Attempted coup proves Democrats were right to impeach trump.

If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant

Nice. Just like about 30 or so years ago SEPTA, the transit company in Philadelphia, put out a public statement asking anyone who was riding bus number (whatever, 42) on such-and-such date that was involved in the accident please get in touch so that they could analyze the accident. They got letters, and arrested everyone who sent them for fraud, because no such bus existed.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
it takes a special kind of stupid to think that was a coup attempt,,,
If they storm the seat of government, like a coup, smash in the doors and shut down the government like a coup, people die like a coup, and it was all for overturning the election for the person that sent them to march on the capital like a coup, one could be forgiven for calling it a coup. Do you like "an ordchestrated mass insurrection against the government" at the incitement of donald trump better?
and yes you are that special kind of stupid,,,
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
View attachment 440938
is it anything like this?
View attachment 440958
It was sudden. It was violent. They temporarily seized power and disrupted government.
It was notably successful until they no longer had the stomach for it and then they mostly slunk away, trying to act casual.

I hope you read that,,,
Not only read it, but wrote everything below the screenshot, breaking it down for you, in comparison to what the bastards did.

so now you understand thats not what happened or intended,,,
Not certain what trump intended, though he certainly was not upset that it happened and in case you haven't been watching, it definitely happened. I do not care whether you like coup or insurrection, though both of those are often applied to situation where the violence is directed against a sitting government. I don't care if you don't like either. It was what it was. It certainly wasn't peaceful was it. I usually pay little attention to twitter, but head of twitter says another one being planned on the capital for the 17th.

yep,, you are a special kind of stupid,,,

trump wasnt there and had nothing to do with it,,,

next you will be blaming him for your erectile disfunction,,,
And Hitler didn’t rile people up at the beer hall putsch
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
Show me one picture of patriots with guns in the Capital.
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
What news channel are you watching?
People didnt even leave the carpet and velvet rope area.
Sum total of damage was one broken window and one door panel.
Cops waved them in.
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
What news channel are you watching?
People didnt even leave the carpet and velvet rope area.
Sum total of damage was one broken window and one door panel.
Cops waved them in.
Ho did the cop die?
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
Hey, Bolshevik, the duly elected leader of our country has just had an election stolen from him and then his ability to communicate with us has been cut off. The coup, dumbass, is on the part of the Soros Bolshevik-Democrats
Then why did all the Trump appointed judges throw out his voter fraud cases?
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
Number of unarmed blacks killed by police 2015; Thirty Two.
Number of unarmed blacks killed in 2019: Nine.
Who was in charge in 2015?'
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
I love how you want to change the subject. It was a riot at our nations capitol. 5 people died including a cop, cops were injured. It was a mob. Who gives a fuck about blm
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
What news channel are you watching?
People didnt even leave the carpet and velvet rope area.
Sum total of damage was one broken window and one door panel.
Cops waved them in.
Ho did the cop die?
Stroke. Police report.
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
I love how you want to change the subject. It was a riot at our nations capitol. 5 people died including a cop, cops were injured. It was a mob. Who gives a fuck about blm
Really? 5 people died?
One unarmed protestor. A boomer bus driver who had a heart attack. A cop who died of a stroke, Antoher cop who committed suicde (unconnected). Some Trumper pushed from a balcony.
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
I love how you want to change the subject. It was a riot at our nations capitol. 5 people died including a cop, cops were injured. It was a mob. Who gives a fuck about blm
It was not a riot.
500 dollars could fix the damage caused.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
Hey, Bolshevik, the duly elected leader of our country has just had an election stolen from him and then his ability to communicate with us has been cut off. The coup, dumbass, is on the part of the Soros Bolshevik-Democrats
Then why did all the Trump appointed judges throw out his voter fraud cases?
Trump was told by the powers that be to appoint heritage foundation judges. Trump doesn’t know any of the judges he appointed. I doubt he asked for their loyalty if he appointed them. Did he?

Republicans have officially become conspiracy theorists. Pence is in on screwing Trump? Mitch is in on it? Mitch protected trump during the impeachment.

The republican governor of Georgia is in on it?
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
I love how you want to change the subject. It was a riot at our nations capitol. 5 people died including a cop, cops were injured. It was a mob. Who gives a fuck about blm
It was not a riot.
500 dollars could fix the damage caused.
If I was a politician I wouldn’t feel comfortable knowing a mob could storm th3 capitol that easy.

What country do you live in?
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
How many blacks were shot during the months of BLM riots and looting, Dumbass.
wanna see some of the pics again, Halfwit?
I love how you want to change the subject. It was a riot at our nations capitol. 5 people died including a cop, cops were injured. It was a mob. Who gives a fuck about blm
You clearly want to ignore how the Dimwingers in Antifa and BLM spent months rioting, burning, raping, and murdering across the country.

Tell me, how many blacks were shot during all those midnight shopping sprees?

Dont dodge. Give me a number and provide links.
Dimwingers are all the sudden outraged over the death of a cop.......yet have denied BLM is responsible for the assassination of 5 cops in Dallas.
Watch, they will try to do it again instead of condemning the murderous BLM supporter.

This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
Blm and antifa brownshirts playing games isn't going to cut it-------------with or without Trump now---the REBELLION is spreading against our corrupt government and their globalist puppet masters whether they be Rothchild bankers, Soros country destroyers, or the Chinese trying to take over.............

America has been WOKED.
This coup where trump sent his republican Trolls to riot and him and Rudy trying to steal this election sort of proves democrats were right trying to remove him from office. The senate gave trump a pass on being criminal and corrupt and a liar and insighting violence and now it resulted in dead or wounded police at the capitol.
Hey, Bolshevik, the duly elected leader of our country has just had an election stolen from him and then his ability to communicate with us has been cut off. The coup, dumbass, is on the part of the Soros Bolshevik-Democrats
Is mike pence in on it?
Yes mr America hater commie lover,he is a traiter part of the coup same as Lyndon Johnson was in the coup against jfk dumbass.this is nov 22nd 1963 all over again,a transfer of power from a country that had a president stepping on powerful toes in Washington and serving the people-jfk,to a puppet president being installed to servthe establishment instead of the people- Lyndon Johnson.Pense is as much a sellout to trump as Johnson was to kennedy idiot.

not only that asshole,it was antifa that started the riots.trump supporters don’t go around with masks and hoods on or carry the video footage taken,you clearly see someone with a boyonet hitting the glass window and a trump fan shouting put he is antifa,then a trump supporter grabs him and stops him from the violence,the trump supporters went on into the capiol AFTER the cops opened the barricades to let them in. :uhoh3:

you coward trump haters evaded the thread from three weeks ago when antifa and BLM attacked elderly and children trump supporters at night and then when others defended them,they cowardly got behind the police like the cowards they are and the police did nothing to them.

yeah trump is somehow a criminal and liar for the actions of antifa inciting riots.whatever. he is somehow also responsible for BLM and antifa beating up elderly and chiildren that were trump supporters three weeks ago in Washington as well,whatever.:uhoh3::cuckoo:

your hero is that coward dc cop who shot that unarmed woman with no warning.
When shill smellybozo is backed up with facts he cannot counter, as always,he tries to laugh them off as we can all see.
If it walks like a coup and quacks like a coup
You mean when Biden stole the election, right?

Because the small band of outliers who wandered into the capital smiling and talking pictures as they wandered around were about as far away from a "coup" as you can get.

But you and some other idiots will continue to purposely mischaracterize what happened because it suits
purposes to lie and be stupid.

Who is the cretinous pig who shot Ashli Babbit?
You’re trying to say those trump supporters just strolled into the capitol taking pictures? Not guns?

Politicians and cops were in fear for their lives. Love how you’re trying to whitewash history.

Those people dont realize their white privileg. If they were black or Muslim Americans they’d all be dead. If you guys ever try it again you’ll all be dead.

Their white privileg hopefully helps them in court.

Did you hear how we are catching these treasonist traitors? The fbi sent an email out saying if you were involved email Donald trump and he will pardon you. Everyone who sends their name and address gets charged. Brilliant
What news channel are you watching?
People didnt even leave the carpet and velvet rope area.
Sum total of damage was one broken window and one door panel.
Cops waved them in.
Ho did the cop die?
He had a stroke. The family has already asked for the lies to stop.

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