Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

The elements are in meteors and commits. They came from first generation stars.

See, there is so much you don't know. That's why you doubt. And you clearly don't watch Nova and you don't like the science. It makes you uncomfortable

What does it matter? Even if what I say is true you'll just believe God the creator did it. It doesn't disprove your creator who cares so relax

I know everything about the elements but the elements are not living organisms. I actually like watching Nova and other science programs. I have no problem with science. I have a BIG problem with idiots who don't understand science and think they do. And it matters that what you say is true because when you lie and claim science says things it doesn't say, that insults science and destroys all your credibility. Science and your credibility ought to mean more to you than bullshitting people on a message board into thinking you know what you're talking about... which you don't.
You're the one missing the point. They have a pretty good theory on how life got started. But before we talk about it tell me your theory again
The elements are in meteors and commits. They came from first generation stars.

See, there is so much you don't know. That's why you doubt. And you clearly don't watch Nova and you don't like the science. It makes you uncomfortable

What does it matter? Even if what I say is true you'll just believe God the creator did it. It doesn't disprove your creator who cares so relax

I know everything about the elements but the elements are not living organisms. I actually like watching Nova and other science programs. I have no problem with science. I have a BIG problem with idiots who don't understand science and think they do. And it matters that what you say is true because when you lie and claim science says things it doesn't say, that insults science and destroys all your credibility. Science and your credibility ought to mean more to you than bullshitting people on a message board into thinking you know what you're talking about... which you don't.
You don't even believe in evolution so you have zero credibility. I'm sorry I teased a retard
Anyways yesterday I YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way.

Evolution does NOT explain origin. Sorry.... it just doesn't. It's not even in the nature of the word itself. Look it up! For any evolving to happen, something HAS TO FIRST EXIST! If something doesn't exist, it can't evolve. You can find all kinds of things on YouTube but you are in some serious intellectual trouble if that's your basis of knowledge. Just sayin'.
You go by what makes sense to you even if it makes no sense to anyone else. It makes sense life got here during the great bombardment. Hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and most important carbon. Carbons the key. We know single cell bacteria multiply.

It was Nova. Do you really challenge Nova? I'll go with the information they're giving over your bullshit.

Sorry it doesn't make sense to you but I can assure you that things cannot evolve until they exist. You mention a theory of "the great bombardment" but that isn't evolution. IF microbial life came here from the cosmos, then it already existed and you've not explained origin. Bacteria multiply because they are living.

I seriously doubt Nova made the claim you've made but if they did, I refute them as well. Evolution doesn't explain origin.
I'm not talking evolution I'm talking about how life started and humans were not poofed into the planet along with all other land animals they must have evolved. And they're finding carbon in meteors and comets. It makes sense.

What's your origin theory? I want to hear what you believe

You said "Evolution is responsible for origin of life." That is FALSE!
Evolution cannot explain the origin on life... EVER!

Carbon is an element. It is inorganic. That means it is not living. It's not surprising to find it in comets or meteors since it's one of the most abundant elements in the universe. Carbon is a fundamental element in all living things but carbon is not living.

I've been clear on MY theory and I've explained it to you before. I believe an omniscient and intelligent force outside of physical nature is responsible for the design and origin of physical nature and life because it cannot create itself. I can't PROVE that... if I could, we wouldn't be discussing this and I'd have a Nobel Prize.
You're the one missing the point. They have a pretty good theory on how life got started. But before we talk about it tell me your theory again

Well thank you for admitting that they don't really KNOW how life originated but to be honest, they don't really have a pretty good theory either. Abiogenesis is a theory that contradicts Biogenesis and there are about 157 varieties of abiogenesis theory, many of which are in conflict.
You don't even believe in evolution so you have zero credibility. I'm sorry I teased a retard

Well I do believe in microevolution. That's ANY evolution within a genus taxon. I don't believe in cross-genus or macroevolution because there is no evidence for it and we can't make it happen in any lab experiment. Now that can be YOUR faith and belief and that's fine... but you're not going to shove that down our throats as a FACT.
Anyways yesterday I YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way.

Evolution does NOT explain origin. Sorry.... it just doesn't. It's not even in the nature of the word itself. Look it up! For any evolving to happen, something HAS TO FIRST EXIST! If something doesn't exist, it can't evolve. You can find all kinds of things on YouTube but you are in some serious intellectual trouble if that's your basis of knowledge. Just sayin'.
You go by what makes sense to you even if it makes no sense to anyone else. It makes sense life got here during the great bombardment. Hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and most important carbon. Carbons the key. We know single cell bacteria multiply.

It was Nova. Do you really challenge Nova? I'll go with the information they're giving over your bullshit.

Sorry it doesn't make sense to you but I can assure you that things cannot evolve until they exist. You mention a theory of "the great bombardment" but that isn't evolution. IF microbial life came here from the cosmos, then it already existed and you've not explained origin. Bacteria multiply because they are living.

I seriously doubt Nova made the claim you've made but if they did, I refute them as well. Evolution doesn't explain origin.
I'm not talking evolution I'm talking about how life started and humans were not poofed into the planet along with all other land animals they must have evolved. And they're finding carbon in meteors and comets. It makes sense.

What's your origin theory? I want to hear what you believe

You said "Evolution is responsible for origin of life." That is FALSE!
Evolution cannot explain the origin on life... EVER!

Carbon is an element. It is inorganic. That means it is not living. It's not surprising to find it in comets or meteors since it's one of the most abundant elements in the universe. Carbon is a fundamental element in all living things but carbon is not living.

I've been clear on MY theory and I've explained it to you before. I believe an omniscient and intelligent force outside of physical nature is responsible for the design and origin of physical nature and life because it cannot create itself. I can't PROVE that... if I could, we wouldn't be discussing this and I'd have a Nobel Prize.
Life is made up of hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and carbon. Nova said carbon was the key.

Anyways, if I still believed in God I would have no problem with evolution. God made the first generation stars that led to our planet and the seed god planted may have come via comet and then single cells multiplied into the diverse life we see today.

Makes a lot more sense than yours. Yours requires suspending reality
You don't even believe in evolution so you have zero credibility. I'm sorry I teased a retard

Well I do believe in microevolution. That's ANY evolution within a genus taxon. I don't believe in cross-genus or macroevolution because there is no evidence for it and we can't make it happen in any lab experiment. Now that can be YOUR faith and belief and that's fine... but you're not going to shove that down our throats as a FACT.
I think you mean macro evolution. Micro means we all came from one source.

I'm open to the idea that one meteor planted the single cell mammal bacteria dna and another comet might have planted the reptile seed.

Science doesn't think so but you and I know they could be wrong
Life is made up of hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and carbon. Nova said carbon was the key.

So does basically every 7th grade science book. Telling me the ingredients of life doesn't explain the origin. And yes, since all life is known to contain carbon, it appears carbon is the key.... that still isn't explaining origin.

Anyways, if I still believed in God I would have no problem with evolution.

My problem with MACROevoultion is not belief in God. It's a lack of Science. Until I find evidence it happened, I don't believe it. IF you want to believe something without evidence, that's up to you, but you can't pass it off as fact.

As I've said, if anything could've created something so miraculous to spring forth the trillions of life forms we have from some ambiguous single cell, it would be God! I simply can't accept it because I find no evidence to support it.

God made the first generation stars that led to our planet and the seed god planted may have come via comet and then single cells multiplied into the diverse life we see today.

Makes a lot more sense than yours. Yours requires suspending reality

I'm open to the idea that one meteor planted the single cell mammal bacteria dna and another comet might have planted the reptile seed.

So now, you believe in magic seeds... like Jack and the Beanstalk? Let me ask you... where did these "seeds" come from? Because, all the seeds I'm familiar with come from something living. Do you have ANY example of seeds that came from something inorganic?

Again... If these magic seeds of life came from the comets, you've still not explained origin of life. You may be telling us how it came to Earth but it already existed somewhere. But as a matter of physics, I don't agree with this theory anyway. While life can be resilient to extreme conditions, there is no evidence life could endure the vast coldness of deep space AND survive the tremendous heat entering the atmosphere of Earth. So, aside from not explaining origin of life, your theory isn't supported by our basic understanding of life and physics. You are the one suspending reality!
Life is made up of hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and carbon. Nova said carbon was the key.

So does basically every 7th grade science book. Telling me the ingredients of life doesn't explain the origin. And yes, since all life is known to contain carbon, it appears carbon is the key.... that still isn't explaining origin.

Anyways, if I still believed in God I would have no problem with evolution.

My problem with MACROevoultion is not belief in God. It's a lack of Science. Until I find evidence it happened, I don't believe it. IF you want to believe something without evidence, that's up to you, but you can't pass it off as fact.

As I've said, if anything could've created something so miraculous to spring forth the trillions of life forms we have from some ambiguous single cell, it would be God! I simply can't accept it because I find no evidence to support it.

God made the first generation stars that led to our planet and the seed god planted may have come via comet and then single cells multiplied into the diverse life we see today.

Makes a lot more sense than yours. Yours requires suspending reality

I'm open to the idea that one meteor planted the single cell mammal bacteria dna and another comet might have planted the reptile seed.

So now, you believe in magic seeds... like Jack and the Beanstalk? Let me ask you... where did these "seeds" come from? Because, all the seeds I'm familiar with come from something living. Do you have ANY example of seeds that came from something inorganic?

Again... If these magic seeds of life came from the comets, you've still not explained origin of life. You may be telling us how it came to Earth but it already existed somewhere. But as a matter of physics, I don't agree with this theory anyway. While life can be resilient to extreme conditions, there is no evidence life could endure the vast coldness of deep space AND survive the tremendous heat entering the atmosphere of Earth. So, aside from not explaining origin of life, your theory isn't supported by our basic understanding of life and physics. You are the one suspending reality!
Yes you fall back on must be god when you don't know.

God of the gaps.

And even if we found the answer you'd still believe in God so no point filling in the gaps because we will never answer all your questions
Life is made up of hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and carbon. Nova said carbon was the key.

So does basically every 7th grade science book. Telling me the ingredients of life doesn't explain the origin. And yes, since all life is known to contain carbon, it appears carbon is the key.... that still isn't explaining origin.

Anyways, if I still believed in God I would have no problem with evolution.

My problem with MACROevoultion is not belief in God. It's a lack of Science. Until I find evidence it happened, I don't believe it. IF you want to believe something without evidence, that's up to you, but you can't pass it off as fact.

As I've said, if anything could've created something so miraculous to spring forth the trillions of life forms we have from some ambiguous single cell, it would be God! I simply can't accept it because I find no evidence to support it.

God made the first generation stars that led to our planet and the seed god planted may have come via comet and then single cells multiplied into the diverse life we see today.

Makes a lot more sense than yours. Yours requires suspending reality

I'm open to the idea that one meteor planted the single cell mammal bacteria dna and another comet might have planted the reptile seed.

So now, you believe in magic seeds... like Jack and the Beanstalk? Let me ask you... where did these "seeds" come from? Because, all the seeds I'm familiar with come from something living. Do you have ANY example of seeds that came from something inorganic?

Again... If these magic seeds of life came from the comets, you've still not explained origin of life. You may be telling us how it came to Earth but it already existed somewhere. But as a matter of physics, I don't agree with this theory anyway. While life can be resilient to extreme conditions, there is no evidence life could endure the vast coldness of deep space AND survive the tremendous heat entering the atmosphere of Earth. So, aside from not explaining origin of life, your theory isn't supported by our basic understanding of life and physics. You are the one suspending reality!
The sun. It's not living? Stars don't die? Stars aren't born? This is easy.
Life is made up of hydrogen oxygen nitrogen and carbon. Nova said carbon was the key.

So does basically every 7th grade science book. Telling me the ingredients of life doesn't explain the origin. And yes, since all life is known to contain carbon, it appears carbon is the key.... that still isn't explaining origin.

Anyways, if I still believed in God I would have no problem with evolution.

My problem with MACROevoultion is not belief in God. It's a lack of Science. Until I find evidence it happened, I don't believe it. IF you want to believe something without evidence, that's up to you, but you can't pass it off as fact.

As I've said, if anything could've created something so miraculous to spring forth the trillions of life forms we have from some ambiguous single cell, it would be God! I simply can't accept it because I find no evidence to support it.

God made the first generation stars that led to our planet and the seed god planted may have come via comet and then single cells multiplied into the diverse life we see today.

Makes a lot more sense than yours. Yours requires suspending reality

I'm open to the idea that one meteor planted the single cell mammal bacteria dna and another comet might have planted the reptile seed.

So now, you believe in magic seeds... like Jack and the Beanstalk? Let me ask you... where did these "seeds" come from? Because, all the seeds I'm familiar with come from something living. Do you have ANY example of seeds that came from something inorganic?

Again... If these magic seeds of life came from the comets, you've still not explained origin of life. You may be telling us how it came to Earth but it already existed somewhere. But as a matter of physics, I don't agree with this theory anyway. While life can be resilient to extreme conditions, there is no evidence life could endure the vast coldness of deep space AND survive the tremendous heat entering the atmosphere of Earth. So, aside from not explaining origin of life, your theory isn't supported by our basic understanding of life and physics. You are the one suspending reality!
Tardigrades can survive space. So a single cell bacteria with dna did fly in. They found carbon in the rocks.

Maybe one meteor brought mammals and one brought amphibians and one fish but science says no. We're all related
Yes you fall back on must be god when you don't know.

God of the gaps.

And even if we found the answer you'd still believe in God so no point filling in the gaps because we will never answer all your questions

In a sense, you are right but you destroy your own complaint. It doesn't matter what answers are found, God still did it. It's not a "fall back" position, it's just a given for someone who believes in God. No one is claiming they aren't interested in discovering HOW God did it. Unless that's YOUR perspective... you're saying "no point in filling in the gaps" as if your entire point of science exploration is to disprove God and if you can't do that, why bother?

Well guess what? Some people aren't exploiting science to push their anti-god agenda and are generally interested in discovering answers. They approach these questions with genuine curiosity and objectivity while maintaining a robust belief in something greater than self.
Tardigrades can survive space. So a single cell bacteria with dna did fly in. They found carbon in the rocks.

Maybe one meteor brought mammals and one brought amphibians and one fish but science says no. We're all related

Tardigrades and bacteria cannot survive very long in the conditions of deep space. They also can't survive temps over 300 degrees and entering the Earth's atmosphere on a comet would require survival of temperature in the many thousands of degrees. But here is the big kicker... Tardigrades are already living, so they can't possibly explain the origin of life. Same is true for single cell bacteria, it's already living, you haven't explained how it originated.

DNA is not an element found in nature. It is an acid that contains genetic code for something living. So if IT came from outer space, it came from something already alive.... you see the problem here? You still haven't explained origin of life.

THEN... there's also the scientific fact that no one has ever reproduced multi-cellular life from single cell life.
...but science says no. We're all related

Science "says" no such thing. Science doesn't "say" things. Science forms hypothesis, tests, measures, evaluates, observes and formulates theory. It doesn't draw conclusions and "consensus" is not a scientific term.

I know that some have speculated that we're all related but you need to show some evidence of this so we can discuss it. Just making an ignorant proclamation that "science says" isn't rational debate.
The sun. It's not living? Stars don't die? Stars aren't born? This is easy.

Let's avoid being silly please?
I'm not kidding and the fact that you think I'm kidding tells me you aren't smart or intellectually honest enough to have this conversation.

Where did all the stars come from? Something must have given birth to them. Did a daddy and mommy star fuck? Must be god, and his wife aka goddess.
Yes you fall back on must be god when you don't know.

God of the gaps.

And even if we found the answer you'd still believe in God so no point filling in the gaps because we will never answer all your questions

In a sense, you are right but you destroy your own complaint. It doesn't matter what answers are found, God still did it. It's not a "fall back" position, it's just a given for someone who believes in God. No one is claiming they aren't interested in discovering HOW God did it. Unless that's YOUR perspective... you're saying "no point in filling in the gaps" as if your entire point of science exploration is to disprove God and if you can't do that, why bother?

Well guess what? Some people aren't exploiting science to push their anti-god agenda and are generally interested in discovering answers. They approach these questions with genuine curiosity and objectivity while maintaining a robust belief in something greater than self.

Simply because you or the scientific community lack a complete understanding of something does not imply a theistic explanation carries any value. Even if there exists some topic on which science can never speak, any understanding could potentially evade us forever – supernatural or metaphysical speculation would not automatically be correct. Uncertainty is the most legitimate position.

Lightning, earthquakes, volcanos, disease, mental illness, speciation, planetary orbitsand numerous other phenomena have been historically labelled ‘supernatural’ only to later be more thoroughly and elegantly explained by science. In fact, every mystery ever demonstrably solved has had a non-supernatural explanation. To suggest that science cannot or will not explain a phenomena, and that only theism can, is hubris of the highest order.

Using ‘god’ to explain something explains nothing. God’s supposed powers and how they work are a mystery. An explanation is intended to clarify and extend knowledge. Attributing a phenomenon to the magical powers of a supernatural being does neither. Worse still, this presumption acts to prevent any deeper investigation, being little more than a form of blissful ignorance.

Note: By using ‘god’ to fill gaps in their knowledge theists inadvertently provide a shrinking role for their god as science advances. They also predicate god’s existence on a lack of knowledge, not on any positive argument or evidence.

Number 18 answers your questions

Why there is no god
Tardigrades can survive space. So a single cell bacteria with dna did fly in. They found carbon in the rocks.

Maybe one meteor brought mammals and one brought amphibians and one fish but science says no. We're all related

Tardigrades and bacteria cannot survive very long in the conditions of deep space. They also can't survive temps over 300 degrees and entering the Earth's atmosphere on a comet would require survival of temperature in the many thousands of degrees. But here is the big kicker... Tardigrades are already living, so they can't possibly explain the origin of life. Same is true for single cell bacteria, it's already living, you haven't explained how it originated.

DNA is not an element found in nature. It is an acid that contains genetic code for something living. So if IT came from outer space, it came from something already alive.... you see the problem here? You still haven't explained origin of life.

THEN... there's also the scientific fact that no one has ever reproduced multi-cellular life from single cell life.

In the early 1980s, astronomer Carl Sagan hosted and narrated a 13-part television series called "Cosmos" that aired on PBS. On the show, Sagan thoroughly explained many science-related topics, including Earth's history, evolution, the origin of life and the solar system.

His statement sums up the fact that the carbon, nitrogen and oxygen atoms in our bodies, as well as atoms of all other heavy elements, were created in previous generations of stars over 4.5 billion years ago. Because humans and every other animal as well as most of the matter on Earth contain these elements, we are literally made of star stuff, said Chris Impey, professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona.

"All organic matter containing carbon was produced originally in stars," Impey told Life's Little Mysteries. "The universe was originally hydrogen and helium, the carbon was made subsequently, over billions of years."

How star stuff got to Earth

When it has exhausted its supply of hydrogen, it can die in a violent explostion, called a nova. The explosion of a massive star, called a supernova, can be billions of times as bright as the Sun , according to "Supernova," (World Book, Inc., 2005). Such a stellar explosion throws a large cloud of dust and gas into space, with the amount and composition of the material expelled varying depending on the type of supernova.

The material from a supernova eventually disperses throughout interstellar space. The oldest stars almost exclusively consisted of hydrogen and helium, with oxygen and the rest of the heavy elements in the universe later coming from supernova explosions, according to "Cosmic Collisions: The Hubble Atlas of Merging Galaxies," (Springer, 2009).

"It's a well-tested theory," Impey said. "We know that stars make heavy elements, and late in their lives, they eject gas into the medium between stars so it can be part of subsequent stars and planets (and people)."

So, all life on Earth and the atoms in our bodies were created in the furnace of now-long-dead stars, he said.

I don't know what else to tell you Boss. You need to talk to a scientist if you still have a problem. And there may be things you are asking me that we don't know the answer to. Doesn't mean your god theory holds any value because it doesn't.
THEN... there's also the scientific fact that no one has ever reproduced multi-cellular life from single cell life.

on planet Earth there are no multidissimilar celled organisms there are only singecelled or multi subdivided singlecelled organisms - humans are a multisubdivided single celled organism, they are never more than the single cell they originated from.

the outer band in the diagram below for each stage of development is the original cell that itself is never multiplied - the scientific fact is only single or multisubdidied single celled organisms exist on planet Earth.


this has been explained to you before, your denial is an example of blatant disregard for facts to promote a fallacious (creationist) agenda.

your leap in evolution to a multi(dissimilar)celled organism is a fallacy and the step to multisubdivided singlecelled organisms is a confirmation of the evolutionary process ... every cell in the organism contains the same information as the original.
The sun. It's not living? Stars don't die? Stars aren't born? This is easy.

Let's avoid being silly please?
I'm not kidding and the fact that you think I'm kidding tells me you aren't smart or intellectually honest enough to have this conversation.

Where did all the stars come from? Something must have given birth to them. Did a daddy and mommy star fuck? Must be god, and his wife aka goddess.

You are using a figurative context for the words we are applying to organic life. That's just plain silliness. You are the one attempting (and failing) to be intellectually dishonest here. Suns, stars and planetary bodies aren't living organisms... DUH!

Now WAY back, you promised to tell me how life originated. You've yet to provide anything you can base in science. You're now resorting to just outright sophomoric silliness. That's the kinda crap that works on 5th graders man, not adults!

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