Atheists Want Proof Of God?

What question?

My questions to you have piled up because you do not provide any answers. Can we just assume that you lost all these arguments?.

What's your evidence for the brain living for some time after death? Are you sure brain dead means no neurological function? Are the dead aware that they died?

Where did the universe come from, if God didn't do it?

How do you know that? Why do you think the Bible is a work of fiction?

I'm sure there are more arguments you lost.

If the bible is a history book, where is the evidence for a worldwide flood?

You ask another question without any answers to mine.

Actually, we could have had some good discussion on the above topics, but you keep changing the subject by not answering and asking another question. You seem to enjoy arguing for trivial matters like whether God causes your retardation or whether the Bible is fiction (it's non-fiction).

Isn't that why I suggested you talk with ding and that I would not answer your questions anymore?
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What question?

My questions to you have piled up because you do not provide any answers. Can we just assume that you lost all these arguments?.

What's your evidence for the brain living for some time after death? Are you sure brain dead means no neurological function? Are the dead aware that they died?

Where did the universe come from, if God didn't do it?

How do you know that? Why do you think the Bible is a work of fiction?

I'm sure there are more arguments you lost.
Life continues in the brain after people die, scientists find in shock study

We don't know where the universe came from, but that does not default it to an invisible made up being.

I say the bible is a work of fiction because none of the big things in it make any scientific sense, like, there's no geologic proof for a 40 day world wide flood. None. And the 6 day making of everything is also wrong. And that's only page 1!!!!!!
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It's hard to find followers anymore. There are secret societies, but they're no longer true they are infested by enlilites. The original is the brotherhood of the snake. That's what you want to find.
It's not the God I want, that's for sure. That God is evil. You are following the God of en.lil. not wrong God. Bad God.

Follow EN.KI

Please explain what you mean by
* God of en.lil
* Bad God of
It's kinda confusing using God for both terms.
I think you mean lower case god which means a local or less than universal authority.
So one can be good and the other can be bad.

God with a capital G tends to mean the Univeral Good Will or greatest good for all.

Where does the en.lil and come from?
What does that refer to? Thanks for explaining
so we can get on the same page and terms!

A lot of the OT is actually a plagiarism of much more ancient texts from the Sumerians and Babylonians. Including Genesis.
It's not the God I want, that's for sure. That God is evil.
How did you arrive at your conclusion? Is this, again, of misreading the Bible? We really do need to have classes in Bible stories if this gets any worse.
as noted by other rational people; just because something is in your bible doesn't prove it is real.

We're all rational here. You are discussing sinful people, i.e. people who do not want to live under God's dominion. Instead, they live under Satan's dominion and that's in the Bible. It's God or Satan. Believers or atheists/agnostics/evolutionists. Thus, your comments just prove it is real.
Emily, EN.KI is the good guy, not bad guy. Please keep that straight. :) Though he was portrayed as evil later on by enlilites.

He is our Lord and savior. And creator.
What question?

My questions to you have piled up because you do not provide any answers. Can we just assume that you lost all these arguments?.

What's your evidence for the brain living for some time after death? Are you sure brain dead means no neurological function? Are the dead aware that they died?

Where did the universe come from, if God didn't do it?

How do you know that? Why do you think the Bible is a work of fiction?

I'm sure there are more arguments you lost.
Life continues in the brain after people die, scientists find in shock study

We don't know where the universe came from, but that does not default it to an invisible made up being.

I say the bible is a work of fiction because none of the big things in it make any scientific sense, like, there's no geologic proof for a 40 day world wide flood. None. And the 6 day making of everything is also wrong. And that's only page 1!!!!!!

Dear Taz
The way I would interpret symbolism in the Bible into universal secular terms
A. the 6 days refers to 6 AGES or STAGES
like the Ice AGE, the Bronze AGE, these are EPOCHS
they are not literal earth days
That doesn't even make sense, because if the sun and earth were being
formed, why would anyone try to measure that development in "earth days"
that depend on the earth revolving around the sun as a measure of time
if the earth and the sun were not set in motion yet.
That should tell you it can't mean literal earth days by human perspective.

Secondly even if you subsitute 1000 years to mean 1 age or day,
THAT'S STILL symbolic. It's not literally 1000 years or that's only 6000 years.
The most that can be captured in 6000 years is the HEBREW lineage
not all of humanity and the stages of development we have to go through.

So even the 1000 years just means a LONG EPOCH.
Very vague, like saying AGES ago, not literally 1000 years but a whole period
or stage in time. A whole EPOCH in an ongoing saga of humanity's spiritual
development in self-awareness as well as social growth as a society.

B. In general the Bible represents the existence of Justice on a conceptual level
that becomes MANIFESTED and develops in our human physical society, but in STAGES.

The OT represents the Old School ways of RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE that was Authoritarian rule of law by the LETTER of the law. Government authority
was more like a PARENTAL relationship and that's how GOD is depicted.
As top down authority dictating to children who are immature and follow
authority by blind faith.

That didn't work and led to wars and destruction by CORRUPTION of authority
and the Letter of the law by GREED for political power and material controls of resources.

Next the NT represents the New School of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
that Christ Jesus embodies and fulfills.

So if we AGREE to receive and live by Christ Jesus, Restorative justice,
and Peace and Justice, then we RESTORE good faith relations by
mutual forgiveness and correction that saves humanity and the world
from any more destructive politics from Retribution or Antichrist.

We have to CHOOSE between
* Retributive Justice that is Antichrist, negative and destructive
* Restorative Justice that is Christ Jesus, positive and constructive

The Bible teaches both the OT and NT so people have a choice
which path we want to follow in life:
to death and destruction by selfish retribution judgment rejection and punishment that divides us and kills relationships.

to good will in life and restoring relationships and society
by forgiveness and correction through Restorative Justice and Peace for all
What question?

My questions to you have piled up because you do not provide any answers. Can we just assume that you lost all these arguments?.

What's your evidence for the brain living for some time after death? Are you sure brain dead means no neurological function? Are the dead aware that they died?

Where did the universe come from, if God didn't do it?

How do you know that? Why do you think the Bible is a work of fiction?

I'm sure there are more arguments you lost.
Life continues in the brain after people die, scientists find in shock study

We don't know where the universe came from, but that does not default it to an invisible made up being.

I say the bible is a work of fiction because none of the big things in it make any scientific sense, like, there's no geologic proof for a 40 day world wide flood. None. And the 6 day making of everything is also wrong. And that's only page 1!!!!!!

There, it isn't that hard to answer my questions after I've answered yours. It's called having a discussion. I think it means that you are aware that you died. People who have had NDE say this. It also means that you are walking in a dark tunnel or this type of experience/awareness after death. It means death is not the end all.

God and the Bible is theory is the best theory then.

The rest is a topic for another day. I think there's enough above to discuss and hopefully the rest will work itself out.
And yes, he's also the snake/serpent in the garden of Eden. But that's an enlilite interpretation. Read the Sumerian version.
^ Taz if that's too long, here's the short version
summarizing the Bible in 250 words

In short, the Old Testament records the tragic history of living by the "letter of the law" and retributive justice, causing death and genocidal destruction by greed, while the New Testament paints a positive future for humanity, with renewed love of life and relationships by restorative justice, living by the "spirit of the law" for lasting peace.

The key difference between these paths is divine forgiveness, which breaks the cycle of retribution inherited from previous generations. Without forgiveness, suffering repeats, projected forward. However, by receiving forgiveness and correction, where Jesus represents the spiritual process of embracing equal justice, humanity finds liberation from past strife by establishing universal truth, justice, and peace on earth. Thus, human nature is destined to reach maturity in mind, body, and spirit, collectively symbolized by the Holy Trinity.

Salvation in Jesus represents restorative justice with mercy, bringing healing grace to end conflicts. Reconciling local laws among individuals with universal laws on a global scale fulfills both in perfect harmony or marriage between people, as the bride or church, united with the authority of law or state.

The story of sacrifice and redemption represents the spiritual process each individual experiences to grow in life -- through trials, failures, and recovery -- which drives humanity to reach spiritual understanding, wholeness, and peace.

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If you want it even shorter then just use the Great Commandments and New Commandment:

1. Love God with all your heart mind and soul
2. Love your neighbor as yourself
3. Love one another as Christ Jesus loves us
ie rejoining the laws of man/nature with the laws of God/collective truth
and the love of man/humanity with the love of God/life
through connection by Conscience or Christ Jesus to Restore Justice by
establishing Truth for lasting Peace.

Short enough? the rest is commentary and process of reconciling issues with each other.
He's also the "Lord" when referred to in the Bible. Lord He loved us, while "God", aka En.lil, hated us. That's why God is so schizophrenic in the Bible. Two different people.
He's also the "Lord" when referred to in the Bible. Lord He loved us, while "God", aka En.lil, hated us. That's why God is so schizophrenic in the Bible. Two different people.

Please explain what en.lil and refers to

What "Lord" means is like saying "Authority of LAW"

so there are both lesser lords, or authorities similar to local tribes, religions,
state or city laws.

And there is the LORD of all lords, which Jesus represents as Universal Justice,
and Authority of UNIVERSAL LAWS.

So Jesus as the highest central LORD of ALL
is like God's universal laws EMBODIED in man
meaning all humanity agreeing on ONE CENTRAL AUTHORITY of LAW.

The closest secular equivalent is like saying
Equal Justice Under Law applying to ALL people as universal/natural laws.

NOTE: the NEGATIVE version is when politics abuses govt especially judges and courts to ABUSE authority for political selfish greed and not following what is
UNIVERSAL TRUTH and Justice or GOD/Jesus, or Greater public interest or good will or God's will.

So the negative is Antichrist which is clearly a different term than Christ.

Where are you getting en.lil and from?
is this the equivalent of Satan vs. God
or the equivalent of Antichrist vs. Christ?
What question?

My questions to you have piled up because you do not provide any answers. Can we just assume that you lost all these arguments?.

What's your evidence for the brain living for some time after death? Are you sure brain dead means no neurological function? Are the dead aware that they died?

Where did the universe come from, if God didn't do it?

How do you know that? Why do you think the Bible is a work of fiction?

I'm sure there are more arguments you lost.
Life continues in the brain after people die, scientists find in shock study

We don't know where the universe came from, but that does not default it to an invisible made up being.

I say the bible is a work of fiction because none of the big things in it make any scientific sense, like, there's no geologic proof for a 40 day world wide flood. None. And the 6 day making of everything is also wrong. And that's only page 1!!!!!!

Dear Taz
The way I would interpret symbolism in the Bible into universal secular terms
A. the 6 days refers to 6 AGES or STAGES
like the Ice AGE, the Bronze AGE, these are EPOCHS
they are not literal earth days
That doesn't even make sense, because if the sun and earth were being
formed, why would anyone try to measure that development in "earth days"
that depend on the earth revolving around the sun as a measure of time
if the earth and the sun were not set in motion yet.
That should tell you it can't mean literal earth days by human perspective.

Secondly even if you subsitute 1000 years to mean 1 age or day,
THAT'S STILL symbolic. It's not literally 1000 years or that's only 6000 years.
The most that can be captured in 6000 years is the HEBREW lineage
not all of humanity and the stages of development we have to go through.

So even the 1000 years just means a LONG EPOCH.
Very vague, like saying AGES ago, not literally 1000 years but a whole period
or stage in time. A whole EPOCH in an ongoing saga of humanity's spiritual
development in self-awareness as well as social growth as a society.

B. In general the Bible represents the existence of Justice on a conceptual level
that becomes MANIFESTED and develops in our human physical society, but in STAGES.

The OT represents the Old School ways of RETRIBUTIVE JUSTICE that was Authoritarian rule of law by the LETTER of the law. Government authority
was more like a PARENTAL relationship and that's how GOD is depicted.
As top down authority dictating to children who are immature and follow
authority by blind faith.

That didn't work and led to wars and destruction by CORRUPTION of authority
and the Letter of the law by GREED for political power and material controls of resources.

Next the NT represents the New School of RESTORATIVE JUSTICE
that Christ Jesus embodies and fulfills.

So if we AGREE to receive and live by Christ Jesus, Restorative justice,
and Peace and Justice, then we RESTORE good faith relations by
mutual forgiveness and correction that saves humanity and the world
from any more destructive politics from Retribution or Antichrist.

We have to CHOOSE between
* Retributive Justice that is Antichrist, negative and destructive
* Restorative Justice that is Christ Jesus, positive and constructive

The Bible teaches both the OT and NT so people have a choice
which path we want to follow in life:
to death and destruction by selfish retribution judgment rejection and punishment that divides us and kills relationships.

to good will in life and restoring relationships and society
by forgiveness and correction through Restorative Justice and Peace for all
Don't read long fartsmoke posts.
People who sided with were tracked down and killed. Thus forming the first secret society, the brotherhood of the snake. The intertwined snake was's epitaph, like doctors today. That evolved into Freemasonry, but got infiltrated by enlilites.
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What question?

My questions to you have piled up because you do not provide any answers. Can we just assume that you lost all these arguments?.

What's your evidence for the brain living for some time after death? Are you sure brain dead means no neurological function? Are the dead aware that they died?

Where did the universe come from, if God didn't do it?

How do you know that? Why do you think the Bible is a work of fiction?

I'm sure there are more arguments you lost.
Life continues in the brain after people die, scientists find in shock study

We don't know where the universe came from, but that does not default it to an invisible made up being.

I say the bible is a work of fiction because none of the big things in it make any scientific sense, like, there's no geologic proof for a 40 day world wide flood. None. And the 6 day making of everything is also wrong. And that's only page 1!!!!!!

There, it isn't that hard to answer my questions after I've answered yours. It's called having a discussion. I think it means that you are aware that you died. People who have had NDE say this. It also means that you are walking in a dark tunnel or this type of experience/awareness after death. It means death is not the end all.

God and the Bible is theory is the best theory then.

The rest is a topic for another day. I think there's enough above to discuss and hopefully the rest will work itself out.
We don't know what happens after the brain finally runs out of juice, but re-incarnation seems likely.

Ok, you've downgraded got and the bible to a theory. Good for you. Now all you need is some proof...
He's also the "Lord" when referred to in the Bible. Lord He loved us, while "God", aka En.lil, hated us. That's why God is so schizophrenic in the Bible. Two different people.

Please explain what en.lil and refers to

What "Lord" means is like saying "Authority of LAW"

so there are both lesser lords, or authorities similar to local tribes, religions,
state or city laws.

And there is the LORD of all lords, which Jesus represents as Universal Justice,
and Authority of UNIVERSAL LAWS.

So Jesus as the highest central LORD of ALL
is like God's universal laws EMBODIED in man
meaning all humanity agreeing on ONE CENTRAL AUTHORITY of LAW.

The closest secular equivalent is like saying
Equal Justice Under Law applying to ALL people as universal/natural laws.

NOTE: the NEGATIVE version is when politics abuses govt especially judges and courts to ABUSE authority for political selfish greed and not following what is
UNIVERSAL TRUTH and Justice or GOD/Jesus, or Greater public interest or good will or God's will.

So the negative is Antichrist which is clearly a different term than Christ.

Where are you getting en.lil and from?
is this the equivalent of Satan vs. God
or the equivalent of Antichrist vs. Christ?
Really? They were the two top Anunnaki rulers of the Sumerian civilization! Taught us everything!
The shortest way I can say it is
* Christianity means CHARITY (one word)
* Christ Jesus means RESTORATIVE JUSTICE (two words)

Will that work for you Taz?
Don't read long fartsmoke posts.[/QUOTE]

How much shorter do you want it Taz?

This is the WHOLE Bible that is being summarized in
250 WORDS. Error | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
NOT BAD for summarizing the ENTIRE BIBLE
representing 2000 years of human history and future in symbols!

If all that content wasn't necessary, if it could
be summarized in less, then people would just cite THAT.

To summarize it in 250 words isn't bad compared with
2000 years of history and future of humanity symbolized.

That's why they just summarize it as "Jesus Saves."

If that makes no sense, here's the best summary
I've read from a Buddhist Monk: he said that
the Old Testament is about living by the letter of the law
and the New Testament is about living by the Spirit of the law.

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