Atheists are hoping aliens from outer space will contact us...

That's pretty simple minded. Think of all the things you just ruled out of evidence. I can't see thunder but it's still evidence lightning happened.
You're back to front. Lightning is evidence thunder happened.
In fact, in all my 58 years, I've never seen any definition of "evidence" which requires it be accepted by anyone other than the person claiming it's evidence.
It's almost as if courts don't make judgements on evidence.
Doesn't change the fact ...

you've gone over the edge boss if it is irrefutable evidence then who faults that evidence is the one in error not the evidence.

there is a path to the Everlasting, discovering the true evidence for its existence is how the destination is achieved that's how it works.

and no there is no delay to reality the physiological restraints have nothing to do with its perception.
...and tell us there's no God.

That is why scientists like Carl Sagan so eagerly tell us there MUST be life on other planets, but it's a wish, there is no science to back up his claims.

So far, after decades of listening with radio telescopes, the skies have been totally silent.

Either aliens don't exist at all anywhere in the universe, or they are so far away their transmissions will never reach us.

And in either case, we will never have aliens visit us.

We are probably alone.
I think aliens may be beaming these stupid thoughts into your head.
Well, to be fair, God was an illegal alien.
Who cares how many believe. You know that.

Let's put it this way. You have zero evidence that would hold up in a court of law or science group

I don't care how many believe. I only mentioned it because Funbags claimed others couldn't be compelled by spiritual evidence and it happens all the time.

Duly noted: I have no physical evidence to prove a spiritual entity! Got it!

No one ever asked to see evidence only you can corroborate. Maybe some gullible people might buy it and theyre called theists

I never claimed anyone asked to see evidence I have. I just claimed I had all the evidence I need and was told I didn't have any evidence. Are you not keeping up with the conversation or something?

But I lean towards disbelief. I just leave the door open a crack.

The fact that you leave the door open a crack means that in your rational thinking, God is a possibility. Believe it or not, I am satisfied with that. See how easy that worked out?
And we also leave the door open a crack to the idea that leprechauns ride unicorns in the 5th dimension. Are you also happy about that?
There is sooo very much evidence of leprechauns and dracula, we must assume that they are God's angels.
Think about it this way. Long before the first man lied and said god communicated with him humans could not imagine any other explanation. All of this must have been put here for us. The sun, moon, earth, animals we ruled over everything. We must be gods chosen animal. Even though we're weak, slow, can't take the heat, our hearing and eyes suck.

Anyways I can imagine how and why they made it up.

When the sun went down bad things happened so they prayed for the sun God to come back. For thousands of years.

And even today we see how the moon has to be just right and ozone water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and it's amazing. Almost miraculous. But we know that it's all scientifically explainable.

This thread title is bs because we know if aliens showed up tomorrow we would still have all the major religions.

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone? They're still clinging to the belief this is all for us. How ignorant, small thinking arrogance

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone?

You know why. The same reason why they refuse evolution. They cling to man being special, the original, the only.
That's pretty simple minded. Think of all the things you just ruled out of evidence. I can't see thunder but it's still evidence lightning happened.
You're back to front. Lightning is evidence thunder happened.
Lightning started it all!

Poof a bolt comes down from heaven and what does it do?

Shazaam ~ Sets a bush burning.

FIRE, magical fire! It's cool. It's warm. It gives off light. You can cook food with it. Yummy!

Where did fire come from? GOD!

and the rest is history
Who cares how many believe. You know that.

Let's put it this way. You have zero evidence that would hold up in a court of law or science group

I don't care how many believe. I only mentioned it because Funbags claimed others couldn't be compelled by spiritual evidence and it happens all the time.

Duly noted: I have no physical evidence to prove a spiritual entity! Got it!

No one ever asked to see evidence only you can corroborate. Maybe some gullible people might buy it and theyre called theists

I never claimed anyone asked to see evidence I have. I just claimed I had all the evidence I need and was told I didn't have any evidence. Are you not keeping up with the conversation or something?

But I lean towards disbelief. I just leave the door open a crack.

The fact that you leave the door open a crack means that in your rational thinking, God is a possibility. Believe it or not, I am satisfied with that. See how easy that worked out?
And we also leave the door open a crack to the idea that leprechauns ride unicorns in the 5th dimension. Are you also happy about that?
There is sooo very much evidence of leprechauns and dracula, we must assume that they are God's angels.
Think about it this way. Long before the first man lied and said god communicated with him humans could not imagine any other explanation. All of this must have been put here for us. The sun, moon, earth, animals we ruled over everything. We must be gods chosen animal. Even though we're weak, slow, can't take the heat, our hearing and eyes suck.

Anyways I can imagine how and why they made it up.

When the sun went down bad things happened so they prayed for the sun God to come back. For thousands of years.

And even today we see how the moon has to be just right and ozone water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and it's amazing. Almost miraculous. But we know that it's all scientifically explainable.

This thread title is bs because we know if aliens showed up tomorrow we would still have all the major religions.

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone? They're still clinging to the belief this is all for us. How ignorant, small thinking arrogance

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone?

You know why. The same reason why they refuse evolution. They cling to man being special, the original, the only.
I would like the theists to tell me why because I believe that even if aliens showed up tomorrow Christians would still be christians. I looked it up and they say aliens would not disprove Christianity because the Jesus experience is unique to this world.

Even proving evolution wouldn't deter them because they would just say the creation story wasn't supposed to be taken literally even though for over 1000 years they told it literally.

Allegorical interpretation is an interpretive method (exegesis) which assumes that the Bible has various levels of meaning and tends to focus on the spiritual sense (which includes the allegorical sense, the moral (or tropological) sense, and the anagogical sense) as opposed to the literal sense.
Who cares how many believe. You know that.

Let's put it this way. You have zero evidence that would hold up in a court of law or science group

I don't care how many believe. I only mentioned it because Funbags claimed others couldn't be compelled by spiritual evidence and it happens all the time.

Duly noted: I have no physical evidence to prove a spiritual entity! Got it!

No one ever asked to see evidence only you can corroborate. Maybe some gullible people might buy it and theyre called theists

I never claimed anyone asked to see evidence I have. I just claimed I had all the evidence I need and was told I didn't have any evidence. Are you not keeping up with the conversation or something?

But I lean towards disbelief. I just leave the door open a crack.

The fact that you leave the door open a crack means that in your rational thinking, God is a possibility. Believe it or not, I am satisfied with that. See how easy that worked out?
And we also leave the door open a crack to the idea that leprechauns ride unicorns in the 5th dimension. Are you also happy about that?
There is sooo very much evidence of leprechauns and dracula, we must assume that they are God's angels.
Think about it this way. Long before the first man lied and said god communicated with him humans could not imagine any other explanation. All of this must have been put here for us. The sun, moon, earth, animals we ruled over everything. We must be gods chosen animal. Even though we're weak, slow, can't take the heat, our hearing and eyes suck.

Anyways I can imagine how and why they made it up.

When the sun went down bad things happened so they prayed for the sun God to come back. For thousands of years.

And even today we see how the moon has to be just right and ozone water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and it's amazing. Almost miraculous. But we know that it's all scientifically explainable.

This thread title is bs because we know if aliens showed up tomorrow we would still have all the major religions.

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone? They're still clinging to the belief this is all for us. How ignorant, small thinking arrogance

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone?

You know why. The same reason why they refuse evolution. They cling to man being special, the original, the only.

Allegorical interpretations of Genesis are readings of the biblical Book of Genesis that treat elements of the narrative as symbols or types, rather than viewing them literally as historical events.

The opening chapter of Genesis tells a story of God's creation of the universe and humankind as being accomplished over the course of six successive days. Some Christian and Jewish schools of thought (such as Christian Fundamentalism) read these biblical passages literally, that each day of creation was 24 hours in duration. Others (such as Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and mainline Protestant denominations) read the story allegorically, and hold that the intent of the biblical account is to describe humankind's relationship to creation and the creator, that it does not describe an actual historical event, and that the six days of creation can simply represent a long period of time.

Genesis 2 records a second account of creation. In chapter 3 a talking serpent is introduced, which many Christians understand to be Satan in disguise. This symbolism is accepted even by Christians who believe the story as a whole is based on an actual historical event.[citation needed] Many Christians in ancient times regarded the early chapters of Genesis to be true as both history and allegory.
Bottom line is most Christians probably view the Creation story in Genesis as an allegory. In other words not a historical story of what happened. So why do they have a problem with science? Because up until just recently they said the bible was fact. They can't do that anymore because no one is buying it. Too much to not believe. So they have to say it's a story book.

Well us atheists already knew that.
I don't care how many believe. I only mentioned it because Funbags claimed others couldn't be compelled by spiritual evidence and it happens all the time.

Duly noted: I have no physical evidence to prove a spiritual entity! Got it!

I never claimed anyone asked to see evidence I have. I just claimed I had all the evidence I need and was told I didn't have any evidence. Are you not keeping up with the conversation or something?

The fact that you leave the door open a crack means that in your rational thinking, God is a possibility. Believe it or not, I am satisfied with that. See how easy that worked out?
And we also leave the door open a crack to the idea that leprechauns ride unicorns in the 5th dimension. Are you also happy about that?
There is sooo very much evidence of leprechauns and dracula, we must assume that they are God's angels.
Think about it this way. Long before the first man lied and said god communicated with him humans could not imagine any other explanation. All of this must have been put here for us. The sun, moon, earth, animals we ruled over everything. We must be gods chosen animal. Even though we're weak, slow, can't take the heat, our hearing and eyes suck.

Anyways I can imagine how and why they made it up.

When the sun went down bad things happened so they prayed for the sun God to come back. For thousands of years.

And even today we see how the moon has to be just right and ozone water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and it's amazing. Almost miraculous. But we know that it's all scientifically explainable.

This thread title is bs because we know if aliens showed up tomorrow we would still have all the major religions.

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone? They're still clinging to the belief this is all for us. How ignorant, small thinking arrogance

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone?

You know why. The same reason why they refuse evolution. They cling to man being special, the original, the only.
I would like the theists to tell me why because I believe that even if aliens showed up tomorrow Christians would still be christians. I looked it up and they say aliens would not disprove Christianity because the Jesus experience is unique to this world.

Even proving evolution wouldn't deter them because they would just say the creation story wasn't supposed to be taken literally even though for over 1000 years they told it literally.

Allegorical interpretation is an interpretive method (exegesis) which assumes that the Bible has various levels of meaning and tends to focus on the spiritual sense (which includes the allegorical sense, the moral (or tropological) sense, and the anagogical sense) as opposed to the literal sense.
Well yeah of course. Science keeps backing them into a corner so modern believers are getting more scientific all the time.
Well us atheists already knew that.

and what through history have you been able to accomplish where have the atheist been to right the wrongs of the desert religions, it is you who pussyfoots christianity it is the spiritualist that have stood their ground against them.


that's not any of you atheists sitting in that chair ... the ones in this thread anyway.

the physiology of the aliens will be their calling card for universal spirituality as it exists though which kind, good or evil will be the dilemma.
Why do you think we have juries?

to evaluate the "evidence" to conclude a non subjective verdict.


what is subjective is not evidence. elements are not subjective they are evidence of the universe.

Well... no.

Verdicts are subjective to the jury's evaluation of the evidence. Their evaluation is always subjective. Elements are non-subjective evidence of the universe --to YOU! That doesn't mean they are to EVERYONE. People CAN subjectively disagree with you... doesn't mean they are correct... but they can disagree.

I hear what you're saying, there is some evidence which can't be refuted. I'm here to tell you that EVERYTHING can be refuted. I've heard people argue that reality itself can be refuted and that we live in a simulation. ALL evidence is subjective!
  • No it isn't, you're wrong, you have always been wrong, and you will always be wrong. And if you don't believe me, hold your breath for 30 minutes . Jump off your roof and let me know if you fall down or up. Place your tongue on a red hot stove coil. Go outside and try to lift your car by the back bumper. Just stop with your ridiculous fantasies.
Well us atheists already knew that.

and what through history have you been able to accomplish where have the atheist been to right the wrongs of the desert religions, it is you who pussyfoots christianity it is the spiritualist that have stood their ground against them.

View attachment 150154

that's not any of you atheists sitting in that chair ... the ones in this thread anyway.

the physiology of the aliens will be their calling card for universal spirituality as it exists though which kind, good or evil will be the dilemma.
"where have the atheist been to right the wrongs of the desert religions,"

Stupid question. The correct question is to ask what "non-spiritual" info was used to that end. And one had to look no further than the reformation of religions by scientific enlightenment and classical liberalism.
I do find the bosses of the world fascinating. I can't have this conversation with my friends and family. Not the ones who are religious. So I love to pick theists brains. Many believe but haven't and don't give it much thought. I get them. But boss has been told everything you can say and he still believes even though we've explained ad nauseum how it's all in his head.

Now that's faith. God will reward boss unless Christians are right then boss will be burning in hell with me

Yeah, it's all in my head-- which explains why neither you or McDuff will come out and proudly proclaim your Atheism!

Trying to convince me there is no Spiritual Nature is like me trying to convince you that your mother never existed. I have my own evidence and proof so your arguments don't bother me.
I have my own evidence and proof"

Wrong again. You have zero evidence and zero proof, else you could use it to compel others. Again, something is not evidence because you think it is evidence or feel like calling it evidence. That has been your error from the beginning.

I have all the evidence and proof I need for myself, why do I need to compel others?

Do we really need to pull the dictionary out again to demonstrate what "evidence" means?

  1. the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Gee, I am missing the part where it says evidence has to be approved by Funbags. In fact, in all my 58 years, I've never seen any definition of "evidence" which requires it be accepted by anyone other than the person claiming it's evidence. So yeah... I kind can call anything evidence if I feel like it and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. You can certainly refuse to accept my evidence but that doesn't mean it's not evidence.

So you agree and we finally have that straight. You create your own evidence based on your own argument. And not based on science. Which is what I've been proving over and over again.

You create your own reality based on your own belief, and make up the evidence, and then present it to us to argue over, while you have shits and giggles, and verbally masturbate on your replies, since you know how it's going to roll...

That's not cool, man. That's like being a sick troll.
As that can be interpreted many ways (most of which do not require adding magic), it is not evidence

In the late 1850s, noted biologist Louis Pasteur suggested microbial fermentation, refuting the prevailing theory of spontaneous generation. Do you know what competing biologist Felix Pouchet had to say about Pasteur's claim? He said it was "MAGIC!" The Rouen Museum of Natural History rejected Pasteur's findings as silly and nonsensical. The French Royal Academy of Sciences offered a prize to whoever could settle the dispute through experiment. Eventually, Pasteur prevailed and the rest was history.

Fifty years ago, I could've suggested that electrons and photons disappear and can appear in two places at the same time. Most physicists would have laughed at that notion and called it "MAGIC!" According to findings at CERN, this happens constantly in every atom of matter.

In 1926, Max Born proposed his theories of Quantum Mechanics, where he posited that nature, at the atomic level, is completely random. And that, in spite of physics, it was inherently impossible to determine the location and position of every atom (Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle). This prompted Albert Einstein (maybe you heard of him) to pen the famous quote in refutation of the theory... "God doesn't play dice with the universe!" Guess what? God does play dice!

We can go through countless examples of where Science and the prevailing scientific ideas of the time were challenged and proven completely wrong... all the while, with "scientific" detractors chortling... "It's MAGIC!"

"Magic" has been shown to be wrong in each claim, and science shown to be right.

Your "magical" claim of creation and spirituality that you have been arguing is based on your made up evidence and non-stop changing-of-subject when pressed.

It's not "magic". It's you, following others that believe in magic, and trying to sound smarter about it by copy/pasting edited science articles into your magical belief posts.
As that can be interpreted many ways (most of which do not require adding magic), it is not evidence

In the late 1850s, noted biologist Louis Pasteur suggested microbial fermentation, refuting the prevailing theory of spontaneous generation. Do you know what competing biologist Felix Pouchet had to say about Pasteur's claim? He said it was "MAGIC!" The Rouen Museum of Natural History rejected Pasteur's findings as silly and nonsensical. The French Royal Academy of Sciences offered a prize to whoever could settle the dispute through experiment. Eventually, Pasteur prevailed and the rest was history.

Fifty years ago, I could've suggested that electrons and photons disappear and can appear in two places at the same time. Most physicists would have laughed at that notion and called it "MAGIC!" According to findings at CERN, this happens constantly in every atom of matter.

In 1926, Max Born proposed his theories of Quantum Mechanics, where he posited that nature, at the atomic level, is completely random. And that, in spite of physics, it was inherently impossible to determine the location and position of every atom (Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle). This prompted Albert Einstein (maybe you heard of him) to pen the famous quote in refutation of the theory... "God doesn't play dice with the universe!" Guess what? God does play dice!

We can go through countless examples of where Science and the prevailing scientific ideas of the time were challenged and proven completely wrong... all the while, with "scientific" detractors chortling... "It's MAGIC!"

"Magic" has been shown to be wrong in each claim, and science shown to be right.

Your "magical" claim of creation and spirituality that you have been arguing is based on your made up evidence and non-stop changing-of-subject when pressed.

It's not "magic". It's you, following others that believe in magic, and trying to sound smarter about it by copy/pasting edited science articles into your magical belief posts.

Are you talking about the type of magic wherein the universe created itself and life came from nothing and then morphed into what we are today, that type of magic?
And we also leave the door open a crack to the idea that leprechauns ride unicorns in the 5th dimension. Are you also happy about that?
There is sooo very much evidence of leprechauns and dracula, we must assume that they are God's angels.
Think about it this way. Long before the first man lied and said god communicated with him humans could not imagine any other explanation. All of this must have been put here for us. The sun, moon, earth, animals we ruled over everything. We must be gods chosen animal. Even though we're weak, slow, can't take the heat, our hearing and eyes suck.

Anyways I can imagine how and why they made it up.

When the sun went down bad things happened so they prayed for the sun God to come back. For thousands of years.

And even today we see how the moon has to be just right and ozone water, oxygen, carbon dioxide and it's amazing. Almost miraculous. But we know that it's all scientifically explainable.

This thread title is bs because we know if aliens showed up tomorrow we would still have all the major religions.

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone? They're still clinging to the belief this is all for us. How ignorant, small thinking arrogance

So why do theists seem to be the ones who believe we are alone?

You know why. The same reason why they refuse evolution. They cling to man being special, the original, the only.
I would like the theists to tell me why because I believe that even if aliens showed up tomorrow Christians would still be christians. I looked it up and they say aliens would not disprove Christianity because the Jesus experience is unique to this world.

Even proving evolution wouldn't deter them because they would just say the creation story wasn't supposed to be taken literally even though for over 1000 years they told it literally.

Allegorical interpretation is an interpretive method (exegesis) which assumes that the Bible has various levels of meaning and tends to focus on the spiritual sense (which includes the allegorical sense, the moral (or tropological) sense, and the anagogical sense) as opposed to the literal sense.
Well yeah of course. Science keeps backing them into a corner so modern believers are getting more scientific all the time.

The science is on the side of a creator. Why do you think atheist philosophers are inventing ludicrous theories on how the universe created itself? It's because the philosophical and ideological consequences for the acknowledgment of a creator is too great for those atheists.

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