Atheists Want Proof Of God?

I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society.
Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?

"Can you describe the ways believers are forcing non-believers to become believers?"

That isn't what I said so I will not defend it.

What I said was; "I care that people like you try to FORCE your religion and beliefs on us throughout society."

and THAT I can prove....

First and foremost just by demanding that MY kids be FORCED to be subjected to YOUR religion in public schools!

keep your religion OUT OF schools, government, the military
So many of the worlds evil men believed just as you do.
The same goes for you. What's your point?
In fact, you are incorrect. That is the point.

Evil men disavow God because it gives them justification for the fulfillment of whatever desire and power they want over men.

Pretty basic psychology here.
Evil men disavow God because it gives them justification for the fulfillment of whatever desire and power they want over men.

the historical record since recorded time is the opposite ...


the evil use their forged religion's in the name of their god to persecute and victimize the innocent and are unrepentant to this day.
And as a noted bloviating numb skull how do you know that exactly?
Well, prima facie, there is no scientific evidence of magic. That's what magic is. Second, that would be big news. Instead nobody gives a shit, except some people who already believe in gods. That's a another good reason to strongly suspect it's just a steaming pile of bullshit that incorrectly conflates argument with evidence. Third, good scientific evidence brings scientists to the same conclusion, whether it is what they want to be true or not. Science is not like religion, Where you are first authoritatively told what the answer is, then you seek ways to align with it. It is quite the opposite.

Add these up, and I can confidently say that buying that book for a dollar would be a waste of a dollar.
Well, prima facie, there is no scientific evidence of magic. That's what magic is. Second, that would be big news. Instead nobody gives a shit, except some people who already believe in gods. That's a another good reason to strongly suspect it's just a steaming pile of bullshit that incorrectly conflates argument with evidence. Third, good scientific evidence brings scientists to the same conclusion, whether it is what they want to be true or not. Science is not like religion, Where you are first authoritatively told what the answer is, then you seek ways to align with it. It is quite the opposite.

Add these up, and I can confidently say that buying that book for a dollar would be a waste of a dollar.
I agree. Buying you any sort of book would probably be a waste of money. Even a coloring book of moderate difficulty.

The book is grounded in good solid universally recognized science! Science. Not magic!
DNA, evolutionary biology, gene coding, etc. You are starting at less than zero in terms of knowledge. A scientific illiterate. You are one of these Neo Darwinists whose concept of science ended about fifty years ago or in the nineteenth century, actually.

Your ignorance embarrasses me! And I know for a fact you are as dumb as a sack of hammers. I shouldn't be shocked that you seem smugly proud of your ignorance, but I am.

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..and one person. So, if I produce 10 scientists who think what he presents as "evidence" is not evidence, does that mean I am ahead 10 to 1?
Nope. It means you have found someone who disagrees with scientific evidence. Find someone who disagrees with Stephen Meyer on scientific grounds.
Not because his belief system has been threatened.
10 to 1 would mean your one disagrees with what is scientific evidence.
Not at all. One of the trademarks of super stupid people is they think their biases and presumptions constitute fact.
You have invented a scenario and treat it like it is fact. That's fucking stupid.
Educate yourself and tell me where Meyer is off base.
You have invented a scenario and treat it like it is fact.
Hmm, no, i think it would be fairly easy to fond 10 scientists who think your conman's claimed "proof" is not good scientific evidence. I also think you agree that would be easy. So what's the problem? You presented one man's credentials, and now you know that means squat. Move on.
Hmm, no, i think it would be fairly easy to fond 10 scientists who think your conman's claimed "proof" is not good scientific evidence. I also think you agree that would be easy. So what's the problem? You presented one man's credentials, and now you know that means squat. Move on.
This man's thought does not represent his and only his view of intelligent creation, which is not the same thing as intelligent design. But you know nothing about it at all so how could you know that?
You call this scientist's work a joke and magic, so why can't you show everyone why?

It's rhetorical. I know you are smugly stupid and proud of it. You couldn't begin to comprehend what Stephan Meyer is dealing with or talking about. You need to take your stupidity and move on yourself.
Look at the video I provided. Watch it and tell me where he's all wrong. See you never.
This man's thought does not represent his and only his view of intelligent creation, which is not the same thing as intelligent design.
Nonsense. They are the same thing. Rebranding it doesn't matter. That's part of the con.
You call this scientist's work

haha... work? And what peer reviewed research did he perform and publish to prove his hypothesis, or , as important, yo try to disprove it?? None. "Work"... please... this is just a blog with a hardcover...
haha... work? And what peer reviewed research did he perform and publish to prove his hypothesis, or , as important, try to disprove it?? None. "Work"... please...
Watch the video. You are too lazy and stupid to even do that. When you've put even a scintilla of work into your
frightened reflexive rejection of science you'll get a response. Not until then.
Hmm, naw, I'm good. But you could present, in your own words, one bit of scientific evidence for intelligent design. And then we can inspect it.
That's what the video is for, asshole. Quit dancing around. We both know you want nothing to do with it. My original post was not directed at you so just move on.

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