Attention Congress/Mr. President, Your Countrymen Need Your Help Immediately

I suppose you understand that if a country has shut their borders, they have shut their borders.
The United States can't just fly in and start taking people out. It doesn't work that way.
Total. Horseshit.

Mexico has just evacuated Peru of their citizens.

Brazil has rescued their citizens.

Israel has even gotten their citizens out.

Meanwhile, hundreds of Americans are still stuck there, being gouged for more than $1500 a day.

Our dotard fucknut in the White House has turned our superpower into a fourth rate clown show.

And there are thousands of Americans still trapped in Morocco, too, and so far not one single word of when they will be rescued.

"America First" my ass!

Brazil, Mexico, and Israel. On the ball.

I guess our mistake was asking our naked emperor to do something. He is ALWAYS slow off the mark. If and when he ever gets his shit together, you can be sure he will be singing his own praises.

We should ask AMLO to help.

Here's a weird story.

As you know by now, my friend's daughter and son-in-law and baby grandchild are trapped in Peru. They Ubered all over the place looking for Similac for the baby, to no avail.

Then they see a local TV station doing man-in-the-street interviews about the crisis. So mama bear gets their attention and lets out a ferocious roar.

Their story is picked up by every TV station in Peru. Instant celebrity.

The next morning, someone is pounding on their hotel door. It's a cop. He's holding a prescription for Similac and hands it to them.

Yeah. To get Similac in Peru, you have to have a doctor's prescription!

He then takes them down to his patrol car and drives them to a pharmacy, lights and siren going. The full VIP treatment.

Here's a weird story.

As you know by now, my friend's daughter and son-in-law and baby grandchild are trapped in Peru. They Ubered all over the place looking for Similac for the baby, to no avail.

Then they see a local TV station doing man-in-the-street interviews about the crisis. So mama bear gets their attention and lets out a ferocious roar.

Their story is picked up by every TV station in Peru. Instant celebrity.

The next morning, someone is pounding on their hotel door. It's a cop. He's holding a prescription for Similac and hands it to them.

Yeah. To get Similac in Peru, you have to have a doctor's prescription!

He then takes them down to his patrol car and drives them to a pharmacy, lights and siren going. The full VIP treatment.


Sounds great.... you should move there.

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