Attention All Democrats


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
Gracie my phriend that is the $64,000.00 question... I wish I could answer just one of your questions...
My best friend since little kid time was a die hard democrat... You know what is pushing him over the ledge? Professional Sports and all the silly shit they have been responsible for the last few years... Interestingly enough I believe he went over the ledge just today with what happened in the NBA and MLB today... They just walked off... He texted me and said he is through...
Point of my story is, there is still hope for some of the progressives...
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?
Gracie my phriend that is the $64,000.00 question... I wish I could answer just one of your questions...
My best friend since little kid time was a die hard democrat... You know what is pushing him over the ledge? Professional Sports and all the silly shit they have been responsible for the last few years... Interestingly enough I believe he went over the ledge just today with what happened in the NBA and MLB today... They just walked off... He texted me and said he is through...
Point of my story is, there is still hope for some of the progressives...
IF I were still a dem...I would be aghast. And I wouldn't stick to a party that condoned such behavior. IF conservatives were doing this shit, I would quit them too. But they aren't. They keep turning the other cheek. THANK YOU LORD for not putting me in that situation. I would be killed or thrown in jail for murder because that's what would happen if anyone EVER got in my face like that. Ever. Fact. I'm pissed off enough right now just seeing it in a vid..I can imagine some thug in my face in real life.

Oh, the stories I could tell of my younger years...all the way up to 60 years old, of people trying that shit and my reaction. But..thats another story or two for another day, lol.
I can't see candycorn either. But I did click to see what she said. As comment on the VIOLENCE of her party...only the comment of how bad Trump is.

You are spot on Gracie, I can't recall seeing or hearing any socialist-progressives chastising the misbehavior... The real issue is the politico's that are responsible for the safety and security of all citizens are condoning the behavior...
San Diego. BLM/Antifa in residential areas...harassing people. Punching them, Pushing them. WHY?????
The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

Funny... I felt the exact same way 4 years ago when Bill's wife ran...

Agree. The only other person who has a shot of winning is Biden. If the Green Party were the only other alternative to Trump, I'd be voting for their candidate.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste
Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite
Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so
Appoints people to Departments who thinks the departments they run should not exist
The campaign promises he made that I supported, he has not come through on any of them (paid leave for maternity for one)
Is likely one of the most unfit Presidents ever in terms of not understanding the importance of the office outside of bill signings and legislation

Thats just for starters...
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste
Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite
Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so
Appoints people to Departments who thinks the departments they run should not exist
The campaign promises he made that I supported, he has not come through on any of them (paid leave for maternity for one)
Is likely one of the most unfit Presidents ever in terms of not understanding the importance of the office outside of bill signings and legislation

Thats just for starters...

Dawwww poor baby.

Try this.


Apply it "LIBERALLY" as, your head is likely in the way and you're really gonna need it, come November.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste
Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite
Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so
Appoints people to Departments who thinks the departments they run should not exist
The campaign promises he made that I supported, he has not come through on any of them (paid leave for maternity for one)
Is likely one of the most unfit Presidents ever in terms of not understanding the importance of the office outside of bill signings and legislation

Thats just for starters...

Dawwww poor baby.

Try this.


Apply it "LIBERALLY" as, your head is likely in the way and you're really gonna need it, come November.
Priceless.that is the
I’m ALMOST the same way as you are Gracie.I would have loved JFk had I been around at that time as well.he was our last great president.he was on the verge of returning us to the constitution of the United States where the people had control over the government instead of the corporations that do now,things went downhill for the worst after his assassination.the world has never been the same sense.He is indeed rolling over in his grave horrified at what the democrat party has become now.Your hunch that they seemed to care about the lower and middle class family’s was spot on indeed. So many blacks back then were broken up because he did so much for the colored people.
Heck it was good under carter as well,our last halfway decent president,people that call him the worst ever are sadly,brainwashed stupid sheep,that is the truth.if it were not for Clinton and Obama then there would be an excellent case made for why any patriotic American should vote democrat but those two evil warmongers pretty much proved that would be stupid to do so.

Because of Clinton that’s when I came to the conclusion that the reality is both parties are corrupt and one in the same because both Clinton and bush both endorsed Nafta,so I have never voted for either sense understanding the independent never gets elected because they are not part of the corrupt two party system which is to only serve the interests of the elite and not the people as they are suppose to.Ross Perot the independent in 92,never had a prayer,he was against NAFTA,the elite did not care if Clinton or bush got in as long as it was not perot is all that mattered to them.If Biden/Harris got in,they would be on the same level of Clinton and Obama.

having said that that I have never been for either party ever sense Clinton became potus,I’m with you,the dems have given every reason int the world now to start voting republican as long as the likes of globalists like bush and Romney are not running anyways,then you can throw everything out the window.
The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

Funny... I felt the exact same way 4 years ago when Bill's wife ran...
Amen to that,another Clinton in office was the last thing America needed.there would have been new wars in the Middle East right now had that nightmare happened,heck she already WAS president for eight years is the reality of it all. Lol People realized that back then which is why you saw so many bumper stickers back then saying Impeach Clinton,and her husband to.Lol comedy gold.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste
Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite
Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so
Appoints people to Departments who thinks the departments they run should not exist
The campaign promises he made that I supported, he has not come through on any of them (paid leave for maternity for one)
Is likely one of the most unfit Presidents ever in terms of not understanding the importance of the office outside of bill signings and legislation

Thats just for starters...
Progs......corrupted as can be. You will try to steal the election by the mail in system. There is no conscience and no guilt in Prog leadership. A dangerous combination.
I can't see candycorn either. But I did click to see what she said. As comment on the VIOLENCE of her party...only the comment of how bad Trump is.
Of course,that’s the norm of the
You can’t see HIM either huh? Why do you all make the assumption cause of his user name he is a she,candyass is a DUDE.
No disrespect to the dead, but what did JFK have besides style and good ghost/speech writers? Camelot was a nice fantasy, but current politics has become too close up and personal to not pay attention. Anyone who doesn't recognize what the Democratic Party now represents is willfully ignorant.
I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

In 2016, I held my nose and voted for Trump. I had serious concerns about his moral and ethical character, and what he would do with a position of such power. But the alternative was much, much, much worse. Hitlery Clinton had already very solidly proven herself to be corrupt, self-serving, and prone to abuse any power that came under her control. I wasn't sure that Trump would prove to be any better, but this was a solid case of the Devil that you don't know being preferable to the Devil that you do know.

I will feel much better about voting for Trump in 2020. My concerns about his moral character notwithstanding, I have been surprisingly pleased with his performance as President. I have no doubt that he truly cares more about promoting what is in the best interests of this country and its people, than about any selfish agenda of his own, and he comes across as very competent, and sure of what he is doing. It is telling to see who his enemies are, and what they are attacking him for; I see no evidence that so much as one of his prominent detractors cares as much as Trump does for the best interests of the American people, or as little as Trump does for any self-serving personal agenda.

Trump is very far short of perfect, I'll freely admit. But he's a Hell of a lot better than Hitlery Clinton would have been, he's better than Biden would be,and he's certainly better than Kamala Harris would be. Biden is a drooling, senile old fool, who probably will not last halfway through the next presidential term, which means that if he's elected, Kamala Harris would soon be President, and she comes across to me as a much less intelligent, competent version of Hitlery Clinton—no less corrupt or self-serving, with her only grace compared to Hitlery is that she doesn't have the intellect nor the competence to pull off some of the malfeasant shit that Clinton would have done.

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