Atheists are the moral ones

Did that. A very specific poll and it really doesn't tell you much.
No, it only tells you what it tells you, not much at all eh? Like the overall support for torture in the US and some of the group breakdown of that support. Pfffffffft.
1) The New Testament "category."
Is that 'White Evangelical Protestant'?
2) I don't know even one Christian who supports torture of any sort and most of my Christian friends (and family members) belong to different denominations.
I interact with a few (self declared) on forums. There's a small crossover, but Republican Christians appear to support torture far more than atheists or Democrats. In fact they're really for it. Some atheists and Democrats support torture.

Do you accept the data shown in the OP? Admittedly all the Christian categories included 'white'.

So here we have a need to look at Christians through a racial prism, just to show how much more "moral" non believers can be.
Did that. A very specific poll and it really doesn't tell you much.
No, it only tells you what it tells you, not much at all eh? Like the overall support for torture in the US and some of the group breakdown of that support. Pfffffffft.

What is the age break out on that poll? What is the education break out? What is the economic status and geographic. Does it matter if you live in a rural or urban area? How does it break out by political affiliation?

It's a useless poll because it focused on one area. There is no comparison to see if that is a valid cause or just a coincidence. It looks like a poll designed to come up with a specific result.
Atheists are nothing but scumbag liars, just look in a mirror.
1) I'm Christian and fully opposed to torture.
2) Atheists don't believe in God so they aren't bound by a moral standard. Without a moral standard they feel free to so as they will. As a consequence we have the historical record of men like Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Pol Pot, and many others. Between those three alone are attributed the deaths of more than 100 million people (many of whom were tortured prior to their untimely death).
3) Unborn babies feel pain. That's a proven fact. Is it not torture to grab a baby by the head with a pair of forceps then rip the head off? Is it not torture to burn that child with a saline solution? Articles The Real Torture Scandal in America & Unborn babies can feel pain during abortion

To the OP: Stop with your sickening hypocrisy.
Atheists are no more or less likely to be moral than Christians. Moral and immoral behavior is a function of being human - claiming a religion does not suddenly mean that you are a good person. The idea is silly. On that same token, not claiming a religion does not mean you are immoral.

I believe this falls right into hubris - so much for moral behavior.
Not only can you have morals (Ethics)without religion, but any religious source for morality is demonstrably amoral at best, and frequently completely immoral.

Most religion-based moral codes have completely inconsistent definitions of "good" and "bad", which in practice amount to little more than lists of things which are considered "good" or "bad", with little respect for whether any of these things can actually be demonstrated to be "good" or "bad". In religious context, something is "good" if the religion says it's good (even if it's demonstrably bad by any other standard, like demonizing or killing those with different beliefs or ritually mutilating infants), and something is "bad" if the religion says it's bad (again, even if it's demonstrably good by other standards, like questioning authority or equality between the sexes). This is not morality. It's just a dictated set of entirely arbitrary rules intended to control a population and glorify religion. That religions frequently claim that this *is* morality is nothing other than a deliberate corruption of the very concept, and worse, that many religions claim to be the only acceptable source of morality while preaching a deliberate perversion of natural morality is itself *deeply* immoral. But just in case that wasn't bad enough, many religions then exempt their followers from taking responsibility for their own actions, blaming some "evil spirit" or another (Satan) for anything "bad" they might do within the religious culture, giving them ample justifications for committing all manner of demonstrably bad acts outwith the culture without risk of censure, and finally saying that all "sins" will be forgiven if they devoutly follow the religion.

Religion distorts and cheapens morality for its own ends

Atheists Are 0.07% of the Federal Prison Population, Threatening Fact for Christian Fundamentalists
It's a big disruption to the Christian right argument that you need a belief in God to live morally.

Atheists Are 0.07 of the Federal Prison Population Threatening Fact for Christian Fundamentalists Alternet
Staistics without anything behind them are meaningless.

If this stat is true it is less likely to be related to the morality of atheists and more related to people finding religion when they go to prison and I would bet there are services that are offered to people claiming a religion.

In basic military training, almost everyone is 'religious' not because they actually are but because you get to go to services on Sunday. Its the most relaxing thing that happens during the entire course so almost no one claims atheist - no services for them.
3) Unborn babies feel pain. That's a proven fact. Is it not torture to grab a baby by the head with a pair of forceps then rip the head off? Is it not torture to burn that child with a saline solution?
If you really believe all that, then I have to presume you are against it because it is torture.

But you are in favor of torture if it's done by The State.
3) Unborn babies feel pain. That's a proven fact. Is it not torture to grab a baby by the head with a pair of forceps then rip the head off? Is it not torture to burn that child with a saline solution?
If you really believe all that, then I have to presume you are against it because it is torture.

But you are in favor of torture if it's done by The State.
You get what you vote for.

Whether through what businesses you patronage or buy from, or what politicians you vote into office.

Atheists are only around 2-4% of the US population.

It is the political majority that hold the power, and 2-4% doesn't make up the majority, who in America are religious.

So without a really good conspiracy theory, people aren't going to be able to pin it on 'Atheists' for abortion policy.
“I suspect that more than 2% of the world is atheist...”

True, and that depends on what is meant by 'atheist.'

There are those, for example, who might believe in some sort of 'higher power,' but don't believe in an interventionist 'god,' don't belong to any organized religion, and don't observe any type of religious rituals.
3) Unborn babies feel pain. That's a proven fact. Is it not torture to grab a baby by the head with a pair of forceps then rip the head off? Is it not torture to burn that child with a saline solution?
If you really believe all that, then I have to presume you are against it because it is torture.

But you are in favor of torture if it's done by The State.
You get what you vote for.

Whether through what businesses you patronage or buy from, or what politicians you vote into office.

Atheists are only around 2-4% of the US population.

It is the political majority that hold the power, and 2-4% doesn't make up the majority, who in America are religious.

So without a really good conspiracy theory, people aren't going to be able to pin it on 'Atheists' for abortion policy.

The notion that those free from faith are somehow 'responsible' for abortion is ignorant idiocy and demagoguery.

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