"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics

You said the world would not move if Obama were elected, Uncensored.

That right, Jakematters? So you can post a link?

Oh, you were just lying, I get it. Hey, you're a leftist, you have no integrity, I understand.

Romney seems to have a real chance to win, which pleases me no end, and I am looking forward to we good guys and girls purging anyone who even thinks like you from the party.

Romney most likely will win, which means Fabians like you will be out of luck.
So, "Atlas Shrugged 2: Electric Bugaloo" has tanked just as badly as part I did, losing just as many millions.

I realize that you're a hate filled, mindless hack, but Pt.1 made a nice profit. Video and Netflix were/are brisk. Pt. 2 will also do well.

No it didn't. It made less than $5 million in theaters, less than $3 million in DVD sales, $100,000 for Netflix rights, and less than $30,000 On Demand. Its total gross over a year after its release is under $8 million which isn't even half of the film's 20 million dollar production budget (not to mention another $5+ million in marketing costs that went unrecouped). You're just making up the false claim that it "made a nice profit." It was a total flop.

Atlas Shrugged: Part I (2011) - Box Office Mojo
Movie Atlas Shrugged: Part 1 - DVD Sales - The Numbers
The film made about 40 to 45% of its production cost.

And you teach economics adjunct. Send your comment in here to the division head and see how long you have a job.

I realize that you're a hate filled, mindless hack, but Pt.1 made a nice profit. Video and Netflix were/are brisk. Pt. 2 will also do well.
I went to see Part II today.. Wanted to make my contribution towards the production of Part III..
The value of something like this goes up astronomically -- when all 3 parts are available in a Boxed Set.

I learned A LOT more about how to vote next week from Atlas Shrugged than I did from the "Big Bird" ads. And they cost about the same to make and distribute.

You can't blame Ayn Rand for a writing a book that's STILL politically relevent 60 yrs after it first published. It never was commercial drama. But that's a refreshing change of diet..
What's not relevent at all is the media coverage of politics in this country. Atlas Shrugged is timeless documentation of the dangers of allowing the government to micromanage our lives. And of the uselessness of trying to scapegoat the producers and creators of wealth.

You can stick with your "homeless guy" politics and Big Bird. I'll stay with the "bigger picture" of why I oppose collectivism in all it's forms..
The book is a timeless documentation that witnesses what loons libertarianism (and communism, its flip side) draw from the weak and addled among humanity.
I read the book, but the world isn't as clear-cut as Rand would have you believe. Welfare is necessary for people bouncing back. J.K Rowling was on welfare before she wrote her children's novels, and look how much she has contributed to the economy with Harry Potter.
The world isn't filled with makers and takers. It's filled with people who are both, and sometimes, we all need a little help.
I read the book, but the world isn't as clear-cut as Rand would have you believe. Welfare is necessary for people bouncing back. J.K Rowling was on welfare before she wrote her children's novels, and look how much she has contributed to the economy with Harry Potter.
The world isn't filled with makers and takers. It's filled with people who are both, and sometimes, we all need a little help.

You'll notice in Atlas Shrugged, that there IS compassion for the massively unemployed.
It's a prime reason for the industrialists to keep trying. BECAUSE they realize that their decisions have an impact on society as well as themselves.

And the argument about social safety nets is barely mentioned. NOT because it's reviled by the economically successful.. but because the LARGER BATTLE is against the govt use of force to take and direct private assets. In fact, the overblown industrial heroes have patently GOOD relationships with their employees and reward them more than adequately.

The conflict is one of MISUSING govt power to bastardize science and market and destroy the system that CREATES jobs and wealth by doing so..

It's NOT a class warfare meme.. Or a commentary at all on "welfare"...
I read the book, but the world isn't as clear-cut as Rand would have you believe. Welfare is necessary for people bouncing back. J.K Rowling was on welfare before she wrote her children's novels, and look how much she has contributed to the economy with Harry Potter.
The world isn't filled with makers and takers. It's filled with people who are both, and sometimes, we all need a little help.

From your comments, I'd hazard that didn't actually read the book, but instead rely on what the hate sites said about it.

There is very little about "welfare" in it.
To recap: Uncensored and the rest of the libertarians continue to demonstrate they don't get what America is about. But God love them all anyway.

We are 8 days out and almost nothing will change between now and Election Tuesday.

I wish you all the best as Americans, and I will pray that you remember that which unites us more than divides us.
There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old's life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs.
Jonathan Chait

Nonetheless, the title of this thread,
"atlas shrugged" will change the face of american politics
is true.

Its embarrassing to think about but there are actually politicians whose careers have been informed by a second rate book, written by a nazi sympathizer who took advantage of welfare and believed in abortion on demand. IOW, the opposite of what her followers say they believe.

That hypocrisy is something the author and her followers have in common.
no Nazi sympathizer. no "took advantage of welfare" argument. Luddite has no depth of capability to discuss the work -- only to lie about the author..

We've done this argument before Luddite and your side is just desparate to avoid a real discussion..

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