Attention President Biden....

Putin and his kleptocracy buds are all thugs. I bear them no goodwill. In THIS CASE, however, I agree with his logic. We made promises when the Soviet Union fell, that we would not put NATO on Russia's borders. We broke that agreement and many of the former Soviet Republics became NATO members. Ukraine is directly on Russia's borders.

How should the U.S. react if Putin, Xi, or one of the raghead mullahs suddenly put thousands of troops and advanced weaponry on our southern or northern borders? What would be appropriate in that situation, in your opinion? Being circumspect when dealing with a historically paranoid enemy which is heavily reliant on nukes for their defense is not a sign of weakness or cowardice. Russia is a third-world economy with the ability to light the fuse that would end life on this planet. Is Ukraine THAT important to you?
NATO reaffirmed they are not accepting Ukraine into NATO, this month, not to deploy medium range missile there and not to conduct joint training there. Does that mean they are abandoning Ukraine to go back under Russian control. I doubt it.

Washington(CNN) President Joe Biden urged his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, on Thursday to take steps to ease an unremitting crisis on Russia's border with Ukraine, warning again of dire economic consequences should Putin proceed with an invasion.

The 50-minute phone call did not yield any major breakthroughs, US and Russian officials said afterward, but did establish the tenor for upcoming in-person diplomatic talks between the two sides.

Putin requested the telephone call this week, and Biden -- who believes nothing can replace direct conversations between heads of state -- was eager to oblige. Biden and Putin had last spoken on December 7 in a videoconference that ended with a pledge to restart diplomatic discussions -- but no indication Russia was preparing to de-escalate.
Attention President Biden

That's the problem ... he can't pay attention ...

Attention President Biden the answer you should give Putin about the Ukraine is this; the United States and NATO have agreed the Ukraine will not become a member of NATO. We are giving it favored nation status. If you ever invade the Ukraine, it will immediately become a member of NATO and we will respond in like. We will defend the Ukraine and once we've secured his borders again we will invade Russia and depose tyrants like you.

Hell man. Biden would have to channel his inner Trump to do something like that. Do you think he's up for it?
Putin was afraid of Hillary and Biden

That is why he gave us Trump
Obama/Biden "negotiated a transfer of power" in Ukraine. In other words, they helped Putin organize a coup against the democratically elected government and installed neo-Nazi puppets in Kiev.

That action very predictably caused the people in Crimea to hold referendums to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

They practically gave Putin the strategically located Crimean peninsula. It's part of Russia now. And that's where Russia docks the pride of it's Navy, the Black Sea fleet.

Putin owns Biden.
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Putin and his kleptocracy buds are all thugs. I bear them no goodwill. In THIS CASE, however, I agree with his logic. We made promises when the Soviet Union fell, that we would not put NATO on Russia's borders. We broke that agreement and many of the former Soviet Republics became NATO members. Ukraine is directly on Russia's borders.

How should the U.S. react if Putin, Xi, or one of the raghead mullahs suddenly put thousands of troops and advanced weaponry on our southern or northern borders? What would be appropriate in that situation, in your opinion? Being circumspect when dealing with a historically paranoid enemy which is heavily reliant on nukes for their defense is not a sign of weakness or cowardice. Russia is a third-world economy with the ability to light the fuse that would end life on this planet. Is Ukraine THAT important to you?

The US has some 60,000 troops stationed in Europe with most in Germany, Italy and the U.K.. On the other hand Russia has nukes poised and ready in Kaliningrad (a former German territory) within spitting distance of Germany and has had them there for many years - prior to 2002. What the fck are 60,000 troops in Italy, Germany and the U.K. going to do against nukes???

The US has some 60,000 troops stationed in Europe with most in Germany, Italy and the U.K.. On the other hand Russia has nukes poised and ready in Kaliningrad (a former German territory) within spitting distance of Germany and has had them there for many years - prior to 2002. What the fck are 60,000 troops in Italy, Germany and the U.K. going to do against nukes???

Putin wants Ukraine as a buffer state between Russia and NATO....It's really no more complicated than that.
Obama/Biden "negotiated a transfer of power" in Ukraine. In other words, they helped Putin organize a coup against the democratically elected government and installed neo-Nazi puppets in Kiev.

That action very predictably caused the people in Crimea to hold referendums to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

They practically gave Putin the strategically located Crimean peninsula. It's part of Russia now. And that's where Russia docks the pride of it's Navy, the Black Sea fleet.

Putin owns Biden.

Obama and Biden supported Ukraine
Trump supported Russia who got him elected

What does that tell you?

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