Attempted coup proves Democrats were right to impeach trump.

This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
How does a coup work without shitloads of armed soldiers? Calling this a coup is quite silly. :cuckoo:
Definition of a coup is a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

So it's not a coup in your mind because there weren't shit loads of weapons? What were the zip ties for you fucking nazi?

This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.

The only coup was the left. Thats it. They've been trying for four years with visceral hate. They achieved their goal with a fraudulent election. The left will pay.
Shut the fuck up you unhinged triggered right wing snowflake.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.

The only coup was the left. Thats it. They've been trying for four years with visceral hate. They achieved their goal with a fraudulent election. The left will pay.
Next month I will admit that we stole this election but not until Biden is in.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.

The only coup was the left. Thats it. They've been trying for four years with visceral hate. They achieved their goal with a fraudulent election. The left will pay.
Shut the fuck up you unhinged triggered right wing snowflake.

You need help.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.

The only coup was the left. Thats it. They've been trying for four years with visceral hate. They achieved their goal with a fraudulent election. The left will pay.
Next month I will admit that we stole this election but not until Biden is in.

You don't need to admit anything. It was a fraudulent election and the left has pedo joe who is owned by the ccp. He's all yours. An illegitimate fraud and huckster of epic proportions.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.

The only coup was the left. Thats it. They've been trying for four years with visceral hate. They achieved their goal with a fraudulent election. The left will pay.
Next month I will admit that we stole this election but not until Biden is in.

You don't need to admit anything. It was a fraudulent election and the left has pedo joe who is owned by the ccp. He's all yours. An illegitimate fraud and huckster of epic proportions.
Yup. And next month I will not be making the same arguments I have been making. Next month I will admit this is payback for 2000 Florida theft. Rigging Diebold Electronic voting machines. Butterfly ballots. Hanging chads. Throwing out votes. Sending Republicans from Washington to Florida to disrupt the recount thus letting the Supreme Court decide. You got us. But now we got you back.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
How does a coup work without shitloads of armed soldiers? Calling this a coup is quite silly. :cuckoo:
Definition of a coup is a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.

So it's not a coup in your mind because there weren't shit loads of weapons? What were the zip ties for you fucking nazi?

View attachment 441197
I have no idea what the zip ties were for, but have you ever tried to zip tie someone who isnt being held at gun point? It is a very ineffective weapon that no one should be worried about. He should have at least brought a stick or a rock if he wanted to engage in a coup. You would think he would have learned from the democrat riots all year. "Chaz/Chop" wasnt taken by dudes with zip ties; they had weapons.
Next month I will admit that we stole this election but not until Biden is in.
Who cares what you admit. The theft of the presidency was obvious and well planned.
And your opinion of what happened twenty-two years ago is comical and irrelevant.
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Next month I will admit that we stole this election but not until Biden is in.
Who cares what you admit. The theft of the presidency was obvious and well planned.
Your opinion of what happened twenty-two years ago is comical and irrelevant.

The protesters included “Proud Boys”, QAnon supporters and those who aren’t necessarily affiliated with a group but have engaged with these far-right ideologies.

The riot marked a disturbing escalation in the willingness and ability for the far right to mobilize against liberal democratic institutions, inspired by baseless claims peddled by the president: that this has been a stolen, fraudulent election.

More specifically, in relation to what’s happening in Washington, their anger is fuelled by Trump’s claims of election fraud and a stolen election, including the baseless “Dominion” theory — a QAnon-related conspiracy about voting machines from Dominion Voting Systems involving Hugo Chavez and George Soros.

For example, Nick Fuentes, a white supremacist podcaster and “Groyper” (a network of “alt-right” figures), yesterday called for his followers to kill legislators during a live stream.

Already, conspiracy theories and misinformation about today’s protests are being widely disseminated online. In particular, the riots are being spun as a “false flag”, with claims the rioters were actually antifascist provocateurs wanting to make Trump look bad.

Crucially, this isn’t just fringe internet conspiracy, but one being pushed by people with institutional clout. For example, Lin Wood, an attorney who until recently was embedded in Trump’s legal team, has spread this particular theoryon Twitter, while alternative news outlets such as Newsmax repeated this line in their live coverage of the protest.

Misinformation plays a huge role in garnering extremist right wing views, and is being distributed widely across Facebook and other social media, as well as in mainstream press. And it’s not only in the US. Sky News in Australia, to give a local example, has been repeating without any clarification Trump’s lies of election fraud.

As long as Trump continues speak of a “stolen election” and “very fine people”, the far right will feel validated in their violent actions and words.

This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
it takes a special kind of stupid to think that was a coup attempt,,,

Yup and every lefty loon on this board fits that bill.
Well over fifty thousand at the Trump rally on the sixth and supposedly Trump's demagogic words whipped his followers into a frenzy causing some to break into the capitol building, walk around and take pictures
(some "coup").

Why did only a fraction of the Trump followers enter the Capitol if they were all such puppets and
Trump's call to action was so strong and powerful?

I can't wait for an explanation...not that I will get one that makes sense.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
Blm and antifa brownshirts playing games isn't going to cut it-------------with or without Trump now---the REBELLION is spreading against our corrupt government and their globalist puppet masters whether they be Rothchild bankers, Soros country destroyers, or the Chinese trying to take over.............

America has been WOKED.
If you lose an election, you don't get to try to pull a coup. What did Trump think would be accomplished by storming the capitol?
"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
I love how you want to change the subject. It was a riot at our nations capitol. 5 people died including a cop, cops were injured. It was a mob. Who gives a fuck about blm
You clearly want to ignore how the Dimwingers in Antifa and BLM spent months rioting, burning, raping, and murdering across the country.

Tell me, how many blacks were shot during all those midnight shopping sprees?

Dont dodge. Give me a number and provide links.
Now you're giving me homework? LOL

Lets focus on the coup in Washington. Fuck Antifa or BLM or Occupy Wallstreet. You guys are the domestic terrorists. And you don't even see it. That's ok, you'll be locked up soon.
Your predicted dodge is noted.

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
There is no evidence trumpo sent them

Massive fail
Just before a MAGA mob descended on the US Capitol on Wednesday and caused a riot that killed five people, including a Capitol police officer who was beaten to death, President Donald Trump delivered a speech to his supporters in which he used the words “fight” or “fighting” at least 20 times.

“We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us,” Trump said at one point, alluding to Pence’s ultimate refusal to attempt to steal the election for him during that day’s hearing where the Electoral College made his loss official.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength. You have to be strong,” he added during the speech in which he pushed long-debunked lies about Joe Biden’s convincing victory over him being the product of fraud.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) began the day by angrily yelling, “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass!” Donald Trump Jr. followed that up by warning Republicans in Congress that if they didn’t “fight” for his father later that day, “I’m gonna be in your backyard in a couple of months.”

“Let’s have trial by combat,” Rudy Giuliani added later.

As chaotic scenes unfolded at the Capitol, Trump’s first move was to post a tweet attacking Pence for lacking the “courage” to help him steal the election (he later deleted it as a condition of getting Twitter to unlock his account). Meanwhile, rioters unsuccessfully hunted for Pence while others were photographed with zip-tie handcuffs, suggesting they hoped to take hostages.

Only later did Trump call for peace, but even then, he did so in the context of a video message in which he praised his supporters, telling them that while “you have to go home now ... we love you, you’re very special.” Information that has since emerged is raising questions about if Trump may even have played a role in kneecapping law enforcement services that failed to prevent rioters from breaching the Capitol.

Rioters, looters, and those who engaged in deadly violence are, of course, responsible for their own actions, but Trump and other speakers at the “Save America” rally contributed to the chaos by whipping them into an unruly frenzy and encouraging them to do what they could to help him overthrow the election. Wednesday’s chain of events will go down as one of the clearest examples of Trump’s reckless rhetoric radicalizing his followers and ultimately jeopardizing victims.

You are a sad sack of shit. Fucking nazi.
Just before a MAGA mob descended on the US Capitol on Wednesday and caused a riot that killed five people, including a Capitol police officer who was beaten to death, President Donald Trump delivered a speech to his supporters in which he used the words “fight” or “fighting” at least 20 times.

So, anytime a politician uses "fight or fighting" we can accuse them of trying to cause a riot, right?

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
Well, it was clear that he didn't have either the capacity or the temperament for the position in the first place.

And there were some people who warned us, including many Republicans.

What no one could have seen was how insane this would become.
/——/ Please point out specifically what makes you say Trump doesn’t have the temperament for the job. Here is a list to help start you out.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
Thank goodness we didn't have a coup attempt. That would be bad. It's not like anyone spent millions of dollars over years trying to remove the president from office for nothing. That also would be bad.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
There is no evidence trumpo sent them

Massive fail
Just before a MAGA mob descended on the US Capitol on Wednesday and caused a riot that killed five people, including a Capitol police officer who was beaten to death, President Donald Trump delivered a speech to his supporters in which he used the words “fight” or “fighting” at least 20 times.

“We’re going to have to fight much harder and Mike Pence is going to have to come through for us,” Trump said at one point, alluding to Pence’s ultimate refusal to attempt to steal the election for him during that day’s hearing where the Electoral College made his loss official.

“You’ll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength. You have to be strong,” he added during the speech in which he pushed long-debunked lies about Joe Biden’s convincing victory over him being the product of fraud.

Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) began the day by angrily yelling, “Today is the day American patriots start taking down names and kicking ass!” Donald Trump Jr. followed that up by warning Republicans in Congress that if they didn’t “fight” for his father later that day, “I’m gonna be in your backyard in a couple of months.”

“Let’s have trial by combat,” Rudy Giuliani added later.

As chaotic scenes unfolded at the Capitol, Trump’s first move was to post a tweet attacking Pence for lacking the “courage” to help him steal the election (he later deleted it as a condition of getting Twitter to unlock his account). Meanwhile, rioters unsuccessfully hunted for Pence while others were photographed with zip-tie handcuffs, suggesting they hoped to take hostages.

Only later did Trump call for peace, but even then, he did so in the context of a video message in which he praised his supporters, telling them that while “you have to go home now ... we love you, you’re very special.” Information that has since emerged is raising questions about if Trump may even have played a role in kneecapping law enforcement services that failed to prevent rioters from breaching the Capitol.

Rioters, looters, and those who engaged in deadly violence are, of course, responsible for their own actions, but Trump and other speakers at the “Save America” rally contributed to the chaos by whipping them into an unruly frenzy and encouraging them to do what they could to help him overthrow the election. Wednesday’s chain of events will go down as one of the clearest examples of Trump’s reckless rhetoric radicalizing his followers and ultimately jeopardizing victims.

You are a sad sack of shit. Fucking nazi.
Just before a MAGA mob descended on the US Capitol on Wednesday and caused a riot that killed five people, including a Capitol police officer who was beaten to death, President Donald Trump delivered a speech to his supporters in which he used the words “fight” or “fighting” at least 20 times.

So, anytime a politician uses "fight or fighting" we can accuse them of trying to cause a riot, right?

"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol Building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard."-President Donald Trump
They have a long history of this. When Gifford was shot, they tried to blame Sarah Palin for her web page. The fact that the shooter never saw the page was immaterial. They have a narrative and that's all that matters. TRUMP! can roundly condemn the killers in Charlottesville all day long and they still want to claim he's a white supremecist.
Well over fifty thousand at the Trump rally on the sixth and supposedly Trump's demagogic words whipped his followers into a frenzy causing some to break into the capitol building, walk around and take pictures
(some "coup").

Why did only a fraction of the Trump followers enter the Capitol if they were all such puppets and
Trump's call to action was so strong and powerful?

I can't wait for an explanation...not that I will get one that makes sense.
Frenzy. No one was in a frenzy. Had a mob that size been in a frenzy the capitol would be swept up with a broom and a dustpan.

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