Attention All Democrats

What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste

Democraps created this situation, by treasonously encouraging the hostile invasion of our nation by foreign criminals, and by using the power of their positions to give aid and comfort to these invaders. This constitutes treason, as defined in Article III, Second 3 of the Constitution, and rightfully, those guilty of this conduct ought to face the death penalty.

It was under the Obama administration that we had a big surge in the influx of such invaders, and it was under the Obama Administration that this treatment of captured began. Aside from the issue that these invaders should never have been allowed to enter or remain in our country in the first place, there is the issue that Congress refuses to allocate sufficient funds to properly house and care for all the invaders that have been captured and are being held in custody.

Democraps created this issue, and they continue to perpetuate it, while hypocritically blaming the President, who, if he had his way, would have seen to it that these invaders were promptly removed from our country and sent back to their own countries, and that further invaders would be stopped.

Your side totally owns this.

Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe

Ihn other words, he opposes the cold-blooded murder of innocent children. You think that this is a negative. This tells us much more about you, than it does about him, viz., that you are an evil, murderous piece of shit, that thinks there should be a right to murder innocent children. It certainly negates totally any edibility on your part, to cast any moral judgment against anyone else. You cannot get any more evil or immoral than supporting the cold-blooded murder of innocent children.

Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so

If you still believe in the #CoronaHoax2020, if you believe that this virus is really anything more than a routine flu outbreak, and above all else, if you believe all the power that has been seized and abused against us under the pretext of the #CoronaHoax is being done in our best interest, then you are too damn stupid to be regarded as credible on any subject—exactly the sort of worthless, mindless cretin who will vote for Biden.

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite

As I've admitted before, and will admit again, there are many things that Trump has apparently done, of which I do not approve, and will not defend. He is very far short of perfect.

Thats just for starters...
Priceless.that is the

No, this is the Bomb…

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

In 2016, I held my nose and voted for Trump. I had serious concerns about his moral and ethical character, and what he would do with a position of such power. But the alternative was much, much, much worse. Hitlery Clinton had already very solidly proven herself to be corrupt, self-serving, and prone to abuse any power that came under her control. I wasn't sure that Trump would prove to be any better, but this was a solid case of the Devil that you don't know being preferable to the Devil that you do know.

I will feel much better about voting for Trump in 2020. My concerns about his moral character notwithstanding, I have been surprisingly pleased with his performance as President. I have no doubt that he truly cares more about promoting what is in the best interests of this country and its people, than about any selfish agenda of his own, and he comes across as very competent, and sure of what he is doing. It is telling to see who his enemies are, and what they are attacking him for; I see no evidence that so much as one of his prominent detractors cares as much as Trump does for the best interests of the American people, or as little as Trump does for any self-serving personal agenda.

Trump is very far short of perfect, I'll freely admit. But he's a Hell of a lot better than Hitlery Clinton would have been, he's better than Biden would be,and he's certainly better than Kamala Harris would be. Biden is a drooling, senile old fool, who probably will not last halfway through the next presidential term, which means that if he's elected, Kamala Harris would soon be President, and she comes across to me as a much less intelligent, competent version of Hitlery Clinton—no less corrupt or self-serving, with her only grace compared to Hitlery is that she doesn't have the intellect nor the competence to pull off some of the malfeasant shit that Clinton would have done.
I’m not thrilled with trump,I disagree with some of what you say but I
completely agree with you that he was a far better alternativethan warmonger globalist Hitlery and I am still glad I voted for him over her,usually I don’t because both parties are corrupt,when Obama ran against McCain I did notvote for either nor did I when he ran against Romney cause all three are globalists. I took my chance with trump and voted for the first time sense he is not a globalist and not a careerpolitician and boy am I glad I did. Sense the alternative is the same again a globalist in the team of biden and harrs,both dems who want to destroy the country I will be voting for Trump again.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
You keep saying that we know contacts what are you against a border wall fixing immigration more jobs for African-Americans higher wages?You keep saying that we know contacts what are you against a border wall fixing immigration more jobs for African-Americans higher wages?
What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste

Democraps created this situation, by treasonously encouraging the hostile invasion of our nation by foreign criminals, and by using the power of their positions to give aid and comfort to these invaders. This constitutes treason, as defined in Article III, Second 3 of the Constitution, and rightfully, those guilty of this conduct ought to face the death penalty.

It was under the Obama administration that we had a big surge in the influx of such invaders, and it was under the Obama Administration that this treatment of captured began. Aside from the issue that these invaders should never have been allowed to enter or remain in our country in the first place, there is the issue that Congress refuses to allocate sufficient funds to properly house and care for all the invaders that have been captured and are being held in custody.

Democraps created this issue, and they continue to perpetuate it, while hypocritically blaming the President, who, if he had his way, would have seen to it that these invaders were promptly removed from our country and sent back to their own countries, and that further invaders would be stopped.

Your side totally owns this.

Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe

Ihn other words, he opposes the cold-blooded murder of innocent children. You think that this is a negative. This tells us much more about you, than it does about him, viz., that you are an evil, murderous piece of shit, that thinks there should be a right to murder innocent children. It certainly negates totally any edibility on your part, to cast any moral judgment against anyone else. You cannot get any more evil or immoral than supporting the cold-blooded murder of innocent children.

Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so

If you still believe in the #CoronaHoax2020, if you believe that this virus is really anything more than a routine flu outbreak, and above all else, if you believe all the power that has been seized and abused against us under the pretext of the #CoronaHoax is being done in our best interest, then you are too damn stupid to be regarded as credible on any subject—exactly the sort of worthless, mindless cretin who will vote for Biden.

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite

As I've admitted before, and will admit again, there are many things that Trump has apparently done, of which I do not approve, and will not defend. He is very far short of perfect.

Thats just for starters...
We now know that everything you have posted is true the fact that two of USMBs resident trolls kiss my and candyass,two shills from Langley keeps giving you thumbs down,Two trolls incapable of opening their mouths without lying,proves you speak the

those two shill can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they
Last edited:
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
You keep saying that we know contacts what are you against a border wall fixing immigration more jobs for African-Americans higher wages?You keep saying that we know contacts what are you against a border wall fixing immigration more jobs for African-Americans higher wages?

What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste

Democraps created this situation, by treasonously encouraging the hostile invasion of our nation by foreign criminals, and by using the power of their positions to give aid and comfort to these invaders. This constitutes treason, as defined in Article III, Second 3 of the Constitution, and rightfully, those guilty of this conduct ought to face the death penalty.

It was under the Obama administration that we had a big surge in the influx of such invaders, and it was under the Obama Administration that this treatment of captured began. Aside from the issue that these invaders should never have been allowed to enter or remain in our country in the first place, there is the issue that Congress refuses to allocate sufficient funds to properly house and care for all the invaders that have been captured and are being held in custody.

Democraps created this issue, and they continue to perpetuate it, while hypocritically blaming the President, who, if he had his way, would have seen to it that these invaders were promptly removed from our country and sent back to their own countries, and that further invaders would be stopped.

Your side totally owns this.

Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe

Ihn other words, he opposes the cold-blooded murder of innocent children. You think that this is a negative. This tells us much more about you, than it does about him, viz., that you are an evil, murderous piece of shit, that thinks there should be a right to murder innocent children. It certainly negates totally any edibility on your part, to cast any moral judgment against anyone else. You cannot get any more evil or immoral than supporting the cold-blooded murder of innocent children.

Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so

If you still believe in the #CoronaHoax2020, if you believe that this virus is really anything more than a routine flu outbreak, and above all else, if you believe all the power that has been seized and abused against us under the pretext of the #CoronaHoax is being done in our best interest, then you are too damn stupid to be regarded as credible on any subject—exactly the sort of worthless, mindless cretin who will vote for Biden.

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite

As I've admitted before, and will admit again, there are many things that Trump has apparently done, of which I do not approve, and will not defend. He is very far short of perfect.

Thats just for starters...
We now know that everything you have posted is true the fact that two of USMBs resident trolls kiss my and candyass,two shills from Langley keeps giving you thumbs down,Two trolls incapable of opening their mouths without lying,proves you speak the

those two shill can only sling shit in defeat like the monkey trolls they
:auiqs.jpg: :dev3::dev3::auiqs.jpg:
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.

How? He hasn't done anything that makes him into the dictator you morons keep saying he is trying to be........the ones who crushed the economy? Democrats. The ones who support China, the country the let the virus get loose, democrats. The burning, looting, beatings and murder ...democrats.......

Everything you said Trump would do the democrat have actually done or are in the process of are an idiot.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.
What’s so terrible about President Trump? You all act like he is Hitler. How many nations has he invaded? How many regimes has he declared must be removed?

Making fun of handicapped people
Brags about grabbing women by the pussy
Insinuates that women who question him are going through their period
Put and keeps kids in cages
Argues that they are not entitled to soap or toothpaste
Appoints judges who wish to overturn Roe
Incredibly low class human being
A raging hypocrite
Downplayed C-19 and continues to do so
Appoints people to Departments who thinks the departments they run should not exist
The campaign promises he made that I supported, he has not come through on any of them (paid leave for maternity for one)
Is likely one of the most unfit Presidents ever in terms of not understanding the importance of the office outside of bill signings and legislation

Thats just for starters...

He didn't make fun of handicapped people...that is a proven lie.

He didn't brag about doing it, he said some women in hollywood will allow rich and powerful men do it to get ahead......

He didn't say that about women, that is a twit.

obama built those cages and put the kids in there first, and because of the 9th circuit court of appeals, those kids can't be kept with their families.....who crossed the border as criminals......because of that moron.

So....those are the lies, the others are differences in opinion...your opinion is based on nothing but are an idiot.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

Sounds like you drank the coolaid. Did you hate occupy wallstreet when we protested the bank bailout? Yes. Republicans convinced you they were just slackers. Don’t blame wallstreet for the Great Recession. Nothing to see here.

And trump is a master of playing the race card. They politicized race and blamed Obama and now trump blames democrats, for condoning violence? Isn’t trump condoning violence?

Im sorry but you’re probably a white male homophobe racist who loves your guns. If trump appeals to you then you’re what’s wrong with America.

America is a great place to live except for all the Americans.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.

How? He hasn't done anything that makes him into the dictator you morons keep saying he is trying to be........the ones who crushed the economy? Democrats. The ones who support China, the country the let the virus get loose, democrats. The burning, looting, beatings and murder ...democrats.......

Everything you said Trump would do the democrat have actually done or are in the process of are an idiot.
A dictator is someone who gets away with crimes because his party protects him. Like Putin. Putin has elections. Rigged. And trump worships that.

And trump didn’t do that much for the economy. 2.3% growth in 2019 after those 2018 tax breaks? Pathetic. And he didn’t make any changes to nafta or trade with China that benefits American workers. Just corporations.
Did you hate occupy wallstreet when we protested the bank bailout?

The “Occupy Wall Street” filth were the same sort of criminals and terrorists that now operate under the Back Lies Matter and Antifa names.

Be known by the company that you keep. If you choose to align with violent, destructive, subhuman pieces of shit, then all you demonstrate is that you, yourself, are a subhuman piece of shit. But then, all of us already knew that about you.
Did you hate occupy wallstreet when we protested the bank bailout?

The “Occupy Wall Street” filth were the same sort of criminals and terrorists that now operate under the Back Lies Matter and Antifa names.

Be known by the company that you keep. If you choose to align with violent, destructive, subhuman pieces of shit, then all you demonstrate is that you, yourself, are a subhuman piece of shit. But then, all of us already knew that about you.
You keep company with white supremisists filth. What’s that say bout you?

See, you totally forgave wallstreet for fucking us because they told you occupy wallstreet people were evil. Whoever stands up to the deep state you fight. But if anyone says trump is bad you suddenly hate the deep state?
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

Sounds like you drank the coolaid. Did you hate occupy wallstreet when we protested the bank bailout? Yes. Republicans convinced you they were just slackers. Don’t blame wallstreet for the Great Recession. Nothing to see here.

And trump is a master of playing the race card. They politicized race and blamed Obama and now trump blames democrats, for condoning violence? Isn’t trump condoning violence?

Im sorry but you’re probably a white male homophobe racist who loves your guns. If trump appeals to you then you’re what’s wrong with America.

America is a great place to live except for all the Americans.
Hey lying paid shill of the DNC committee,she has done the smart thing with you,she has you blocked on ignore so she is spared your babble and lies and your constant dodgeball game of how the dems are as evil and corrupt as the repubs destroying this country.she doesn’t give a shit about the lies your handlers at the Dnc committee pay you to post here.
Unlike you,she is not an idiot and woke up to how evil Obama was not ignoring the facts like you do he lied about ending the Middle East war expanding it and expanding bush’s dreconian patriot act but most importantly not dismissing the evidence that the dem governors and senators around the country are plotting to destroy America.

unlike you,she doesn’t ignore those facts andis mature enough to come to grips with reality never to vote for the dem party again after being a lifelong democrat because of what they are doing to our country,JFK is rolling over in his grave right now at what the dem party has become,and carter our last halfway decent presidenr is equally sick to his stomach about it. You need to get your head out of the sand and stop,living in the Jfk and carter days troll.comedy gold.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.

How? He hasn't done anything that makes him into the dictator you morons keep saying he is trying to be........the ones who crushed the economy? Democrats. The ones who support China, the country the let the virus get loose, democrats. The burning, looting, beatings and murder ...democrats.......

Everything you said Trump would do the democrat have actually done or are in the process of are an idiot.
Dude this troll is a shill from Langley,don’t fed the trolls.
(Mods, not sure where to put this, so feel free to move it wherever. It IS politics, but...your beach your waves)

I was a democrat. All my life. Loved JFK. Loved the idea of Camelot. Loved that they SEEMED to care about the poor folks, middle class folks, mexicans I hung out with in school, blacks who needed help getting out of the ghetto, etc. I was young, but I still adored him. I think I was in 5th grade when he was murdered. My teacher came in the room and announced to the class that we were to go home. Our POTUS had died. I remember the crying and the tears of people in the hallways going to teachers quarters I guess.

Anyway...I voted for Bill. Didn't care about what he did under his desk. I cared what he did above it. Wanted Hillary to win too, when she ran, because if she won, we would get Bill again. Then Obama came on the scene. Voted for him too. Once. Then I woke up. And bailed by his second term. Like a mage, he put a spell on me with his magical words, seemingly kindness, good ol guy anyone would want to have a beer with. He woke me up after the spell wore off.

Now...if I were STILL a dem...I would be devastated, shocked, horrified at what dems seem to condone. Rioting, looting, burning, attacking, backing up of a terrorists organization, the dump Cali turned in to by dem leaders, pushing a halfwit man in front to become POTUS. Being me, and not shy to say what I think, I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you? Does it not make you think "omg...if they do this to the opposing party instead of trying to meet on common ground as we are ALL Americans, what will they do once in power?"

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own? Do you REALLY want Biden as your potus? Or are you just mindlessly ignoring the glaring proof of what dems have dropped in to? Is this the democrat policies of JFK? NO!!! So...why do you not speak up?

I'm not a Democrat but I'll answer.

The alternative, Trump, is much worse. First you have to get rid of the cancer and then you can try to heal the body.

And for the record, I don't think Biden will win the Electoral College vote.

How? He hasn't done anything that makes him into the dictator you morons keep saying he is trying to be........the ones who crushed the economy? Democrats. The ones who support China, the country the let the virus get loose, democrats. The burning, looting, beatings and murder ...democrats.......

Everything you said Trump would do the democrat have actually done or are in the process of are an idiot.
A dictator is someone who gets away with crimes because his party protects him. Like Putin. Putin has elections. Rigged. And trump worships that.

And trump didn’t do that much for the economy. 2.3% growth in 2019 after those 2018 tax breaks? Pathetic. And he didn’t make any changes to nafta or trade with China that benefits American workers. Just corporations.
Whatever troll,comedy
Did you hate occupy wallstreet when we protested the bank bailout?

The “Occupy Wall Street” filth were the same sort of criminals and terrorists that now operate under the Back Lies Matter and Antifa names.

Be known by the company that you keep. If you choose to align with violent, destructive, subhuman pieces of shit, then all you demonstrate is that you, yourself, are a subhuman piece of shit. But then, all of us already knew that about you.
Indeed we did,this lying piece of shit is sooooo obviously a paid shill on the DNC payroll.i don’t even bother with this lying piece of shit garbage anymore.
You keep company with white supremisists filth. What’s that say bout you?


Name one white supremacist with whom I have ever associated or aligned. Just one.

You cannot, and you know damn well that you cannot, because you are knowingly, willfully lying.

See, you totally forgave wallstreet for fucking us because they told you occupy wallstreet people were evil.

Evil is as evil does.

You're openly taking the side of subhuman pieces of shit who committed acts of violence and destruction, assaulting innocent people and destroying property that was not theirs. Just as these same pieces of shit are doing, again with your unwavering support, under the Black Lies Matter and Antifa names.

I do not support any form of racism nor white supremacy, as you have maliciously and falsely accused me; but even if I did, it wouldn't be nearly as bad as what you openly support.

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I'm going to take a shot at answering some of Gracie's questions in her OP. Right or wrong, this what I think. Her questions are in italics:

I would ask my fellow dems WHY WHY WHY do you condone this? Does it not embarass you?

A few years back there was something of a "walkaway" movement, where moderate democrats said they left the Party. Or maybe more accurately they said the party left them, which it did when it shifted to the far left following their 2016 loss. I think many of them became Independents, they don't much like their own party but they don't like Trump either. Many of them do not like the things their party is saying and doing, and like Gracie they walked away. How many is unknown, many more have NOT left, maybe their dislike of Trump is the reason. If they are not embarrassed by the inaction of their party to end the rioting, violence, and destruction, they should be. Today I saw a report out of California where a DA is not going to bring charges against looters if they steal something because they need it. When did the right to personal property get abridged? Apparently it is okay to destroy somebody's livelihood by burning down their business in the social justice; I cannot support that or support a party that does nothing to stop this nightly orgy of violence, and now people are being killed in the streets.

So my question to you democrats is...WHY do you sit silent? Why do you STILL back up democrat mindthink, democrat actions? Do you really not see? Or do you see, but want to believe otherwise and continue to vote dem because....well because thats just what you do. Democrat til death no matter how violent your party is even against your own?

These days the cost of speaking out can be severe. The cancel culture is in full-throated outcry against any who would oppose them, and to do so is to lose your job, standing in your community, and even family and friends. Many are afraid to say anything, even a democrat who says All Lives Matter faces serious repercussions. It will be interesting to see what the turnout numbers are in November.

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