Atheists want God out of Ky. homeland security

If it costs one penny, it's a penny misspent.
It's also not good policy and it is unconstitutional.
To me it sound like religious law being snuck into US laws.
Does it matter how many believers want it if it's wrong?
Is Kentucky now in the business of enforcing belief in God? Will homeland security only protect believers in God?

What good could this possible do?
Not just faith. Some believe in God because the Universe appears to have been created by a being much more powerful than themselves. Many believers also claim to have personal personal relationships with God complete with what they consider proof of God's existence. The Scientific method and critical thinking should never be considered the final word. We are still a very primitive species.

These atheists are making an assumption.

"Appears" and "claims?" Yeah, no need for faith there. All religions and beliefs in the supernatural are based on irrationalism. All irrationalism is based on mythology. If you believe in god you believe in a myth. Is the myth true? Don't know, that is why it takes faith.

As for atheism. Since there exists no proof for god there would exist no proof that god does not exist. One can only make such an assumption based on faith. Atheism is simply the flip of the same irrational coin...
If it costs one penny, it's a penny misspent.
It's also not good policy and it is unconstitutional.
To me it sound like religious law being snuck into US laws.
Does it matter how many believers want it if it's wrong?
Is Kentucky now in the business of enforcing belief in God? Will homeland security only protect believers in God?

What good could this possible do?

I asked about cost because going to court will cost alot, so I'm just saying if the majority of people want it, and in Kentucky I bet they do, isn't it just spending alot of taxpayer money to get rid of something most of the taxpayers want?

I guess we just disagree on God. I like having God with me and I would think if you didn't believe it just wouldn't mean anything to you. I think states should be able to decide if they want to have stuff like this. That way if the smart people in places like New York or wherever want to kick out God they can and us stupid people can keep him around.
I asked about cost because going to court will cost alot, so I'm just saying if the majority of people want it, and in Kentucky I bet they do, isn't it just spending alot of taxpayer money to get rid of something most of the taxpayers want?

I guess we just disagree on God. I like having God with me and I would think if you didn't believe it just wouldn't mean anything to you. I think states should be able to decide if they want to have stuff like this. That way if the smart people in places like New York or wherever want to kick out God they can and us stupid people can keep him around.

I don't believe in God so the word is meaningless to me other than to indicate to me that somebody wants to make me say I do believe in God.
I'm all for state's rights on some things but not to go against the Constitution.
I asked about cost because going to court will cost alot, so I'm just saying if the majority of people want it, and in Kentucky I bet they do, isn't it just spending alot of taxpayer money to get rid of something most of the taxpayers want?

I guess we just disagree on God. I like having God with me and I would think if you didn't believe it just wouldn't mean anything to you. I think states should be able to decide if they want to have stuff like this. That way if the smart people in places like New York or wherever want to kick out God they can and us stupid people can keep him around.

We aren't a democracy but a republic based on a constitution. What the majority want is largely irrelevant. And I am glad you like having god with you. Just do me a favor. Keep him there...please.
I don't believe in God so the word is meaningless to me other than to indicate to me that somebody wants to make me say I do believe in God.

Does it really seem that way to you? That someone wants you to say something you don't believe?
Does it really seem that way to you? That someone wants you to say something you don't believe?

Yes. I do not think anyone should have to swear that the US is under god, for example. That is subversive.
We aren't a democracy but a republic based on a constitution. What the majority want is largely irrelevant. And I am glad you like having god with you. Just do me a favor. Keep him there...please.

I'm surely not in control of God.

But when I pray I do tell him that if he has other people that need his help more than me than to please help them first, cos he's done so much for me already I can wait.
The word God is offensive to many. If you check out Echo's thread you will learn that some Jews do not want God written where it could be desecrated. Seeing the word God in government edicts would bother them, I think.

If people who believe in god are so certain about it, why do they need to plaster God stuff everywhere? Why are they so insecure?
"Appears" and "claims?" Yeah, no need for faith there. All religions and beliefs in the supernatural are based on irrationalism. All irrationalism is based on mythology. If you believe in god you believe in a myth. Is the myth true? Don't know, that is why it takes faith.

As for atheism. Since there exists no proof for god there would exist no proof that god does not exist. One can only make such an assumption based on faith. Atheism is simply the flip of the same irrational coin...

You can't be truly wise unless you embrace irrationalism. This is a common mistake by the self-proclaimed 'enlightened' humans.
I'm surely not in control of God.

But when I pray I do tell him that if he has other people that need his help more than me than to please help them first, cos he's done so much for me already I can wait.

Sounds like you want God to butt out too. LOL.
You can't be truly wise unless you embrace irrationalism. This is a common mistake by the self-proclaimed 'enlightened' humans.

Without irrationalism there would be no rationalism. The rational world exists as an explanation for the irrational. But wisdom is the balance of the two. The sole embrace of anyone over the other is the providence of a fool.
I'm surely not in control of God.

But when I pray I do tell him that if he has other people that need his help more than me than to please help them first, cos he's done so much for me already I can wait.

If god is god he can help you as well as someone else. But pray however you want. If nothing else a little selflessness is refreshing to hear and certainly something all of us should share in a little more.

And peace be with you. I really do mean that. Good night...
Without irrationalism there would be no rationalism. The rational world exists as an explanation for the irrational. But wisdom is the balance of the two. The sole embrace of anyone over the other is the providence of a fool.

We are on the same wavelength. :beer:
Not at all. I ask God to please help guide me everyday.

I was just kidding, I don't know what you are like in real life or if you are the kind of proselytizing religious person who doesn't respect boundaries. From reading your other posts on this forum I would guess that you are not the pushy type and that your wish that your god spend less time on you so as to help others worse off than you is just genuine generosity. That's a nice thing.
As an atheist I don't think I've ever wished a believer would give up their beliefs, obviously belief in god provides as sense of protection and companionship for many people. I only wish for them to not allow control issues and lack of respect to pervert their initial good intentions into something ugly. I think most people have good hearts whether they believe in god or not. Only a few are truly dangerous and that also has nothing to do with belief or non belief in God.

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