Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life.

patently false claim by a creationist.

all multisubdivided cellular organisms evolve from a single cell. there is no quandary in evolution from a single cell to a multisubdivided cellular organism.

no multidissimilar celled organism exist on planet earth.
Like all creationists, he demands we put some dirt into a petri dish today and have a baby human crawl out tomorrow.
There is no way all living things are related. Just look how different we all are when we first get started

Creation is a decision by your spirit God. You follow the Right Wing Christian God, you just refuse to admit it so you don't have to deal with the stories

You believe

1) creation only once and in 6 "days"
2) If you are not God's moral, you are screwed & will be judged harsly
3) No abortion
4) No global warming
5) No fossil record

I've been asking what YOU believe.

So now that I've completely owned that ass in every area of debate in this thread, you're just going to bow up and outright spew LIES about what I've said?

Again, folks.... go read though the thread and see if I've made any of these claims. McDuff is simply LYING and let me explain why....

He is equipped to do battle against Christians. His whole entire shtick is to bash and ridicule Christians into the ground and he likes to use "Science" as his weapon of choice. So he has run across ME, a devout Spiritualist who doesn't believe in a Christian God and has a fairly good knowledge of Science. He's not able to hold his own in a science debate and he's losing badly in a philosophical debate.... so now, he is resorting to dirty tricks, lying and being dishonest.

It's perfectly okay, I've seen this a million times. I'm used to it. Now he will seethe and rage until he encounters me again on some other topic, and even if he agrees with me, he'll attack me personally and try to destroy my argument.
Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life.

patently false claim by a creationist.

all multisubdivided cellular organisms evolve from a single cell. there is no quandary in evolution from a single cell to a multisubdivided cellular organism.

no multidissimilar celled organism exist on planet earth.
Like all creationists, he demands we put some dirt into a petri dish today and have a baby human crawl out tomorrow.
There is no way all living things are related. Just look how different we all are when we first get started

They keep telling me that they did not come from monkeys

so I go "How about salamanders?"
Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life.

patently false claim by a creationist.

all multisubdivided cellular organisms evolve from a single cell. there is no quandary in evolution from a single cell to a multisubdivided cellular organism.

no multidissimilar celled organism exist on planet earth.
Like all creationists, he demands we put some dirt into a petri dish today and have a baby human crawl out tomorrow.
There is no way all living things are related. Just look how different we all are when we first get started



Phallus Sillyboobicus
I know he's correct because he's assuming I made a mistake I did not. I didn't confuse evolution and creation. Got it? Thanks. Don't let Boss put words into our mouths.

"YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way."~sillyboob

Someone hack your account?

All Species Evolved From Single Cell, Study Finds

Do you argue with national geographic too?

And if you read the entire story you discover this is a hypothesis and not a proven fact.

Nevertheless... IF multicellular life evolved from single cell life, then LIFE existed already. You've still not explained the origin of LIFE. How many times does this need to be pointed out to make it through your thick head? Evolution CANNOT explain ORIGIN! It's a fucking LOGICAL impossibility. Things can't "evolve" until they EXIST!
Evolution CANNOT explain ORIGIN! It's a fucking LOGICAL impossibility. Things can't "evolve" until they EXIST!

there is no certainty backtracking evolution may not be the solution to how life began, discovering the bridge from inorganic to physiological matter than any other way in the future that will resolve the issue of how life began as it is a scientific endeavor not a purposely undefined religious one.
Single-cell life has NEVER evolved into multicellular life.

patently false claim by a creationist.

all multisubdivided cellular organisms evolve from a single cell. there is no quandary in evolution from a single cell to a multisubdivided cellular organism.

no multidissimilar celled organism exist on planet earth.
Like all creationists, he demands we put some dirt into a petri dish today and have a baby human crawl out tomorrow.
There is no way all living things are related. Just look how different we all are when we first get started



Phallus Sillyboobicus


and we were just saying that you were nuts

must be a spiritual awakening in me
cashew - Google Search
So what are you saying that we can't or haven't refuted? Maybe it's nonsensical.

We've all refuted everything you said. We've told you that you are not stating fact. You say things like, "how can life be created from nothing? And we either show you how or we explain to you (and my unintelligent dad) that this does not prove a god exists.

But this is where people like you get stuck. You ask, "how can all this come from nothing". Well who said it did? Maybe all the stuff in our universe now came from a black hole? Maybe our universe is made up from a dead universe. From the black hole all the contents burn out as the last dead star slips into the black hole and on the other side is a new big bang and new universe.

You are the weirdest cherry picker I ever met.

You've yet to explain origin of life. I've been patiently waiting but you keep coming up empty.

I never asked "how can life be created from nothing?" Life is created from carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, amino acids and numerous other things by an intelligent designer. You haven't disproved that. I can't prove it but you can't disprove it.

Explaining where the elements came from doesn't tell me anything, I already knew. Telling me we're made of stardust... same thing,... nothing surprising at all... what else would we be made of, pixie dust? You're still not explaining origin of life and you'e admitted you can't explain it and you don't have the answer.

Not a bit of cherry picking there, just plain old simple fact of the matter.
You haven't proven a god exists either.

FYI saying a god did it when you don't know how something happened is not proof of that god

As I've repeatedly said... IF that is the reason and purpose for all this posting, you're in for disappointment. If I could PROVE the existence of God, there wouldn't be a thread, there wouldn't be any debate. I can't believe rational people actually expect to discover that someone has proven God. Especially to people who are devoutly committed to not believing in God and who refuse to acknowledge spiritual evidence.

So if that's what you're after, it's not going to happen here. If that's the "argument" you wanted to win, congratulations!

Now.... the "God Did It!" thing... I've already addressed as well. OF COURSE God did it! For a believer in God, that goes without saying... it's a given that God did it! This doesn't answer any question as to HOW God did it. So to keep trying to make this point is just asinine and dumb. The man who is responsible for mapping the human genome already knew that God did it... he worked on the science anyway. Isaac Newton already knew God did it... that didn't prevent him from unlocking the mysteries of physics. History is full of people who believe "God did it" yet they've made incredible scientific discoveries which are invaluable to our understanding of our universe. Belief that "God did it" doesn't hinder anything.
and yet you state that the existence of god has not been disproved.

So you say you can't prove it but you want it to be disproved.

The simple fact that we do not understand a particular phenomenon is not proof that some unseen all powerful magic being is responsible for that phenomenon.

We may never be able to understand the universe's origins for the same reason my dogs can't understand algebra in other words our brains and sensory systems might very well be physically incapable of detecting and processing the information.

The absence of understanding is not proof of a god it is merely proof that we don't know.
The spirit which resides in our bodies is eternal, as all spiritual things are.

wishful thinking at best, maybe not your god but the Almighty does not allow an evil spirit in the Everlasting - it is destroyed (thankfully) - being in the Everlasting does not exclude the possibility of death as it is an occurrence for everything in the universe ... proof not withstanding.
Creation is a decision by your spirit God. You follow the Right Wing Christian God, you just refuse to admit it so you don't have to deal with the stories

You believe

1) creation only once and in 6 "days"
2) If you are not God's moral, you are screwed & will be judged harsly
3) No abortion
4) No global warming
5) No fossil record

I've been asking what YOU believe.

So now that I've completely owned that ass in every area of debate in this thread, you're just going to bow up and outright spew LIES about what I've said?

Again, folks.... go read though the thread and see if I've made any of these claims. McDuff is simply LYING and let me explain why....

He is equipped to do battle against Christians. His whole entire shtick is to bash and ridicule Christians into the ground and he likes to use "Science" as his weapon of choice. So he has run across ME, a devout Spiritualist who doesn't believe in a Christian God and has a fairly good knowledge of Science. He's not able to hold his own in a science debate and he's losing badly in a philosophical debate.... so now, he is resorting to dirty tricks, lying and being dishonest.

It's perfectly okay, I've seen this a million times. I'm used to it. Now he will seethe and rage until he encounters me again on some other topic, and even if he agrees with me, he'll attack me personally and try to destroy my argument.
Let's start at the top

Why is 1) a lie
I know he's correct because he's assuming I made a mistake I did not. I didn't confuse evolution and creation. Got it? Thanks. Don't let Boss put words into our mouths.

"YouTube how life got started. Evolution is absolutely the way."~sillyboob

Someone hack your account?

All Species Evolved From Single Cell, Study Finds

Do you argue with national geographic too?

And if you read the entire story you discover this is a hypothesis and not a proven fact.

Nevertheless... IF multicellular life evolved from single cell life, then LIFE existed already. You've still not explained the origin of LIFE. How many times does this need to be pointed out to make it through your thick head? Evolution CANNOT explain ORIGIN! It's a fucking LOGICAL impossibility. Things can't "evolve" until they EXIST!
Evolution CANNOT explain ORIGIN! It's a fucking LOGICAL impossibility. Things can't "evolve" until they EXIST!

there is no certainty backtracking evolution may not be the solution to how life began, discovering the bridge from inorganic to physiological matter than any other way in the future that will resolve the issue of how life began as it is a scientific endeavor not a purposely undefined religious one.

That's right. They find whatever evidence they can and then work backwards. What they conclude is common ancestor. All of us. Every living thing.

They don't think that a single cell organism popped up in Africa that one day would evolve into humans, and another single cell that developed into reptiles, birds, amphibians. They believe every land animal crawled out of the water.

Now maybe different single cells evolved into humans and maybe another single cell developed into dogs but science thinks that all land animals originally, if you go back far enough, probably evolved from the same single cell.

Boss could be right though. God could have planted 8.7 million different seeds

About 8.7 million (give or take 1.3 million) is the new, estimated total number of species on Earth -- the most precise calculation ever offered -- with 6.5 million species on land and 2.2 million in oceans.
So you want to know the origin of the big bang? Because that's as far back as we can go. But I can't tell you anything about the universe prior to the big bang. And your problem is in your tiny mind there was nothing before our universe. God just sat around in empty space for infinite years before the big bang just twittling his thumbs. He never had another universe prior to 13 billion BC? That's weird.

Ask yourself.... What is a year? Is it not the measure of time it takes for our Earth to revolve around it's sun? Is the Earth and Sun physical or spiritual? What is fundamentally wrong with your brain that makes you believe this universe operates on the measurement of Earth revolving around it's sun? OR that a Creator God is subject to that measurement?

Since a Spiritual Entity is eternal and everlasting, the measure of a planet revolving around it's sun means absolutely nothing. That is purely a physical measurement of a physical dimension we call "Time." And this may blow your little mind but OUR measurement wouldn't mean a thing to sentient carbon-based beings on another planet in our universe, if one exists. Their "day" may be 6 hours or 58 hours... their "year" may be 10 months or 500 years. They may not even measure time the same way. Heck, we haven't even always measured time the same way!

I read your posts sometimes and it fucking amazes me that you are so incredibly naive and stupid. You just continue to make the most childlike points as if you're actually educating us all... it's stunning to me!

You just gave the bible answer, Mr. Christian. Why do you deny your Christianity?

Life needs energy and that is what determines real time, the time between meals. The time period is short and determined by the laws of physics and chemistry.

Well I deny Christianity because I'm not a Christian.
Christianity is a religion of acceptance. You must accept that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and He died on the cross so you could be forgiven for your sins. I believe Jesus was a profound and great philosopher. Son of God? Not so much. But that's just MY personal belief. I have respect for those who are Christians and others who are religious as long as they have strong spiritual character. To me personally, the Church is like Gold's Gym... some spiritual people need it and some don't. I don't need a religious dogma to understand MY Spiritual God.

As for "time" it's still a dimension of a physical universe. Spiritual Nature doesn't rely on physical dimensions it created.
So what are you saying that we can't or haven't refuted? Maybe it's nonsensical.

We've all refuted everything you said. We've told you that you are not stating fact. You say things like, "how can life be created from nothing? And we either show you how or we explain to you (and my unintelligent dad) that this does not prove a god exists.

But this is where people like you get stuck. You ask, "how can all this come from nothing". Well who said it did? Maybe all the stuff in our universe now came from a black hole? Maybe our universe is made up from a dead universe. From the black hole all the contents burn out as the last dead star slips into the black hole and on the other side is a new big bang and new universe.

You are the weirdest cherry picker I ever met.

You've yet to explain origin of life. I've been patiently waiting but you keep coming up empty.

I never asked "how can life be created from nothing?" Life is created from carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, amino acids and numerous other things by an intelligent designer. You haven't disproved that. I can't prove it but you can't disprove it.

Explaining where the elements came from doesn't tell me anything, I already knew. Telling me we're made of stardust... same thing,... nothing surprising at all... what else would we be made of, pixie dust? You're still not explaining origin of life and you'e admitted you can't explain it and you don't have the answer.

Not a bit of cherry picking there, just plain old simple fact of the matter.

You've yet to explain origin of life.

Nuts to that. We are having enough trouble getting evolution through your Neandertal skull. Even kiddies understand evolution.
So you want to know the origin of the big bang? Because that's as far back as we can go. But I can't tell you anything about the universe prior to the big bang. And your problem is in your tiny mind there was nothing before our universe. God just sat around in empty space for infinite years before the big bang just twittling his thumbs. He never had another universe prior to 13 billion BC? That's weird.

Ask yourself.... What is a year? Is it not the measure of time it takes for our Earth to revolve around it's sun? Is the Earth and Sun physical or spiritual? What is fundamentally wrong with your brain that makes you believe this universe operates on the measurement of Earth revolving around it's sun? OR that a Creator God is subject to that measurement?

Since a Spiritual Entity is eternal and everlasting, the measure of a planet revolving around it's sun means absolutely nothing. That is purely a physical measurement of a physical dimension we call "Time." And this may blow your little mind but OUR measurement wouldn't mean a thing to sentient carbon-based beings on another planet in our universe, if one exists. Their "day" may be 6 hours or 58 hours... their "year" may be 10 months or 500 years. They may not even measure time the same way. Heck, we haven't even always measured time the same way!

I read your posts sometimes and it fucking amazes me that you are so incredibly naive and stupid. You just continue to make the most childlike points as if you're actually educating us all... it's stunning to me!

You just gave the bible answer, Mr. Christian. Why do you deny your Christianity?

Life needs energy and that is what determines real time, the time between meals. The time period is short and determined by the laws of physics and chemistry.

Well I deny Christianity because I'm not a Christian.
Christianity is a religion of acceptance. You must accept that Jesus Christ was the Son of God and He died on the cross so you could be forgiven for your sins. I believe Jesus was a profound and great philosopher. Son of God? Not so much. But that's just MY personal belief. I have respect for those who are Christians and others who are religious as long as they have strong spiritual character. To me personally, the Church is like Gold's Gym... some spiritual people need it and some don't. I don't need a religious dogma to understand MY Spiritual God.

As for "time" it's still a dimension of a physical universe. Spiritual Nature doesn't rely on physical dimensions it created.

You are not doing well.

Spirit does not have strong character. That is a human Christianlike construct.

By the way, I use Christian cuz we are Americans & that is our major religion.

You also do not need to specifically post words for me to deduce conclusions as to what you are.

Your time response is still a fail.
Let's start at the top

Why is 1) a lie

Because I don't even believe the Bible claims creation took 6 days. Not "days" as we define them... 24 hr. periods of Earth's revolution. IF you actually study the pathology, it doesn't even make rational sense. God created the Sun and Moon on Day 3... how can you have 3 days with no Sun? He created the light and dark before day and night. So we can clearly see, upon any kind of objective evaluation, something is amiss.

We can couple this further with the original Hebrew text which actually has no word for "day" and is called "yom." You've probably heard it used as "Yom Kippur" which is an important day to the Jewish people. But "yom" is actually an unspecified period of time. It CAN mean a day... it was also commonly used to mean an era. It's one of those words where the plural is the same... you don't have "yoms" you have many "yom." Therefore, "6 days" or "6 yom" can be completely different times.

ALSO.... I don't recall anything in the Bible or any argument I have EVER made that God's Creation was a one-time event. For all I know, God may have created trillions of universes and trillions of incarnations of life and mankind. Time means absolutely nothing to God. 14.5 billion years is less time to God than the time it takes for your perception of the reality happening around you.
You are not doing well.

Spirit does not have strong character. That is a human Christianlike construct.

By the way, I use Christian cuz we are Americans & that is our major religion.

You also do not need to specifically post words for me to deduce conclusions as to what you are.

Your time response is still a fail.

What you understand about spirits is completely irrelevant because you don't believe in them.
You've yet to explain origin of life.

Nuts to that. We are having enough trouble getting evolution through your Neandertal skull. Even kiddies understand evolution.

Maybe that's my problem? I'm not a kiddie. I don't believe in MACROevolution because there is no science to support it.
The spirit which resides in our bodies is eternal, as all spiritual things are.

wishful thinking at best, maybe not your god but the Almighty does not allow an evil spirit in the Everlasting - it is destroyed (thankfully) - being in the Everlasting does not exclude the possibility of death as it is an occurrence for everything in the universe ... proof not withstanding.

How can God "destroy" something that isn't physical?

Yeah, I guess you could make the philosophical argument that an omnipotent being could do it... I won't deny that. I just happen to think your soul is eternal, one way or another. It might not make it into what you call "The Everlasting" but that doesn't mean it's destroyed... that's a definition of something physical.

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