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Attention Boomers: Obama to Gut Medicare to pay for ObamaCare Folly

Saying that he would not reduce services to senior citizens Medicare programs, Obama then went on to say he would. The double-minded, double-speaking man struck again Wednesday night to push his ObamaCare in a speech to both houses of Congress.

Obama said he would find $400 Billions in Medicare “waste and fraud” (others say it will be $600 Billions that will be stolen from Medicare and placed into ObamaCare). Suffice it to say, this is specious at best and a blatant and uncompromising lie at its worst—or actually at its center of truth.

If it were not a lie—and Obama knows without reservations that there are between $400-600 Billions of “fraud and waste” in Medicare—why not fix said problems now? And if he knew about them, why hasn’t Obama already assigned an ObamaCommittee to get to the bottom of this? Why does the gutting of Medicare (and it IS gutting folks) have to be tied to the funding of ObamaCare? Is this part of Obama’s Marxist “redistribution of wealth” where he will take from seniors and give to his favored? Another ObamaSpeech appears to bring another inevitable ObamaLie—or set of lies.

The truth is—if one has listened to Obama’s over 100 speeches addressing his pet Marxist-control-of-all-the-people project—that Obama fully intends to limit services to those over 55 years of age. Note: If ObamaScienceCzar Holdren has his way, the age requirement for rationing will most likely drop to 44.

Obama to Gut Medicare to pay for ObamaCare Folly

Yep, it will be cut and for those people who are approaching retirement age, the magic 65, you need to be very careful what you wish for because if his bill passes our health care system will resemble the aftermaths of Katrina. Now I know that's scare tactics, but hell Obama said last night that " people are dying every day here because of their lack of health care insurance." Somehow I don' t think the man has ever heard of medicaid, no one I know or have ever heard of, who doesn't have insurance has ever, and I mean ever, been turned away from getting the care that they need and require. That's a bold face lie and he knows it, he is using this to scare us dummies out here in the real country, but somehow I don't think we are falling for it. That must mean that we are smarter than he is.:lol: We know about Medicaid, he doesn't.:lol:
hey Maple you blowhard, have you ever been there and done that? I had 100% insurance and a paper work SNAFU said I was uninsured and unemployed, guess what I was that last one they worked on that day after 13 1/2 hours, they were hoping I died, so until you do, kindly sit down and STFU
the relevant part is go to the source of something before making a claim about it, as you are doing.

You mean just like Obama did? hahaha

Obama didn't even mention an investigative committee in his speech about finding HALF A TRILLION dollars in waste....what a farce...

....this is nothing more than political smoke and mirrors....

...the TRUTH is he's going to reduce your care when you hit Medicare age...or even before then...

where's your proof?
and don't use a canadian source weak sauce

Read the articles below:

President Barack Obama was wise to vacation this week on Martha’s Vineyard. Not because it’s one of the few places in America where his health-care plan is still popular, but because by getting out of Washington he gave staff time to repair his vaunted message machine, which was starting to break down.

Two weeks ago, White House Senior Adviser David Axelrod said in a now legendary "viral" email that, "It's a myth that health insurance reform would be financed by cutting Medicare benefits." This was sent out the day before Mr. Obama told a Montana town hall that he'd pay for health-care reform by "eliminating . . . about $177 billion over 10 years" for "what's called Medicare Advantage." And it was two days before Mr. Obama told a Colorado town hall he'd cover "two-thirds" of the "roughly $900 billion" of his plan's cost by "eliminating waste," again citing Medicare Advantage.

Who's right? As a former senior adviser, I can tell you who: the president. What's more, according to a White House fact sheet titled "Paying for Health Care Reform," Mr. Axelrod was misleading his readers. It notes the administration would cut $622 billion from Medicare and Medicaid, with a big chunk coming from Medicare Advantage, to pay for overhauling health care. Mr. Obama heralded these cuts as "common sense" in his June 13 radio address.

Medicare Advantage was enacted in 2003 to allow seniors to use Medicare funds to buy private insurance plans that fit their needs and their budgets. They get better care and better value for their money.

Medicare Advantage also has built-in incentives to encourage insurers to offer lower costs and better benefits. It's a program that puts patients in charge, not the government, which is why seniors like it and probably why the administration hates it.

Already, an estimated 10.2 million seniors—one out of five in America—have enrolled in Medicare Advantage. Mr. Obama is proposing to cut the program by nearly 20% and thus reduce the amount of money each will have to buy insurance. This will likely force most of them to lose the insurance they have now. Yet Mr. Obama promised in late July in New Hampshire that, "if you like your health-care plan, you can keep your health-care plan."

Karl Rove: Obama Targets Medicare Advantage - WSJ.com

Obama’s health care proposal is, in effect, the repeal of the Medicare program as we know it. The elderly will go from being the group with the most access to free medical care to the one with the least access. Indeed, the principal impact of the Obama health care program will be to reduce sharply the medical services the elderly can use. No longer will their every medical need be met, their every medication prescribed, their every need to improve their quality of life answered.

It is so ironic that the elderly - who were so vigilant when Bush proposed to change Social Security - are so relaxed about the Obama health care proposals. Bush’s Social Security plan, which did not cut their benefits at all, aroused the strongest opposition among the elderly. But Obama’s plan, which will totally gut Medicare and replace it with government-managed care and rationing, has elicited little more than a yawn from most senior citizens.

It’s time for the elderly to wake up before it is too late!

In our new book, Catastrophe, we explain - in detail and in depth - the consequences the elderly of Canada are feeling from just this kind of program. Limited colonoscopies have led to a 25% higher rate of colon cancer and a ban on the use of the two best chemotherapies are part of the reason why 42% of Canadians with colon cancer die while 31% of Americans, who have access to these two medications, survive the disease.

Overall, the death rate from cancer in Canada is 16% higher than in the United States and the heart disease mortality rate is 6% above ours’.
Today, 800,000 doctors struggle to treat adequately the 250 million Americans who have insurance. Obama will add 50 million more to their caseload with no expansion in the number of doctors or nurses. Indeed, his plan will likely reduce their number by lowering reimbursement rates and imposing bureaucrats above them who will force medical decisions down their throats. Fewer doctors will have to treat more patients. The inevitable result will be rationing.

And it is the elderly who rationing will most effect. Who should get a knee replacement a 40 year old or a 70 year old? Who should get a new hip, a young person or an old person? Who should have priority in the operating room a seventy year old diabetic who needs bypass surgery or a younger person? Obviously, it is the elderly who will get short shrift under his proposal.

But the interest groups that usually speak up for the elderly, particularly AARP, are in Obama’s pocket, hoping to profit from his program by becoming one of its vendors. Just as they backed Bush’s prescription drug plan because they anticipating profiting from it, so they are now helping Obama gut the medical care of their constituents.

It is high time that the elderly of America realized what the stakes are in this vital fight to preserve Medicare as we know it and keep medical care open, accessible, and free to those over 65. It is truly a battle for their very lives.


OBAMA: "Don't pay attention to those scary stories about how your benefits will be cut. ... That will never happen on my watch. I will protect Medicare."

THE FACTS: Obama and congressional Democrats want to pay for their health care plans in part by reducing Medicare payments to providers by more than $500 billion over 10 years. The cuts would largely hit hospitals and Medicare Advantage, the part of the Medicare program operated through private insurance companies.

Although wasteful spending in Medicare is widely acknowledged, many experts believe some seniors almost certainly would see reduced benefits from the cuts. That's particularly true for the 25 percent of Medicare users covered through Medicare Advantage.

Supporters contend that providers could absorb the cuts by improving how they operate and wouldn't have to reduce benefits or pass along costs. But there's certainly no guarantee they wouldn't.

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You mean just like Obama did? hahaha

Obama didn't even mention an investigative committee in his speech about finding HALF A TRILLION dollars in waste....what a farce...

....this is nothing more than political smoke and mirrors....

...the TRUTH is he's going to reduce your care when you hit Medicare age...or even before then...

where's your proof?
and don't use a canadian source weak sauce

Read the articles below:

Obama’s health care proposal is, in effect, the repeal of the Medicare program as we know it. The elderly will go from being the group with the most access to free medical care to the one with the least access. Indeed, the principal impact of the Obama health care program will be to reduce sharply the medical services the elderly can use. No longer will their every medical need be met, their every medication prescribed, their every need to improve their quality of life answered.

It is so ironic that the elderly - who were so vigilant when Bush proposed to change Social Security - are so relaxed about the Obama health care proposals. Bush’s Social Security plan, which did not cut their benefits at all, aroused the strongest opposition among the elderly. But Obama’s plan, which will totally gut Medicare and replace it with government-managed care and rationing, has elicited little more than a yawn from most senior citizens.

It’s time for the elderly to wake up before it is too late!

In our new book, Catastrophe, we explain - in detail and in depth - the consequences the elderly of Canada are feeling from just this kind of program. Limited colonoscopies have led to a 25% higher rate of colon cancer and a ban on the use of the two best chemotherapies are part of the reason why 42% of Canadians with colon cancer die while 31% of Americans, who have access to these two medications, survive the disease.

Overall, the death rate from cancer in Canada is 16% higher than in the United States and the heart disease mortality rate is 6% above ours’.
Today, 800,000 doctors struggle to treat adequately the 250 million Americans who have insurance. Obama will add 50 million more to their caseload with no expansion in the number of doctors or nurses. Indeed, his plan will likely reduce their number by lowering reimbursement rates and imposing bureaucrats above them who will force medical decisions down their throats. Fewer doctors will have to treat more patients. The inevitable result will be rationing.

And it is the elderly who rationing will most effect. Who should get a knee replacement a 40 year old or a 70 year old? Who should get a new hip, a young person or an old person? Who should have priority in the operating room a seventy year old diabetic who needs bypass surgery or a younger person? Obviously, it is the elderly who will get short shrift under his proposal.

But the interest groups that usually speak up for the elderly, particularly AARP, are in Obama’s pocket, hoping to profit from his program by becoming one of its vendors. Just as they backed Bush’s prescription drug plan because they anticipating profiting from it, so they are now helping Obama gut the medical care of their constituents.

It is high time that the elderly of America realized what the stakes are in this vital fight to preserve Medicare as we know it and keep medical care open, accessible, and free to those over 65. It is truly a battle for their very lives.


OBAMA: "Don't pay attention to those scary stories about how your benefits will be cut. ... That will never happen on my watch. I will protect Medicare."

THE FACTS: Obama and congressional Democrats want to pay for their health care plans in part by reducing Medicare payments to providers by more than $500 billion over 10 years. The cuts would largely hit hospitals and Medicare Advantage, the part of the Medicare program operated through private insurance companies.

Although wasteful spending in Medicare is widely acknowledged, many experts believe some seniors almost certainly would see reduced benefits from the cuts. That's particularly true for the 25 percent of Medicare users covered through Medicare Advantage.

Supporters contend that providers could absorb the cuts by improving how they operate and wouldn't have to reduce benefits or pass along costs. But there's certainly no guarantee they wouldn't.

FACT CHECK: Obama uses iffy math on deficit pledge - Yahoo! News

the only good one is the last one, The first two are by republicans, and one was an advisor for george bush. the last one i'll research though. that wasn't so hard was it?
im a boomer on medicare. but last NOV i knew this was gonna happen. so i made my own arrangements. lots of arrangements. this sticky fingered down town clown won't get shit from me. zero.
medicare advantage covered the donut holes in medicare coverage right?...are there other supplemental insurances that would do the same in this new plan/exchange thingy for the same extra price those on medicare advantage paid for it?

Medicare advantage is something NEW that started in 2003 I think?
There will be no tax hike for 95% of Americans, there will be no cuts of any kind to medicare!
Where were these whiners spending Trillions on debt with unpaid for wars, tax cuts and prescription drugs?
medicare advantage covered the donut holes in medicare coverage right?...are there other supplemental insurances that would do the same in this new plan/exchange thingy for the same extra price those on medicare advantage paid for it?

Medicare advantage is something NEW that started in 2003 I think?

oops !!!

Obama Proposes Eliminating Medicare Advantage, Ousting 9 Million Seniors from Their Health Plans


no i don't think anything covers the doughnut hole. this year the congress allocated 2710.00 for meds.

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