Atheists Want Proof Of God?

Dear RWS what "Satan" represents are negative influences such as
* selfishness instead of selflessness
* fear of the unknown that causes people to reject and avoid
instead of love of truth that encompasses and includes all things
* division instead of unity

So RWS if you "reject religions out of FEAR"
instead of including all people out of love, you are
acting more out of Satanic influence that DIVIDES you
and tells you to REJECT and BLAME others out of NEGATIVITY.

God represents love of truth that is so great in understanding
it sets people FREE of fear, hatred, avoidance and rejection,
conflicts and strife that cause division and sow ill will.

More of you believes in Truth and Good Will.
So that part of you is guided by the same forces that Christians call God's will.

as long as you and I, and other secular gentiles and religious theists,
AGREE on what is truth and good will, we can still agree in Christ or
by conscience and establish universal truth that helps all humanity.

That is the goal of religions, to establish truth wisdom
love and compassion and perfect unity and understanding for all humanity.

Anything else that tells you NEGATIVE things to FEAR and reject others
that is what it means for SATAN to corrupt good will and turn it into
Selfish, Fearful, ILL WILL and negative avoidance or division from others.

Satan divides out of fear.

God or Good Will UNITES people out of Love
of Truth, Justice and Peace.

So what divides you from ding is the FEAR and
negative blame and rejection. That is Satan's influence
and you are both acting on it if you continue to blame and reject the other.

That's how Satanic influence works: divide and conquer.
This kills relations so it's harder to establish truth when you are fighting.
That's Satanic influence biasing both of you if you continue letting that
negativity rule and govern instead of focusing on truth that includes
and reconciles both sides without conflict or fear. That's real truth,
it UNITES and helps us find and focus on principles and points in AGREEMENT.
Your wicked religions need an intervention.

All you care about is killing everyone else.

Dear RWS what "Satan" represents are negative influences such as
* selfishness instead of selflessness
* fear of the unknown that causes people to reject and avoid
instead of love of truth that encompasses and includes all things
* division instead of unity

So RWS if you "reject religions out of FEAR"
instead of including all people out of love, you are
acting more out of Satanic influence that DIVIDES you
and tells you to REJECT and BLAME others out of NEGATIVITY.

God represents love of truth that is so great in understanding
it sets people FREE of fear, hatred, avoidance and rejection,
conflicts and strife that cause division and sow ill will.

More of you believes in Truth and Good Will.
So that part of you is guided by the same forces that Christians call God's will.

as long as you and I, and other secular gentiles and religious theists,
AGREE on what is truth and good will, we can still agree in Christ or
by conscience and establish universal truth that helps all humanity.

That is the goal of religions, to establish truth wisdom
love and compassion and perfect unity and understanding for all humanity.

Anything else that tells you NEGATIVE things to FEAR and reject others
that is what it means for SATAN to corrupt good will and turn it into
Selfish, Fearful, ILL WILL and negative avoidance or division from others.

Satan divides out of fear.

God or Good Will UNITES people out of Love
of Truth, Justice and Peace.

So what divides you from ding is the FEAR and
negative blame and rejection. That is Satan's influence
and you are both acting on it if you continue to blame and reject the other.

That's how Satanic influence works: divide and conquer.
This kills relations so it's harder to establish truth when you are fighting.
That's Satanic influence biasing both of you if you continue letting that
negativity rule and govern instead of focusing on truth that includes
and reconciles both sides without conflict or fear. That's real truth,
it UNITES and helps us find and focus on principles and points in AGREEMENT.
But I don’t blame or reject him. If anything I want him to act on his beliefs.
Emily, I disagree. You know me more than others. I think religious zealots are the ones that exclude people. They are the problematic ones.
Emily, I disagree. You know me more than others. I think religious zealots are the ones that exclude people. They are the problematic ones.
Should they be exterminated because they are so evil? Wouldn’t that be the logical thing to do?
It's only a few cry babies. But they don't let up. And don't understand how inherently evil they are. May as well be priests.
Emily, I disagree. You know me more than others. I think religious zealots are the ones that exclude people. They are the problematic ones.
Should they be exterminated because they are so evil? Wouldn’t that be the logical thing to do?

If there was a God, this should happen.
Your wicked religions need an intervention.

All you care about is killing everyone else.

Dear RWS the transformation necessary doesn't come from division rejection and projecting blame on others. That makes the hostility worse. So that approach defeats the purpose and invokes more of the same you are seeking to get rid of.

What works is peer to peer corrections.
Christians do better correcting each other, to stop the problems by compelling EACH OTHER to stick to the laws that fellow believers mutually commit to uphold.

That's why AA works because peers help each other to stick to the program.

That's why Christians use Scripture to check and correct each other to stop RELIGIOUS ABUSES.
And Constitutionalists use Constitutional laws to check against govt abuses and stop POLITICAL legal or judicial abuses that violate THOSE laws.

RWS haven't you witnessed when the best way to teach a Buddhist is for a Buddhist monk to explain using the Buddhist laws.

The best way to correct a MATH problem is to use MATH to show the errors and corrections.

The way we reform and develop SCIENTIFIC laws and growth is to apply the SCIENTIFIC METHOD and use SCIENCE to expand on laws and knowledge in each respective field.

Can you correct problems with bad Science if you don't even believe the laws of GOOD Science work?

The best way to correct BAD abuses of govt that violate laws is to USE the CORRECT laws and system to CORRECT the wrongs.

The best way to correct BAD abuses of religion that violate principles is to USE the CORRECT teachings and principles to CORRECT where people went wrong.

RWS decide what laws you best respond to and commit to uphold.
And that's the audience you best address using the laws you mutually commit to.

If you want to correct Christians, the best way is to make the same commitment to uphold the laws correctly by Christ Jesus authority, and then invoke that authority when you want to bring a rebuke or grievance to a fellow Christian believer. That authority compels them to receive your correction when you both invoke the law as believers.

By secular laws, people become lawyers to go to court to argue to defend the law and argue against injustice that needs to be adjudicated.

You don't just condemn the system from the outside and expect judges or courts to listen.

Decide who you want to address:
* Christians using Scriptural law
* Constitutionals using Constitutional laws
* Secular gentiles using scientific or natural laws
* Spiritual people following spiritual laws

Don't go up to an audience ATTACKING their system and expect them to receive what you are saying. Use each system to correct itself because both people support it equally and you are more likely to succeed. By showing you are trying to help them fulfill their purpose and stick to their commitment, by correcting what is wrong so they can follow their system the RIGHT way.
It's only a few cry babies. But they don't let up. And don't understand how inherently evil they are. May as well be priests.
Make up your mind. First you said religion is evil. Now it’s just a few crybabies. Which is it?
Emily, I disagree. You know me more than others. I think religious zealots are the ones that exclude people. They are the problematic ones.
Should they be exterminated because they are so evil? Wouldn’t that be the logical thing to do?

If there was a God, this should happen.
Or it could be that you are wrong.

But since you don’t believe there is a God, what are you waiting for?
But apparently God doesn't exist because people like ding and other religious zealots continue to proliferate.

Dear RWS what "Satan" represents are negative influences such as
* selfishness instead of selflessness
* fear of the unknown that causes people to reject and avoid
instead of love of truth that encompasses and includes all things
* division instead of unity

So RWS if you "reject religions out of FEAR"
instead of including all people out of love, you are
acting more out of Satanic influence that DIVIDES you
and tells you to REJECT and BLAME others out of NEGATIVITY.

God represents love of truth that is so great in understanding
it sets people FREE of fear, hatred, avoidance and rejection,
conflicts and strife that cause division and sow ill will.

More of you believes in Truth and Good Will.
So that part of you is guided by the same forces that Christians call God's will.

as long as you and I, and other secular gentiles and religious theists,
AGREE on what is truth and good will, we can still agree in Christ or
by conscience and establish universal truth that helps all humanity.

That is the goal of religions, to establish truth wisdom
love and compassion and perfect unity and understanding for all humanity.

Anything else that tells you NEGATIVE things to FEAR and reject others
that is what it means for SATAN to corrupt good will and turn it into
Selfish, Fearful, ILL WILL and negative avoidance or division from others.

Satan divides out of fear.

God or Good Will UNITES people out of Love
of Truth, Justice and Peace.

So what divides you from ding is the FEAR and
negative blame and rejection. That is Satan's influence
and you are both acting on it if you continue to blame and reject the other.

That's how Satanic influence works: divide and conquer.
This kills relations so it's harder to establish truth when you are fighting.
That's Satanic influence biasing both of you if you continue letting that
negativity rule and govern instead of focusing on truth that includes
and reconciles both sides without conflict or fear. That's real truth,
it UNITES and helps us find and focus on principles and points in AGREEMENT.
But I don’t blame or reject him. If anything I want him to act on his beliefs.

Okay so if RWS thinks the solution is to get rid of all religion,
you really want him to pursue that?

I don't agree to condemn or force people to change their native beliefs.

I believe we should learn to fulfill and follow ALL systems consistently
so they universally support and help each other as necessary complements.

The same spirit of universal Truth and justice fulfills ALL such paths
no matter how culturally diverse. So whatever path people are on, whatever group or affiliation they organize through, we should learn to use that correctly so everyone is included and ALL problems are corrected by teaching all groups to redress and manage their own issues so they learn self-government and spiritual/social development.

Why should we waste time energy and resources or divide relations trying to compete to "get rid" of different groups?

I agree with you ding to hold people to their own principles.
But the point is to CORRECT the contradictions, not promote more of the same!
Emily, I disagree. You know me more than others. I think religious zealots are the ones that exclude people. They are the problematic ones.

So don't become one, don't stoop to their same level
and make the same mistakes of thinking to "get rid of people/groups"
is ever the solution.

What makes fanatics go to extremes is their ill will
and unforgiveness that makes them EXCLUDE people.

So if you can't forgive religious history and you want to EXCLUDE
the people/groups you blame, that going down that same path.
The broad path of destruction.

The narrow gate of righteousness is to stick to where we AGREE is right and true.
That may be 2% of what someone believes, but if we stick to and enforce/promote
the 2% that is the right solution and direction, that 2% will trump the other 98% that is negative and destructive.

That's why winners and high achievers succeed by sticking to the positive goals
and not getting dragged down in the negatives and naysaying.

the 2% of people who can fight for the win like Olympic champions
have to put aside the other 98% or they'd never make their goals.
It's not the God I want, that's for sure. That God is evil. You are following the God of en.lil. not wrong God. Bad God.

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