Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

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    attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
Sounds like god to me.

But God IS nature. God created the laws of nature.
Who created god? See? No need for a god. Nature has always existed. If not what did God live in before he created it? Nature is eternal. Our universe is just one of many perhaps. Stop putting god in a box.
Indeed, no matter how it is defined, scientists agree that multicellularity has occurred multiple times across many clades. Defined in the loosest sense, as an aggregation of cells, multicellularity has evolved in at least 25 lineages. However, even when defined more strictly -- requiring that cells be connected, communicate, and cooperate in some fashion or another -- it has still notably evolved once in animals, three times in fungi, six times in algae, and multiple times in bacteria.

Multiple times independently!

Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life. There is ZERO evidence it has, other than the mere existence of multicellular life. Evolution of multicellular life is not crossing that bridge, the bridge has already been crossed.
Stomping yer feet won't help your case.

I think you admitted to the fossil record. Does your spirit God create & judge every day? How much of the universe is on auto-pilot? I got really really tired at morning prayer that always included "Thank you for waking me up this morning". Some even claimed that every breath required God's intervention.
I don't know what else to tell you Boss. You need to talk to a scientist if you still have a problem. And there may be things you are asking me that we don't know the answer to. Doesn't mean your god theory holds any value because it doesn't.

I talk to REAL scientists all the time. You have no basic understanding of science in general, best I can tell. You get your science knowledge from Bill Nye and Neil DeGrasse Tyson. Yes... You don't know the answers! That's my whole entire fucking point! You don't know but you keep insisting you're sure.. that "Science" is certain! You want to argue nonsense like it's proven fact. When you're challenged on it, you want to appeal to popularity or authority and engage in silliness. THEN, attack ME for not living in reality!
Nope. Wrong again. I never said I was sure but that's what you heard. Thanks for sharing.

You are the one certain a god created life. I think the jury is still out on that. You do know you are just speculating right? And based on the fact you have no evidence or answers for your questions so you posit god into any gap you can't fill with science.

So your scientists are better than Bill Nye and Tyson? Why because they speculate the same bullshit you do?

The origin question remains unanswered.

God does not require origin.. God is Spiritual.
Spiritual, unlike physical, is eternal and everlasting.
LOL, so you claim
Yes, without proof he claims with certainty
You're the one missing the point. They have a pretty good theory on how life got started. But before we talk about it tell me your theory again

Well thank you for admitting that they don't really KNOW how life originated but to be honest, they don't really have a pretty good theory either. Abiogenesis is a theory that contradicts Biogenesis and there are about 157 varieties of abiogenesis theory, many of which are in conflict.
You are really stuck on biogenesis. Both appear to be true and biogenesis looks like it will stop abiogenesis if it gets in its way.

Biogenesis remains a true scientific hypothesis until it's disproved. I'm sorry about that... I hate it destroys your conjecture that life spontaneously created itself. If and when you discover science to support your theory, have it peer reviewed and published and we'll see you in Stockholm, Sweden accepting your beautiful award. Until that happens, you're not going to lay claim to truth on the matter. Biogenesis stands.
Since you have God on speed dial, can you ask him for a wayback machine for me? Christmas is coming!
Just ask him what number I'm thinking about. From 1 to 10000000000. If you get it right I'll believe you talk to God.
Indeed, no matter how it is defined, scientists agree that multicellularity has occurred multiple times across many clades. Defined in the loosest sense, as an aggregation of cells, multicellularity has evolved in at least 25 lineages. However, even when defined more strictly -- requiring that cells be connected, communicate, and cooperate in some fashion or another -- it has still notably evolved once in animals, three times in fungi, six times in algae, and multiple times in bacteria.

Multiple times independently!

Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life. There is ZERO evidence it has, other than the mere existence of multicellular life. Evolution of multicellular life is not crossing that bridge, the bridge has already been crossed.
Stomping yer feet won't help your case.

I think you admitted to the fossil record. Does your spirit God create & judge every day? How much of the universe is on auto-pilot? I got really really tired at morning prayer that always included "Thank you for waking me up this morning". Some even claimed that every breath required God's intervention.

Is Boss ever tired of being wrong?

The leap from single-celled life to multicellular creatures is easier than we ever thought. And it seems there’s more than one way it can happen.

One gene may drive leap from single cell to multicellular life
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    attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
Sounds like god to me.

But God IS nature. God created the laws of nature.
Who created god? See? No need for a god. Nature has always existed. If not what did God live in before he created it? Nature is eternal. Our universe is just one of many perhaps. Stop putting god in a box.
Boss's spirit God is not nature, even though he claims he is. His God has consciousness and makes decisions. There was a change when his spirit decided to create. Boss also claims his God judges and if we pass the test, we evolve into a higher plane.
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Indeed, no matter how it is defined, scientists agree that multicellularity has occurred multiple times across many clades. Defined in the loosest sense, as an aggregation of cells, multicellularity has evolved in at least 25 lineages. However, even when defined more strictly -- requiring that cells be connected, communicate, and cooperate in some fashion or another -- it has still notably evolved once in animals, three times in fungi, six times in algae, and multiple times in bacteria.

Multiple times independently!

Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life. There is ZERO evidence it has, other than the mere existence of multicellular life. Evolution of multicellular life is not crossing that bridge, the bridge has already been crossed.
Stomping yer feet won't help your case.

I think you admitted to the fossil record. Does your spirit God create & judge every day? How much of the universe is on auto-pilot? I got really really tired at morning prayer that always included "Thank you for waking me up this morning". Some even claimed that every breath required God's intervention.

Is Boss ever tired of being wrong?

The leap from single-celled life to multicellular creatures is easier than we ever thought. And it seems there’s more than one way it can happen.

One gene may drive leap from single cell to multicellular life
I believe this is how evolution works and thus there is no such thing as junk DNA (now the term has been improved to non-coding DNA). In our genome we have all the genes from preexisting ancestral species (more or less) and all it takes is to turn a non-coding section on to get evolution.
  1. 1.
    attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.
Sounds like god to me.

But God IS nature. God created the laws of nature.
Who created god? See? No need for a god. Nature has always existed. If not what did God live in before he created it? Nature is eternal. Our universe is just one of many perhaps. Stop putting god in a box.
Boss's spirit God is not nature, even though he claims he is. His God has consciousness and makes decisions. There was a change when his spirit decided to create. Boss also claims his God judges and if we pass the test, we evolve into a higher plane.

He's a cherry picker.
I know he's correct because he's assuming I made a mistake I did not. I didn't confuse evolution and creation. Got it? Thanks. Don't let Boss put words into our mouths.

"YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way."~sillyboob

Someone hack your account?
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I consider myself an atheist and I do not want to have any contact with aliens if they do indeed exist and have the technological capabilities to actually travel to our planet.

Would you have wanted to be a Native American if you knew beforehand what would happen when a technologically superior force landed on your doorstep?

We have no reason to believe any alien race with the capability of interstellar travel will be benign and helpful. Most likely they'll just wipe us out and take the earth for themselves.
Indeed, no matter how it is defined, scientists agree that multicellularity has occurred multiple times across many clades. Defined in the loosest sense, as an aggregation of cells, multicellularity has evolved in at least 25 lineages. However, even when defined more strictly -- requiring that cells be connected, communicate, and cooperate in some fashion or another -- it has still notably evolved once in animals, three times in fungi, six times in algae, and multiple times in bacteria.

Multiple times independently!

Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life. There is ZERO evidence it has, other than the mere existence of multicellular life. Evolution of multicellular life is not crossing that bridge, the bridge has already been crossed.
Stomping yer feet won't help your case.

I think you admitted to the fossil record. Does your spirit God create & judge every day? How much of the universe is on auto-pilot? I got really really tired at morning prayer that always included "Thank you for waking me up this morning". Some even claimed that every breath required God's intervention.

Is Boss ever tired of being wrong?

The leap from single-celled life to multicellular creatures is easier than we ever thought. And it seems there’s more than one way it can happen.

One gene may drive leap from single cell to multicellular life
I believe this is how evolution works and thus there is no such thing as junk DNA (now the term has been improved to non-coding DNA). In our genome we have all the genes from preexisting ancestral species (more or less) and all it takes is to turn a non-coding section on to get evolution.

Boss might find this interesting

For the midterm exam of the UCSD/SDSU graduate course Integrative Microbiology that Doug Bartlett and I teach, we gave students the option of answering this Talmudic, open-ended-type question:

'How would you go about defending the statement that "all living things are connected to other living things" to an educated lay audience? What examples would you present to illustrate how pervasive this is in the living world?’

We liked the answers, so we decided to post them all

How All Living Things Are Connected (In An Exam)

Now he can contact these scientists and bore them with his hypothesis'.
I know he's correct because he's assuming I made a mistake I did not. I didn't confuse evolution and creation. Got it? Thanks. Don't let Boss put words into our mouths.

"YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way."~sillyboob

Someone hack your account?
The internet rules

We're distantly related, you and I. Somewhere deep in the past, the two of us share a common ancestor. The same can be said for us and chimps. Or chimps and alligators. But what about alligators and sycamore trees? Or humans and Tyrannosaurus rex? Are you and I, as paleontology expert Brian Switek puts it, distant (distant, distant, distant) cousins of the great, tyrant lizard?

Yes. In fact, the concept that all life on Earth is related is a central tenet of Darwin's theory of evolution. Even organisms divided into Archaea, Bacteria and Eukarya, the three highest taxonomical ranks of life, share ancestors. The big question for scientists now is when that ancestor lived — and more importantly, how it lived. Here's what we know so far.

You want to know how? Then read mother fucker
Stomping yer feet won't help your case.

I think you admitted to the fossil record. Does your spirit God create & judge every day? How much of the universe is on auto-pilot? I got really really tired at morning prayer that always included "Thank you for waking me up this morning". Some even claimed that every breath required God's intervention.

I'm not stomping my feet. Stomping your pathetic weak ass, maybe.

Admitted the fossil record? What, that it exists? Sure! Can't deny that! Does it "say" what YOU claim? That's a different story and I don't trust your "reading of the tea leaves" on that. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with religion but that isn't a scientific argument. I find nothing in any science book which states emotional trauma is part of the scientific method.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I consider myself an atheist and I do not want to have any contact with aliens if they do indeed exist and have the technological capabilities to actually travel to our planet.

Would you have wanted to be a Native American if you knew beforehand what would happen when a technologically superior force landed on your doorstep?

We have no reason to believe any alien race with the capability of interstellar travel will be benign and helpful. Most likely they'll just wipe us out and take the earth for themselves.
We are kinda hoping alien visitors have evolved past their childhood and will just come here for the comedy. "Hey look at them! Remember your history books? The crew from Xavior III is still being worshiped here, so be careful. They even killed the captain. Earthlings are CRAZY!"
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.

I consider myself an atheist and I do not want to have any contact with aliens if they do indeed exist and have the technological capabilities to actually travel to our planet.

Would you have wanted to be a Native American if you knew beforehand what would happen when a technologically superior force landed on your doorstep?

We have no reason to believe any alien race with the capability of interstellar travel will be benign and helpful. Most likely they'll just wipe us out and take the earth for themselves.

And what would we do if we found another species as evolved as humans were during the industrial revolution? Would we be nice or wait for them to get smart enough to come kill us? I would think the best thing to do would be control them/rule them/take them over/kill them/enslave them/steal their planet.

Oh and rape their women.

And would we allow another planet to acquire nukes or would we tell them they can't just like we do North Korea.

Great analogy. If we can't even trust Iran or North Korea or Russia, why would we trust another creature from another planet? At least Russia has to worry we will nuke them back.
I know he's correct because he's assuming I made a mistake I did not. I didn't confuse evolution and creation. Got it? Thanks. Don't let Boss put words into our mouths.

"YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way."~sillyboob

Someone hack your account?

All Species Evolved From Single Cell, Study Finds

Do you argue with national geographic too?

And if you read the entire story you discover this is a hypothesis and not a proven fact.

Nevertheless... IF multicellular life evolved from single cell life, then LIFE existed already. You've still not explained the origin of LIFE. How many times does this need to be pointed out to make it through your thick head? Evolution CANNOT explain ORIGIN! It's a fucking LOGICAL impossibility. Things can't "evolve" until they EXIST!
Stomping yer feet won't help your case.

I think you admitted to the fossil record. Does your spirit God create & judge every day? How much of the universe is on auto-pilot? I got really really tired at morning prayer that always included "Thank you for waking me up this morning". Some even claimed that every breath required God's intervention.

I'm not stomping my feet. Stomping your pathetic weak ass, maybe.

Admitted the fossil record? What, that it exists? Sure! Can't deny that! Does it "say" what YOU claim? That's a different story and I don't trust your "reading of the tea leaves" on that. I'm sorry you had a bad experience with religion but that isn't a scientific argument. I find nothing in any science book which states emotional trauma is part of the scientific method.
First lets make sure you even understood what he said. Usually when I say something you try to sum up what I said and it's not even what I said.

And he asked you some questions.
I know he's correct because he's assuming I made a mistake I did not. I didn't confuse evolution and creation. Got it? Thanks. Don't let Boss put words into our mouths.

"YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way."~sillyboob

Someone hack your account?

All Species Evolved From Single Cell, Study Finds

Do you argue with national geographic too?

And if you read the entire story you discover this is a hypothesis and not a proven fact.

Nevertheless... IF multicellular life evolved from single cell life, then LIFE existed already. You've still not explained the origin of LIFE. How many times does this need to be pointed out to make it through your thick head? Evolution CANNOT explain ORIGIN! It's a fucking LOGICAL impossibility. Things can't "evolve" until they EXIST!
So you want to know the origin of the big bang? Because that's as far back as we can go. But I can't tell you anything about the universe prior to the big bang. And your problem is in your tiny mind there was nothing before our universe. God just sat around in empty space for infinite years before the big bang just twittling his thumbs. He never had another universe prior to 13 billion BC? That's weird.

So there is no arguing with you because there is so much you need proof for but none can be given. So what you do is fall into your god of the gaps routine. It's getting old. God didn't do it. There is no need for a god.

How does life get cooked up in stars? I don't know. That's just how life gets cooked up. I don't know how. You need to talk to a scientist if you want to know these things.

Basically you want to know how we got here. We've been wondering that ever since we had brains big enough to wonder. We don't know. YOU don't know. You think you do but honestly, we don't know. Don't settle on God. Better to admit we don't know and keep looking.

Stop saying we claim to know. We are theorizing. Spitballing. If that's all you are doing admit it. But you are not. You claim to know what created the universe and you talk to it. It enriches your life. It helps you.

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