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Attention Fellow Lost Fans!

Has Desmond made contact with everybody in the flash sideways? That's gotta have something to do with it.
Has Desmond made contact with everybody in the flash sideways? That's gotta have something to do with it.

He is gathering them all for a purpose, which we will find out about tonight.

My daugther told me today she thinks Rose and Benard will be the "Keepers of the Island"-remember, they are still on it with Vincent!

I thought that was a good theory, they could live together forever then!
I loved the recap and finale and wasn't at all confused until the last freakin' five minutes when they were all in the church and were all dead!

I so called that Jack would sacrifice himself and that Hurley would take care of the island.

Christian said that everything that happened, happened and what was real was real. I think that what happened on the island actually happened and those who died, died (Charlie, Libby, Jack, etc.) and everyone else got off the island and lived their life. But Christian also said to Jack that the most important thing that ever happened to him was what happened on the island. When each of them died in their life they all were gathered by Desmond and all finally crossed over when Jack finally 'saw the light'. Ben remained outside because he wasn't dead. I was so hoping I wouldn't have any questions when the show ended but . . . hmmmmm. It's nearly midnight but I might just stay up and watch Jimmy Kimmel to see if the actors from Lost answer these lingering questions. They need a wee bit of a recap of the finale from the creators of the show!

Why weren't Walt and Michael in the church?

Vincent was on the island . . . . shouldn't he have been in the church too?
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That was a really crappy ending. After promising to answer all our questions they leave us with more questions and tell us they are dead. I mean what the heck is that?

They told some great stories, but the writers really suck at endings.
I've got to sleep on it. I'm hoping that when I wake up tomorrow, I'll say, "wow, what a great ending!" Right now, I'm saying to myself :confused:.
I don't think I would have been annoyed with it if they hadnt lied all season telling us they were going to answer all our questions and then answer practically none of them.

Like what was so bad about the smoke monster getting off the island? I mean they seemed to imply that he was pure evil and then end it showing he was just a man. I mean what would have been so darn bad about him leaving? And what the heck was his name?

And what were the rules that Jacob set up? Why did he try to keep him on the island?

When did they die? was it the original plane crash that killed them or did they actually go through everything on the island?

What the heck happened to the people on the plane? What did Hurley do?

What the heck was the point of the side view that did nothing but say everyone was dead? I mean seriously, thats the best you could come up with?
I'm still saying, "WTF?"

My 14 yo old daughter cried her eyes out at the end, she was so upset they were all dead.

Like xsited1, I need some more time to figure it all out lol.
I don't think I would have been annoyed with it if they hadnt lied all season telling us they were going to answer all our questions and then answer practically none of them.

Like what was so bad about the smoke monster getting off the island? I mean they seemed to imply that he was pure evil and then end it showing he was just a man. I mean what would have been so darn bad about him leaving? And what the heck was his name?

Smoke/Locke became more 'man' vs. 'monster' after Jack drank the water and was 'just like Jacob'. Jack was then able to defeat Locke/Smoke on a human level. After Desmond went down to the light and uncorked the island light and the island started falling apart, Locke/Smoke said 'looks like I was right'. But when Jack and Smoke started fighting and Jack punched Smoke in the mouth, Smoke started bleeding . . . . he was more human at this point . . . and Jack said 'looks like I was right too'. Jack was then able to defeat Locke/Smoke and kill him. Locke/Smoke didn't have a name . . . he was referred to as Smoke.

And what were the rules that Jacob set up? Why did he try to keep him on the island?

Jacob kept Smoke on the island because that's what their mother told them. Smoke didn't believe that he couldn't leave the island, Jacob always believed that they could never leave. Turns out their mother was right and that they could never leave.

When did they die? was it the original plane crash that killed them or did they actually go through everything on the island?

What happened on the island was real. Everyone died at some point in time . . . some before Jack, some after Jack. They all were gathered together to help Jack 'move on', as well as themselves. That was the primary goal of this last season.

Likewise, sideways reality also happened but was 'limbo' where they all were gathered by Desmond. JJ Abrahms likes to play with time/reality/perception . . . he does it in all his shows. While Lost was primarily a show about these characters, at it's core it was always science-fiction. Alias had this same quality, so does Fringe (all JJ Abrahms shows). You just have to accept it for what it is, take it with a grain of salt, have faith . . whatever . . . and just enjoy the ride. :) If Lost had been billed from the beginning as 'sci-fi' the writers/creators felt it never would have taken off and would have just been dismissed.

I'm still a bit confused as to why they didn't recognize each other until Desmond intervened and they all physically touched each other and then remembered.

What the heck happened to the people on the plane? What did Hurley do? What the heck was the point of the side view that did nothing but say everyone was dead? I mean seriously, thats the best you could come up with?

Everyone on the plane either lived or died when the plane crashed . . . and what happened on the island happened.

Hurley stayed (along with Ben) to protect the island. At some point, everyone in the church died and were gathered by Desmond to help Jack and themselves 'cross over' (whatever that means to you).

I enjoyed the ending and like that it could be interpreted however each individual wants to interpret it. It was different from anything else.

I watched Jimmy Kimmel last night and Harold Perrineau (Michael) was on. I was confused why he wasn't at the church to help Jack. Harold said that because Michael did bad things (he killed Anna Lucia, did bad things when he got off the island) that he couldn't help Jack. Harold felt that Michael was still on the island as part of the 'voices'.

Ben didn't go into the church because he either wasn't dead (which is what I initially thought) but this morning I think it was because Ben was dead but because he was good and bad, he still needed to find some kind of redemption before he could 'move on'.

At least, that's my take on it all.
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The Sideways world of Season 6 was a sort of purgatory for the Oceanic 815 crew and assorted extras occurring long after their island adventure. I'm glad they were able to work out their unresolved issues, but I liked my ending better. :)

What happened on the island was real. Jack died (and never had a son, btw). Sun and Jin died. The smoke monster lost his power and was killed. Desmond died. Juliet died. Michael is stuck on the island (dead). Hurley became the new Jacob with Ben as his #2. The few people people on the final plane flight off the island lived. In the end, they all met in Purgatory and finally moved on. Christian Shepard had an appropriate name, opening the door to the afterlife so they could leave this Earth and go to the big Mr. Cluck's Chicken Shack in the sky.
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I think the fact that so many people have so many different interpretations of what it all meant (check out some Lost message boards) is EXACTLY what the writers/creators had in mind. They wanted everyone to come to their own conclusion about it all. Also, Lost required - from the very first episode - for you to suspend your believe in 'time/reality/perception' and just accept things (polar bears on tropical islands due to experiments 30 years ago? A giant wheel that 'moves' an island? and on and on ). That's the sci-fi part of it all . . .. I LIKE it!
Found this on the ABC Lost message board. Maybe it'll help some folks . . .

This is currently going about FB, supposedly from Jack Shephard's site:

A Letter from Jack Shephard

On his facebook....

Let's put one thing to rest, the Island was NOT purgatory, nor was it HELL. Everything that happened, happened. The Island was real, Jacob was real, Smokey was real, Flight 815 was real and all of our favorite characters and their deaths were REAL.

The sideways world was their afterlife - it was not immediate nor was it far in the future, there is no time or time-lines in the afterlife. Because of their connections in life and on the Island, they all made the sideways world together as a place to find each other when they all eventually passed on. They all wanted to be together in the end, it was the power of their love for each other.

Just like Christian Shephard said to Jack, "some of them died before you and some long after you". It's the place you go when you leave this world and pass to the next.

In no way does it mean that the Island and their lives weren't real. Oceanic Flight 815 crashed on September 22, 2004 and they lived there for 108 days before the Oceanic Six left the Island for three years. The rest stayed on the Island as it shifted through time and we saw the Dharma Initiative and how our people caused 'The Incident'.

The Incident only served to put the time-lines back in place and put our people back in 2007 where they needed to be to fulfill their destinies. When Juliet died and said "it worked", this only served as an introduction into the sideways world, the afterlife. It was an easy way to slide us into the new story telling feature this season.

Jack became the new 'Jacob', but only for a short time, because he knew it was his destiny to save the Island. Hurley became the new 'Jacob' and Ben became the new 'Richard' for the long term. Hurley was innocent and pure, just as Jacob once was.

To clear up a few loose ends. Ben did not go into the church because he was not truly connected to any of the people inside and was not yet ready to move on. The people inside all had lasting connections throughout their lives and a few of them had life altering love that connected them, such as Desmond and Penny.

David, Jack's son, was not real. Just as Locke told him from the hospital bed, "you don't have a son Jack". This was something that Jack's mind created because it seemed right and he had not yet let go. Kate ultimately helped him to let go by taking him to the church, Christian finished the job.

They did not all die at once and their lives on the Island mattered as much as anything else, what happened - happened. They all died at different times and all met there at the same time, because there is no "now" in the sideways world, in the afterlife.

You will also notice that not everyone from our past was there, some were ready and some were not. Some betrayed their connections and some never felt anything for anyone on the Island.

I hope this serves to help you better understand what the ending meant and how it was meant to be portrayed. Please feel free to comment and ask questions and I, we, will do the best to answer them.

Thanks for all the memories and thanks for being the loyal fans that you have always been.

~ Jack

ABC.com - LOST - Discuss
Correct me if I'm wrong:

That's the thing one has to realize, there is no set in stone date for when they all arrived at the church. Could of been three years after 2007 or a hundred.

Sort of reminds me of the ending of Six Feet Under, except we don't see all the deaths but instead see them all going "home" together.

Just a thought.
Correct me if I'm wrong:

That's the thing one has to realize, there is no set in stone date for when they all arrived at the church. Could of been three years after 2007 or a hundred.

Sort of reminds me of the ending of Six Feet Under, except we don't see all the deaths but instead see them all going "home" together.

Just a thought.

That's correct, although it's probably more like 50 years into the future since people like Kate and Claire most likely lived out their natural lives.
I think it was a good ending, and only have one whine: What about that statue, and that light-plug thingy? I was kinda hoping there would be some insight into the origins of the island, and about the peeps that were there before the Blackrock.

I was sitting in a funk for awhile afterwards trying to figure what the hell just happened. Some of those reunion flash-back-sideways-whatevers were pretty powerful, mainly the one with Sun and Jin.

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