Atheists are the moral ones

Specifically, the torturers' community.

Specifically, the norms of that community.

Funny cuz there was no torture
Specifically, the torturers' community.

Specifically, the norms of that community.
But some communities allow torture, and definitions vary on what torture is, even in the United States.Thus torture it isn't immoral or moral, just a preference.
An atheist has no ground to stand on to say torture is moral or immoral. Such concepts cannot logically exist in a morally relativist world view.
But some communities allow torture, and definitions vary on what torture is, even in the United States.Thus torture it isn't immoral or moral, just a preference.
Those communities do not prosper.
US code defines torture, I haven't seen variations in its definitions. Perhaps you could point them out.
Yes, I believe atheists are more moral.

On a fundamental level, they do what is right because it is right. When an atheist does charity work or gives to a charity, there is no ulterior motive. Religious people do it because of the reward promised or the threat of burning in hell.

Says your idea of morality....another atheist is just as justified in thinking it is right to not give charity...since those in need of charity aren't contributing anything to just as well to kill them.....that would be the right thing....depending on your own moral code....since one moral code is as right as another moral code....unless it comes from God....
Specifically, the torturers' community.

Specifically, the norms of that community.
But some communities allow torture, and definitions vary on what torture is, even in the United States.Thus torture it isn't immoral or moral, just a preference.
Those communities do not prosper.
US code defines torture, I haven't seen variations in its definitions. Perhaps you could point them out.

How does US Code define torture? Torture is immoral because US code prohibits it? is moral to let 3,000 or more people die rather than use a technique that doesn't maim, kill or injure the prisoner, and once it is stopped all they have to do is dry off with a towel....with no residual effect of the technique...they are unharmed, can eat, sleep, prey....and watch television or play soccer because they are not injured in any way....

Vs. a painful, horrifying death by these men who rejoice in raping, torturing and killing innocent men, women, and children....

Which is more moral again?

Torture is like porn. You know what you are seeing when you see it.

I would like to add that members of non-standard (non-Abrahamic) religions tend to view torture in a worse light than members of standard religions do.

Hope everyone had a happy holiday.

Regards from Rosie

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