Atheists or Christians—Which Group is More Common Among Those With Fairly High IQ Scores?

Did you even read the damn article?
Yes. I did. It says that while atheist, as a group, score slightly higher on average, there are more Christians overall who score high on those tests. Or did I miss something?

From the article:

Even if atheists score 3-4 points higher on IQ tests than Christians, there are so many more Christians in the population that it is much more likely that someone with a 125 IQ score is a Christian than that such a person is an atheist.

It has been almost two years since this article was published and you apparently you still can't or won't understand it. lol
I understand it perfectly. Since atheists are a very small percentage of the population, those who score well on an IQ tests are much more likely to be of the majority population of Christians. It's simple math. Perhaps you should schedule a remedial math class?

I love watching the willfully obtuse chase their own tail. lol

From your own link...

2. Atheists do score slightly higher than Christians on IQ-derived vocabulary tests (the equivalent of about 2.9 IQ points in the 2006-2012 General Social Surveys) and on IQ-derived analogy tests (the equivalent of about 3.8 IQ points in the 1996 General Social Survey). But social psychologists ignore differences that are as large or larger perhaps because they do not fit their political narratives.

Sucks being you
Uhhh. What's your point? Those social psychologists are mostly liberal atheists.Why does it suck to be me? You're not making any sense, or maybe I'm just tired.
Does it say how many more Christians there are in the world than atheists? It would be interesting to compare the ratios.

PS Atheists are as deluded as theists. Neither one of them has any proof to their claims.

All it takes to be an atheist is to not be convinced of the existence of any god. Nothing more. Like any other group, some might have beliefs they might want to convince you of, but those have nothing to do with whether they are an atheist. Evolution is not a inherent atheist belief. It's only a belief that some atheists have. Totally separate. The Big Bang Theory is not an inherently atheist belief. It is another belief that some atheists have. Again, totally separate. The only thing an atheist has to prove is that they personally haven't been convinced that any god exists.

Did you even read the damn article?
Yes. I did. It says that while atheist, as a group, score slightly higher on average, there are more Christians overall who score high on those tests. Or did I miss something?

From the article:

Even if atheists score 3-4 points higher on IQ tests than Christians, there are so many more Christians in the population that it is much more likely that someone with a 125 IQ score is a Christian than that such a person is an atheist.

It has been almost two years since this article was published and you apparently you still can't or won't understand it. lol
I understand it perfectly. Since atheists are a very small percentage of the population, those who score well on an IQ tests are much more likely to be of the majority population of Christians. It's simple math. Perhaps you should schedule a remedial math class?

I love watching the willfully obtuse chase their own tail. lol

So that is the reason why you like me so much!

I thought it was my retarded way of writing but now it is the joy of watching me chase my own tail while being obtuse in life...

( I know your response was not directed at me but still felt the need to respond for some strange reason... )
Does it say how many more Christians there are in the world than atheists? It would be interesting to compare the ratios.

PS Atheists are as deluded as theists. Neither one of them has any proof to their claims.

All it takes to be an atheist is to not be convinced of the existence of any god. Nothing more. Like any other group, some might have beliefs they might want to convince you of, but those have nothing to do with whether they are an atheist. Evolution is not a inherent atheist belief. It's only a belief that some atheists have. Totally separate. The Big Bang Theory is not an inherently atheist belief. It is another belief that some atheists have. Again, totally separate. The only thing an atheist has to prove is that they personally haven't been convinced that any god exists.
Actually, atheists say that a god is not possible.
I don't know who has a higher IQ between Christians and atheists and I doubt IQ is a deciding factor. Based on this thread alone I believe the OP's intellect was stunted at 11. I do not know his views on religion nor do I care.
You doubt if IQ is a deciding factor in determining which group has the higher IQ?

You must be an atheist.

Why Are Religious People (Generally) Less Intelligent?

Depends on what type of Christians

Catholics are smarter than fundamentalists
OK, people. Let's recap. There is a narrative going around that Christians are less intelligent than atheists. As this article states there are many more Christians with high IQ's than atheists. The average IQ scores they point to are statistically insignificant. A difference of a few points. That's nothing. The simple fact is that there a many times the number of Christians than there are atheists. That means that there are a LOT of smart people who believe in God. Sorry to break it to you, but it's the truth.
Does it say how many more Christians there are in the world than atheists? It would be interesting to compare the ratios.

PS Atheists are as deluded as theists. Neither one of them has any proof to their claims.

All it takes to be an atheist is to not be convinced of the existence of any god. Nothing more. Like any other group, some might have beliefs they might want to convince you of, but those have nothing to do with whether they are an atheist. Evolution is not a inherent atheist belief. It's only a belief that some atheists have. Totally separate. The Big Bang Theory is not an inherently atheist belief. It is another belief that some atheists have. Again, totally separate. The only thing an atheist has to prove is that they personally haven't been convinced that any god exists.
Actually, atheists say that a god is not possible.

Not all. If you come up with proof of god, you won't run short of converts.
Depends on what type of Christians

Catholics are smarter than fundamentalists

The funny thing is I don't believe the OP even believes Catholics are Christian. lol

I could be wrong, though.

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