Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

As that can be interpreted many ways (most of which do not require adding magic), it is not evidence

In the late 1850s, noted biologist Louis Pasteur suggested microbial fermentation, refuting the prevailing theory of spontaneous generation. Do you know what competing biologist Felix Pouchet had to say about Pasteur's claim? He said it was "MAGIC!" The Rouen Museum of Natural History rejected Pasteur's findings as silly and nonsensical. The French Royal Academy of Sciences offered a prize to whoever could settle the dispute through experiment. Eventually, Pasteur prevailed and the rest was history.

Fifty years ago, I could've suggested that electrons and photons disappear and can appear in two places at the same time. Most physicists would have laughed at that notion and called it "MAGIC!" According to findings at CERN, this happens constantly in every atom of matter.

In 1926, Max Born proposed his theories of Quantum Mechanics, where he posited that nature, at the atomic level, is completely random. And that, in spite of physics, it was inherently impossible to determine the location and position of every atom (Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle). This prompted Albert Einstein (maybe you heard of him) to pen the famous quote in refutation of the theory... "God doesn't play dice with the universe!" Guess what? God does play dice!

We can go through countless examples of where Science and the prevailing scientific ideas of the time were challenged and proven completely wrong... all the while, with "scientific" detractors chortling... "It's MAGIC!"

"Magic" has been shown to be wrong in each claim, and science shown to be right.

Your "magical" claim of creation and spirituality that you have been arguing is based on your made up evidence and non-stop changing-of-subject when pressed.

It's not "magic". It's you, following others that believe in magic, and trying to sound smarter about it by copy/pasting edited science articles into your magical belief posts.

Are you talking about the type of magic wherein the universe created itself and life came from nothing and then morphed into what we are today, that type of magic?
"lifecame from nothing "

Who in the world says this?

Cambridge Study Reveals How Life Could Have Started From Nothing

One of the most challenging questions in basic biology and the history of evolution and life stems from the unknown origin of the first cells billions of years ago. Though many pieces of the puzzle have been put together, this origin story remains somewhat murky. But a team of researchers from the University of Cambridge believe they've accidentally stumbled on an answer, and a very compelling one at that.

signs of the metabolic process where, for all intents and purposes, there shouldn't have been. Until now, much of the science community has generally agreed that Ribonucleic acid, or RNA, was the first building block of life because it produces enzymes that could catalyze complex sequences of reactions such as metabolic action. However, Ralser's lab found the end products of the metabolic process without any presence of RNA. Instead, the findings indicate that complex and life-forming reactions like these could occur spontaneously given the right, but surprisingly simple, conditions.

But it's easier to believe god made adam out of sand and eve out of one of his ribs.

The pathways they detected were glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway, “reactions that form the core metabolic backbone of every living cell,” Ralser adds. Together these pathways produce some of the most important materials in modern cells, including ATP – the molecule cells use to drive their machinery, the sugars that form DNA and RNA, and the molecules needed to make fats and proteins.

If these metabolic pathways were occurring in the early oceans, then the first cells could have enveloped them as they developed membranes.

In all, 29 metabolism-like chemical reactions were spotted, seemingly catalysed by iron and other metals that would have been found in early ocean sediments. The metabolic pathways aren’t identical to modern ones; some of the chemicals made by intermediate steps weren’t detected. However, “if you compare them side by side it is the same structure and many of the same molecules are formed,” Ralser says. These pathways could have been refined and improved once enzymes evolved within cells.

Detecting the metabolite ribose 5-phosphate is particularly noteworthy, Ralser says. This is because it is a precursor to RNA, which encodes information, catalyses chemical reactions and most importantly of all, can replicate.

Spark of life: Metabolism appears in lab without cells
ABG adherents.
Abiogenesis in no way states "life came from nothing". What an odd thing to say. It states that the physical systems we call life organized and evolved from complex, organic chemicals due to time and selection.

LOL. And flying unicorns came from Jupiter.
Yes, funny how "God's miracles" always seem to line up perfectly with everything you don't understand.

You're making up a fairy tale about how there was no life and then some chemicals formed and, wallah! It's alive! LOL. Replicate life from nothing in a lab and then we can talk, alright?
"Replicate life from nothing in a lab and then we can talk, alright?

That is an absurd standard which shows you are not a very thorough thinker. we don't have to form stars in labs to understand how they formed or how they work. Nor do we have to replicate trillions of chemical reaction which took place over 100s of millions of years to know that it is possible for the components of life to organize via selection from lesser components.

Life cannot be created from nothing. That will remain true a thousands years from now. You're desperately reaching to go along with anything that avoids admitting the obvious - we have a creator.
"lifecame from nothing "

Who in the world says this?

ABG adherents.
Abiogenesis in no way states "life came from nothing". What an odd thing to say. It states that the physical systems we call life organized and evolved from complex, organic chemicals due to time and selection.

LOL. And flying unicorns came from Jupiter.
Yes, funny how "God's miracles" always seem to line up perfectly with everything you don't understand.

You're making up a fairy tale about how there was no life and then some chemicals formed and, wallah! It's alive! LOL. Replicate life from nothing in a lab and then we can talk, alright?
I would also like to take this opportunity to point out the bizarre tack you are using. Your big "attack" seems to be to call abiogenesis, 'a fantasy we made up". yet clearly, the same could be said about your silly, bronze age religious myth. so, here you are, completely unable to elevate any of your magical, faith-y ideas above "childlike fantasy". so, the only tactic left to you is to try to degrade scientific knowledge and hypotheses, din an attempt to drag them down into the slime where your faith-y ideas reside. you are all but admitting the absurdity of your own dogma. oops.
Abiogenesis in no way states "life came from nothing". What an odd thing to say. It states that the physical systems we call life organized and evolved from complex, organic chemicals due to time and selection.

LOL. And flying unicorns came from Jupiter.
Yes, funny how "God's miracles" always seem to line up perfectly with everything you don't understand.

You're making up a fairy tale about how there was no life and then some chemicals formed and, wallah! It's alive! LOL. Replicate life from nothing in a lab and then we can talk, alright?
"Replicate life from nothing in a lab and then we can talk, alright?

That is an absurd standard which shows you are not a very thorough thinker. we don't have to form stars in labs to understand how they formed or how they work. Nor do we have to replicate trillions of chemical reaction which took place over 100s of millions of years to know that it is possible for the components of life to organize via selection from lesser components.

Life cannot be created from nothing. That will remain true a thousands years from now. You're desperately reaching to go along with anything that avoids admitting the obvious - we have a creator.
"Life cannot be created from nothing."

Nobody said it was.... damn, pay attention...
Well us atheists already knew that.

and what through history have you been able to accomplish where have the atheist been to right the wrongs of the desert religions, it is you who pussyfoots christianity it is the spiritualist that have stood their ground against them.

View attachment 150154

that's not any of you atheists sitting in that chair ... the ones in this thread anyway.

the physiology of the aliens will be their calling card for universal spirituality as it exists though which kind, good or evil will be the dilemma.
Bullshit. Many atheists sit in the pews every Sunday. They like the community but don't believe the premise. I myself am dating a couple theists right now. I'll go to church with them to get in their pants. I'm going to a musical this Saturday to get into some pants so why not a church? They don't know I don't believe in god. I told them agnostic.

How come no one answers my questions? Why do Christians insist we are the only life in the universe? And if they are wrong, does that mean their religion is made up? Does your religion say if we are alone? I wish it did say that so one day it could be proven wrong again.

If your religion says we are the only life in the universe, please show me where it says that.

Imagine this. Long before Earth was in the Sun's sweet spot Venus was. And the people on Venus thought god made the universe for them. This was billions of years before earthlings.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

Maybe the people of Venus knew their world was dying and our world would be habitable next so they planted the life seed. It is a possibility. May sound crazy but so does your creation story.
Bullshit. Many atheists sit in the pews every Sunday. They like the community but don't believe the premise.

They like the community ...

is that so, as was stated so much so they have never made a difference to openly represent their views through history to prevent any of the atrocities you have mentioned yourself, slavery as a simple example, why is that ... sortof how you appease the gal to leave her to her demise while using her or for your own means as the historical perspective taking advantage of christian brutality for your own profit. though that is an extreme view I do believe there is something there with how you responded.

there is another thread where physiology, tissue is being equated as the intermediary between spiritual beings and physical matter how the aliens appear would be more interesting than their existence the physiology they developed to bring their selves to a physical state.

I thought while sitting in church, "I wonder what the priest would say if I told him what I believe". I know many Greeks have gone to the priest and confessed they had doubts and they debated it. Priests are good bullshitters and it's very hard to tell them the truth. That they have swallowed a lie and are just repeating it.

OMG the priest and all the holy ritualistic shit that he does every week with his beautiful robe on. It's all a show! Re God Damn Diculous.

And we all know what happened to athiests in the past. Your churches shunned them and sometimes even murdered them for questioning doctrine. Don't act like you guys are open to the debate. You will take it personally well personally has nothing to do with it. Don't take offense we believe your god was made up by your ancestors. Just like Mohammad made shit up so did Moses. So did Joe Smith and the Jehovas. Get over it.
Well us atheists already knew that.

and what through history have you been able to accomplish where have the atheist been to right the wrongs of the desert religions, it is you who pussyfoots christianity it is the spiritualist that have stood their ground against them.

View attachment 150154

that's not any of you atheists sitting in that chair ... the ones in this thread anyway.

the physiology of the aliens will be their calling card for universal spirituality as it exists though which kind, good or evil will be the dilemma.
Bullshit. Many atheists sit in the pews every Sunday. They like the community but don't believe the premise. I myself am dating a couple theists right now. I'll go to church with them to get in their pants. I'm going to a musical this Saturday to get into some pants so why not a church? They don't know I don't believe in god. I told them agnostic.

How come no one answers my questions? Why do Christians insist we are the only life in the universe? And if they are wrong, does that mean their religion is made up? Does your religion say if we are alone? I wish it did say that so one day it could be proven wrong again.

If your religion says we are the only life in the universe, please show me where it says that.

Imagine this. Long before Earth was in the Sun's sweet spot Venus was. And the people on Venus thought god made the universe for them. This was billions of years before earthlings.

Venus May Once Have Been a Garden World

Maybe the people of Venus knew their world was dying and our world would be habitable next so they planted the life seed. It is a possibility. May sound crazy but so does your creation story.
Bullshit. Many atheists sit in the pews every Sunday. They like the community but don't believe the premise.

They like the community ...

is that so, as was stated so much so they have never made a difference to openly represent their views through history to prevent any of the atrocities you have mentioned yourself, slavery as a simple example, why is that ... sortof how you appease the gal to leave her to her demise while using her or for your own means as the historical perspective taking advantage of christian brutality for your own profit. though that is an extreme view I do believe there is something there with how you responded.

there is another thread where physiology, tissue is being equated as the intermediary between spiritual beings and physical matter how the aliens appear would be more interesting than their existence the physiology they developed to bring their selves to a physical state.

How many times has a Christian done something horrible and then Christians say, "well then he's not a real Christian".

Well how many of those types of people are sitting in your churches? People who say they are christians and go to church but you know they aren't following the way. Half the Christians in America think they have a go to heaven immediately pass because they believe in Jesus.

I wish I could believe in Jesus and go to heaven. Unfortunately I know that story has been embellished. And god doesn't exist. Never has. We made it up because we didn't know science. And no god has ever visited you or sent his son to die/love us. Stop the madness. You wonder why and how so many humans are stupid. Well there is no coincidences here. They are religious and anti science shit heads.
How many times has a Christian done something horrible and then Christians say, "well then he's not a real Christian".

amen ...

you know not everyone who is religious including yourself is scriptural ... or believes a deity, were there an Everlasting and is for some there certainly will be an Almighty something it's not necessary to look forwards to meeting them. I'll wait a million years.
How many times has a Christian done something horrible and then Christians say, "well then he's not a real Christian".

amen ...

you know not everyone who is religious including yourself is scriptural ... or believes a deity, were there an Everlasting and is for some there certainly will be an Almighty something it's not necessary to look forwards to meeting them. I'll wait a million years.

If you aren't scriptural then you are that much closer to understanding god is man made up. But that's ok if you want to believe that some god created the universe and cares about you and has a heaven where he keeps all our love ones who are just waiting for you to join them in eternal paradise.

I just happen to understand this is nothing more than wishful thinking. If you don't believe the bible you are at least cherry picking from it.
I've posted this before, and you've all seen it before, but it's classic...

I've posted this before, and you've all seen it before, but it's classic...

I appreciate the humor and there are con artists in the religious world, just like there are con artists in every other walk of life. I didn't watch all of it. I presume George is an atheist???

If you wan to talk about "bullshit", the biggest bullshit ever spread was that the universe created itself and that life came about as a result of some freak accident of chemicals interacting. I mean, you have to be a DUMB mother fucker to buy that scam.
How many times has a Christian done something horrible and then Christians say, "well then he's not a real Christian".

amen ...

you know not everyone who is religious including yourself is scriptural ... or believes a deity, were there an Everlasting and is for some there certainly will be an Almighty something it's not necessary to look forwards to meeting them. I'll wait a million years.

Here is a perfect example of what I'm talking about:

Five Christian Athletes Face Felony Charges After Allegedly Sodomizing Student
Read more at Five Christian Athletes Face Felony Charges After Allegedly Sodomizing Student

Wheaton College, the evangelical school in Illinois, will expel you if you have pre-marital sex with your long-time partner.

They will kick you out if you’re in a committed same-sex relationship.

You’re not allowed to watch porn.

Faculty members have to believe in a literal Adam and Eve to keep their jobs.

But apparently, administrators at the school take their sweet time expelling students when it comes to football players who allegedly kidnap a freshman, sodomize him, leave him in an empty field to fend for himself, all while pretending to be Muslim terrorists.


I've posted this before, and you've all seen it before, but it's classic...

I appreciate the humor and there are con artists in the religious world, just like there are con artists in every other walk of life. I didn't watch all of it. I presume George is an atheist???

If you wan to talk about "bullshit", the biggest bullshit ever spread was that the universe created itself and that life came about as a result of some freak accident of chemicals interacting. I mean, you have to be a DUMB mother fucker to buy that scam.

The difference being, of course, every piece of evidence we have available points to a deterministic universe in which abiogenesis occurred, while you have not a shred of evidence for magical religious stuff, nor could you ever. That's kind of an important difference.
I've posted this before, and you've all seen it before, but it's classic...

I appreciate the humor and there are con artists in the religious world, just like there are con artists in every other walk of life. I didn't watch all of it. I presume George is an atheist???

If you wan to talk about "bullshit", the biggest bullshit ever spread was that the universe created itself and that life came about as a result of some freak accident of chemicals interacting. I mean, you have to be a DUMB mother fucker to buy that scam.

The difference being, of course, every piece of evidence we have available points to a deterministic universe in which abiogenesis occurred, while you have not a shred of evidence for magical religious stuff, nor could you ever. That's kind of an important difference.

There is ZERO evidence to support ANY of the fairy tales that you spout.
There is ZERO evidence to support ANY of the fairy tales that you spout.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

so, if Earth above was this planet and this planet alone as written no other life could exist anywhere else in the universe that did not first come from this planet, therefore if aliens were to visit they must first have left here before returning. -

will you burn your 4th century bible if any life is discovered anywhere else in the Universe when the evidence is presented to you.

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