing as race while at the same time, dividing groups by racial definition, is a bit disingenuous. You can't have your cake and eat it too.

Again, you're just trying to deceive again by changing the subject to how the US divides groups by race. We all know that's wrong. But you seem to think that the Jewish people are their own race, and stated it as such. And then changed your tune, to make it seem like you said something else.

What do you really think?

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