Atlanta Ga.....Massive police response after protesters clash with police

I guess this isn't exactly going as they had planned.....

They are going to be made scapegoats for the riots of two years ago. Good!

There's a massive difference between rioting and demonstrating. These are just rioters.

tick tock


tick tock

My guess is that insurance on the equipment is going to replace it long before the trial ends. Each piece of that equipment is as expensive as a house. It's nothing for a used bulldozer or grader to cost $250,000.

And the insurance company definitely will sue for reimbursement costs. Ensuring the poverty of these people for a long time to come.

This definitely is not going the way they planned.
They cant very well ignore this now that they have made such an issue of J6. Optics.
Who is/are " they ". You mean " THEM " an authority all on their
own.Like How Stalin managed to take power in Moscow.
Or Hitler in the early 1930's Germany.
Mao in China.Castro in Cuba.
Biden in 2020.
Yes,Biden using similar Unamerican tactics.The Way of
Marxist and pretty much what San Fransico Longshoreman
Eric Hoffer spells out in detail as to :
- The True Believer - {Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements }
I'm all in favor of protesting and demonstrating to get the politicians to hear their constituents for a change.
Like cleaning up brown sites, not allowing developers to destroy acerage for housing development and etc. Moving a needed highway a mile over. Patrolling public parks. Repurposing an abandoned mall. These sorts of things are positives....and often demonstrations are needed to get the politicians to do anything.

So...these people are rioting...nothing but focused on destruction over some imagined slight. Race baiting to gain power and money. Throw these people away! Let them rot in jail.

If they are smart enough to form a riot then they are smart enough to figure out that most of the issues these latest rounds of protests and riots are actually problems stemming from the District Attorney's office. They determine who gets prosecuted and who doesn't and for what crimes. It's not the police, it's not the judges, it's the DA.

How a DA gets into office is also something to demonstrate and protest over....

But going after police is the dumbest thing ever. Police aren't the law....only an arm of the system. A visible arm...but not the whole body. Usually the real culprit of malfeasance is the DA...hiding in his office.

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