

VIP Member
Dec 7, 2014
There is a guy who works at the White Oak Station convenience store down the street from where I live.
My dad is having a nicotine fit, and that's the store that is nearby.

My dad is having a nicotine fit, and he has cancer, and now he's going though immunotherapy to bring his white blood cell count back up to normal...
And it hurts...
And he's pissed off.

I at about 1:30 am, I made the effort to go down to the store at the white oak station, its the nearest one open.. knowing that they probably wont take my ID because its expired... stupidest fucking thing I ever heard of, it has my picture on it, its from 1986 and I'm not getting any fucking younger.

So I walk in and I said..... hey wassup... I'll have a pack of Marlboro menthol 100s with the dollar off... I'll take those..
So he says "can I see your ID" so I show him my ID card... he says its expired... so I said... what is my adulthood expired too because a card is expired ? you seen my fuckin' ID, it says August 11th, 1986.. not August 11th 2006....

So this big motherfucker that he thinks he is, says to me "You don't want to give me an attitude"....

So I took my jacket off and my threw my hat down, I reached over the counter and I grabbed this 6 ft 4 320 lb fat ass of a 19 year old by the shirt collar and bent him over the counter...

I bitch slapped him right in face, and I said...

I'm about 5 ft 9, and somewhere around 220 lbs, I'm not the biggest man in the world, but I'll tell you what... you're a fucking useless teenage fatass, your size aint shit... Im 28 years old and solid muscle fat boy and I'll bitch slap the fuckin' taster right out of your mouth, and if you want to get tough about it, just jump over the motherfuckin' counter fat boy, and I'll crack your fuckin' head wide open with one punch fat motherfucker...

And I threw him backwards right into the cigarette case.

Then he immediately calms down, after he figures out that I'm not fucking around with him..

Then he said.... "if I sell you these cigarettes I can lose my job and get a $500 fine, are you going to pay my bills for me ?"
So I said... first off, no cop is going to give you a fuckin' fine for selling an adult cigarettes, secondly... I don't give a fuck about your bills... nobody with a brain fucking creates bills on a rat bum job like yours, at 19 years old you don't even know how to run up any fuckin' bills.

Then he says..... acting the way you do is why you don't have a job here...

So I said... first of all, I don't give a fuck about that, you're about 30 applications and nearly 2 years late for that, I don't have a damn fucking thing to lose here... I applied here for longer than you fuckin' been here buddy... you're a new motherfucker to me... so how about you pay my bills since your company wants to take my money but don't want to pay any ?

The last thing I said to him was...

"And if your fat KID ass wants to get motherfucking tough, just jump over that fucking counter, because my issues aint physical, nor really mental either asshole.

Then I walked out :p
There is a guy who works at the White Oak Station convenience store down the street from where I live.
My dad is having a nicotine fit, and that's the store that is nearby.

My dad is having a nicotine fit, and he has cancer, and now he's going though immunotherapy to bring his white blood cell count back up to normal...
And it hurts...
And he's pissed off.

I at about 1:30 am, I made the effort to go down to the store at the white oak station, its the nearest one open.. knowing that they probably wont take my ID because its expired... stupidest fucking thing I ever heard of, it has my picture on it, its from 1986 and I'm not getting any fucking younger.

So I walk in and I said..... hey wassup... I'll have a pack of Marlboro menthol 100s with the dollar off... I'll take those..
So he says "can I see your ID" so I show him my ID card... he says its expired... so I said... what is my adulthood expired too because a card is expired ? you seen my fuckin' ID, it says August 11th, 1986.. not August 11th 2006....

So this big motherfucker that he thinks he is, says to me "You don't want to give me an attitude"....

So I took my jacket off and my threw my hat down, I reached over the counter and I grabbed this 6 ft 4 320 lb fat ass of a 19 year old by the shirt collar and bent him over the counter...

I bitch slapped him right in face, and I said...

I'm about 5 ft 9, and somewhere around 220 lbs, I'm not the biggest man in the world, but I'll tell you what... you're a fucking useless teenage fatass, your size aint shit... Im 28 years old and solid muscle fat boy and I'll bitch slap the fuckin' taster right out of your mouth, and if you want to get tough about it, just jump over the motherfuckin' counter fat boy, and I'll crack your fuckin' head wide open with one punch fat motherfucker...

And I threw him backwards right into the cigarette case.

Then he immediately calms down, after he figures out that I'm not fucking around with him..

Then he said.... "if I sell you these cigarettes I can lose my job and get a $500 fine, are you going to pay my bills for me ?"
So I said... first off, no cop is going to give you a fuckin' fine for selling an adult cigarettes, secondly... I don't give a fuck about your bills... nobody with a brain fucking creates bills on a rat bum job like yours, at 19 years old you don't even know how to run up any fuckin' bills.

Then he says..... acting the way you do is why you don't have a job here...

So I said... first of all, I don't give a fuck about that, you're about 30 applications and nearly 2 years late for that, I don't have a damn fucking thing to lose here... I applied here for longer than you fuckin' been here buddy... you're a new motherfucker to me... so how about you pay my bills since your company wants to take my money but don't want to pay any ?

The last thing I said to him was...

"And if your fat KID ass wants to get motherfucking tough, just jump over that fucking counter, because my issues aint physical, nor really mental either asshole.

Then I walked out :p

You need Jesus. Your anger issues come from a lot of hurt, fear and disappointments in life. Your going to have to deal with it before it destroys your life and you end up in prison. There is always someone bigger and tougher than you are, Jay, and you cannot beat the streets. They are going to beat you eventually. They always do. Your only answer is Jesus Christ. You need to be saved. Read Romans 10:9.10 and look up the Book of John Thread on Religion forum here. You will feel so much better than you do right now. Like brand new.

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