Atheists Want Proof Of God?

Faith is something I believe. How would I prove I believe it?
Why would I lie about it? Why does it bother you?

Dear Viktor
What we could prove are the FACTORS that
allow people to reconcile despite differences or conflicts in belief
and the FACTORS that cause conflicts to escalate instead of allowing reconciliation.

We may or may not be able to change anyone's beliefs.

But we can prove what allows people to reconcile anyway
so it doesn't MATTER how different our beliefs are. That's not the issue.

The REAL issue is how
* FORGIVENESS and INCLUSION correlates with
ability to reconcile and work with differences in beliefs (religious OR political)
with FAILURE to reconcile between people or groups of different religious or political beliefs.

If we can use social statistics to show CORRELATION
then by proving the REAL differentiating factor is
that's the secular equivalent of proving the principal
meaning behind "faith in Christ Jesus or God"
in terms of faith in RESTORATIVE JUSTICE to
establish unified agreement on common TRUTH
between people (or between groups) that saves relationships.

By the time we can PROVE using statistics that
having faith in FORGIVENESS is the KEY FACTOR,
then through that process we will end up forming
AGREEMENTS between people that this is the
EQUIVALENT of what God/Christ mean, in secular terms.

So that's like proving we can establish "God's Truth"
through "Christ Jesus" or the process of "Restorative Justice."

We can "prove" that by demonstrating this approach
has a healing effect on people, relationships and
whole communities, institutions and nations.

And in the process, people will come to understand
that spiritual process is universal to all humanity
and is the meaning represented by Jesus, God and the Bible
which are Christian personified terms used to symbolize
this process of "Restorative Justice" based on forgiveness
and correction to heal humanity, break the cycles of injustice
and bring peace to society, starting with individuals and
our relationships first, before transforming institutions and whole nations as a collective result.
I've had too many strange 'coincidences' in my life to believe there isn't something influencing things. Or maybe I'm psychic?! :banana:
So we all go to hell, until directed otherwise?

OMG that's so funny!
How about we all go nowhere, because there is no elsewhere.

I know it's nice to think something happens after this life. But reality says no.
When did I mention a lake of fire?

Can you not answer my questions?

Hades is a place where the dead go. Not the lake of fire.
No proof that hades exists. Better luck next time.

It goes to show that you were wrong again despite lying to yourself about no evidence of Hades..

The evidence for Hades is in the Bible and that Jesus went there after his death. Another evidence is those who had near death experiences report walking down a pitch black tunnel. It is a common experience.

Why don't you answer my questions? I've answered yours.
The bible isn’t proof of anything, just a book of fiction.

How do you know that? Why do you think the Bible is a work of fiction?

The Bible is a historical and non-fiction book. It goes to show that you do not know where the Bible is filed in the public library. Moreover, I provided the common NDE.

You still cannot answer my questions because you know you are WRONG, WRONG, WRONG. Also, you do not want to answer to God and be responsible for your sins.
If the bible is a history book, where is the evidence for a worldwide flood?

What question?
I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society.
Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?

"Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?"

That isn't what I said so I will not defend it.

What I said was; "I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society."

and THAT I can prove....

First and foremost just by demanding that MY kids be FORCED to be subjected to YOUR religion in public schools!

keep your religion OUT OF schools, government, the military
So many of the worlds evil men believed just as you do.

so many of the worlds evil men believed in religion.

just like you.

At this point I'd have to say that YOU are evil.

I am a decent and affable guy
I get along with most everybody
I help people when ever I can

To suggest that I am evil just because I don't bow to YOUR EVIL god is proof of what an evil piece of subhumanity you are.
I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society.
Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?

"Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?"

That isn't what I said so I will not defend it.

What I said was; "I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society."

and THAT I can prove....

First and foremost just by demanding that MY kids be FORCED to be subjected to YOUR religion in public schools!

keep your religion OUT OF schools, government, the military
So many of the worlds evil men believed just as you do.
The same goes for you. What's your point?
In fact, you are incorrect. That is the point.

Evil men disavow God because it gives them justification for the fulfillment of whatever desire and power they want over men.

Pretty basic psychology here.

pretty basic psychology: YOU are evil because you call people who don't believe in your piece of shit god "evil".
I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society.
Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?

"Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?"

That isn't what I said so I will not defend it.

What I said was; "I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society."

and THAT I can prove....

First and foremost just by demanding that MY kids be FORCED to be subjected to YOUR religion in public schools!

keep your religion OUT OF schools, government, the military
So many of the worlds evil men believed just as you do.
The same goes for you. What's your point?
That freedom and liberty cannot exist without morality and virtue?

so in order for YOU to be free you need to impose YOUR morality and virtues.

so you must impose your biblical killing atheists and gays and muslims......

once you have imposed your religious laws and punishments by killing everyone who doesn't love your EVIL GOD then you will be free!

and everyone else will be dead.

you are EVIL!
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Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?

"Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?"

That isn't what I said so I will not defend it.

What I said was; "I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society."

and THAT I can prove....

First and foremost just by demanding that MY kids be FORCED to be subjected to YOUR religion in public schools!

keep your religion OUT OF schools, government, the military
So many of the worlds evil men believed just as you do.
The same goes for you. What's your point?
That freedom and liberty cannot exist without morality and virtue?

so in order for YOU to be free you need to impose YOUR morality and virtues.

so you must impose your biblical killing atheists and gays and muslims......

once you have imposed your religious laws and punishments by killing everyone who doesn't love your EVIL GOD then you will be free!

and everyone else will be dead.

you are EVIL!
Read what the founding fathers of freedom and liberty said about religion and morality.

Then read what the founding fathers of communism say about atheism.
I am a decent and affable guy
I get along with most everybody
I help people when ever I can

To suggest that I am evil just because I don't bow to YOUR EVIL god is proof of what an evil piece of subhumanity you are.
Doesn't the final sentence negate the verse above it?
The founding fathers of freedom and liberty are rolling over in their graves right now because godless militant atheists are siding with the militant atheist communist.
I just want peace in the world.

But it's not going to happen with crazy religions muddying up reality.
I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society.
Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?

"Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?"

That isn't what I said so I will not defend it.

What I said was; "I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society."

and THAT I can prove....

First and foremost just by demanding that MY kids be FORCED to be subjected to YOUR religion in public schools!

keep your religion OUT OF schools, government, the military
So many of the worlds evil men believed just as you do.
The same goes for you. What's your point?
In fact, you are incorrect. That is the point.

Evil men disavow God because it gives them justification for the fulfillment of whatever desire and power they want over men.

Pretty basic psychology here.

"Evil men disavow God because it gives them justification for the fulfillment of whatever desire and power they want over men."

evil men insist on the existence of THEIR god because it gives them power over the lives and men and women who willingly donate $ to these EVIL MEN so they can buy yachts and mansions.

YOU are evil.
The founding fathers of freedom and liberty are rolling over in their graves right now because godless militant atheists are siding with the militant atheist communist.

"godless atheists"

isn't that redundant?

and they will rise from their graves in righteous anger if you ever try to IMPOSE your dangerous religious beliefs.

If you don't like FREEDOM FROM RELIGION in the USA why don't you move to iran?

you'll be happy there and you'll get to have the fun of killing your godless enemies....
I just want peace in the world.

But it's not going to happen with crazy religions muddying up reality.
You should form a mob and burn down a few churches.

it takes a really evil piece of shit to accuse someone of "burning down churches" simply because we don't believe in your deranged god.

you are truly evil

Here you are specifically stating that you want to impose your religion on everyone (which means slaughtering millions of innocent and decent ATHEISTS) and at the same time you are accusing ATHEISTS of being evil murderers.

You are truly a disgusting piece of godpoo
The brain keeps functioning after death for a while, except for those who are brain dead.

What's your evidence for this? Are you sure brain dead means no neurological function? Are the dead not aware that they died?

The Bible theory states that we all go to Hades and continue to stay there until our final destination. Does that not fit what you said?
When did I mention a lake of fire?

Can you not answer my questions?

Hades is a place where the dead go. Not the lake of fire.
No proof that hades exists. Better luck next time.

It goes to show that you were wrong again despite lying to yourself about no evidence of Hades..

The evidence for Hades is in the Bible and that Jesus went there after his death. Another evidence is those who had near death experiences report walking down a pitch black tunnel. It is a common experience.

Why don't you answer my questions? I've answered yours.

as noted by other rational people; just because something is in your bible doesn't prove it is real.

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